8 research outputs found

    Attitude towards Oral Health at Various Colleges of the University of Zagreb: A Pilot Study

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    Svrha rada: Željeli smo procijeniti razlike u stajalištima o oralnom zdravlju, pa smo zato promatrali tri različite grupe studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: studente Stomatološkog fakulteta, studente društvenih znanosti i studente tehničkih znanosti. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 58 ispitanika u dobi od 20 do 28 godina i svi su bili studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Odgovorili su na tri pitanja: koliko često peru zube, koliko često idu stomatologu i koliko ima je važno oralno zdravlje. Nakon toga je svima uzet status te iz njega izračunat KEP-indeks, a dobili su i indikator plaka Mira-2-Ton® (Hager Werken, Dursburg, Njemačka) koji su otopili u ustima. Nakon toga izračunat im je indeks plaka. Za statističku analizu korišten je test ANOVA. Rezultati: Studenti stomatologije imali su manje plaka od kolega s društvenih i tehničkih fakulteta, a razlika je bila statistički značajna (p = 0,0018; f = 7,14). Iako su studenti stomatologije imali i nešto niže vrijednosti KEP-indeksa, razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Da zube peru dva puta na dan, odgovorilo je 83 posto ispitanika, a jedino su studenti Stomatološkog fakulteta (njih 21 %) zaokružili odgovor više od tri puta dnevno. Iz odgovara na postavljena pitanja zaključeno je da je percepcija oralnoga zdravlja na visokoj razini, no percepcija oralnih bolesti znatno je lošija. Jasno je da na odgovore ispitanika uvelike djeluje čimbenik tzv. društvene prihvatljivosti odgovora. Zaključak: Na primjeru studenata stomatologije vidi se da se educiranjem o pravilnoj njezi i o važnosti oralne higijene mogu poboljšati navike.Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the oral status of three various groups of students: students of the School of Dental Medicine, students of technical sciences and students of humanities. Material and methods: Research included 58 students of the University of Zagreb. They answered 3 questions: how often they brush their teeth, how often they visit their dentist and how important dental health is to them. After a standard dental check-up we calculated the DMFT index. They were given an indicator for plaque Mira-2-Ton® (Hager Werken, Duisburg, Germany) and we calculated the plaque index. For statistical analysis the ANOVA test was used. Results: Students of the School of Dental Medicine had a lower plaque index than other students and this was statistically significant (p=0.0018; f=7.14). They also had a lower DMFT index, but it was not statistically significant (p=0.1004; f=2.4). 83% of students said that they brushed their teeth 2-3 times a day. Only 17% of all students brush their teeth more than 3 times a day and they are all students of the School of Dental Medicine (21% of them). Perception of oral health is on a high level, but perception of oral disease is not. The social approval of the answer was also an important factor. Conclusion: Students of the School of Dental Medicine are an illustrative example of improving our habits due to education

    Effects of dipotassium-trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate, K2[B3O3F4OH], on cell viability and gene expression of common human cancer drug targets in a melanoma cell line.

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    Recently it was found that dipotassium-trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate, K2(B3O3F4OH), is a potent and highly specific inhibitor of precancerous cell processes. We conducted gene expression profiling of human melanoma cells before and after treatment with two concentrations (0.1 and 1 mM) of this boron inorganic derivative in order to assess its effects on deregulation of genes associated with tumor pathways. Parallel trypan blue exclusion assay was performed to assess the cytotoxicity effects of this chemical. Treatment with K2(B3O3F4OH) induced a significant decrease of cell viability in melanoma cellline at both tested concentrations. Furthermore, these treatments caused deregulation of more than 30 genes known as common anti-tumor drug targets. IGF-1 and hTERT were found to be significantly downregulated and this result may imply potential use of K2(B3O3F4OH) as an inhibitor or human telomerase and insulin-like growth factor 1, both of which are associated with various tumor pathways


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    Non-small cell lung cancer has been shown to be resistant to many forms of chemotherapy and is amongst the deadliest cancers worldwide. The anti-proliferative effects of halogenated boroxine - K2(B3O3F4OH), have been confirmed in multiple cancer cell lines including melanoma and breast cancer. The potential for this chemical treatment on non-small cell lung cancer cells was studied and the lower threshold concentration with the clear biological effect of halogenated boroxine, was determined. Appling MTT assays and the relative gene expression analysis of two genes of interest, RRBP1 and PER1, novel knowledge on the biological potential of halogenated boroxine (HB) was gained, but did not lead to biological explanations of the mechanisms of halogenated boroxine activity. The results of MTT assay showed a significant HB effect on non-small cell lung cancer in concentration of 0.5 mg/mL, while relative expression levels of RRBP1 and PER1 did not significantly differ regardless the concentration applied

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Overtime work and it's legal treatment

