292 research outputs found

    Factores del test purpose in life y religiosidad.

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    In this paper, the relationship between religiosity (religious self-definition, Mass attendance and significance of God in life) and the Purpose In Life test (PIL) factors (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1969) is analyzed, in a sample of 302 subjects. The Hypothesis states that they are positively associated: higher religiosity is associated to higher scores in PIL factors. A Religious Attitudes Questionnaire (CAR) adapted from Elzo (1994) and the PIL are used. Results suggest that the three religious variables exert a significant influence, either on some factor or on the four PIL factors.En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones entre la religiosidad (autodefinición religiosa, asistencia a la Eucaristía e importancia de Dios en la propia vida) y los factores del test Purpose in Life (PIL) (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1969), en un grupo de 302 sujetos, y se plantea como hipótesis una relación significativa: a mayor religiosidad, más altas puntuaciones en los factores del PIL. Los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados son un Cuestionario de actitudes religiosas (CAR), adaptado de Elzo (1994) y el PIL. Los resultados indican que las tres variables religiosas ejercen un influjo significativo, bien de forma parcial sobre alguno o algunos de los cuatro factores, bien sobre la totalidad de éstos.Psicologí

    Religious self-definition, mass attendance, importance of God, and hopelessness among spanish undergraduates.

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    The aim of this work was to examine the relationship between religious self-definition, attending Mass, the importance of God, and hopelessness under the hy-pothesis that these religious variables and hopelessness are negatively related. The par-ticipants were 273 Spanish undergraduates who were incidentally recruited. and who completed three religious items and the Spanish version of a Hopelessness Scale. The Chi-squared test and Bonferroni test were used in the statistical analysis. The results indicate that there were no statistically significant differences between the religious self-definition and attending Mass groups in relation to hopelessness, whereas there were differences between groups in the variable importance of God; this is not consis-tent with the findings of previous studies. We discuss the limitations of the study, offer suggestions for future research, and indicate the need to distinguish between the diverse aspects of religiosity to better explain their implications regarding hopelessness.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre la autodefinición religiosa, la asistencia a Misa, la importancia de Dios y la desesperanza. La hipótesis afirma que las variables religiosas y la desesperanza están negativamente relacionadas. Participan 273 estudiantes universitarios españoles reclutados incidentalmente, los cuales cumplimentan tres ítems religiosos y una versión española de la Escala de Desesperanza. Se utilizan los estadísticos Chi-Cuadrado y Bonferroni. Los resultados indican que los distintos grupos de autodefinición religiosa y de asistencia a Misa no se relacionan con diferencias significativas en desesperanza, mientras que en la variable importancia de Dios sí existen diferencias entre grupos, diferencias que no se ajustan a lo hallado en estudios anteriores. Se observan las limitaciones del estudio, se ofrecen sugerencias para futuras investigaciones y la necesidad de distinguir entre los distintos aspectos de la religiosidad, con el fin de precisar mejor sus implicaciones sobre la desesperanza.Psicologí

    Purpose in life and hopelessness: an empirical study.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar qué relación existe entre el sentido de la vida y la desesperanza en un grupo de 302 sujetos. La hipótesis de trabajo afirma una relación significativa, de signo negativo, entre ambas variables, de manera que a mayor logro de sentido se asocian inferiores niveles de desesperanza y, por el contrario, a vacío existencial se asocian niveles superiores de desesperanza. Los instrumentos empleados son el Purpose In Life Test (Test de Sentido de la Vida, PIL; Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1969) y la Hopelessness Scale (Escala de Desesperanza, HS; Beck, Weissman, Lester & Trexler, 1974). Los estadísticos usados son el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson y el coeficiente rho de Spearman (rs). Los resultados (r= -0.550, p= 0.000; rs= -0.502, p= 0.000) apoyan la hipótesis planteada: el logro de sentido se asocia a nivel nulo-mínimo de desesperanza, mientras que el vacío existencial se asocia a nivel moderado-alto de desesperanza, de manera estadísticamente significativa.The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between purpose in life and hopelessness in a sample of 302 subjects. Hypothesis declare that booth variables are significant, negative, associated. Purpose In Life Test (PIL; Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1969) and Hopelessness Scale (HS; Beck, Weissman, Lester & Trexler, 1974) are used. Statistical used are Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rho coefficient. Results (r= -0.550, p= 0.000; rs= -0.502, p= 0.000) support hypothesis: purpose in life is negatively associated to hopelessness. High level of purpose in life involve less hopelessness, and existential vacuum is associated to high level of hopelessness, statistically significant.Psicologí

