60 research outputs found

    Analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of istrian County

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    U promociji turističke destinacije danas gotovo je nezamislivo funkcioniranje bez e-marketinga. E-marketing na suvremenom turističkom tržištu zauzima ključno mjesto na kojem se susreću turistička ponuda i turistička potraţnja, odnosno gdje se nastoji pomoću različitih alata i mogućnosti koje online komunikacija pruţa na što bolji način prezentirati turističku destinaciju. U ovom kontekstu suvremene turističke zajednice sve više uočavaju važnost i nuţnost online komuniciranje s turističkim tržištem. Poradi toga razvijaju različite alate i online komunikacijske strategije kojima nastoje zadržati sadašnje te privući buduće turiste i zadržati što bolju poziciju na tržištu. Rad analize e-marketinga turističkih zajednica gradova Istarske županije sastojat će se od teorijskog dijela e-marketinga zatim načine upravljanja e-marketingom te instrumente e-marketinške komunikacije ali i primjena e-marketinga u turističkim zajednicama gradova Istarske županije. Cilj ove analize e-marketinga turističkih zajednica gradova Istarske županije je ukazati na važnost prilagodbe marketinških aktivnosti turističkih zajednicama potrebama suvremenih turista i kretanjima na tržištu.The promotion of tourist destinations today is almost inconceivable without the functioning of e-marketing. E-marketing in the modern tourist market occupies a key place where supply and demand meet, where by using different tools and features that online communication provides a better way to present tourist destination. In this context, modern tourist community increasingly perceives the importance and necessity of online communication with tourism market. It is the main reason a variety of tools and online communication strategies which seek to keep current and attract future tourists and retain the best possible position in the market are development. This analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of towns Istrian County will consist of a theoretical part associated of e-marketing then instruments and methods of Management the Internet marketing but also the application of e-marketing in tourist offices of Istria County. The aim of this analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of towns Istrian County is to point out the importance of adapting marketing activities of tourist community needed of modern tourists and market trend

    Analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of istrian County

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    U promociji turističke destinacije danas gotovo je nezamislivo funkcioniranje bez e-marketinga. E-marketing na suvremenom turističkom tržištu zauzima ključno mjesto na kojem se susreću turistička ponuda i turistička potraţnja, odnosno gdje se nastoji pomoću različitih alata i mogućnosti koje online komunikacija pruţa na što bolji način prezentirati turističku destinaciju. U ovom kontekstu suvremene turističke zajednice sve više uočavaju važnost i nuţnost online komuniciranje s turističkim tržištem. Poradi toga razvijaju različite alate i online komunikacijske strategije kojima nastoje zadržati sadašnje te privući buduće turiste i zadržati što bolju poziciju na tržištu. Rad analize e-marketinga turističkih zajednica gradova Istarske županije sastojat će se od teorijskog dijela e-marketinga zatim načine upravljanja e-marketingom te instrumente e-marketinške komunikacije ali i primjena e-marketinga u turističkim zajednicama gradova Istarske županije. Cilj ove analize e-marketinga turističkih zajednica gradova Istarske županije je ukazati na važnost prilagodbe marketinških aktivnosti turističkih zajednicama potrebama suvremenih turista i kretanjima na tržištu.The promotion of tourist destinations today is almost inconceivable without the functioning of e-marketing. E-marketing in the modern tourist market occupies a key place where supply and demand meet, where by using different tools and features that online communication provides a better way to present tourist destination. In this context, modern tourist community increasingly perceives the importance and necessity of online communication with tourism market. It is the main reason a variety of tools and online communication strategies which seek to keep current and attract future tourists and retain the best possible position in the market are development. This analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of towns Istrian County will consist of a theoretical part associated of e-marketing then instruments and methods of Management the Internet marketing but also the application of e-marketing in tourist offices of Istria County. The aim of this analysis of e-marketing tourist offices of towns Istrian County is to point out the importance of adapting marketing activities of tourist community needed of modern tourists and market trend


