28 research outputs found

    Evidence of the Red-Queen hypothesis from accelerated rates of evolution of genes involved in biotic interactions in Pneumocystis

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    [EN] Pneumocystis species are ascomycete fungi adapted to live inside the lungs of mammals. These ascomycetes show extensive stenoxenism, meaning that each species of Pneumocystis infects a single species of host. Here, we study the effect exerted by natural selection on gene evolution in the genomes of three Pneumocystis species. We show that genes involved in host interaction evolve under positive selection. In the first place, we found strong evidence of episodic diversifying selection in Major surface glycoproteins (Msg). These proteins are located on the surface of Pneumocystis and are used for host attachment and probably for immune system evasion. Consistent with their function as antigens, most sites under diversifying selection in Msg code for residues with large relative surface accessibility areas. We also found evidence of positive selection in part of the cell machinery used to export Msg to the cell surface. Specifically, we found that genes participating in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) biosynthesis show an increased rate of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) versus synonymous substitutions (dS). GPI is a molecule synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum that is used to anchor proteins to membranes. We interpret the aforementioned findings as evidence of selective pressure exerted by the host immune system on Pneumocystis species, shaping the evolution of Msg and several proteins involved in GPI biosynthesis. We suggest that genome evolution in Pneumocystis is well described by the Red-Queen hypothesis whereby genes relevant for biotic interactions show accelerated rates of evolution.L.D. wishes to thank Eugenia Flores and Ana Fayos for support provided. This project has received funding from the Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme within the 7th European Community Framework Program under grant agreement No 612583-DEANN. Part of this work was done during an internship of L.D. as invited professor at the Universidad de Valencia. Support from CONACYT (grant 454938) is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by grants to A.M. from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Competitivity (projects SAF 2012-31187, SAF2013-49788-EXP, SAF2015-65878-R), Carlos III Institute of Health (projects PIE14/00045, AC 15/00022 and AC15/00042), Generalitat Valenciana (project PrometeoII/2014/065) and cofinanced by FEDER.Delaye, L.; Ruiz Ruiz, S.; Calderon, E.; Tarazona Campos, S.; Conesa, A.; Moya, A. (2018). Evidence of the Red-Queen hypothesis from accelerated rates of evolution of genes involved in biotic interactions in Pneumocystis. Genome Biology and Evolution. 10(6):1596-1606. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evy116S15961606106Aliouat-Denis, C.-M., Chabé, M., Demanche, C., Aliouat, E. M., Viscogliosi, E., Guillot, J., … Dei-Cas, E. (2008). Pneumocystis species, co-evolution and pathogenic power. 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    Evidence That Replication-Associated Mutation Alone Does Not Explain Between-Chromosome Differences In Substitution Rates

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    Since Haldane first noticed an excess of paternally derived mutations, it has been considered that most mutations derive from errors during germ line replication. Miyata et al. (1987) proposed that differences in the rate of neutral evolution on X, Y, and autosome can be employed to measure the extent of this male bias. This commonly applied method assumes replication to be the sole source of between-chromosome variation in substitution rates. We propose a simple test of this assumption: If true, estimates of the male bias should be independent of which two chromosomal classes are compared. Prior evidence from rodents suggested that this might not be true, but conclusions were limited by a lack of rat Y-linked sequence. We therefore sequenced two rat Y-linked bacterial artificial chromosomes and determined evolutionary rate by comparison with mouse. For estimation of rates we consider both introns and synonymous rates. Surprisingly, for both data sets the prediction of congruent estimates of α is strongly rejected. Indeed, some comparisons suggest a female bias with autosomes evolving faster than Y-linked sequence. We conclude that the method of Miyata et al. (1987) has the potential to provide incorrect estimates. Correcting the method requires understanding of the other causes of substitution that might differ between chromosomal classes. One possible cause is recombination-associated substitution bias for which we find some evidence. We note that if, as some suggest, this association is dominantly owing to male recombination, the high estimates of α seen in birds is to be expected as Z chromosomes recombine in males

    Late Replicating Domains Are Highly Recombining in Females but Have Low Male Recombination Rates: Implications for Isochore Evolution

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    In mammals sequences that are either late replicating or highly recombining have high rates of evolution at putatively neutral sites. As early replicating domains and highly recombining domains both tend to be GC rich we a priori expect these two variables to covary. If so, the relative contribution of either of these variables to the local neutral substitution rate might have been wrongly estimated owing to covariance with the other. Against our expectations, we find that sex-averaged recombination rates show little or no correlation with replication timing, suggesting that they are independent determinants of substitution rates. However, this result masks significant sex-specific complexity: late replicating domains tend to have high recombination rates in females but low recombination rates in males. That these trends are antagonistic explains why sex-averaged recombination is not correlated with replication timing. This unexpected result has several important implications. First, although both male and female recombination rates covary significantly with intronic substitution rates, the magnitude of this correlation is moderately underestimated for male recombination and slightly overestimated for female recombination, owing to covariance with replicating timing. Second, the result could explain why male recombination is strongly correlated with GC content but female recombination is not. If to explain the correlation between GC content and replication timing we suppose that late replication forces reduced GC content, then GC promotion by biased gene conversion during female recombination is partly countered by the antagonistic effect of later replicating sequence tending increase AT content. Indeed, the strength of the correlation between female recombination rate and local GC content is more than doubled by control for replication timing. Our results underpin the need to consider sex-specific recombination rates and potential covariates in analysis of GC content and rates of evolution

    Guide to Geographical Indications: Linking Products and Their Origins (Summary)

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    Computationally efficient and accurate modelling of transmissivities of non-uniform paths through the mixture L-distribution (MLD) approach

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    International audienceObtaining accurate values of atmospheric transmissivities of non-uniform paths remains a challenging task for the forward modelling of satellite radiance as well as for radiative forcing calculations. In this work, we present a fast though accurate modelling approach called the Mixture L-distribution (MLD) method. This technique consists of the application of the L-distribution approach to spectral intervals over which gas spectra are scaled (linearly correlated). The method to construct intervals of scaling is founded on an adaptation of the “multispectral technique”, initially proposed for high temperature engineering applications, to atmospheric paths

    Pigtailed Electro-Optic Sensor for Time and Space Resolved Dielectric Barrier Discharges Analysis

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    International audienceWe here demonstrate the potentialities of Pigtailed electro-optic probes to perform vectorial electric field characterizations of dielectric barrier discharges. The analysis leads to the accurate determination of the breakdown voltage and the associated electric field in the vicinity of the discharge. A polarimetric analysis of the dielectric barrier discharges is proposed thanks to real-time measurement of longitudinal and radial components of the electric field vector. Moreover, the transition from capacitive to resistive behavior is characterized at the breakdown field