12 research outputs found

    Sobre la falta de referència lexicogràfica normalitzada en la terminologia musical per al català

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    L'absència d'un diccionari terminològic de música en català obliga que l'única referència de consulta siguin els diccionaris generals, bàsicament el DIEC 2 i el GDLC. Aquests diccionaris resulten clarament limitats davant les necessitats que sorgeixen en una traducció (o en una correcció), en la qual es posen en relleu les dificultats que hi ha en traslladar un text d'una llengua a una altra, cosa que exigeix un coneixement de la matèria que, sovint, el traductor no té. En aquest treball presentem una anàlisi dels termes musicals presents en el DIEC 2 i en quatre diccionaris especialitzats, atenent especialment la tipologia de manlleus que s'hi recullen, així com també una descripció de les àrees temàtiques que cobreixen.The absence of a specialized dictionary of music in Catalan leaves general dictionaries, mainly DIEC 2 and GDLC, as the only reference source. These dictionaries clearly fall short of the needs that arise from translation (or editing), a process which highlights the difficulty in expressing the meaning of a text in another language, and which requires a knowledge of the subject matter which the translator often lacks. In this article we present an analysis of the musical terms that can be found in DIEC 2 and in four other specialized dictionaries, paying special attention to the typology of the loanwords included in them, as well as to the description of the thematic areas they cover

    Erythrocyte Flickering

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017, Tutora: Aurora Hernández-MachadoIn this work we will study the fluctuations of the red blood cell membrane where either bending or surface tension energy is present. This work will be based on a previously proposed phase field model for cellular membranes [1, 2] but including a thermal-driven noise. We simulated the fluctuations generated by this thermal noise in a membrane and compared them with recent experimental data for two morphologies of RBC cells of a discocyte and a spherocyte cell shapes. We derived the correlation function for the phase field order parameter and computed the correlation function of our numerical simulations and then we compared our results with the experimental data

    Modelling the dynamics of cellular membranes

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    [eng] Membranes are present in all cells, in some viruses, and are involved in all kinds of biological functions. The goal of this thesis is to expand our knowledge of this element, in hope that this -on top of all the other knowledge of biology and physics- can help someday improve people's life. With this aim, what I tried to do was to understand how cells react when things happen to them. This is the drive behind the two different research paths written in this thesis: membranes inside a fluid flow, and membranes during topological transitions and fluctuations. For the first research path -on membranes inside a flow- while this is not a new topic we wanted to start by making it more approachable. That has been achieved by introducing a new methodology to couple membranes and flows by using the stream function and the vorticity to solve the Navier Stokes equation. This approach creates a model derived straight from the hydrodynamic equations and grounded on the physics of the system rather than other more complex approaches. With this model we tried to study the effects of confinement for membranes inside a Poiseuille flow. We mainly tried to replicate red blood cell shapes as it is a very researched case and there is plenty of experimental data on them. First starting with cells inside channels slightly bigger than their diameter, which is known to give a set of shapes named parachutes and slippers. We use this knowledge to prove the validity of our model. For very wide channels, the low confinement Poiseuille flows have shown a different meta-stable shape which we named anti-parachute. Moreover, tumbling can be produced by introducing a different viscosity for the cell fluid, higher than the surrounding fluid. In very narrow super-confined channels we have a Poiseuille flow where the cell is much bigger than the channel and gives very different shapes. However, the model is capable of studying other flows rather than Poiseuille. Couette flow has been studied, where one can see a lift perpendicular to the flow that depends on the reduced volume of the cell as well as the viscosity contrast. The most important thing has been leaving behind a methodology ready for expansion to time-dependent flows, inertial flows, or to generalize to 3 dimensions. For the second research path --on topological transitions-- we have implemented the Gaussian curvature energy term to the membrane model, to allow study of fission and fusion. With this methodology we study fission of tubes with the use of the spontaneous curvature, which deforms a membrane tube into a pearled tube. This pearled tube formed by an array of spheres connected through membrane tethers undergoes fission if the Gaussian rigidity is negative and high enough. A phase diagram of what happens depending on the values of Gaussian and bending rigidity is obtained. Then we expand to study geometries less helpful for fission, such as a flat planar membrane. It will not matter how big is the spontaneous curvature of the Gaussian rigidity, as a perfectly flat membrane is a meta-stable shape. This is due the fact that to start the fission process we need an area with enough curvature so that the spontaneous curvature can kick-off the membrane budding process. To solve this, we added a white noise to mimic temperature. This noise makes each point of the membrane position to fluctuate. There is a phase transition between a flat membrane that is not undergoing fission and one that does.[cat] Les membranes estan presents a totes les cèl·lules, en alguns virus, i estan implicades en tot tipus de funcions biològiques. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és ampliar el nostre coneixement d'aquest element, amb l'esperança que això –junt amb tots els altres coneixements de biologia i física– pugui ajudar algun dia a millorar la vida de les persones. Amb aquest objectiu, el que vaig intentar va ser entendre com reaccionen les cèl·lules quan els passen coses. Aquest és el objectiu de les dues parts en les que està dividida la recerca en aquesta tesi: membranes dins d'un flux de fluids i membranes durant transicions topològiques. Per a la primera part de la recerca –sobre membranes dins d'un flux–, tot i que no és un tema extremadament nou, hem volgut començar per fer-lo més accessible. Això s'ha aconseguit introduint una nova metodologia per acoblar membranes i fluxos. Amb aquest model hem intentat estudiar els efectes del confinament de les membranes dins d'un flux. Tanmateix, el més important ha estat deixar enrere una metodologia preparada per a l'expansió a fluxos dependents del temps, fluxos inercials o per expandir-se a 3 dimensions. Per a la segona part de la recerca –sobre transicions topològiques– hem implementat el terme d'energia de curvatura gaussiana al model de membrana, per permetre l'estudi de la fissió i la fusió. Amb això s'estudia la fissió de tubs amb l'ús de la curvatura espontània. A partir d'això ens expandim per estudiar geometries menys tolerants per a la fissió, com ara una membrana plana plana. Afegint una temperatura a les simulacions s'estudia com en funció de la temperatura es pot promoure fins i tot una membrana amb geometria difícil per generar vesícules