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je prekovremeni rad i njegov pravni tretman. Institut prekovremenog rada sa sobom povlači niz pitanja, od samog pojma prekovremenog rada do toga kako se regulira, gdje se pojavljuje te postoje li neka ograničenja i odgovornosti vezana uz njega. Naglasak rada je na prekovremenom radu, no najprije je bilo potrebno objasniti institut radnog vremena koji podrazumijeva vrste te raspored radnog vremena. Jednako tako, od velike važnosti je i preraspodjela prekovremenog rada. Stoga je jedan od osnovnih ciljeva ovog rada, kroz materiju radnog prava kao i odredbama Zakona o radu kojim je ova materija uređena, dati odgovore na navedena pitanja. Zakon o radu propisuje ograničenja pri uvođenju prekovremenog rada sa ciljem da se on svede kao iznimka u slučaju izvanrednih okolnosti. Prekovremeni rad se može koristit u slučaju više sile, izvanrednog povećanja opsega poslova i u drugim slučajevima prijeke potrebe gdje je radnik na pisani zahtjev poslodavca dužan raditi duže od punog, odnosno od nepunog radnog vremena. Radi se zapravo o situacijama koje su nepredvidljive i koje poslodavac nije mogao izbjeći i kada takve situacije nastupe, poslodavac naređuje prekovremeni rad radniku, a on ga je dužan odraditi, u protivnom čini tešku povredu koja sa sobom povlači izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu. Naposljetku, dano je nekoliko primjera iz sudske prakse sudova u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi kroz primjere pobliže prikazali primjenu prekovremenog rada.The subject of this diploma paper is overtime work and it's legal treatment. The institute of overtime work retains a number of issues, from the very concept of overtime to how it is regulated, where does it appear and are there some limitations and responsibilities associated with it. The emphasis is on overtime work, but it is necessary to explain the working time institute, which involves working time types and time schedules. Also, it is very important to explain redistribution of overtime. Therefore, one of the basic aims of this work, through the subject matter of labor law and the provisions of the Labor Act regulating this matter, is to answer the above mentioned questions. The Labor Act prescribes restrictions on the introoduction of overtime work with the aim of excluding it as an exception in case of extraordinary circumstances. It can be used in the event of force majeure, extraordinary increase in the scope of work, and in other cases where there is a need for a worker to work longer than full – time on na written request of an employer. It is actually about situations that are unpredictable and which the employer could not avoid, and when such situations occur, the employer orders overtime work to the worker and he is obliged to do it, otherwise it constitutes a serious breach that leads to an exceptional dismissal of the employment contract. Finally, a few examples from the jurisprudence of the courts in the Republic of Croatia are given to illustrate the application of overtime work in more detail

    Overtime work and it's legal treatment

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je prekovremeni rad i njegov pravni tretman. Institut prekovremenog rada sa sobom povlači niz pitanja, od samog pojma prekovremenog rada do toga kako se regulira, gdje se pojavljuje te postoje li neka ograničenja i odgovornosti vezana uz njega. Naglasak rada je na prekovremenom radu, no najprije je bilo potrebno objasniti institut radnog vremena koji podrazumijeva vrste te raspored radnog vremena. Jednako tako, od velike važnosti je i preraspodjela prekovremenog rada. Stoga je jedan od osnovnih ciljeva ovog rada, kroz materiju radnog prava kao i odredbama Zakona o radu kojim je ova materija uređena, dati odgovore na navedena pitanja. Zakon o radu propisuje ograničenja pri uvođenju prekovremenog rada sa ciljem da se on svede kao iznimka u slučaju izvanrednih okolnosti. Prekovremeni rad se može koristit u slučaju više sile, izvanrednog povećanja opsega poslova i u drugim slučajevima prijeke potrebe gdje je radnik na pisani zahtjev poslodavca dužan raditi duže od punog, odnosno od nepunog radnog vremena. Radi se zapravo o situacijama koje su nepredvidljive i koje poslodavac nije mogao izbjeći i kada takve situacije nastupe, poslodavac naređuje prekovremeni rad radniku, a on ga je dužan odraditi, u protivnom čini tešku povredu koja sa sobom povlači izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu. Naposljetku, dano je nekoliko primjera iz sudske prakse sudova u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi kroz primjere pobliže prikazali primjenu prekovremenog rada.The subject of this diploma paper is overtime work and it's legal treatment. The institute of overtime work retains a number of issues, from the very concept of overtime to how it is regulated, where does it appear and are there some limitations and responsibilities associated with it. The emphasis is on overtime work, but it is necessary to explain the working time institute, which involves working time types and time schedules. Also, it is very important to explain redistribution of overtime. Therefore, one of the basic aims of this work, through the subject matter of labor law and the provisions of the Labor Act regulating this matter, is to answer the above mentioned questions. The Labor Act prescribes restrictions on the introoduction of overtime work with the aim of excluding it as an exception in case of extraordinary circumstances. It can be used in the event of force majeure, extraordinary increase in the scope of work, and in other cases where there is a need for a worker to work longer than full – time on na written request of an employer. It is actually about situations that are unpredictable and which the employer could not avoid, and when such situations occur, the employer orders overtime work to the worker and he is obliged to do it, otherwise it constitutes a serious breach that leads to an exceptional dismissal of the employment contract. Finally, a few examples from the jurisprudence of the courts in the Republic of Croatia are given to illustrate the application of overtime work in more detail