112 research outputs found

    Glutaredoxin GRXS17 associates with the cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly pathway

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    Cytosolic monothiol glutaredoxins (GRXs) are required in iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster delivery and iron sensing in yeast and mammals. In plants, it is unclear whether they have similar functions. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has a sole class II cytosolic monothiol GRX encoded by GRXS17. Here, we used tandem affinity purification to establish that Arabidopsis GRXS17 associates with most known cytosolic Fe-S assembly (CIA) components. Similar to mutant plants with defective CIA components, grxs17 loss-of-function mutants showed some degree of hypersensitivity to DNA damage and elevated expression of DNA damage marker genes. We also found that several putative Fe-S client proteins directly bind to GRXS17, such as XANTHINE DEHYDROGENASE1 (XDH1), involved in the purine salvage pathway, and CYTOSOLIC THIOURIDYLASE SUBUNIT1 and CYTOSOLIC THIOURIDYLASE SUBUNIT2, both essential for the 2-thiolation step of 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U) modification of tRNAs. Correspondingly, profiling of the grxs17-1 mutant pointed to a perturbed flux through the purine degradation pathway and revealed that it phenocopied mutants in the elongator subunit ELO3, essential for the mcm5 tRNA modification step, although we did not find XDH1 activity or tRNA thiolation to be markedly reduced in the grxs17-1 mutant. Taken together, our data suggest that plant cytosolic monothiol GRXs associate with the CIA complex, as in other eukaryotes, and contribute to, but are not essential for, the correct functioning of client Fe-S proteins in unchallenged conditions

    Mechanism of Ad5 Vaccine Immunity and Toxicity: Fiber Shaft Targeting of Dendritic Cells

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    Recombinant adenoviral (rAd) vectors elicit potent cellular and humoral immune responses and show promise as vaccines for HIV-1, Ebola virus, tuberculosis, malaria, and other infections. These vectors are now widely used and have been generally well tolerated in vaccine and gene therapy clinical trials, with many thousands of people exposed. At the same time, dose-limiting adverse responses have been observed, including transient low-grade fevers and a prior human gene therapy fatality, after systemic high-dose recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd5) vector administration in a human gene therapy trial. The mechanism responsible for these effects is poorly understood. Here, we define the mechanism by which Ad5 targets immune cells that stimulate adaptive immunity. rAd5 tropism for dendritic cells (DCs) was independent of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), its primary receptor or the secondary integrin RGD receptor, and was mediated instead by a heparin-sensitive receptor recognized by a distinct segment of the Ad5 fiber, the shaft. rAd vectors with CAR and RGD mutations did not infect a variety of epithelial and fibroblast cell types but retained their ability to transfect several DC types and stimulated adaptive immune responses in mice. Notably, the pyrogenic response to the administration of rAd5 also localized to the shaft region, suggesting that this interaction elicits both protective immunity and vector-induced fevers. The ability of replication-defective rAd5 viruses to elicit potent immune responses is mediated by a heparin-sensitive receptor that interacts with the Ad5 fiber shaft. Mutant CAR and RGD rAd vectors target several DC and mononuclear subsets and induce both adaptive immunity and toxicity. Understanding of these interactions facilitates the development of vectors that target DCs through alternative receptors that can improve safety while retaining the immunogenicity of rAd vaccines

    Emerging alphaviruses are sensitive to cellular states induced by a novel small-molecule agonist of the STING pathway

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    The type I interferon (IFN) system represents an essential innate immune response that renders cells resistant to virus growth via the molecular actions of IFNinduced effector proteins. IFN-mediated cellular states inhibit growth of numerous and diverse virus types, including those of known pathogenicity as well as potentially emerging agents. As such, targeted pharmacologic activation of the IFN response may represent a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent infection or spread of clinically impactful viruses. In light of this, we employed a high-throughput screen to identify small molecules capable of permeating the cell and of activating IFN-dependent signaling processes. Here we report the identification and characterization of N-(methylcarbamoyl)-2-([5-(4- methylphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]sulfanyl)-2-phenylacetamide (referred to as C11), a novel compound capable of inducing IFN secretion from human cells. Using reverse geneticsbased loss-of-function assays, we show that C11 activates the type I IFN response in a manner that requires the adaptor protein STING but not the alternative adaptors MAVS and TRIF. Importantly, treatment of cells with C11 generated a cellular state that potently blocked replication of multiple emerging alphavirus types, including chikungunya, Ross River, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Mayaro, and O'nyong-nyong viruses. The antiviral effects of C11 were subsequently abrogated in cells lacking STING or the type I IFN receptor, indicating that they are mediated, at least predominantly, by way of STING-mediated IFN secretion and subsequent autocrine/paracrine signaling. This work also allowed characterization of differential antiviral roles of innate immune signaling adaptors and IFN-mediated responses and identified MAVS as being crucial to cellular resistance to alphavirus infection

    Long-term efficacy of dupilumab in severe asthma by baseline oral corticosteroid dose

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    Dupilumab has been shown to improve clinical outcomes long term while reducing oral corticosteroid (OCS) dose in patients with severe OCS-dependent asthma. This post hoc analysis assesses the impact of OCS dose at baseline (≤10 o

    Fecal microbiota transfer between young and aged mice reverses hallmarks of the aging gut, eye, and brain

