69 research outputs found

    Raccontami una storia: memoria di un’azione educativa. La narrazione delle esperienze come strumento di ri essione e formazione

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    Aim: Telling himself and others is a natural way that man has always organize their thinking in order to give a structure and order to the events and experiences; explore the meanings that students attach to their educational actions triggered in the context of life and in professional situations, giving meaning and value and interpret them allows you to get in touch with the complexity of the training process personally and professionally.Objective: Explore the meanings that students attach to their educational actions triggered in the context of life and in professional situations, giving meaning and value in relation to the complexity of the training process personally and professionally.Methods: We conducted a qualitative study approach with bottom-up narrative that used the tool of storytelling. In the teaching of Tutorial Teaching at the Specialistic Degree of Science in Nursing and Midwifery of Turin has been used a narrative tool to invite participants to explore the experiences related to their work education and training.Results: The narratives written by the students were twenty-five. The main plot is kind of epic-romantic: after a difficult start in which subjects feel inadequate to convey the teachings and values, they manage to find the right communication channel to deal with the obstacle winning spirit; aware that the path will be marked by many challenges but with mutual support, acts of kindness, selflessness and sharing, will be able to recognize themselves within an organizational context, to keep their memory and to share their knowledge.Conclusions: The narrative tool, through the memories, promotes the connection on an emotional level among students; attributing meaning to events and linking them to their own experience, with its successes and failures, students reinforce the value of reciprocity and reshape the contours of his new life in the contexts in which they live.Introduzione: Raccontare a sé e agli altri è una modalità naturale attraverso cui l’uomo da sempre organizza il proprio pensiero al fine di dare una struttura e un ordine ai fatti e alle esperienze; esplorare i significati che gli studenti attribuiscono alle proprie azioni educative attivate nei contesti di vita e nelle situazioni professionali, conferendogli senso e valore e interpretarli permette di entrare in relazione con la complessità del processo formativo personale e professionale.Obiettivo: Esplorare i significati che gli studenti attribuiscono alle proprie azioni educative attivate nei contesti di vita e nelle situazioni professionali, conferendogli senso e valore  in relazione  alla complessità del processo formativo personale e professionale.Materiali e metodi: È stato condotto uno studio qualitativo con approccio di tipo narrativo bottom-up che ha utilizzato lo strumento dello storytelling. Nell’insegnamento di Didattica tutoriale presso il Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche di Torino è stato utilizzato lo strumento narrativo per invitare i partecipanti ad esplorare le esperienze legate al proprio agire educativo e formativo.Risultati: Le narrazioni scritte dagli studenti sono state venticinque. La trama principale è di tipo epico-romantico: dopo un difficile inizio in cui i soggetti si sentono inadeguati a trasmettere insegnamenti e valori, riescono a trovare il giusto canale di comunicazione per affrontare l’ostacolo con spirito vincente; consapevoli che il percorso sarà contrassegnato da innumerevoli sfide ma che con il sostegno reciproco, la gentilezza degli atti, l’altruismo e la condivisione, saranno in grado di riconoscersi all’interno di un contesto organizzativo, di mantenere la propria memoria e di condividere i propri saperi.Conclusioni: Lo strumento narrativo, attraverso i ricordi, favorisce la connessione a livello emotivo fra gli studenti; attribuendo un significato agli eventi e collegandoli al proprio vissuto, con i suoi successi ed insuccessi, gli studenti rafforzano il valore della reciprocità e ridisegnano nuovi contorni della propria vita nei contesti in cui devono viverla

    Raccontami una storia: memoria di un’azione educativa. La narrazione delle esperienze come strumento di riflessione e formazione

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    Aim. Telling himself and others is a natural way that man has always organize their thinking in order to give a structure and order to the events and experiences; explore the meanings that students attach to their educational actions triggered in the context of life and in professional situations, giving meaning and value and interpret them allows you to get in touch with the complexity of the training process personally and professionally. Objective. Explore the meanings that students attach to their educational actions triggered in the context of life and in professional situations, giving meaning and value in relation to the complexity of the training process personally and professionally. Methods. We conducted a qualitative study approach with bottom-up narrative that used the tool of storytelling. In the teaching of Tutorial Teaching at the Specialistic Degree of Science in Nursing and Midwifery of Turin has been used a narrative tool to invite participants to explore the experiences related to their work education and training. Results. The narratives written by the students were twenty-five. The main plot is kind of epic-romantic: after a difficult start in which subjects feel inadequate to convey the teachings and values, they manage to find the right communication channel to deal with the obstacle winning spirit; aware that the path will be marked by many challenges but with mutual support, acts of kindness, selflessness and sharing, will be able to recognize themselves within an organizational context, to keep their memory and to share their knowledge. Conclusions. The narrative tool, through the memories, promotes the connection on an emotional level among students; attributing meaning to events and linking them to their own experience, with its successes and failures, students reinforce the value of reciprocity and reshape the contours of his new life in the contexts in which they live.Introduzione. Raccontare a sé e agli altri è una modalità naturale attraverso cui l’uomo da sempre organizza il proprio pensiero al fine di dare una struttura e un ordine ai fatti e alle esperienze; esplorare i significati che gli studenti attribuiscono alle proprie azioni educative attivate nei contesti di vita e nelle situazioni professionali, conferendogli senso e valore e interpretarli permette di entrare in relazione con la complessità del processo formativo personale e professionale. Obiettivo. Esplorare i significati che gli studenti attribuiscono alle proprie azioni educative attivate nei contesti di vita e nelle situazioni professionali, conferendogli senso e valore  in relazione  alla complessità del processo formativo personale e professionale. Materiali e metodi. È stato condotto uno studio qualitativo con approccio di tipo narrativo bottom-up che ha utilizzato lo strumento dello storytelling. Nell’insegnamento di Didattica tutoriale presso il Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche di Torino è stato utilizzato lo strumento narrativo per invitare i partecipanti ad esplorare le esperienze legate al proprio agire educativo e formativo. Risultati. Le narrazioni scritte dagli studenti sono state venticinque. La trama principale è di tipo epico-romantico: dopo un difficile inizio in cui i soggetti si sentono inadeguati a trasmettere insegnamenti e valori, riescono a trovare il giusto canale di comunicazione per affrontare l’ostacolo con spirito vincente; consapevoli che il percorso sarà contrassegnato da innumerevoli sfide ma che con il sostegno reciproco, la gentilezza degli atti, l’altruismo e la condivisione, saranno in grado di riconoscersi all’interno di un contesto organizzativo, di mantenere la propria memoria e di condividere i propri saperi. Conclusioni. Lo strumento narrativo, attraverso i ricordi, favorisce la connessione a livello emotivo fra gli studenti; attribuendo un significato agli eventi e collegandoli al proprio vissuto, con i suoi successi ed insuccessi, gli studenti rafforzano il valore della reciprocità e ridisegnano nuovi contorni della propria vita nei contesti in cui devono viverla

    Análise química : atividade antioxidante de pães sem glúten de sorgo de diferentes genótipos e seus efeitos glicêmicos em humanos

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2021.O sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moech) é um cereal sem glúten que apresenta diversas características nutricionais importantes, como presença de fibras e compostos bioativos. Devido a suas propriedades, tem sido utilizado na fabricação de produtos sem glúten de melhor qualidade nutricional. Em função do seu baixo índice glicêmico e da presença de compostos com atividade antioxidante, o sorgo pode auxiliar na promoção da saúde, prevenindo obesidade, câncer e diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito glicêmico, insulinêmico e antioxidante do consumo de pães sem glúten de sorgo de diferentes genótipos em humanos. Foram selecionados três genótipos diferentes de sorgo (marrom, bronze e branco) para elaboração de pães sem glúten. Todos os pães (três de sorgo e um controle de arroz) passaram por análise da composição centesimal, amido resistente, fibra dietética, atividade antioxidante pelo método de ORAC, capacidade antioxidante pelo método de FRAP, índice glicêmico (IG) e índice insulinêmico (II). O ensaio clínico randomizado, cruzado, duplo-cego foi realizado com 10 voluntários saudáveis do sexo masculino. Em cada etapa do estudo, os voluntários ingeriram um dos alimentos testes contendo 50g de carboidrato disponíveis na porção ofertada. Nos tempos 0 (imediatamente antes da ingestão, em jejum), 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 e 180 minutos após o consumo foram realizadas coletas de sangue. Foi determinado o índice glicêmico (IG) e insulinêmico (II) dos pães pelo método trapezoidal. Foram realizadas comparações múltiplas (ANOVA) com teste de Tukey para estabelecer diferenças estatísticas (p < 0,05). Todos os pães de sorgo apresentaram significativamente mais fibra do que o pão de arroz (controle). O pão de sorgo marrom foi classificado como baixo IG, os pães bronze e branco como médio IG e o pão controle como alto IG. O pão de sorgo marrom também apresentou baixo teor de carboidratos, grande quantidade de fibra (5,79g/100g) e apresentou resposta glicêmica de AAC (área abaixo da curva) de 3 horas significativamente menor do que o pão controle. Além disso, o pão de sorgo marrom apresentou maior atividade antioxidante do que as outras amostras (p ≤ 0,001). Os voluntários do estudo apresentaram idade entre 28,0 ± 4,9 anos; peso de 77,6 ± 11,7 kg; altura de 1,78 ± 0,07 m; IMC de 24,2 ± 2,3 kg/m²; 21,36 ± 5,31 de percentual de gordura; e glicemia capilar de jejum de 89,0 ± 4,3 mg/dL. Por fim, os resultados confirmam a hipótese da melhora nas respostas glicêmicas e insulinêmicas após o consumo de pães de sorgo por homens adultos saudáveis comparado ao pão sem glúten padrão. Portanto, devido a vários benefícios à saúde, a produção de sorgo marrom deve 7 ser incentivada para produzir alimentos sem glúten com melhor perfil nutricional. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para explorar os efeitos de diferentes genótipos de sorgo em produtos alimentícios na saúde humana em diferentes populações.Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP/DF).Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moech) is a gluten-free cereal that presents several important nutritional characteristics, as presence of fiber and bioactive compounds. Due to its properties, it has been used to produce gluten-free products with better nutritional quality. Because of its low glycemic index and the presence of compounds with antioxidant activity, sorghum can help promote health by preventing obesity, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the glycemic, insulinemic and antioxidant effect of gluten-free bread made with different sorghum genotypes in humans. Three different genotypes of sorghum (brown, bronze and white) were chosen to produce gluten-free bread. All types of bread (three made with sorghum and one control made with rice flour) were analyzed for chemical composition, resistant starch and dietary fiber content, antioxidant activity by ORAC method, antioxidant capacity by FRAP method, glycemic index (GI), and insulinemic index (II). This double-blind, crossover, randomized clinical trial was conducted with 10 healthy men. In each trial phase, participants consumed one of the test meals that provided 50g of available carbohydrate per offered portion. Immediately before consumption (in fasting) and after 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes, blood samples were collected. GI and insulinemic responses were determined by the trapezoidal method. Multiple samples comparisons (ANOVA) with Tukey test were conducted to establish significant differences (p < 0.05). All sorghum bread showed significantly more fiber than rice bread (control). Brown sorghum bread was classified as low GI, bronze and white as medium GI, and control as high GI. Brown sorghum bread presented low carbohydrate content, a great amount of fiber (5.79g/100g), and a significantly lower 3 hours AUC glucose response than the control, besides the highest antioxidant activity value (p ≤ 0.001). Participants presented 28.0 ± 4.9 years, 77.6 ± 11.7 kg, 24.2 ± 2.3 kg/m2 , 21.36 ± 5.31% of body fat, and 89.0 ± 4,3 mg/dL of fasting capillary blood glucose. Finally, results confirm the hypothesis of glycemic and insulinemic responses improvement after consuming gluten-free sorghum bread by adult health men because all sorghum bread samples presented lower IG and II compared to control bread. Therefore, due to several health benefits and its superiority among other sorghum genotypes analyzed in this study, brown sorghum production should be encouraged to provide gluten-free products with a better nutritional profile. More research is required to explore the effects of different sorghum genotypes in food products on human health among different populations

