18 research outputs found

    Eddy and tidal driven basal melting of the Totten and Moscow University ice shelves

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    The mass loss from the neighboring Totten and Moscow University ice shelves is accelerating and may raise global sea levels in coming centuries. Totten Glacier is mostly based on bedrock below sea level, and so is vulnerable to warm water intrusion reducing its ice shelf buttressing. The mechanisms driving the ocean forced sub-ice-shelf melting remains to be further explored. In this study, we simulate oceanic-driven ice shelf melting of the Totten (TIS) and Moscow University ice shelves (MUIS) using a high spatiotemporal resolution model that resolves both eddy and tidal processes. We selected the year 2014 as representative of the period 1992 to 2017 to investigate how basal melting varies on spatial and temporal scales. We apply the wavelet coherence method to investigate the interactions between the two ice shelves in time-frequency space and hence estimate the contributions from tidal (<1.5 days) and eddy (2-35 days) components of the ocean heat transport to the basal melting of each ice shelf. In our simulation, the 2014 mean basal melt rate for TIS is 6.7 m yr-1 (42 Gt yr-1) and 9.7 m yr-1 (52 Gt yr-1) for MUIS. We find high wavelet coherence in the eddy dominated frequency band between the two ice shelves over almost the whole year. The wavelet coherence along five transects across the ice shelves suggests that TIS basal melting is dominated by eddy processes, while MUIS basal melting is dominated by tidal processes. The eddy-dominated basal melt for TIS is probably due to the large and convoluted bathymetric gradients beneath the ice shelf, weakening higher frequency tidal mode transport. This illustrates the key role of accurate bathymetric data plays in simulating on-going and future evolution of these important ice shelves

    Eddy-resolving simulations of the Fimbul Ice Shelf cavity circulation: Basal melting and exchange with open ocean

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    Melting at the base of floating ice shelves is a dominant term in the overall Antarctic mass budget. This study applies a high-resolution regional ice shelf/ocean model, constrained by observations, to (i) quantify present basal mass loss at the Fimbul Ice Shelf (FIS); and (ii) investigate the oceanic mechanisms that govern the heat supply to ice shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea. The simulations confirm the low melt rates suggested by observations and show that melting is primarily determined by the depth of the coastal thermocline, regulating deep ocean heat fluxes towards the ice. Furthermore, the uneven distribution of ice shelf area at different depths modulates the melting response to oceanic forcing, causing the existence of two distinct states of melting at the FIS. In the simulated present-day state, only small amounts of Modified Warm Deep Water enter the continental shelf, and ocean temperatures beneath the ice are close to the surface freezing point. The basal mass loss in this so-called state of “shallow melting” is mainly controlled by the seasonal inflow of solar-heated surface water affecting large areas of shallow ice in the upper part of the cavity. This is in contrast to a state of “deep melting”, in which the thermocline rises above the shelf break depth, establishing a continuous inflow of Warm Deep Water towards the deep ice. The transition between the two states is found to be determined by a complex response of the Antarctic Slope Front overturning circulation to varying climate forcings. A proper representation of these frontal dynamics in climate models will therefore be crucial when assessing the evolution of ice shelf basal melting along this sector of Antarctica

    Modelled Antarctic firn depth averaged over 1979-2013 and corresponding brine zones area

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    The firn densification model IMAU-FDM has been used to simulate the firn density profile around Antarctica. The model is forced at the surface with climate data from the RACMO2.3 regional climate model. Here we provide the depth of three key firn density layers below the surface (750, 800 and 830 kgm^-3), averaged over the period 1979-2013. The data is on a horizontal grid of 27x27 km. The depth of each of these density layers was then subtracted from the surface elevation provided by Bedmap2 to determine where permeable firn exists below sea level. This defines the "brine zone" - the region where seawater may infiltrate the firn layer. We also provide shapefiles mapping the brine zone for each of three stated densities

    (Table 1) Foraging trip characteristics of male Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) during their first incubation trip at Pointe Géologie

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    Knowledge of habitat use by top marine predators in response to environmental conditions is crucial in the current context of global changes occurring in the Southern Ocean. We examined the at-sea locations of male Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Dumont d'Urville during their first, long incubation trip. Compared with the chick-rearing period, penguins performed longer trips, going to oceanic waters as far as 320 km from the colony. We observed 3 strategies: (1) five individuals covered large distances to the north, targeting open-ocean areas and following the currents of two persistent eddies; (2) five individuals foraged to the north-west, close to the Antarctic shelf slope at the limit of the pack ice; and (3) three individuals covered much shorter distances (northwards or eastwards). The foraging range also seemed to be limited by the body condition of the penguins before their departure to sea

    Southern Ocean community comment on the Year of Polar Prediction Implementation Plan.

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    This Working Paper is designed to highlight key Southern Ocean field and modelling capabilities of relevance to YOPP, identify key areas for collaborative efforts, and raise the imperative of the Southern Ocean’s role in prediction capabilities

    A review of the oceanography and Antarctic Bottom Water formation offshore Cape Darnley, East Antarctica

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    Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is the densest water mass in the world and drives the lower limb of the global thermohaline circulation. AABW is formed in only four regions around Antarctica and Cape Darnley, East Antarctica, is the most recently discovered formation region. Here, we compile 40 years of oceanographic data for this region to provide the climatological oceanographic conditions, and review the water mass properties and their role in AABW formation. We split the region into three sectors (East, Central and West) and identified the main water masses, current regimes and their influence on the formation of Cape Darnley Bottom Water (CDBW). In the eastern sector, Prydz Bay, the formation of Ice Shelf Water preconditions the water (cold and fresh) that flows into the central sector to ~68.5â—¦E, enhancing sea ice production in Cape Darnley Polynya. This produces a high salinity variant of DSW (up to 35.15 g/kg) DSW that we coin Burton Basin DSW. In contrast, the western sector of the Cape Darnley Polynya produces a low salinity variant (up to 34.85 g/kg) we coin Nielsen Basin DSW. The resultant combined CDBW is the warmest (upper temperature bound of 0.05â—¦C) AABW formed around Antarctica with an upper bound salinity of ~34.845 g/kg. Our findings will contribute to planning future observing systems at Cape Darnley, determining the role CDBW plays in our global oceanic and climate systems, and modelling past and future climate scenarios