16 research outputs found

    Characterisation of proteins in excretory/secretory products collected from salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis

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    Background  The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is an ectoparasitic copepod which feeds on the mucus, skin and blood of salmonid fish species. The parasite can persist on the surface of the fish without any effective control being exerted by the host immune system. Other ectoparasitic invertebrates produce compounds in their saliva, excretions and/or secretions which modulate the host immune responses allowing them to remain on or in the host during development. Similarly, compounds are produced in secretions of L. salmonis which are thought to be responsible for immunomodulation of the host responses as well as other aspects of crucial host-parasite interactions.  Methods  In this study we have identified and characterised the proteins in the excretory/secretory (E/S) products of L. salmonis using LC-ESI-MS/MS.  Results  In total 187 individual proteins were identified in the E/S collected from adult lice and pre-adult sea lice. Fifty-three proteins, including 13 serine-type endopeptidases, 1 peroxidase and 5 vitellogenin-like proteins were common to both adult and pre-adult E/S products. One hundred and seven proteins were identified in the adult E/S but not in the pre-adult E/S and these included serine and cysteine-type endopeptidases, vitellogenins, sphingomyelinase and calreticulin. A total of 27 proteins were identified in pre-adult E/S products but not in adult E/S.  Conclusions  The assigned functions of these E/S products and the potential roles they play in host-parasite interaction is discussed

    Molecular signatures of the rediae, cercariae and adult stages in the complex life cycles of parasitic flatworms (Digenea: Psilostomatidae)

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    BACKGROUND: Parasitic flatworms (Trematoda: Digenea) represent one of the most remarkable examples of drastic morphological diversity among the stages within a life cycle. Which genes are responsible for extreme differences in anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology among the stages? Here we report a comparative transcriptomic analysis of parthenogenetic and amphimictic generations in two evolutionary informative species of Digenea belonging to the family Psilostomatidae. METHODS: In this study the transcriptomes of rediae, cercariae and adult worm stages of Psilotrema simillimum and Sphaeridiotrema pseudoglobulus, were sequenced and analyzed. High-quality transcriptomes were generated, and the reference sets of protein-coding genes were used for differential expression analysis in order to identify stage-specific genes. Comparative analysis of gene sets, their expression dynamics and Gene Ontology enrichment analysis were performed for three life stages within each species and between the two species.RESULTS: Reference transcriptomes for P. simillimum and S. pseudoglobulus include 21,433 and 46,424 sequences, respectively. Among 14,051 orthologous groups (OGs), 1354 are common and specific for two analyzed psilostomatid species, whereas 13 and 43 OGs were unique for P. simillimum and S. pseudoglobulus, respectively. In contrast to P. simillimum, where more than 60% of analyzed genes were active in the redia, cercaria and adult worm stages, in S. pseudoglobulus less than 40% of genes had such a ubiquitous expression pattern. In general, 7805 (36.41%) and 30,622 (65.96%) of genes were preferentially expressed in one of the analyzed stages of P. simillimum and S. pseudoglobulus, respectively. In both species 12 clusters of co-expressed genes were identified, and more than a half of the genes belonging to the reference sets were included into these clusters. Functional specialization of the life cycle stages was clearly supported by Gene Ontology enrichment analysis.CONCLUSIONS: During the life cycles of the two species studied, most of the genes change their expression levels considerably, consequently the molecular signature of a stage is not only a unique set of expressed genes, but also the specific levels of their expression. Our results indicate unexpectedly high level of plasticity in gene regulation between closely related species. Transcriptomes of P. simillimum and S. pseudoglobulus provide high quality reference resource for future evolutionary studies and comparative analyses

    The Caligus rogercresseyi miRNome: Discovery and transcriptome profiling during the sea lice ontogeny

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    Small RNA sequencing in the copepod ectoparasite Caligus rogercresseyi was conducted to evidence putative roles of non-coding RNAs during the sea louse ontogeny. Here, differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs for each developmental stage were analyzed in parallel with bioinformatic gene target predictions. Based on sequence analysis, C. rogercresseyi miRNome comprises 673 conserved miRNAs, including precursors, 5′ and 3′ isomiRs. The conserved miRNAs include 40 families found in twelve different arthropods species. The results also showed that C. rogercresseyi miRNome exhibit stage-specific expression patterns, with miRNA-996-4 and miRNA-124 displaying sex-biased expression. Target prediction of these miRNAs identifies possible silencing mechanism of sex-related genes. Furthermore, bantam isomiRs were highly transcribed during the infective stage of copepodid and target prediction using differentially expressed genes in Atlantic salmon infested with sea lice, suggests a putative role of these miRNAs in the host-pathogen interaction. This is the first study reporting a miRNA repertoire in a marine copepod ectoparasite that affects the salmon aquaculture worldwide