68 research outputs found

    Evaluation framework for context-aware speaker recognition in noisy smart living environments

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    The integration of voice control into connected devices is expected to improve the efficiency and comfort of our daily lives. However, the underlying biometric systems often impose constraints on the individual or the environment during interaction (e.g., quiet surroundings). Such constraints have to be surmounted in order to seamlessly recognize individuals. In this paper, we propose an evaluation framework for speaker recognition in noisy smart living environments. To this end, we designed a taxonomy of sounds (e.g., home-related, mechanical) that characterize representative indoor and outdoor environments where speaker recognition is adopted. Then, we devised an approach for off-line simulation of challenging noisy conditions in vocal audios originally collected under controlled environments, by leveraging our taxonomy. Our approach adds a (combination of) sound(s) belonging to the target environment into the current vocal example. Experiments on a large-scale public dataset and two state-of-the-art speaker recognition models show that adding certain background sounds to clean vocal audio leads to a substantial deterioration of recognition performance. In several noisy settings, our findings reveal that a speaker recognition model might end up to make unreliable decisions. Our framework is intended to help system designers evaluate performance deterioration and develop speaker recognition models more robust to smart living environments

    Reproductive characteristics and differential response to seasonal temperatures of Blue and Great Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus & Parus major) in three neighbouring mediterranean habitats.

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    The breeding ecology of the Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Great Tit (Parus major) was studied for 18 years in three different neighbouring habitats in Sicily, comprising oakwoods, reforested pine and a reforested mix of pine and broad-leaved trees. Both Blue and Great Tits laid eggs up to two weeks earlier in oakwoods than in the reforested areas. Our results indicate a statistically greater breeding success for both species in the oakwoods compared to reforested habitats, with the mixed reforested habitat having a greater success than that of reforested pine habitat. We also correlated reproductive characteristics with local air temperature to verify if the laying date of tits advanced over a long period of years. Even though a variable egg-laying trend was recorded in the three habitats, an overall negative trendline was obtained indicating that the onset of nesting advanced through the 18-year study period. On the other hand, the air temperature trend was positive over the same period of time. The model of covariance analysis showed the relationship between egg-laying and March air temperatures remained consistent for both tit species, it was statistically different for each of the three habitats. Nestlings in the oak habitat fledged one day earlier than in reforested habitats and nestlings in the mixed habitat grew faster than nestlings in the pine habitat. Finally, clutch-size and number of fledglings remained consistent over the 18-year period in all three habitats, suggesting that prey availability may not have changed. Caterpillars comprised the primary prey in the oak and mixed habitats, less in the pine, where tits fed chicks with a more diverse food. The findings of this study indicate the importance of broad-leaved forests, whether natural or regenerated, for insectivorous species, and hence the potential conservation role of forestry management planning

    Pharmacological Blockade of Serotonin 5-HT7 Receptor Reverses Working Memory Deficits in Rats by Normalizing Cortical Glutamate Neurotransmission

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    The role of 5-HT7 receptor has been demonstrated in various animal models of mood disorders; however its function in cognition remains largely speculative. This study evaluates the effects of SB-269970, a selective 5-HT7 antagonist, in a translational model of working memory deficit and investigates whether it modulates cortical glutamate and/or dopamine neurotransmission in rats. The effect of SB-269970 was evaluated in the delayed non-matching to position task alone or in combination with MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, and, in separate experiments, with scopolamine, a non-selective muscarinic antagonist. SB-269970 (10 mg/kg) significantly reversed the deficits induced by MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) but augmented the deficit induced by scopolamine (0.06 mg/kg). The ability of SB-269970 to modulate MK-801-induced glutamate and dopamine extracellular levels was separately evaluated using biosensor technology and microdialysis in the prefrontal cortex of freely moving rats. SB-269970 normalized MK-801 -induced glutamate but not dopamine extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex. Rat plasma and brain concentrations of MK-801 were not affected by co-administration of SB-269970, arguing for a pharmacodynamic rather than a pharmacokinetic mechanism. These results indicate that 5-HT7 receptor antagonists might reverse cognitive deficits associated with NMDA receptor hypofunction by selectively normalizing glutamatergic neurotransmission

