51 research outputs found

    Nietzsche y la cuestión de la primacía de lo visual en el pensamiento occidental

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    Nietzsche has been considered to be an author who defends the rights of auditive versus the domination of visual, calling especial attention to his reflections on music. This article defends the thesis that Nietzsche’s critique of ocularcentrism does not result in its restrictive replacement by audiocentrism. Nietzsche’s criticism to the supremacy of the visual is limited to the conception of the visual presented by metaphysics, while his defense of hearing is accompanied by a conception of the vision which could be called Dionysian.Nietzsche ha sido considerado como un autor que defiende los derechos de lo auditivo frente al dominio de lo visual, subrayándose sus reflexiones en torno a la música. El artículo defiende la siguiente tesis: la crítica de Nietzsche al ocularcentrismo no tiene como consecuencia la sustitución de éste por un audiocentrismo excluyente. La crítica nietzscheana a la primacía de lo visual se limita a la concepción de lo visual presentada por la metafísica, mientras que su defensa de lo auditivo va acompañada de una concepción de la visión a la que se podría denominar dionisíaca

    Energy Dissipation to Tungsten Surfaces upon Eley-Rideal Recombination of N2 and H2

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    Quasiclassical molecular dynamics simulations are performed to investigate energy dissipation to the (100) and (110) tungsten surfaces upon Eley-Rideal (ER) recombination of H2 and N2. Calculations are carried out within the single adsorbate limit under normal incidence. A generalized Langevin surface oscillator (GLO) scheme is used to simulate the coupling to phonons, whereas electron-hole (e-h) pair excitations are implemented using the local density friction approximation (LDFA). Phonon excitations are found to reduce the ER reactivity for N2 recombination, but do not affect H abstraction. In contrast, the effect of e-h pair excitations on the ER recombination cross section is small for N2, but can be important for H2. The analysis of the energy lost by the recombined species shows that most of the energy is dissipated into phonon excitations in the N2 recombination and into electronic excitations in the H2 recombination. In all cases, the energy dissipated into e-h pairs is taken away from the translational kinetic energy of the formed molecules, whereas dissipation to phonons, only significant for N2, also affects vibration. Interestingly, the electron mediated energy losses are found to be smaller in the case of N2 when surface motion is allowed

    Numerical modelling of the dispersion of waste products from aquaculture installations: A tool for appropriate environmental management of the sector

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    The present paper deals with some of the results obtained by AZTI from the application of finite element codes for the numerical study of plumes produced by waste spills from aquaculture stations. The use of numerical models to simulate physical reality represents a new approach to studying the impact of fish farming, facilitating the analysis of site selection and optimising the necessary resources for operative monitoring plans. Nevertheless, the numerical model can only serve as a complement to in situ measurements, without which the models cannot be properly calibrated, nor their reliability verified. All these data must be put into expert hands for the sake of sustainable management of the aquaculture sector.Esta comunicación presenta algunos de los resultados obtenidos por AZTI en la aplicación de códigos en elementos finitos para el estudio numérico de las plumas de afección producidas por los vertidos de desechos de jaulas de acuicultura. Los modelos numéricos de simulación de la realidad física permiten una aproximación novedosa al estudio de los impactos causados por las explotaciones de piscicultura, facilitando el análisis de las alternativas de ubicación y optimizando los recursos necesarios para los planes de vigilancia de las explotaciones. Sin embargo, el modelo numérico no es más que un complemento de las medidas de campo que permiten su calibración y de las que depende su fiabilidad. Todo ello debe ser puesto en manos expertas que permitan la adecuada gestión del sector acuicultor.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Steric Hindrance of NH3 Diffusion on Pt(111) by Co-Adsorbed O-Atoms

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    A detailed velocity-resolved kinetics study of NH3 thermal desorption rates from p(2 × 2) O/Pt(111) is presented. We find a large reduction in the NH3 desorption rate due to adsorption of O-atoms on Pt(111). A physical model describing the interactions between adsorbed NH3 and O-atoms explains these observations. By fitting the model to the derived desorption rate constants, we find an NH3 stabilization on p(2 × 2) O/Pt(111) of 0.147–0.014+0.023 eV compared to Pt(111) and a rotational barrier of 0.084–0.022+0.049 eV, which is not present on Pt(111). The model also quantitatively predicts the steric hindrance of NH3 diffusion on Pt(111) due to co-adsorbed O-atoms. The derived diffusion barrier of NH3 on p(2 × 2) O/Pt(111) is 1.10–0.13+0.22 eV, which is 0.39–0.14+0.22 eV higher than that on pristine Pt(111). We find that Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (PBE) and revised Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (RPBE) exchange–correlation functionals are unable to reproduce the experimentally observed NH3–O adsorbate–adsorbate interactions and NH3 binding energies at Pt(111) and p(2 × 2) O/Pt(111), which indicates the importance of dispersion interactions for both systems

