1,669 research outputs found

    Le esigenze di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio pubblico in un territorio di pregio storico e ambientale: il caso dei beni immobili dell'isola di Pianosa

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    Il tema delle esigenze di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio pubblico verrà analizzato attraverso la sua applicazione ad un caso specifico, quello dell'isola di Pianosa. Questa è interamente di proprietà pubblica ma vive in uno stato di quasi completo abbandono a causa delle incertezze relative alla titolarità dei diritti di proprietà, ma anche perché sotto tutela ambientale e storico-archeologica. Da quando nel 1997 fu chiuso il carcere, ivi presente da oltre un secolo, è iniziata la corsa dei vari enti pubblici per programmarne il futuro. Il tutto però con continui conflitti di competenze perché, oltre agli ordinari enti locali (Comune, Provincia e Regione), il Parco nazionale dell'arcipelago toscano poneva vincoli ambientali e la Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Toscana aveva apposto sull'intera Isola il vincolo archeologico. In tale quadro si inseriva anche il Ministero delle finanze, ed in particolare l'Agenzia del Demanio, il quale era proprietario dell'intero complesso immobiliare, concesso in parte a Parco, Comune, Ministero della giustizia e, in misura minore, ad altri enti, associazioni e comunità scientifiche. Dopo una disamina dettagliata degli avvenimenti degli ultimi vent'anni si può constatare che la principale causa dell'abbandono dell'Isola è una: l'Agenzia del Demanio non vorrebbe cedere ad alcuno la proprietà immobiliare pianosina ma, allo stesso tempo, non ha le risorse economiche per valorizzarla e tutelarla e richiede canoni elevati per concederla ai vari enti richiedenti, oltre a porre stringenti vincoli per l'utilizzo e ponendo a loro carico la manutenzione straordinaria. L'unico ente che, avendone le possibilità concesse dalla legislazione nazionale, ha tentato di sottrarre al controllo demaniale la proprietà immobiliare di Pianosa è stato il comune di Campo nell'Elba. Questo, in effetti, ha lavorato in tale direzione, grazie alla legge 1766 del 16 giugno 1927, riguardante il riordino degli usi civici dell'allora Regno d'Italia. Con l'ausilio della regione Toscana, competente in materia e passando attraverso un contenzioso decennale, ha ottenuto la liquidazione dell'uso civico di pascolo presente sull'intero territorio dell'Isola. Tale liquidazione è avvenuta in immobili e comporta la nascita del demanio civico delle comunità frazionali di San Piero e Sant'Ilario in Campo. Nonostante tale iter sia giunto al termine e dal progetto di liquidazione risultino chiaramente i beni oggetto di trasferimento di proprietà, l'Agenzia del Demanio ha tentato di frapporsi al trasferimento in più occasioni. L'obiettivo che si è tentato di raggiungere è quello di fare ordine sulla questione dei diritti di proprietà di Pianosa, al fine di dare la possibilità agli enti pubblici coinvolti nella sua gestione (in primis comune di Campo nell'Elba e Parco nazionale dell'arcipelago toscano) di poter programmare un futuro per l'Isola e di valorizzarne il patrimonio

    AI and consumers manipulation: what the role of EU fair marketing law?

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    Today’s online businesses increasingly employ different AI tools to perform marketing and customer management tasks (e.g. target ad-vertising, product recommendations, personalised pricing, etc.). This de-velopment poses a threat to consumers autonomy as it increases the like-lihood of manipulative results in purchase decisions. This paper explains two ways in which the employment of AI can lead to distortive results in consumers’ decision-making. In addition, some reflections are proposed over the role of fair marketing law in protecting consumers, notably on how EU fair marketing law should change in response to the spread of AI-mediated commercial practices. In particular, the paper focuses on analysing the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive and the recent US leg-islative proposal for the Detour Act.As empresas online de hoje recorrem, cada vez mais, a dife-rentes ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial (IA) para executar tarefas de marketing e gestão de clientes (entre as quais a publicidade direcionada, as recomendações de produtos e a personalização de preços). Trata-se de um desenvolvimento que representa uma ameaça à autonomia dos consumidores, na medida em que aumenta a probabilidade de re-sultados manipulativos nas decisões de aquisição de bens e serviços. Este artigo elucida duas formas através das quais a utilização da IA pode conduzir a resultados distorcidos na tomada de decisões por parte dos consumidores. Além disso, são avançadas algumas reflexões sobre o papel que o direito da publicidade deve desempenhar na proteção dos consumidores, principalmente sobre como o direito da publicidade da UE deve responder à disseminação das práticas comerciais mediadas pela IA. O artigo foca-se, em particular, na análise da Diretiva sobre Práticas Comerciais Desleais e da recente proposta legislativa norte-americana para a adoção do Detour Act