    Neurobiological Mechanisms That Contribute to Stress-related Cocaine Use

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    The ability of stressful life events to trigger drug use is particularly problematic for the management of cocaine addiction due to the unpredictable and often uncontrollable nature of stress. For this reason, understanding the neurobiological processes that contribute to stress-related drug use is important for the development of new and more effective treatment strategies aimed at minimizing the role of stress in the addiction cycle. In this review we discuss the neurocircuitry that has been implicated in stress-induced drug use with an emphasis on corticotropin releasing factor actions in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and an important pathway from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis to the VTA that is regulated by norepinephrine via actions at beta adrenergic receptors. In addition to the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie stress-induced cocaine seeking, we review findings suggesting that the ability of stressful stimuli to trigger cocaine use emerges and intensifies in an intake-dependent manner with repeated cocaine self-administration. Further, we discuss evidence that the drug-induced neuroadaptations that are necessary for heightened susceptibility to stress-induced drug use are reliant on elevated levels of glucocorticoid hormones at the time of cocaine use. Finally, the potential ability of stress to function as a “stage setter” for drug use – increasing sensitivity to cocaine and drug-associated cues – under conditions where it does not directly trigger cocaine seeking is discussed. As our understanding of the mechanisms through which stress promotes drug use advances, the hope is that so too will the available tools for effectively managing addiction, particularly in cocaine addicts whose drug use is stress-driven

    Histaminergic system in brain disorders: lessons from the translational approach and future perspectives

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    Histamine and its receptors were first described as part of immune and gastrointestinal systems, but their presence in the central nervous system and importance in behavior are gaining more attention. The histaminergic system modulates different processes including wakefulness, feeding, and learning and memory consolidation. Histamine receptors (H1R, H2R, H3R, and H4R) belong to the rhodopsin-like family of G protein-coupled receptors, present constitutive activity, and are subjected to inverse agonist action. The involvement of the histaminergic system in brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, drug dependence, and Parkinson’s disease, is largely studied. Data obtained from preclinical studies point antagonists of histamine receptors as promising alternatives to treat brain disorders. Thus, clinical trials are currently ongoing to assess the effects of these drugs on humans. This review summarizes the role of histaminergic system in brain disorders, as well as the effects of different histamine antagonists on animal models and humans

    Self-administration of methohexital, midazolam and ethanol: effects on the pituitary–adrenal axis in rhesus monkeys

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    There is disagreement in the literature with respect to how drugs of abuse affect the functioning of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, and whether these changes in endocrine function may be related to the rewarding effects of these drugs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46363/1/213_2004_Article_1986.pd

    Endoscopic sinus surgery associated with rhinoseptoplasty: A case-control study

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    Objective: To examine the difference between outcomes in the administration of concurrent endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS), septoplasty (SP), and rhinoplasty (RP) and concurrent ESS and SP in 1 single surgical session. Methods: Patients who underwent concurrent ESS and SP from September 2004 to July 2015 were identified. Furthermore, patients among them who underwent functional primary RP were selected. Subjects who had been administered concurrent ESS, SP, and RP (primary RP) were matched for sex, age, sinonasal surgical procedures for treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with patients underwent concurrent ESS and SP, used as control subjects. A literature review was performed to find previous articles describing results of concurrent procedures among ESS, SP, and RP. Results: Twenty subjects, who underwent concurrent ESS, SP, and RP, were compared with a matched control group made of 20 patients who underwent concurrent ESS and SP, evaluating different postoperative outcomes (postoperative complications, postoperative improvement of respiratory symptoms, persistence of chronic rhinosinusitis symptoms 6 months to 1 year postoperative, need of revision surgery, satisfaction of the patient). Obtained P values showed that there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05) as regards the different outcomes, except for postoperative complications, increased because of the invasiveness proper of RP (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Therefore, execution of concurrent ESS, SP, and RP seems to be safe and effective, and additional RP does not modify postoperative outcomes of concurrent ESS and SP except for a little increase of postoperative complications, even if most of them had low impact on result of procedures

    Experts’ View on Challenges and Needs for Fairness in Artificial Intelligence for Education

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    In recent years, there has been a stimulating discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) can support the science and engineering of intelligent educational applications. Many studies in the field are proposing actionable data mining pipelines and machine-learning models driven by learning-related data. The potential of these pipelines and models to amplify unfairness for certain categories of students is however receiving increasing attention. If AI applications are to have a positive impact on education, it is crucial that their design considers fairness at every step. Through anonymous surveys and interviews with experts (researchers and practitioners) who have published their research at top-tier educational conferences in the last year, we conducted the first expert-driven systematic investigation on the challenges and needs for addressing fairness throughout the development of educational systems based on AI. We identified common and diverging views about the challenges and the needs faced by educational technologies experts in practice, that lead the community to have a clear understanding on the main questions raising doubts in this topic. Based on these findings, we highlighted directions that will facilitate the ongoing research towards fairer AI for education