    Estimating the Relationship between Reading in Primary Education, Educational Attainment and Social Welfare. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the Social Welfare Index and the reading habits of primary school students in Extremadura (Spain). A study has been performed which consists of two parts. First, we conducted 4,288 surveys on reading habits in 87 municipalities. Second, we calculated the social welfare index. The statistical analysis refl ects two conclusions: firstly, educational and socio-economic policies have resulted in equal opportunities that allow for similar social possibilities throughout the territory; secondly, Educational Attainment of parents is the most decisive factor in obtaining the best results in terms of students' reading habits

    Análisis comparativo de dos modelos del Gratitude Questionnaire – Six Items Form

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    El objetivo de este trabajo era contrastar mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio dos modelos de la escala Gratitude Questionnaire – Six Items Form (GQ-6). Los modelos que se contrastaron fueron el de 6 ítems propuesto originalmente por sus constructores y otro de 5 ítems validado por otros autores. Ambos modelos mostraron índices de ajuste que sugerían su adecuación a los datos, por lo que la decisión sobre la elección del mejor modelo fue teórica. El modelo elegido fue el de 5 ítems, que resultó más parsimonioso, ya que con menos reactivos se obtuvo una escala válida y fiable. Del mismo se analizaron las características descriptivas, la consistencia interna y la validez convergente y discriminante. Participaron 330 universitarios españoles (242 mujeres, 88 hombres), con edades entre 18 y 43 años, Medad = 23.33; DE= 4.87. Los resultados mostraron una adecuada consistencia interna, validez convergente y validez discriminante de la escala de 5 ítems.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14349/rlp.v45i2.81

    Differences on life meaning achievement associated to sex among spanish undergraduate

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    Se analizan las diferencias en las puntuaciones total y factoriales de la versión española del Purpose In Life Test (Crumbaugh y Maholic, 1969; Noblejas de la Flor, 1994) asociadas al sexo, en un grupo de 295 estudiantes universitarios (198 mujeres y 97 hombres, de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 29 años). Las mujeres obtienen puntuaciones medias superiores a los hombres, tanto en la puntuación total del PIL como en sus factores. Los análisis estadísticos (regresión lineal) muestran que el sexo se relaciona linealmente de manera estadísticamente significativa con la puntuación total del PIL y con los factores «Percepción de sentido» y «Metas y tareas».Analyzes the differences on life meaning achievement associated to sex, among a group of 295 undergraduate (198 women, 97 men; 18 to 29 years) through Purpose In Life Test spanish version (Crumbaugh & Maholic, 1969; Noblejas de la Flor, 1994) total and factorial scores. PIL evalues life meaning achievement vs. existential vacuum (Frankl, 1994). Women achieve higher means on PIL total and factorial scores, and estatistical analysis (linear regression) show that sex is associated to total PIL score and on «Purpose perception» and «Goals and tasks».Psicologí

    Construction of a gratitude questionnaire: The Gratitude Question-naire–20 Items (G-20).

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    Se desarrolló una escala para la medición de la gratitud. Un ban-co inicial de 50 ítems, construidos y revisados siguiendo criterios precisos, se administró a 330 universitarios españoles (242 mujeres, 72.5%; 88 hom-bres), con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 43 años, M = 23.33, DT = 4.87. Un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio dio lugar a una solución terminal de 20 ítems con una estructura interna de 4 factores, que se denominó Cuestionario de Gratitud–20 Ítems. Un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio sobre la matriz de correlaciones policóricas mostró un adecuado ajuste de la escala. La escala y las componentes presentaron consistencia interna entre aceptable y alta. La validez concurrente se comprobó mediante correlación de Pearson con la escala Gratitude Questionnaire–Six Item Form, y la validez discriminante me-diante análisis confirmatorio de factores latentes con el Purpose-In-Life Test. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que las dimensiones del Cuestionario de Gratitud–20 Ítems pueden estar estrechamente relacionadas con la gratitud.A new questionnaire was developed in order to have an instru-ment for the assessment of gratitude. An original pool of 50 items, con-structed and reviewed using accurate standards, was filled out by 330 Span-ish undergraduates (242 females, 72.5%; 88 males), aged 18-43, M = 23.33, SD = 4.87. An Exploratory Factor Analysis concluded with the selection of 20 items with an internal four-factors structure, resulting in a scale called Cuestionario de Gratitud–20 Items. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis using the matrix of policorics correlations showed an adequated fit of the model. The questionnaire and the four components showed an internal consisten-cy between acceptable and high. The concurrent validity was checked by means of Pearson’s correlation with the Gratitude Questionnaire–Six Items Form, and discriminant validity was checked by means of confirmatory analysis of latent factors with the Purpose-In-Life Test. The results indicated that the dimensions of the Cuestionario de Gratitud–20 Ítems may be closely related with gratitude.Psicologí

    Comparative Analysis of two models of the Gratitude Questionnaire – Six Items Form

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    El objetivo de este trabajo era contrastar mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio dos modelos de la escala Gratitude Questionnaire – Six Items Form (GQ-6). Los modelos que se contrastaron fueron el de 6 ítems propuesto originalmente por sus constructores y otro de 5 ítems validado por otros autores. Ambos modelos mostraron índices de ajuste que sugerían su adecuación a los datos, por lo que la decisión sobre la elección del mejor modelo fue teórica. El modelo elegido fue el de 5 ítems, que resultó más parsimonioso, ya que con menos reactivos se obtuvo una escala válida y fiable. Del mismo se analizaron las características descriptivas, la consistencia interna y la validez convergente y discriminante. Participaron 330 universitarios españoles (242 mujeres, 88 hombres), con edades entre 18 y 43 años, Medad = 23.33; DE=4.87. Los resultados mostraron una adecuada consistencia interna, validez convergente y validez discriminante de la escala de 5 ítems.The aim of this study was to compare two models of the Gratitude Questionnaire - Form Six Items (GQ-6) by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis: the 6 items originally proposed by its builders, and a 5-item validated by other authors. Both models showed fit indices, thereby suggesting adequacy thereof to the data; therefore the decision on choosing the best model was one of a theoretical nature. The 5-item approach was the most parsimonious, so it was chosen as the most appropriate approach as a valid and reliable scale was obtained with less reactives. We analyzed descriptive characteristics, internal consistency and convergent and discriminant validity of this model. The sample included 330 Spanish undergraduates (242 women, 88 men), aged 18-43, Mage = 23.33, SD = 4.87.Results showed an appropriate reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the 5 items scale.Psicologí

    Explosive Strength Capacity in the Lower Limbs of Primary Education School Children According to Environment

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    The objective of this study was to compare the corporal composition and the explosive strength capacity of lower limbs in primary school students from two different schools in the locality of Martos (Jaén). One of these schools was located in a marginalized neighbourhood where families of low socioeconomic status lived and the other was near the town centre with families of medium to high socioeconomic status. The aim was to evaluate these variables at two different moments in time, i.e., at the beginning and at the end of the school year, to see if the obtained results remained the same. A total of 147 primary school students (6–12 years old) participated in the study, divided into 4 subgroups, according to sex and school. Body composition and explosive strength capacity of the lower limbs were evaluated using the vertical jump test. For independent samples, T tests were performed to obtain the existing differences through the SPSS v 19.0 programme. It was found that according to the first measurement at the beginning of the year, participants from a medium-high socioeconomic background obtained better results, while the second measurement showed that results equalized and even reversed. This could have been due to the level of performed physical activity

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