    Gel de chia : vida de prateleira e substituição de ovo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2015.A alergia alimentar está crescendo a cada dia e seu tratamento se dá pela retirada do alimento desencadeador (como ovo, leite, soja) da dieta. Ao fazer isso, além de uma possível carência nutricional, pode haver uma redução da aceitação da dieta. Por isso, a modificação de receitas pode ser uma alternativa interessante. Para tanto, o(s) substituto(s) do ingrediente alergênico deve(m) apresentar similar funcionalidade, proporcionando características nutricionais e sensoriais ao produto final semelhante a do original. Adicionalmente, devem-se considerar aspectos da segurança do alimento. Entre os alimentos mais alergênicos destaca-se o ovo e como a chia se assemelha ao ovo em alguns aspectos, mas precisa ser transformada em um gel para ser utilizada como substituto, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o uso do gel de chia após armazenamento em diferentes condições (no dia do preparo a temperatura ambiente, armazenado por 1 e 12 dias sob refrigeração e por 30 dias sob congelamento) como substituto do ovo em bolo de chocolate. O gel foi feito numa proporção de 1 parte de chia para 10 partes de água mineral e foi submetido à cocção por 6 minutos, atingindo fervura, e depois processado. Para determinar a vida útil, o gel de chia foi armazenado em sacos plásticos estéreis com fechamento hermético em porções de 30g sob refrigeração (4°C) por 17 dias e congelado (-18°C) por 30 dias. Os ensaios microbiológicos foram executados de acordo com protocolos internacionais determinados pela American Public Health Association (APHA), no dia em que o gel foi feito e depois de 5, 9, 13, 17 e 30 dias, para coliformes totais, Salmonella sp., Bacillus cereus, Staphyloccocus aureus, mesófilos, bolores e leveduras e psicrotróficos. Também foram analisados os Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST) e o pH do gel para verificar possíveis alterações ao longo do período de armazenamento. Para desenvolver bolos de chocolate, as receitas modificadas foram feitas substituindo cada ovo por 10g de gel, nos diferentes tempos e condições de armazenamento, sendo feita a comparação dos valores nutricionais dos bolos. A análise sensorial foi executada com 112 indivíduos não treinados. O delineamento experimental do teste sensorial foi randomizado com quatro tratamentos de forma monádica apresentados com diferentes códigos, compostos por três dígitos aleatórios. Utilizou-se uma escala hedônica linear de nove centímetros (não estruturados), com âncoras de "desgostei extremamente" à esquerda e "gostei extremamente" à direita para a aceitação global e os atributos sabor e textura. Os resultados para os ensaios microbiológicos demonstraram boa estabilidade do produto nas condições determinadas para o armazenamento. Não foi constatada a presença de Coliformes Totais, Salmonella sp. e Bacillus cereus durante a vida útil do gel e para os demais micro-organismos a presença foi detectada desde o momento zero, mas em níveis seguros, com alteração significativa no 17° dia sob refrigeração em relação a bolores e leveduras. Após a análise estatística dos dados com aplicação da ANOVA e teste de Fisher (p <0,05), foi possível concluir que não houve diferença significativa entre as quatro amostras para aceitação global, sabor e textura. Portanto, não houve diferença significativa entre os bolos que pudessem estar relacionadas às condições de armazenamento e o gel de chia pode ser utilizado com segurança nessas condições, respeitando-se as boas práticas de fabricação.Food allergy is growing each day among population and its treatment is to cut down the trigger food (as egg, milk, soy). By doing that, diet acceptance can be compromised. That is why it is necessary to replace the allergenic food and the best way is the recipe modification. Therefore, recipe modification may be an interesting alternative. Thus, substitute(s) of the allergenic ingredient should provide similar functionality, providing resembling nutritional and sensory characteristics of the final product when compared to the original. In addition, food safety aspects should be also considered. Egg is one of the most allergenic foods and since chia resembles the egg in some aspects, but must be transformed into a gel to be used as a substitute, the aim of this study was to analyze the use of chia gel after different conditions of storage (on the day of preparation at ambient temperature, stored for 1 and 12 days under refrigeration and for 30 days under freeze) as an egg replacer in chocolate cake. The gel was done in a proportion of 1 part of chia seeds to 10 parts of mineral water and was cooked for 6 minutes, reaching boiling, and then processed. To determine shelf life, the gel was stored in sterile plastic bags with hermetic closure into 30g portions under refrigeration (4°C) for 17 days and frozen (-18°C) for 30 days. The microbiological assays were performed according to international guidelines established by the American Public Health Association (APHA), on the day the gel was made and after 5, 9, 13, 17 and 30 days for total coliforms, Salmonella sp., Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, mesophilic, molds and yeasts and psychrotrophic. Total Soluble Solids (TSS) and pH of the gel was also analyzed to check possible changes during shelf life. To develop chocolate cakes, the modified recipes were made by substituting each egg for 10g of chia gel in different storage times and conditions, and nutritional facts of the cakes were also done. The sensorial evaluation was executed with 112 untrained individuals. The experimental design of sensory testing was randomized with four treatments, presented one at each time with different codes composed of three random digits. Acceptance test was carried out using a 9cm linear hedonic scale (not structured), with anchors of ―dislike extremely‖ on the left and ―like extremely‖ on the right for overall acceptance and the attributes flavor and texture. The results for microbiological assays showed good stability of the product under specified storage conditions. The presence of Total Coliforms, Salmonella sp. and Bacillus cereus was not detected during shelf life of the gel, and for other microorganisms the presence was detected since the beginning, but in safe levels, with a significant change in the 17th day under refrigeration for yeasts and molds. After statistical analysis with application of ANOVA and Fisher's test (p <0,05), it was possible to conclude that there was no significant difference between the four samples for global acceptance, flavor and texture. Therefore, there was no significant difference between the cakes that could be related to storage conditions and the chia gel can be used safely in such conditions, respecting the good manufacturing practices

    SWISS-MODEL: modelling protein tertiary and quaternary structure using evolutionary information

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    Protein structure homology modelling has become a routine technique to generate 3D models for proteins when experimental structures are not available. Fully automated servers such as SWISS-MODEL with user-friendly web interfaces generate reliable models without the need for complex software packages or downloading large databases. Here, we describe the latest version of the SWISS-MODEL expert system for protein structure modelling. The SWISS-MODEL template library provides annotation of quaternary structure and essential ligands and co-factors to allow for building of complete structural models, including their oligomeric structure. The improved SWISS-MODEL pipeline makes extensive use of model quality estimation for selection of the most suitable templates and provides estimates of the expected accuracy of the resulting models. The accuracy of the models generated by SWISS-MODEL is continuously evaluated by the CAMEO system. The new web site allows users to interactively search for templates, cluster them by sequence similarity, structurally compare alternative templates and select the ones to be used for model building. In cases where multiple alternative template structures are available for a protein of interest, a user-guided template selection step allows building models in different functional states. SWISS-MODEL is available at http://swissmodel.expasy.org/

    SWISS-MODEL: modelling protein tertiary and quaternary structure using evolutionary information

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    Protein structure homology modelling has become a routine technique to generate 3D models for proteins when experimental structures are not available. Fully automated servers such as SWISS-MODEL with user-friendly web interfaces generate reliable models without the need for complex software packages or downloading large databases. Here, we describe the latest version of the SWISS-MODEL expert system for protein structure modelling. The SWISS-MODEL template library provides annotation of quaternary structure and essential ligands and co-factors to allow for building of complete structural models, including their oligomeric structure. The improved SWISS-MODEL pipeline makes extensive use of model quality estimation for selection of the most suitable templates and provides estimates of the expected accuracy of the resulting models. The accuracy of the models generated by SWISS-MODEL is continuously evaluated by the CAMEO system. The new web site allows users to interactively search for templates, cluster them by sequence similarity, structurally compare alternative templates and select the ones to be used for model building. In cases where multiple alternative template structures are available for a protein of interest, a user-guided template selection step allows building models in different functional states. SWISS-MODEL is available at http://swissmodel.expasy.or

    A new point-of-care test for the rapid antimicrobial susceptibility assessment of uropathogens.