    Les Variacions Goldberg

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    L’Ària amb diverses variacions BWV 988, quarta part dels Clavier-übung, de Johann Sebastian Bach, és una obra que ha estat objecte de molts estudis. La seva extrema bellesa, el sobrenom amb què avui la coneixem, Variacions Goldberg -a partir de la llegenda que explica Forkel sobre un comte que patia insomni i el seu clavecinista Goldberg- i la seva estructura interna tan perfectament calculada, alhora que generadora de grans preguntes complexes de respondre, fan d’aquesta obra un mite indiscutible de la literatura per a teclat que, des de fa més 250 anys, ens continua fascinant i la fa immortal. Aquest treball és una humil aproximació a aquests aspectes, que ens faran acostar-nos al món interior d’aquesta obra.El Aria con diversas variaciones BWV 988, cuarta parte de los Clavier-übung, de Johann Sebastian Bach, es una obra que ha sido objeto de muchos estudios. Su extrema belleza, el sobrenombre con que hoy la conocemos, Variaciones Goldberg -a partir de la leyenda que explica Forkel sobre un conde que sufría insomnio y su clavecinista Goldberg- y su estructura interna tan perfectamente calculada, a la vez que generadora de grandes preguntas complejas de responder, hacen de esta obra un mito indiscutible de la literatura para teclado, que, desde hace más de 250 años, nos continua fascinando y la hace inmortal. Este trabajo es una humilde aproximación a estos aspectos, que nos harán acercar al mundo interior de esta obra.The Aria with diverse Variations BWV 988, the fourth part of Clavier-übung, by Johann Sebastian Bach, is a piece which has been widely studied. Factors such as its extremely beauty; the name by which it is known today, the Goldberg Variations -taken from the legend told by Forkel about a count who suffered from insomnia and his harpsichordist Goldberg -and its inner structure so perfectly calculated and, at the same time, source of great and complex questions so difficult to answer, make of this piece an undeniable myth in keyboard corpora, a piece which has fascinated us for more than 250 years. This piece of work is a humble approach to these issues, which will lead us to the inner world of this piece

