217 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Maxillary Teeth in 384 Subjects Reveals A Deviation From the Classical Aesthetic Dimensions

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    Dental esthetics need to be defined from the scientific perspective in order to obtain predictable treatment outcomes and avoid the effects of subjectivisms on the part of the dental profesional. It can be deduced that the ideal dimensions in the maxillary anterior sector are difficult to establish. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to define the dimensions of the maxillary anterior teeth and the relationships between them. In addition, an analysis was made to reinvestigate whether they complied with the Golden proportion, the RED (Recurrent Esthetic Dental) proportion and the Golden percentage. A total of 2304 tooth corresponding to 384 subjects were evaluated. The central incisor presented a mean width of 8.58 mm and a height of 9.35 mm, while the lateral incisor presented a width of 6.69 mm and a height of 7.75 mm. The mean width of the canine was 7.69 mm, with a height of 8.68 mm. The teeth revisited in this study did not comply with the ideal dimensions in the anterior maxillary sector as established by the Golden proportion, Golden percentage and RED. The information obtained from this study can be clinically applied to restore the dimensions during periodontal surgery, restorative dentistry and prosthetic rehabilitation

    Host cell type-dependent translocation and PhoP-mediated positive regulation of the effector SseK1 of Salmonella enterica.

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    Salmonella enterica expresses two virulence-related type III secretion systems (T3SSs) encoded in Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI1) and SPI2, respectively. SseK1 is a poorly characterized substrate of the SPI2-encoded T3SS. Here, we show that this effector is essential to get full virulence both in oral and intraperitoneal mice infections, in spite of not having a role in invasion or intracellular proliferation in cultured mammalian cells. In vitro, expression of sseK1 was higher in media mimicking intracellular conditions, when SPI2 was induced, but it was also significant under SPI1 inducing conditions. A detailed analysis of translocation of SseK1 into host cells unveiled that it was a substrate of both, T3SS1 and T3SS2, although with different patterns and kinetics depending on the specific host cell type (epithelial, macrophages, or fibroblasts). The regulation of the expression of sseK1 was examined using lacZ and bioluminescent lux fusions. The two-component system PhoQ/PhoP is a positive regulator of this gene. A combination of sequence analysis, directed mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that phosphorylated PhoP binds directly to the promoter region of sseK1 and revealed a PhoP binding site located upstream of the predicted -35 hexamer of this promoter

    Formación bilingüe en licenciatura de Lenguas Modernas y comprensión lectora argumentativa

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    En esta investigación se comparó la comprensión lectora argumentativa en español, lenguamaterna, de estudiantes en formación universitaria bilingüe de 4º semestre de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas –Grupo Experimental [GE]– con la de sus homólogos en formación universitaria en LM de 4º semestre en las Licenciaturas de Matemáticas, Español y Literatura, y Biología y Educación Ambiental –Grupo de Control [GC]–. Se halló que elGE superó al GC en la prueba de Inserción de conectores en un texto argumentativo escrito en LM y que el GE se diferenció de cada una de las tres licenciaturas. Se concluyó que la superioridad del GE sería la consecuencia de la experiencia bilingüe acumulada durante los primeros cuatro semestres de la Licenciatura

    Arteterapia como recurso educativo para niños hospitalizados en oncología pediátrica

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    Las aulas hospitalarias surgen de la necesidad de continuar con el desarrollo bio-psico-social de aquellos niños que, por diferentes razones, necesitan permanecer hospitalizados por un periodo de tiempo. Los niños que padecen una enfermedad como es el cáncer, no solo se enfrentan a problemas físicos y cognitivos propios de la enfermedad, sino que también sufren alteraciones emocionales como consecuencia de la hospitalización, la enfermedad y los tratamientos a los que se someten, además de los efectos secundarios que surgen a corto y largo plazo. Se recurre a la situación actual de la pedagogía y las directrices vigentes llevadas a cabo en las aulas hospitalarias para entender en qué momento nos encontramos y poder enmarcar la intervención que se desarrolla. La planificación de la intervención está dirigida a niños de 8 y 9 años hospitalizados en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. En ella se usan elementos de arteterapia como recurso educativo y como elemento favorecedor de la expresión de emociones a través del arte. Se utilizan contenidos y objetivos extraídos de la LOMCE del área de Educación Artística. Se trabajan tomando como referente a la artista Ana Mendieta y a través de la corriente “Land Art”, con las que se usan materiales de la naturaleza

    Scientific Publications in Dentistry in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia Between 1996 and 2018: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study aimed to determine the number and quality of scientific publications in dentistry from the Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia between 1996 and 2018 using bibliometric analysis. Web of Science and Scopus were searched to identify scientific publications in dentistry between 1996 and 2018 by authors from centers in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The annual number of scientific publications, citation rate, and h-index for each publication, and trends in international co-authorship were investigated by country and institution. There were 651 scientific publications in dentistry between 1996 and 2018, by authors from Lithuania (280 publications), Latvia (210 publications), and Estonia (161 publications). Publications from Estonia were ranked highest in qualitative terms (citation rate and h-index), followed by Lithuania, and Latvia. Of 28 authors with at least ten publications, 54% were Lithuanian (15 authors), 25% were Estonian (7 authors), and 21% were Latvian (6 authors). Estonian authors collaborated mainly with Finland (27 publications), Latvian authors with the USA (16 publications), and Lithuanian authors with Canada (26 publications). Most publications came from the academic institutions of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (136 publications), the University of Tartu (109 publications), Vilnius University (101 publications), and Riga Stradins University (28 publications). During the past 22 years, authors from Lithuania had the most publications in the field of dentistry, and authors from Estonia had the most cited publications. Authors mainly published in native journals and collaborated with authors in Scandinavia and North America