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    Sve je veći interes i broj turista koji biraju ovakvu vrstu odmora, iako je još uvijek nepoznanica kao pojam, glamping turizam je inovacija suvremenog turizma u turističkoj ponudi za kojim sve više raste potražnja. Glamping je sinonim visoke kvalitete ponude kamping usluge koja je u vrlo kratkom vremenu postala vrlo specifična turistička usluga namijenjena specifičnoj i ciljanoj skupini kamping turista. Turistima omogućava potpuno opuštanje i luksuznu vrstu odmora u prirodi te bijeg iz urbanog okruženja, a opet sav potreban komfor koji luksuzni šatori pružaju. Ovaj inovativni koncept kamping smještaja dao je smjer novim razvojnim turističkim strategijama u razvoju kamping turizma gdje se i samim kampovima osnažuje konkurentnost i kvaliteta usluge. U ponudi još uvijek nema dovoljno smještajnih kapaciteta koji bi zadovoljili turističku potražnju, dok sa druge strane potražnja je povećana za ovakvim smještajem koji postaje sve popularniji, interesantniji, luksuznijim i visokim stupnjem kvalitete.There is an increasing interest and the number of tourists choosing this kind of vacation, although still unknown as a term, glamping tourism is the innovation of modern tourism in the tourist offer that is in growing demand. Glamping is a synonym for a high-quality camping offer that has become a very specific tourist service for a specific and targeted group of tourists in a very short time. A complete luxurious relaxation in nature and escape from the urban environment is provided, yet all the comfort needed by luxury tents. This innovative concept of camping accommodation has given direction to new development tourism strategies in the development of camping tourism, where even the camps themselves strengthen the competitiveness and quality of service. There is still not enough accommodation capacity available to meet the tourist demand, while on the other hand demand has increased for such accommodation, which is becoming more popular, more interesting, more luxurious and of high quality

    Integrin-Blocking Antibodies Delay Keratinocyte Re-Epithelialization in a Human Three-Dimensional Wound Healing Model

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    The α6β4 integrin plays a significant role in tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis through modulation of growth factor signaling, and is a potentially important therapeutic target. However, α6β4-mediated cell-matrix adhesion is critical in normal keratinocyte attachment, signaling and anchorage to the basement membrane through its interaction with laminin-5, raising potential risks for targeted therapy. Bioengineered Human Skin Equivalent (HSE), which have been shown to mimic their normal and wounded counterparts, have been used here to investigate the consequences of targeting β4 to establish toxic effects on normal tissue homeostasis and epithelial wound repair. We tested two antibodies directed to different β4 epitopes, one adhesion-blocking (ASC-8) and one non-adhesion blocking (ASC-3), and determined that these antibodies were appropriately localized to the basal surface of keratinocytes at the basement membrane interface where β4 is expressed. While normal tissue architecture was not altered, ASC-8 induced a sub-basal split at the basement membrane in non-wounded tissue. In addition, wound closure was significantly inhibited by ASC-8, but not by ASC-3, as the epithelial tongue only covered 40 percent of the wound area at 120 hours post-wounding. These results demonstrate β4 adhesion-blocking antibodies may have adverse effects on normal tissue, whereas antibodies directed to other epitopes may provide safer alternatives for therapy. Taken together, we conclude that these three-dimensional tissue models provide a biologically relevant platform to identify toxic effects induced by candidate therapeutics, which will allow generation of findings that are more predictive of in vivo responses early in the drug development process

    Lgl2 Executes Its Function as a Tumor Suppressor by Regulating ErbB Signaling in the Zebrafish Epidermis

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    Changes in tissue homeostasis, acquisition of invasive cell characteristics, and tumor formation can often be linked to the loss of epithelial cell polarity. In carcinogenesis, the grade of neoplasia correlates with impaired cell polarity. In Drosophila, lethal giant larvae (lgl), discs large (dlg), and scribble, which are components of the epithelial apico-basal cell polarity machinery, act as tumor suppressors, and orthologs of this evolutionary conserved pathway are lost in human carcinoma with high frequency. However, a mechanistic link between neoplasia and vertebrate orthologs of these tumor-suppressor genes remains to be fully explored at the organismal level. Here, we show that the pen/lgl2 mutant phenotype shares two key cellular and molecular features of mammalian malignancy: cell autonomous epidermal neoplasia and epithelial-to-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) of basal epidermal cells including the differential expression of several regulators of EMT. Further, we found that epidermal neoplasia and EMT in pen/lgl2 mutant epidermal cells is promoted by ErbB signalling, a pathway of high significance in human carcinomas. Intriguingly, EMT in the pen/lgl2 mutant is facilitated specifically by ErbB2 mediated E-cadherin mislocalization and not via canonical snail–dependent down-regulation of E-cadherin expression. Our data reveal that pen/lgl2 functions as a tumor suppressor gene in vertebrates, establishing zebrafish pen/lgl2 mutants as a valuable cancer model

    Cell Adhesion Molecules, Leukocyte Trafficking, and Strategies to Reduce Leukocyte Infiltration

