2,569 research outputs found

    Functional Subdomains within Human FFA

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The fusiform face area (FFA) is a well-studied human brain region that shows strong activation for faces. In functional MRI studies, FFA is often assumed to be a homogeneous collection of voxels with similar visual tuning. To test this assumption, we used natural movies and a quantitative voxelwise modeling and decoding framework to estimate category tuning profiles for individual voxels within FFA. We find that the responses in most FFA voxels are strongly enhanced by faces, as reported in previous studies. However, we also find that responses of individual voxels are selectively enhanced or suppressed by a wide variety of other categories and that these broader tuning profiles differ across FFA voxels. Cluster analysis of category tuning profiles across voxels reveals three spatially segregated functional subdomains within FFA. These subdomains differ primarily in their responses for nonface categories, such as animals, vehicles, and communication verbs. Furthermore, this segregation does not depend on the statistical threshold used to define FFA from responses to functional localizers. These results suggest that voxels within FFA represent more diverse information about object and action categories than generally assumed. © 2013 the authors

    Ultrastructural Study of Yam Tuber as Related to Postharvest Hardness

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    Usually, parenchyma cell walls of monocotyledons do not develop secondary walls; however a few days after harvesting, the yam tuber of Dioscorea dumetorum starts to harden. Two or three weeks Iater, hardness is so pronounced that the tubers cannot be eaten, even after a long cooking time. Cytochemical studies using autofluorescence or some fluorescent dyes, such as phloroglucinol hydrochloride showed that the thin, and flexible cell walls of parenchyma tubers very quickly became fully lignified after harvesting. Ultrastructura 1 stud ies of the hardened ce 11 wa 11 s showed very thick secondary wa 11 s and very deep pit apertures. These secondary walls reacted strong ly with li gn in reactants such as potassium permanganate. The use of a radioactive (l \u27• C) ce llulose precursor, uri dine- 5\u27-d ipho sphateglucose, confirmed the formation of such secondary walls. The lignification started from the corners of the cells around intercellular spaces and proceeded along the walls

    Pengaruh Hambatan Samping Terhadap Kinerja Pada Ruas Jalan Panjaitan (Kelenteng Ban Hing Kiong) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Mkji 1997

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    Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi darat yang memegang peranan penting dalam sektor perhubungan darat, dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern dengan berkembangnya teknologi, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan jumlah penduduk mengakibatkan banyaknya aktivitas kegiatan yang dilakukan, sedangkan kapasitas dan kinerja jalan yang menampung arus kendaraan, semakin terbatas. Pada kondisi ini sering menimbulkan kemacetan. Kinerja arus lalu lintas di daerah komersial menjadi berkurang, karena disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor yang terjadi pada sisi jalan. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut adalah aktifitas pada sisi jalan atau hambatan samping berupa kendaraan keluar masuk, penyeberang jalan, dan kendaraan lambat. Jalan Panjaitan khususnya depan kelenteng Ban Hing Kiong dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian karena pada ruas jalan ini sering terjadi kemacetan yang diakibatkan oleh tingginya aktifitas sisi jalan berupa banyaknya kendaraan yang berhenti yang menaikkan dan menurunkan penumpang, parkir di badan jalan, penyeberang jalan, kendaraan tidak bermotor, kendaraan yang keluar masuk sisi jalan, yang mempengaruhi arus lalu lintas, kecepatan, kapasitas. Penelitian dilakukan selama 4 hari, yaitu pada hari Senin, Rabu, Jumat, dan Sabtu. Pengambilan data secara langsung dilapangan, untuk volume lalu lintas, kecepatan kendaraan dan data hambatan samping dibagi per 15 menit. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa data yang dibagi dalam dua bagian yaitu volume lalu lintas, kecepatan, dan kapasitas jalan menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) Tahun 1997. Sedangkan untuk pengaruh hambatan samping terhadap kecepatan arus lalu lintas, dianalisa menggunakan regresi berganda dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel dengan cara menghilangkan salah satu faktor hambatan samping untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi masing-masing faktor hambatan samping terhadap kinerja arus lalu lintas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingginya aktifitas sisi jalan atau hambatan samping cukup berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kinerja arus lalu lintas. Faktor hambatan samping yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan arus lalu lintas adalah faktor kendaraan lambat 12.1 %, faktor penyeberang jalan 7.6 %, faktor kendaraan masuk dan keluar 5.5 %, faktor kendaraan berhenti 4.3 %, Selain itu diperoleh nilai kapasitas sebesar 1330.06 smp/jam, dengan derajat kejenuhan (DS) sebesar 0.986, Koefisien Determinasi (r) yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis yaitu sebesar 0.868, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa 86.8 % Perubahan variabel kendaraan keluar dan masuk penelitian, kendaraan berhenti, penyeberang jalan, dan kendaraan lambat secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kecepatan arus lalu lintas

    Pattern recognition, attention, and information bottlenecks in the primate visual system