    Both p62/SQSTM1-HDAC6-dependent autophagy and the aggresome pathway mediate CDK1 degradation in human breast cancer

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    Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) is the central mammalian regulator of cell proliferation and a promising therapeutic target for breast cancer. In fact, CDK1 inhibition downregulates survival and induces apoptosis. Due to its essential role, CDK1 expression and activity are strictly controlled at various levels. We previously described that CDK1 stability is also regulated and that SCF(βTrCP) ubiquitinates CDK1, which is degraded via the lysosomal pathway. In addition, in breast tumors from patients, we found a negative correlation between CDK1 accumulation and βTrCP levels, and a positive correlation with the degree of tumor malignancy. This prompted us to study the molecular mechanism involved in CDK1 clearance. In this report, we determine that both chemotherapeutic agents and proteolytic stress induce CDK1 degradation in human breast cancer MCF7 cells through p62/HDAC6-mediated selective autophagy. On the one hand, CDK1 binds to p62/SQSTM1-LC3 and, on the other hand, it interacts with HDAC6. Both complexes are dependent on the presence of an intact βTrCP-binding motif on CDK1. Furthermore, we also show that CDK1 is recruited to aggresomes in response to proteasome inhibition for an extended period. We propose CDK1 clearance as a potential predictive biomarker of antitumor treatment efficacy

    Protein profiling and classification of commercial quinoa grains by MALDI-TOF-MS and chemometrics

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    Quinoa is an Andean grain that is attracting attention worldwide as a high-quality protein-rich food. Nowadays, quinoa foodstuffs are susceptible to adulteration with cheaper cereals. Therefore, there is a need to develop novel methodologies for protein characterization of quinoa. Here, we first developed a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) method to obtain characteristic mass spectra of protein extracts from 4 different commercial quinoa grains, which group different varieties marketed as black, red, white (from Peru) and royal (white from Bolivia). Then, data preprocessing and peak detection with MALDIquant allowed detecting 47 proteins (being 30 tentatively identified), the intensities of which were considered as fingerprints for multivariate data analysis. Finally, classification by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was excellent, and 34 out of the 47 proteins were critical for differentiation, confirming the potential of the methodology to obtain a reliable classification of quinoa grains based on protein fingerprinting

    Classification of quinoa varieties based on protein fingerprinting by capillary electrophoresis with ultraviolet absorption diode array detection and advanced chemometrics

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is an andean grain with exceptional nutritional properties that has been progressively introduced in western countries as a protein-rich super food with a broad amino acid spectrum. Quinoa is consumed as whole grain, but it is also milled to produce high-value flour, which is susceptible to adulteration. Therefore, there is a growing interest in developing novel analytical methods to get further information about quinoa at the chemical level. In this study, we developed a rapid and simple capillary electrophoresis-ultraviolet absorption diode array detection (CE-UV-DAD) method to obtain characteristic multiwavelength electrophoretic profiles of soluble protein extracts from different quinoa grain varieties. Then, advanced chemometric methods (i.e. multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares, MCR-ALS, followed by principal component analysis, PCA, and partial least squares discriminant analysis, PLS-DA) were applied to deconvolute the components present in the electropherograms and classify the quinoa varieties according to their differential protein composition

    Biofunctionalization with a TGF -1 inhibitor peptide in the osseointegration of synthetic bone grafts: an in vivo study in Beagle dogs

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    Objectives: The aim of this research was to determine the osseointegration of two presentations of biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) biomaterial¿one untreated and another submitted to biofunctionalization with a TGF- 1 inhibitor peptide, P144, on dental alveolus. Materials and Methods: A synthetic bone graft was used, namely, (i) Maxresorb® (Botiss Klockner) (n = 12), and (ii) Maxresorb® (Botiss Klockner) biofunctionalized with P144 peptide (n = 12). Both bone grafts were implanted in the two hemimandibles of six beagle dogs in the same surgical time, immediately after tooth extraction. Two dogs were sacrificed 2, 4, and 8 weeks post implant insertion, respectively. The samples were submitted to histomorphometrical and histological analyses. For each sample, we quantified the new bone growth and the new bone formed around the biomaterial's granules. After optical microscopic histological evaluation, selected samples were studied using backscattered scanning electron microscopy (BS-SEM). Results: The biofunctionalization of the biomaterial's granules maintains a stable membranous bone formation throughout the experiment timeline, benefitting from the constant presence of vascular structures in the alveolar space, in a more active manner that in the control samples. Better results in the experimental groups were proven both by quantitative and qualitative analysis. Conclusions: Synthetic bone graft biofunctionalization results in slightly better quantitative parameters of the implant's osseointegration. The qualitative histological and ultramicroscopic analysis shows that biofunctionalization may shorten the healing period of dental biomaterials