    Los campos de pockmarks en el sistema de cañones submarinos de Capbreton

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    En el marco del proyecto LIFE-IP-INTEMARES, se está realizando la caracterización de un sector del sistema de cañones submarinos de Capbreton, localizado en la región oriental del mar Cantábrico (golfo de Vizcaya), con el fin de mejorar el conocimiento para la declaración de nuevos espacios marinos protegidos de la Red Natura 2000 por su importancia para los diversos hábitats que los forman. Durante los años 2019 y 2020se llevaron a cabo dos campañas de investigación oceanográfica, en las cuales se prospectó una zona de interés de 3850 km2,(concretamente, un sector del curso meandriforme del cañón principal de Capbreton). Se han obtenido datos batimétricos, de reflectividad acústica del fondo marino y perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución del sub-suelo marino, así como muestras de roca y sedimentos, además de transectos de vídeo. Así, se han podido observar los cañones tributarios que atraviesan el talud continental, con orientación perpendicular a la línea de costa, y las plataformas intertributarias que presentan destacables campos de pockmarks(depresiones circulares o elípticas asociadas a escapes de fluidos).La batimetría de alta resolución obtenida para la zona ha permitido que, mediante técnicas manuales y semi-automáticas, se cartografíen más de 3000 pockmarks en un rango profundidades comprendido entre 400 y 1200 m. Se han estudiado las características principales de estos pockmarks (morfometría, localización, densidad, etc.) con el objetivo de conocer mejor su génesis y su relación con la evolución geológica de la zona. Estas morfologías, de dimensiones variables entre 20 y 550 m de diámetro y con depresiones que alcanzan los 80m,quese presentan de forma aislada, agrupada, múltiple (conteniendo unas a otras) o alineadas según orientaciones preferentes, sugieren un posible control tectónico. En ocasiones, aparecen conectados o asociados a zonas con pendientes inestables(en determinados sectores) donde se ha observado una gradación de tamaño. En los perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución adquiridos, se han podido localizar pockmarks tanto en la superficie del fondo marino, como sepultados dentro de los estratos sedimentarios, donde han quedado reflejados como paleo-pockmarks, actualmente cubiertos de sedimento

    Assessment of goods and services, vulnerability, and conservation status of European seabed biotopes: a stepping stone towards ecosystem-based marine spatial management

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    The goal of ecosystem-based marine spatial management is to maintain marine ecosystems in a healthy, productive and resilient condition; hence, they can sustainably provide the needed goods and services for human welfare. However, the increasing pressures upon the marine realm threaten marine ecosystems, especially seabed biotopes, and thus a well-planned approach of managing use of marine space is essential to achieve sustainability. The relative value of seabed biotopes, evaluated on the basis of goods and services, is an important starting point for the spatial management of marine areas. Herein, 56 types of European seabed biotopes and their related goods, services, sensitivity issues, and conservation status were compiled, the latter referring to management and protection tools which currently apply for these biotopes at European or international level. Fishing activities, especially by benthic trawls, and marine pollution are the main threats to European seabed biotopes. Increased seawater turbidity, dredged sediment disposal, coastal constructions, biological invasions, mining, extraction of raw materials, shipping-related activities, tourism, hydrocarbon exploration, and even some practices of scientific research, also exert substantial pressure. Although some first steps have been taken to protect the European sea beds through international agreements and European and national legislation, a finer scale of classification and assessment of marine biotopes is considered crucial in shaping sound priorities and management guidelines towards the effective conservation and sustainability of European marine resources

    Morphosedimentary characterization of the Capbreton submarine canyon system, Bay of Biscay (Cantabrian Sea)

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    Various studies have been carried out to the declaration of new marine protected areas for their importance for habitats, according to the Natura 2000 Network. One of these sites is a sector of the Capbreton Submarine Canyon System, located in front of the Basque Country coast, in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic). During the Intemares_CapBreton 0619 and 0620 surveys; bathymetric, backscatter, high-resolution parametric data and samples of sediments, rocks and benthic communities from the seabed were acquired. The study was completed by recording video transects with the underwater vehicle ROTV Politolana from the IEO. The processing and analysis of the geophysical information has allowed obtaining a detailed bathymetry grid of 10 × 10 m, from which the first morphosedimentary characterization of the system of tributary canyons to the E-W trending main canyon and its interfluves has been made. One of the main features of this canyon system is the presence of a large pockmark field on adjacent platforms between canyons, located between 500 and 1000 m water depth. Within this field, pockmarks are shown as circular to elliptical depressions, most likely related to gas rich-fluid emissions to the subsurface.Versión del edito