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    In its evolution, the primate visual system has developed impressive capabilities for recognizing complex patterns in natural images. This process involves many stages of analysis and a variety of information processing strategies. This paper concentrates on the importance of 'information bottlenecks,' which restrict the amount of information that can be handled at different stages of analysis. These steps are crucial for reducing the overwhelming computational complexity associated with recognizing countless objects from arbitrary viewing angles, distances, and perspectives. The process of directed visual attention is an especially important information bottleneck because of its flexibility in determining how information is routed to high-level pattern recognition centers

    Men-centered approaches for primary and secondary prevention of HIV/ AIDS: A scoping review of effective interventions

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    Approximately 65,000 people live with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Canada and around 82% of declared cases (52,932 cases) of HIV and AIDS are men. Without evidence-based specific interventions, HIV will continue to spread. This scoping review aims to identify evidence on best practice programs for sexual and reproductive health promotion (i.e. HIV/AIDS) targeting men, and to document the best channels for reaching men. English and French language literature indexed in relevant electronic databases was systematically searched. This was complemented by a manual search through five periodicals specializing in men's health. A total of 6608 articles were identified and 39 articles that met all inclusion and exclusion criteria were retained in the synthesis. Three reviewers independently extracted information on: health topic (i.e. HIV/AIDS), design of services (structure and resources), modes of delivery, content of intervention and main outcomes. The preventive practices with the strongest supportive evidence included, just in time information available through electronic channels (website or cell phone). Interventions designed for men only, showed significantly greater effectiveness compared to interventions targeting both men and women. We derived practical recommendations to design an integrated evidence-based preventive intervention targeting men. © 2013 Jbilou J, et al

    Local context effects during emotional item directed forgetting in younger and older adults

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    This paper explored the differential sensitivity young and older adults exhibit to the local context of items entering memory. We examined trial-to-trial performance during an item directed forgetting task for positive, negative, and neutral (or baseline) words each cued as either to-be-remembered (TBR) or to-be-forgotten (TBF). This allowed us to focus on how variations in emotional valence (independent of arousal) and instruction (TBR vs. TBF) of the previous item (trial n-1) impacted memory for the current item (trial n) during encoding. Different from research showing impairing effects of emotional arousal, both age groups showed a memorial boost for stimuli when preceded by items high in positive or negative valence relative to those preceded by neutral items. This advantage was particularly prominent for neutral trial n items that followed emotional items suggesting that, regardless of age, neutral memories may be strengthened by a local context that is high in valence. A trending age difference also emerged with older adults showing greater sensitivity when encoding instructions changed between trial n-1 and n. Results are discussed in light of age-related theories of cognitive and emotional processing, highlighting the need to consider the dynamic, moment-to-moment fluctuations of these systems

    Storage capacity of a constructive learning algorithm

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    Upper and lower bounds for the typical storage capacity of a constructive algorithm, the Tilinglike Learning Algorithm for the Parity Machine [M. Biehl and M. Opper, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 44} 6888 (1991)], are determined in the asymptotic limit of large training set sizes. The properties of a perceptron with threshold, learning a training set of patterns having a biased distribution of targets, needed as an intermediate step in the capacity calculation, are determined analytically. The lower bound for the capacity, determined with a cavity method, is proportional to the number of hidden units. The upper bound, obtained with the hypothesis of replica symmetry, is close to the one predicted by Mitchinson and Durbin [Biol. Cyber. {\bf 60} 345 (1989)].Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Conceptualizing cultures of violence and cultural change

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    The historiography of violence has undergone a distinct cultural turn as attention has shifted from examining violence as a clearly defined (and countable) social problem to analysing its historically defined 'social meaning'. Nevertheless, the precise nature of the relationship between 'violence' and 'culture' is still being established. How are 'cultures of violence' formed? What impact do they have on violent behaviour? How do they change? This essay examines some of the conceptual aspects of the relationship between culture and violence. It brings together empirical research into nineteenth-century England with recent research results from other European contexts to examine three aspects of the relationship between culture and violence. These are organised under the labels 'seeing violence', 'identifying the violent' and 'changing violence'. Within a particular society, narratives regarding particular kinds of behaviour shape cultural attitudes. The notion 'violence' is thus defined in relation to physically aggressive acts as well as by being connected to other kinds of attitudes and contexts. As a result, the boundaries between physical aggression which is legitimate and that which is illegitimate (and thus 'violence') are set. Once 'violence' is defined, particular cultures form ideas about who is responsible for it: reactions to violence become associated with social arrangements such as class and gender as well as to attitudes toward the self. Finally, cultures of violence make efforts to tame or eradicate illegitimate forms of physical aggression. This process is not only connected to the development of new forms of power (e.g., new policing or punishment strategies) but also to less tangible cultural influences which aim at changing the behaviour defined as violence (in particular among the social groups identified as violent). Even if successful, this three-tiered process of seeing violence, identifying the violent and changing violence continues anew, emphasising the ways that cultures of violence develop through a continuous process of reevaluation and reinvention
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