    Entanglement Scrambling in 2d Conformal Field Theory

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    We investigate how entanglement spreads in time-dependent states of a 1+1 dimensional conformal field theory (CFT). The results depend qualitatively on the value of the central charge. In rational CFTs, which have central charge below a critical value, entanglement entropy behaves as if correlations were carried by free quasiparticles. This leads to long-term memory effects, such as spikes in the mutual information of widely separated regions at late times. When the central charge is above the critical value, the quasiparticle picture fails. Assuming no extended symmetry algebra, any theory with c>1c>1 has diminished memory effects compared to the rational models. In holographic CFTs, with c1c \gg 1, these memory effects are eliminated altogether at strong coupling, but reappear after the scrambling time tβlogct \gtrsim \beta \log c at weak coupling.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figure; v2: references adde

    AI Approaches to Predictive Justice: A Critical Assessment

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    This paper addresses the domain of predictive justice, exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and judicial decision-making. We will first introduce the concept of predictive justice, referring to the ongoing debate surrounding the potential automation of judicial decisions through AI systems. Then, we will examine the current landscape of AI approaches employed in predictive justice applications, providing a comprehensive overview of methodologies and technological advancements. Then, we delve into the phenomenology of predictive justice, highlighting the diverse spectrum of legal predictions achievable with contemporary AI systems. We also assess the extent to which these predictive AI systems are presently integrated into real-world judicial practices. Finally, the paper critically addresses recurrent fears and critiques associated with predictive justice. We sort these critiques into unreasonable objections, reasonable concerns with possible technical solutions, and reasonable concerns demanding further investigation. Navigating the complexities of these critiques, we offer some insights for future research and practical implementation. The nuanced approach taken in this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on predictive justice, emphasising the need for a balanced evaluation of its potential benefits and legal challenge

    Heavy-Heavy-Light-Light correlators in Liouville theory

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    We compute four-point functions of two heavy and two "perturbatively heavy" operators in the semiclassical limit of Liouville theory on the sphere. We obtain these "Heavy-Heavy-Light-Light" (HHLL) correlators to leading order in the conformal weights of the light insertions in two ways: (a) via a path integral approach, combining different methods to evaluate correlation functions from complex solutions for the Liouville field, and (b) via the conformal block expansion. This latter approach identifies an integral over the continuum of normalizable states and a sum over an infinite tower of lighter discrete states, whose contribution we extract by analytically continuing standard results to our HHLL setting. The sum over this tower reproduces the sum over those complex saddlepoints of the path integral that contribute to the correlator. Our path integral computations reveal that when the two light operators are inserted at equal time in radial quantization, the leading-order HHLL correlator is independent of their separation, and more generally that at this order there is no short-distance singularity as the two light operators approach each other. The conformal block expansion likewise shows that in the discrete sum short-distance singularities are indeed absent for all intermediate states that contribute. In particular, the Virasoro vacuum block, which would have been singular at short distances, is not exchanged. The separation-independence of equal-time correlators is due to cancelations between the discrete contributions. These features lead to a Lorentzian singularity that, in conformal theories with anti-de Sitter (AdS) duals, would be associated to locality below the AdS scale.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure; v2: clarifications added, minor typos corrected, published versio

    Consent to Targeted Advertising

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    Targeted advertising in digital markets involves multiple actors collecting, exchanging, and processing personal data for the purpose of capturing users’ attention in online environments. This ecosystem has given rise to considerable adverse effects on individuals and society, resulting from mass surveillance, the manipulation of choices and opinions, and the spread of addictive or fake messages. Against this background, this article critically discusses the regulation of consent in online targeted advertising. To this end, we review EU laws and proposals and consider the extent to which a requirement of informed consent may provide effective consumer protection. On the basis of such an analysis, we make suggestions for possible avenues that may be pursued

    MILP model for the planning of a computerized numerical control lathes machining plant

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    This work introduces the formulation and application of a MILP model to solve the problem of planning the weekly production of a machining plant using numerical control lathes to manufacture spare parts for agricultural machines. The machining plant works under a Flexible Job Shop system and it has reduced workforce with different skills to operate the various high-complexity lathes and to carry out setup operations in each machine. The developed model is based on a basic formulation for the classic problem and we introduce some flexible adjustment for the various situations that may arise from different scheduling problems. The model is applied to various scenarios; and we include a discussion of the improvements brought about by the analysis.Fil: Kañevsky, Federico. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Franco, Maria Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Galli, Maria Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentin