444 research outputs found

    Tipificació de dos noms Cavanillesians, Galium Fruticescens (Rubiaceae) i Scorzonera pumila (Compositae)

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    The Cavanillesian names Galium fruticescens and Scorzonera pumila, basionym of Launaea pumila, are lectotypified from original specimens preserved in the Cavanilles herbarium in the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (MA).Els noms cavanillesians Galium fruticescens i Scorzonera pumila, basiònim de Launaea pumila, són lectotipificats a partir d’espècimens que pertanyen al material original de l’autor conservat a l’herbari del Reial Jardí Botànic de Madrid (MA)

    Sistemas caóticos y su aplicación a la encriptación de señales

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    La sincronización y control de señales caóticas es una activa área de investigación por sus posibles aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones y transmisión de señales [1, 2, 3, 4]. En el presente trabajo se estudia un sistema de comunicación basado en la sincronización de dos sistemas no lineales caóticos, cada uno modelado a partir de las ecuaciones de movimiento de un péndulo forzado amortiguado y que se encuentran en el mismo punto de operación del espacio de parámetros. Synchronization and control of chaotic signals is an active research area because of its applications in telecommunications and secure signal transmission [1,2,3,4]. In this work a communication system based in the synchronization of two chaotic nonlinear systems, each one being modeled by the motion equations of a driven damped pendulum and operated in the same parameter space region is shown. Two communication channels were used: the first one for the synchronizing signal and the second one for the sent message. By using two channels the initial conditions sensibility problem is solved. In the receiver system a feedback loop as a proportional controller is used in order to drive quickly the error between the decoder and encoder states to zero. The last two facts make the system to be robust to external pertubative signals such as noise in the communication channels

    Considerations on the two Cavanillesian types

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    Es discuteix el tipus nomenclatural d’Antirrhinum tenellum (Plantaginaceae) i Genista patens (Leguminosae). El nom cavanillesià Antirrhinum tenellum és tipificat a partir d’un espècimen pertanyent al material original, conservat a l’herbari de Cavanilles del Real Jardí Botànic de Madrid (MA). Es proposa esmenar la “lectotipificació” de Genista patens i es proposa l’ús del terme holòtip per designar el material disponible.The nomenclatural types of Antirrhinum tenellum (Plantaginaceae) and Genista patens (Leguminosae) are discussed. The cavanillesian name Antirrhinum tenellum is typified from an original specimen preserved in the Cavanilles’s herbarium in the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (MA). The previous “lectotypification” of Genista patens is commented upon, and the use of the term holotype is proposed to designate the available material

    Un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi ass. nova) per a la província de Castelló (Espanya)

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    Es proposa un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) pertanyent a l’aliança Teucriopseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (classe Lygeo-Stipetea), emplaçada al Paratge Natural delDesert de les Palmes (Castelló, Espanya).A new xerophytic grassland association (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) inCastelló province (Spain)A new association of perennial xerophytic grassland (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi)belonging to the alliance Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (Lygeo-Stipetea class) isproposed, occurring in the Natural Park Desert de les Palmes (Castellón, Spain)

    Teucrium expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae), a new taxon for the Iberian flora

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    Es descriu i il·lustra una nova subespècie de Teucrium expassum Pau (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae) per a l’est peninsular ibèric: T. expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. Es presenta una descripció morfològica i els principals caràcters diagnòstics.A new subspecies of Teucrium expassum Pau (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae) for the Iberian Peninsula flora is described and illustrated: T. expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. A morphological description and the main diagnostic characters are presented

    News on Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae)

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    Es descriu una nothosubespècie per a Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae): S. ×puiggariana nothosubsp. sorianoi. nothosubsp. nov., producte de l’encreuament natural entre S. bourgaeana i S. tragoriganum subsp. mugronensis. Aquest nou híbrid es va trobar entre Montealegre del Castillo i Fuenteálamo (Albacete). S’hi aporta una descripció d’aquest híbrid, una varietat, una taula diagnòstica per tal de diferenciar-lo dels seus progenitors, així com de la nothosubespècie tipus, a més d’una iconografia. Així mateix, es lectotipifica el nom Sideritis ×puiggarianaA nothosubspecies of Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae) is described: S. ×puiggariana nothosubsp. sorianoi nothosubsp.nov., as a result of the natural crossing between S. bourgaeana and S. tragoriganum subsp. mugronensis. This new hybrid has been found between Montealegre del Castillo and Fuenteálamo (Albacete). A description of this hybrid, a new variety, a diagnostic table to differentiate it from its two progenitors and the nothosubspecies type, in addition to an iconography, are reported. Likewise, the name Sideritis ×puiggariana is lectotypified

    New records of Arundo micrantha Lam. (Poaceae) from Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Se citen noves poblacions d'Arundo micrantha Lam. (Poaceae) localitzades a les províncies de Castelló i València (Espanya).New records of Arundo micrantha Lam. (Poaceae) from Castellón and Valencia provinces are cited

    Sperm quality parameters of Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica): new conservation tools from a gamete perspective

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    [EN] The sensitive state of conservation of several endemic fish species such as Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica) has led governments to consider the implementation of conservation measures to preserve their populations. However, limited knowledge about the reproductive biology of these species makes it necessary to investigate different aspects of their reproductive cycle. In this sense, the main objectives of this work were i) to advance knowledge of the breeding biology of both species, and ii) to develop protocols for the conservation of gametes for the future management and conservation. During the spring of 2019 a temporal series of samplings were carried out in different places in the Comunitat Valenciana. Sperm samples were collected and sperm motion parameters were assessed for the first time in both species. Kinetic patterns were similar showing high motility and velocity values during the first 30 s, and a rapid decrease from that point. At the same time, an in-depth morphometric analysis was carried out using computer-assisted sperm analysis software. Spermatozoa from A. iberus and V. hispanica showed similar sizes and shapes to other external fertilizers belonging to Cyprinodontiformes, with small spherical heads, uniflagellated and without acrosomes. In addition, a new cryopreservation protocol was designed for cryobanking the sperm of these threatened species. Cryopreserved samples showed lower motility than fresh samples but reaching acceptable percentages of motile cells after thawing of around 20 and 25% (A. iberus and V. hispanica, respectively). This study is the first of its kind to successfully achieve gamete cryopreservation of these two endemic and endangered species from the Iberian Peninsula, providing new and useful tools to complement the management and conservation programs that are being developed for both species.This project has received funding from the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; Valencia, Spain) under the "Subvenciones para la realizacion de proyectos de I+D+I desarrollados por grupos de investigacion emergentes (GV/2019/130)". VG has a postdoc grant from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO; Madrid, Spain) under the project IJCI-2017-34200. We would like to thank all the technicians of the CCEDCV for their work and effort during the samplings, specially to J. Velazquez, J. Hernandez and A. Pradillo.Blanes-García, M.; Risueño, P.; Pérez Igualada, LM.; Asturiano, JF.; Gallego Albiach, V. (2021). Sperm quality parameters of Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica): new conservation tools from a gamete perspective. Aquaculture. 530:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735819S1953