    Sobre la falta de referència lexicogràfica normalitzada en la terminologia musical per al català

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    L’absència d’un diccionari terminològic de música en català obliga que l’única referència de consulta siguin els diccionaris generals, bàsicament el DIEC 2 i el GDLC. Aquests diccionaris resulten clarament limitats davant les necessitats que sorgeixen en una traducció (o en una correcció), en la qual es posen en relleu les dificultats que hi ha en traslladar un text d’una llengua a una altra, cosa que exigeix un coneixement de la matèria que, sovint, el traductor no té. En aquest treball presentem una anàlisi dels termes musicals presents en el DIEC 2 i en quatre diccionaris especialitzats, atenent especialment la tipologia de manlleus que s’hi recullen, així com també una descripció de les àrees temàtiques que cobreixen.About the Lack of Standard Lexical Reference in Musical Terminology for Catalan The absence of a specialized dictionary of music in Catalan leaves general dictionaries, mainly DIEC 2 and GDLC, as the only reference source. These dictionaries clearly fall short of the needs that arise from translation (or editing), a process which highlights the difficulty in expressing the meaning of a text in another language, and which requires a knowledge of the subject matter which the translator often lacks. In this article we present an analysis of the musical terms that can be found in DIEC 2 and in four other specialized dictionaries, paying special attention to the typology of the loanwords included in them, as well as to the description of the thematic areas they cover

    On Gaussian curvature and membrane fission

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    We propose a three-dimensional mathematical model to describe dynamical processes of membrane fssion. The model is based on a phase feld equation that includes the Gaussian curvature contribution to the bending energy. With the addition of the Gaussian curvature energy term numerical simulations agree with the predictions that tubular shapes can break down into multiple vesicles. A dispersion relation obtained with linear analysis predicts the wavelength of the instability and the number of formed vesicl

    Maquetación 1

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in developed countries. Data on specific and 10-year survival are scarce. This study analyzes overall and disease-specific survival for patients with colorectal cancer and assesses the value of clinical factors on disease-specific survival. Methods: a retrospective cohort study of newly diagnosed invasive colorectal cancer cases diagnosed from 1992 to 2007 were identified through the Hospital del Mar Cancer Registry. Five-and 10-year survival functions were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard models were used to assess prognostic factors. Results: a total of 2,080 patients with colorectal cancer were identified. The median age at diagnosis was 72 years and 58.5% were men. By the end of the follow-up period (December 2008), 1,225 patients had died and 68.4% of deaths were due to colorectal cancer. The 5-and 10-year cancer-specific survival rates were 55.5% (95%CI 53.9-57.9%) and 48.5% (95%CI 45.6-51.3%), respectively. The 5-year specific survival rate improved in the last period (2003 Conclusions: cancer-specific survival improved from 1992 to 2007. This improvement could be due to more effective treatment, since changes in stage distribution or age at diagnosis were not observed during the study period. Overall survival rates should notably improve with the implementation of a population-based colorectal cancer screening program in Spain

    Maquetación 1

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in developed countries. Data on specific and 10-year survival are scarce. This study analyzes overall and disease-specific survival for patients with colorectal cancer and assesses the value of clinical factors on disease-specific survival. Methods: a retrospective cohort study of newly diagnosed invasive colorectal cancer cases diagnosed from 1992 to 2007 were identified through the Hospital del Mar Cancer Registry. Five-and 10-year survival functions were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard models were used to assess prognostic factors. Results: a total of 2,080 patients with colorectal cancer were identified. The median age at diagnosis was 72 years and 58.5% were men. By the end of the follow-up period (December 2008), 1,225 patients had died and 68.4% of deaths were due to colorectal cancer. The 5-and 10-year cancer-specific survival rates were 55.5% (95%CI 53.9-57.9%) and 48.5% (95%CI 45.6-51.3%), respectively. The 5-year specific survival rate improved in the last period (2003 Conclusions: cancer-specific survival improved from 1992 to 2007. This improvement could be due to more effective treatment, since changes in stage distribution or age at diagnosis were not observed during the study period. Overall survival rates should notably improve with the implementation of a population-based colorectal cancer screening program in Spain