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    Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is considered a major issue worldwide. This condition may account for treatment failure of urinary tract infections, which are among the most common infections both in community and healthcare settings. Therapy against uropathogens is generally administered empirically, possibly leading to unsuccessful therapy, recurrence and development of antibiotic resistance. The reduction in analytical time to obtain antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) results could play a key role in reducing the cost of healthcare, providing information about antibiotic efficacy and thus preventing from either exploiting new and expensive antibiotics unnecessarily or using obsolete and ineffective ones. A more rational choice among treatment options would hence lead to more effective treatment and faster resolution. In this paper we evaluated the performance of a new Point Of Care Test (POCT) for the rapid prediction of antimicrobial susceptibility in urine samples performed without the need of a laboratory or specialized technicians. 349 patients were enrolled in two open-label, monocentric, non-interventional clinical trials in partnership with an Emergency Medicine ward and the Day Hospital of two large healthcare facilities in Rome. Antibiogram was carried out on 97 patients. Results from analysis of urine samples with the POCT were compared with those from routine AST performed on culture-positive samples, displaying high accuracy (&gt;90%) for all tested antimicrobial drugs and yielding reliable results in less than 12 hours from urine collection thus reducing analytical and management costs

    Impact of gluten-free sorghum bread genotypes on glycemic and antioxidant responses in healthy adults

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    Sorghum is used to provide good quality gluten-free products due to phytochemicals and low glycemic index (GI). This study aimed to determine the chemical composition, the antioxidant activity and capacity, and the glycemic and insulinemic responses of gluten-free (GF) sorghum bread. GF bread samples were produced with three different sorghum genotypes. The samples were analyzed for chemical composition, resistant starch and dietary fiber content; antioxidant activity by ORAC; antioxidant capacity by FRAP; GI; and insulinemic responses. This double-blind, crossover, randomized clinical trial was conducted with 10 healthy men aged 28.0 ± 4.9 years (77.6 ± 11.7 kg and 24.2 ± 2.3 kg/m2). All sorghum bread showed significantly more fiber than rice bread (control). Brown sorghum bread was classified as low GI, bronze and white as medium GI, and control as high GI. Brown sorghum bread presented a low carbohydrate content, a significant amount of fiber, and a significantly lower 3 h AUC glucose response than those of the control, aside from the highest antioxidant activity value (p ≤ 0.001). Therefore, brown sorghum was superior to other genotypes analyzed in this study, and its production should be encouraged to provide gluten-free products with a better nutritional profile. More research is required to explore the effects of different sorghum genotypes in food products on human health

    Formyl Peptide Receptor as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Anxiety-Related Disorders

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    Formyl peptide receptors (FPR) belong to a family of sensors of the immune system that detect microbe-associated molecules and inform various cellular and sensorial mechanisms to the presence of pathogens in the host. Here we demonstrate that Fpr2/3-deficient mice show a distinct profile of behaviour characterised by reduced anxiety in the marble burying and light-dark box paradigms, increased exploratory behaviour in an open-field, together with superior performance on a novel object recognition test. Pharmacological blockade with a formyl peptide receptor antagonist, Boc2, in wild type mice reproduced most of the behavioural changes observed in the Fpr2/3(-/-) mice, including a significant improvement in novel object discrimination and reduced anxiety in a light/dark shuttle test. These effects were associated with reduced FPR signalling in the gut as shown by the significant reduction in the levels of p-p38. Collectively, these findings suggest that homeostatic FPR signalling exerts a modulatory effect on anxiety-like behaviours. These findings thus suggest that therapies targeting FPRs may be a novel approach to ameliorate behavioural abnormalities present in neuropsychiatric disorders at the cognitive-emotional interface
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