367 research outputs found

    Epistemic Logic with Partial Dependency Operator

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    In this paper, we introduce partial\textit{partial} dependency modality D\mathcal{D} into epistemic logic so as to reason about partial\textit{partial} dependency relationship in Kripke models. The resulted dependence epistemic logic possesses decent expressivity and beautiful properties. Several interesting examples are provided, which highlight this logic's practical usage. The logic's bisimulation is then discussed, and we give a sound and strongly complete axiomatization for a sub-language of the logic

    The dynamics of imperfect information

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    Reasoning about embedded dependencies using inclusion dependencies

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    The implication problem for the class of embedded dependencies is undecidable. However, this does not imply lackness of a proof procedure as exemplified by the chase algorithm. In this paper we present a complete axiomatization of embedded dependencies that is based on the chase and uses inclusion dependencies and implicit existential quantification in the intermediate steps of deductions

    Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination

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    When people combine concepts these are often characterised as “hybrid”, “impossible”, or “humorous”. However, when simply considering them in terms of extensional logic, the novel concepts understood as a conjunctive concept will often lack meaning having an empty extension (consider “a tooth that is a chair”, “a pet flower”, etc.). Still, people use different strategies to produce new non-empty concepts: additive or integrative combination of features, alignment of features, instantiation, etc. All these strategies involve the ability to deal with conflicting attributes and the creation of new (combinations of) properties. We here consider in particular the case where a Head concept has superior ‘asymmetric’ control over steering the resulting concept combination (or hybridisation) with a Modifier concept. Specifically, we propose a dialogical approach to concept combination and discuss an implementation based on axiom weakening, which models the cognitive and logical mechanics of this asymmetric form of hybridisation

    Probabilistic Team Semantics

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    Team semantics is a semantical framework for the study of dependence and independence concepts ubiquitous in many areas such as databases and statistics. In recent works team semantics has been generalised to accommodate also multisets and probabilistic dependencies. In this article we study a variant of probabilistic team semantics and relate this framework to a Tarskian two-sorted logic. We also show that very simple quantifier-free formulae of our logic give rise to backslashmathrm NP NP -hard model checking problems.Peer reviewe

    Facets of Distribution Identities in Probabilistic Team Semantics

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    We study probabilistic team semantics which is a semantical framework allowing the study of logical and probabilistic dependencies simultaneously. We examine and classify the expressive power of logical formalisms arising by different probabilistic atoms such as conditional independence and different variants of marginal distribution equivalences. We also relate the framework to the first-order theory of the reals and apply our methods to the open question on the complexity of the implication problem of conditional independence.Peer reviewe

    Parametrised Complexity of Model Checking and Satisfiability in Propositional Dependence Logic

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    In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of the parametrised complexity in the field of Dependence Logics which finds its origin in the Dependence Logic of V\"a\"an\"anen from 2007. We study a propositional variant of this logic (PDL) and investigate a variety of parametrisations with respect to the central decision problems. The model checking problem (MC) of PDL is NP-complete. The subject of this research is to identify a list of parametrisations (formula-size, treewidth, treedepth, team-size, number of variables) under which MC becomes fixed-parameter tractable. Furthermore, we show that the number of disjunctions or the arity of dependence atoms (dep-arity) as a parameter both yield a paraNP-completeness result. Then, we consider the satisfiability problem (SAT) showing a different picture: under team-size, or dep-arity SAT is paraNP-complete whereas under all other mentioned parameters the problem is in FPT. Finally, we introduce a variant of the satisfiability problem, asking for teams of a given size, and show for this problem an almost complete picture.Comment: Update includes refined result

    Undefinability in Inquisitive Logic with Tensor

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    Logics based on team semantics, such as inquisitive logic and dependence logic, are not closed under uniform substitution. This leads to an interesting separation between expressive power and definability: it may be that an operator O can be added to a language without a gain in expressive power, yet O is not definable in that language. For instance, even though propositional inquisitive logic and propositional dependence logic have the same expressive power, inquisitive disjunction and implication are not definable in propositional dependence logic. A question that has been open for some time in this area is whether the tensor disjunction used in propositional dependence logic is definable in inquisitive logic. We settle this question in the negative. In fact, we show that extending the logical repertoire of inquisitive logic by means of tensor disjunction leads to an independent set of connectives; that is, no connective in the resulting logic is definable in terms of the others.Peer reviewe

    Continuous Team Semantics

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    We study logics with team semantics in computable metric spaces. We show how to define approximate versions of the usual independence/dependence atoms. For restricted classes of formulae, we show that we can assume w.l.o.g.~that teams are closed sets. This then allows us to import techniques from computable analysis to study the complexity of formula satisfaction and model checking