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    Background: Altered intestinal microbiota composition in later life is associated with inflammaging, declining tissue function, and increased susceptibility to age-associated chronic diseases, including neurodegenerative dementias. Here, we tested the hypothesis that manipulating the intestinal microbiota influences the development of major comorbidities associated with aging and, in particular, inflammation affecting the brain and retina. Methods: Using fecal microbiota transplantation, we exchanged the intestinal microbiota of young (3 months), old (18 months), and aged (24 months) mice. Whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing and metabolomics were used to develop a custom analysis workflow, to analyze the changes in gut microbiota composition and metabolic potential. Effects of age and microbiota transfer on the gut barrier, retina, and brain were assessed using protein assays, immunohistology, and behavioral testing. Results: We show that microbiota composition profiles and key species enriched in young or aged mice are successfully transferred by FMT between young and aged mice and that FMT modulates resulting metabolic pathway profiles. The transfer of aged donor microbiota into young mice accelerates age-associated central nervous system (CNS) inflammation, retinal inflammation, and cytokine signaling and promotes loss of key functional protein in the eye, effects which are coincident with increased intestinal barrier permeability. Conversely, these detrimental effects can be reversed by the transfer of young donor microbiota. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the aging gut microbiota drives detrimental changes in the gut–brain and gut–retina axes suggesting that microbial modulation may be of therapeutic benefit in preventing inflammation-related tissue decline in later life. [MediaObject not available: see fulltext.] Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Sustained Improvement in Clinical Efficacy, Asthma Control, and Quality of Life in Patients With Severe, Oral Corticosteroid (OCS)-Dependent Asthma Treated With Dupilumab : LIBERTY ASTHMA TRAVERSE Study

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    Acknowledgments and funding sources Research sponsored by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifiers: NCT02528214 (VENTURE)/NCT02134028 (TRAVERSE). Medical writing/editorial assistance was provided by Nevena Krstić, PhD, of Excerpta Medica, and was funded by Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., according to the Good Publication Practice guideline.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Pervasive and non-random recombination in near full-length HIV genomes from Uganda

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    Recombination is an important feature of HIV evolution, occurring both within and between the major branches of diversity (subtypes). The Ugandan epidemic is primarily composed of two subtypes, A1 and D, that have been co-circulating for 50 years, frequently recombining in dually infected patients. Here, we investigate the frequency of recombinants in this population and the location of breakpoints along the genome. As part of the PANGEA-HIV consortium, 1,472 consensus genome sequences over 5 kb have been obtained from 1,857 samples collected by the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Research unit in Uganda, 465 (31.6 per cent) of which were near full-length sequences (>8 kb). Using the subtyping tool SCUEAL, we find that of the near full-length dataset, 233 (50.1 per cent) genomes contained only one subtype, 30.8 per cent A1 (n = 143), 17.6 per cent D (n = 82), and 1.7 per cent C (n = 8), while 49.9 per cent (n = 232) contained more than one subtype (including A1/D (n = 164), A1/C (n = 13), C/D (n = 9); A1/C/D (n = 13), and 33 complex types). K-means clustering of the recombinant A1/D genomes revealed a section of envelope (C2gp120-TMgp41) is often inherited intact, whilst a generalized linear model was used to demonstrate significantly fewer breakpoints in the gag-pol and envelope C2-TM regions compared with accessory gene regions. Despite similar recombination patterns in many recombinants, no clearly supported circulating recombinant form (CRF) was found, there was limited evidence of the transmission of breakpoints, and the vast majority (153/164; 93 per cent) of the A1/D recombinants appear to be unique recombinant forms. Thus, recombination is pervasive with clear biases in breakpoint location, but CRFs are not a significant feature, characteristic of a complex, and diverse epidemic

    Fine-tuning of SIRT1 expression is essential to protect the liver from cholestatic liver disease

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    Cholestasis comprises aetiologically heterogeneous conditions characterized by accumulation of bile acids in the liver that actively contribute to liver damage. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) regulates liver regeneration and bile acid metabolism by modulating farnesoid X receptor (FXR); we here investigate its role in cholestatic liver disease. We determined SIRT1 expression in livers from patients with cholestatic disease, in two experimental models of cholestasis, as well as in human and murine liver cells in response to bile acid loading. SIRT1-overexpressing (SIRT oe ) and hepatocyte-specific SIRT1-KO (knockout) mice (SIRT hep–/– ) were subjected to bile duct ligation (BDL) and were fed with a 0.1% DDC (3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine) diet to determine the biological relevance of SIRT1 during cholestasis. The effect of NorUDCA (24-norursodeoxycholic acid) was tested in BDL/SIRT oe mice. We found that SIRT1 was highly expressed in livers from cholestatic patients, mice after BDL, and Mdr2 knockout mice (Mdr2 –/– ) animals. The detrimental effects of SIRT1 during cholestasis were validated in vivo and in vitro. SIRT oe mice showed exacerbated parenchymal injury whereas SIRT hep–/– mice evidenced a moderate improvement after BDL and 0.1% DDC feeding. Likewise, hepatocytes isolated from SIRT oe mice showed increased apoptosis in response to bile acids, whereas a significant reduction was observed in SIRT hep–/– hepatocytes. Importantly, the decrease, but not complete inhibition, of SIRT1 exerted by norUDCA treatment correlated with pronounced improvement in liver parenchyma in BDL/SIRT oe mice. Interestingly, both SIRT1 overexpression and hepatocyte-specific SIRT1 depletion correlated with inhibition of FXR, whereas modulation of SIRT1 by NorUDCA associated with restored FXR signaling. Conclusion: SIRT1 expression is increased during human and murine cholestasis. Fine-tuning expression of SIRT1 is essential to protect the liver from cholestatic liver damage