537 research outputs found

    The anomalous behavior of coefficient of normal restitution in the oblique impact

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    The coefficient of normal restitution in an oblique impact is theoretically studied. Using a two-dimensional lattice models for an elastic disk and an elastic wall, we demonstrate that the coefficient of normal restitution can exceed one and has a peak against the incident angle in our simulation. Finally, we explain these phenomena based upon the phenomenological theory of elasticity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be appeared in PR

    Gravitational Lensing by Rotating Naked Singularities

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    We model massive compact objects in galactic nuclei as stationary, axially-symmetric naked singularities in the Einstein-massless scalar field theory and study the resulting gravitational lensing. In the weak deflection limit we study analytically the position of the two weak field images, the corresponding signed and absolute magnifications as well as the centroid up to post-Newtonian order. We show that there are a static post-Newtonian corrections to the signed magnification and their sum as well as to the critical curves, which are function of the scalar charge. The shift of the critical curves as a function of the lens angular momentum is found, and it is shown that they decrease slightingly for the weakly naked and vastly for the strongly naked singularities with the increase of the scalar charge. The point-like caustics drift away from the optical axis and do not depend on the scalar charge. In the strong deflection limit approximation we compute numerically the position of the relativistic images and their separability for weakly naked singularities. All of the lensing quantities are compared to particular cases as Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes as well as Janis--Newman--Winicour naked singularities.Comment: 35 pages, 30 figure

    Kerr-Sen dilaton-axion black hole lensing in the strong deflection limit

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    In the present work we study numerically quasi-equatorial lensing by the charged, stationary, axially-symmetric Kerr-Sen dilaton-axion black hole in the strong deflection limit. In this approximation we compute the magnification and the positions of the relativistic images. The most outstanding effect is that the Kerr-Sen black hole caustics drift away from the optical axis and shift in clockwise direction with respect to the Kerr caustics. The intersections of the critical curves on the equatorial plane as a function of the black hole angular momentum are found, and it is shown that they decrease with the increase of the parameter Q2/MQ^{2}/M. All of the lensing quantities are compared to particular cases as Schwarzschild, Kerr and Gibbons-Maeda black holes.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures; V2 references added, some typos corrected, V3 references added, language corrections, V4 table added, minor technical correction

    The Effectiveness of Writing Across the Curriculum in a Baccalaureate Social Work Program: Students’ Perceptions

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    Effective social work practice requires strong writing and communication skills; however, social work students often experience difficulties performing academically at expected levels. This article presents findings from a student survey that was collected for two years to assess perceptions of the effectiveness of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) strategies on writing skills and social work knowledge acquisition in an introductory social work class that is taught every semester at a school of social work located in southeastern Florida. Students reported that WAC strategies substantially improved their abilities to write in the discipline and learn course content. Based on our findings, it is recommended that schools of social work infuse WAC throughout their curriculum, a process that requires cross curricular collaboration, intra-departmental support, and faculty commitment to course development and implementation

    Corrosion of diffusion zinc coatings in sodium chloride solutions

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    Diffusion galvanizing is widely used in the pipe industry for coating the threaded surface of pipe couplings, protecting water and gas pipelines, and other metal products. Diffusion coatings have a number of advantages over other types of zinc coatings. In this work, electrochemical and gravimetric methods are used to study the corrosion behavior of diffusion zinc coatings in sodium chloride solutions. The corrosion rate depends non-linearly on the thickness of the coating. At the initial stages, the corrosion rate of coatings depends on the structure of the phases on the surface, and with an increase in the holding time, the corrosion rate depends to a greater extent on the properties of the products formed during the corrosion process. Films of corrosion products of diffusion zinc coatings consist of zinc oxide/hydroxide and basic zinc salts, while the composition of the film changes with increasing coating thickness

    Interactive Authoring of Terrain using Diffusion Models

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    Generating heightfield terrains is a necessary precursor to the depiction of computer-generated natural scenes in a variety of applications. Authoring such terrains is made challenging by the need for interactive feedback, effective user control, and perceptually realistic output encompassing a range of landforms. We address these challenges by developing a terrain-authoring framework underpinned by an adaptation of diffusion models for conditional image synthesis, trained on real-world elevation data. This framework supports automated cleaning of the training set; authoring control through style selection and feature sketches; the ability to import and freely edit pre-existing terrains, and resolution amplification up to the limits of the source data. Our framework improves on previous machine-learning approaches by: expanding landform variety beyond mountainous terrain to encompass cliffs, canyons, and plains; providing a better balance between terseness and specificity in user control, and improving the fidelity of global terrain structure and perceptual realism. This is demonstrated through drainage simulations and a user study testing the perceived realism for different classes of terrain. The full source code, blender add-on, and pre- trained models are available

    Limitation of energy deposition in classical N body dynamics

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    Energy transfers in collisions between classical clusters are studied with Classical N Body Dynamics calculations for different entrance channels. It is shown that the energy per particle transferred to thermalised classical clusters does not exceed the energy of the least bound particle in the cluster in its ``ground state''. This limitation is observed during the whole time of the collision, except for the heaviest system.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Semiclassical evolution of the spectral curve in the normal random matrix ensemble as Whitham hierarchy

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    We continue the analysis of the spectral curve of the normal random matrix ensemble, introduced in an earlier paper. Evolution of the full quantum curve is given in terms of compatibility equations of independent flows. The semiclassical limit of these flows is expressed through canonical differential forms of the spectral curve. We also prove that the semiclassical limit of the evolution equations is equivalent to Whitham hierarchy.Comment: 14 page

    Mg/O<sub>2</sub> Battery Based on the Magnesium-Aluminum Chloride Complex (MACC) Electrolyte

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    Mg/O<sub>2</sub> cells employing a MgCl<sub>2</sub>/AlCl<sub>3</sub>/DME (MACC/DME) electrolyte are cycled and compared to cells with modified Grignard electrolytes, showing that performance of magnesium/oxygen batteries depends strongly on electrolyte composition. Discharge capacity is far greater for MACC/DME-based cells, while rechargeability in these systems is severely limited. The Mg/O<sub>2</sub>-MACC/DME discharge product comprises a mixture of Mg­(ClO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> and MgCl<sub>2</sub>, with the latter likely formed from slow decomposition of the former. The presence of Cl in these compounds suggests that the electrolyte participates in the cell reaction or reacts readily with the initial electrochemical products. A rate study suggests that O<sub>2</sub> diffusion in the electrolyte limits discharge capacities at higher currents. Formation of an insulating product film on the positive electrodes of Mg/O<sub>2</sub>-MACC/DME cells following deep discharge increases cell impedance substantially and likely explains the poor rechargeability. An additional impedance rise consistent with film formation on the Mg negative electrode suggests the presence of detrimental O<sub>2</sub> crossover. Minimizing O<sub>2</sub> crossover and bypassing charge transfer through the discharge product would improve battery performance