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    Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions are mediated by various cell adhesion molecules. These interactions are important for leukocyte extravasation and trafficking in all domestic animal species. An initial slowing of leukocytes on the vascular endothelium is mediated by selectins. This event is followed by (1) activation of β2 integrins after leukocyte exposure to cytokines and proinflammatory mediators, (2) adherence of leukocyte β2 integrins to vascular endothelial ligands (eg, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [ICAM-1]), (3) extravasation of leukocytes into tissues through tight junctions of endothelial cells mediated by platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1), and (4) perivascular migration through the extracellular matrix via β1 integrins. Inhibiting excessive leukocyte egress and subsequent free radical-mediated damage caused by leukocyte components may attenuate or eliminate tissue damage. Several methods have been used to modify leukocyte infiltration in various animal models. These methods include nonspecific inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids, inhibition of cytokines and cytokine receptors, and inhibition of specific types of cell adhesion molecules, with inhibitors such as peptides and antibodies to β2integrins, and inhibitors of selectins, ICAMs, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). By understanding the cellular and molecular events in leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions, therapeutic strategies are being developed in several animal models and diseases in domestic animal species. Such therapies may have clinical benefit in the future to overcome tissue damage induced by excessive leukocyte infiltration

    Stampa 3D: progettazione e realizzazione di una stampante 3D FDM come caso di studio

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    La rivoluzione industriale che stiamo vivendo, detta Industria 4.0, sta incoraggiando le aziende all'utilizzo di sistemi intelligenti e di nuove tecnologie informatiche. La produzione additiva (detta stampa 3D) è considerata una tecnologia essenziale in questa fase dati i numerosi vantaggi che porta. In questo documento verranno descritte le caratteristiche della stampa 3D e i software necessari per realizzare un oggetto fisico partendo da un modello 3D digitale, prendendo come riferimento la stampante 3D progettata e realizzata utilizzando principalmente tecnologie open source

    Analysis of a three hinged frame

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    Završni rad iz kolegija mehanike I obuhvaća određivanje unutrašnjih sila klasičnim postupkom ravnoteže i metodom virtualnog rada te crtanja dijagrama unutrašnjih sila na zadanom trozglobnom okviru. U drugom dijelu završnog rada potrebno je izračunati tražene pomake metodom jediničnog opterećenja te zatim na fizikalnom modelom po uzoru na jednostavniji numerički primjer izmjeriti pomake i na taj način usporediti eksperimentalne i proračunate vrijednosti.The thesis work of the Mechanics I course includes determining the internal forces with the classic method of equilibrium and method of virtual work, and drawing diagrams of the internal forces on the assigned triple-hinged frame. In the second part of the thesis, it is required to calculate the required shifts by method of unitary force, then on a physical model on a simpler numerical example calculate the shifts, and so be able to compare the experimental and calculated values

    Comparison of design prestressed rectangular and T-section

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    Prednapete betonske konstrukcije su spreg betona, čelika za armiranje i čelika za prednapinjanje. Primjenjuju se kod građevina gdje se želi izbjeći pojava pukotina, povećati nosivost, smanjiti deformabilnost itd., a posebnu ulogu imaju kod građevina velikog raspona. Osnovna ideja prednapinjanja proizlazi iz toga da se, prije vanjskog opterećenja, umjetnim načinom beton dovede u takvo stanje naprezanja gdje će u preuzimanju napona od uporabnog opterećenja sudjelovati cijeli betonski presjek. U ovom radu je proveden postupak dimenzioniranja i proračuna prednapetog krovnog nosača „T“ presjeka i pravokutnog presjeka i, na poslijetku, usporedba dobivenih rezultata. Dokazuje se opravdanost upotrebe nosača „T“ presjeka, te iznose preporuke za daljnja istraživanja. Cijeli proračun je proveden prema normi za proračun prednapetih elemenata EN 1992.Prestressed concrete is compound of concrete, reinforcing steel and prestressing steel. It applies to buildings where it is necessary to avoid cracking, increase the bearing capacity, reduce deformability etc., and it's mostly applied to large-scale building. The basic idea of prestressing is using artifical way to bring concrete to such a state of stress where the whole concrete section will take part in the take-over of the load, after an external load has been applied. This paper compares the use of „T“ and rectangular prestressed roof beam of a production hall. In the end, it is proven that the use of „T“ beam is justifable and recommendations for further research are given. Entire analysis was performed in accordance with the standard for calculating prestressed elements EN 1992

    Analysis of a three hinged frame

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    Završni rad iz kolegija mehanike I obuhvaća određivanje unutrašnjih sila klasičnim postupkom ravnoteže i metodom virtualnog rada te crtanja dijagrama unutrašnjih sila na zadanom trozglobnom okviru. U drugom dijelu završnog rada potrebno je izračunati tražene pomake metodom jediničnog opterećenja te zatim na fizikalnom modelom po uzoru na jednostavniji numerički primjer izmjeriti pomake i na taj način usporediti eksperimentalne i proračunate vrijednosti.The thesis work of the Mechanics I course includes determining the internal forces with the classic method of equilibrium and method of virtual work, and drawing diagrams of the internal forces on the assigned triple-hinged frame. In the second part of the thesis, it is required to calculate the required shifts by method of unitary force, then on a physical model on a simpler numerical example calculate the shifts, and so be able to compare the experimental and calculated values