71 research outputs found

    Early Neoproterozoic Basin Formation in Yukon, Canada: Implications for the make-up and break-up of Rodinia

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    SUMMARY: Geological mapping and stratigraphic anaylsis of the early Neoproterozoic Fifteenmile Group in the western Ogilvie Mountains of Yukon, Canada, has revealed large lateral facies changes in both carbonate and siliciclastic strata.  Syn-sedimentary NNW-side-down normal faulting during deposition of the lower Fifteenmile Group generated local topographic relief and wedge-shaped stratal geometries. These strata were eventually capped by platformal carbonate after the establishment of a NNW-facing stromatolitic reef complex that formed adjacent to the coeval Little Dal Group of the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories.  Correlations between specific formations within these groups are tested with carbon isotope chemostratigraphy.  As there are no known 830-780 Ma stratigraphic successions south of 62°N, the basin-forming event that accommodated the Fifteenmile and Little Dal Groups of the Ogilvie and Mackenzie Mountains and equivalent strata in the Shaler Supergroup of Victoria Island was restricted to the northwest margin of Laurentia. Therefore, this event does not represent widespread rifting of the entire western margin of Laurentia and instead we propose that these strata were accommodated in a failed rift generated by localized subsidence associated with the emplacement of the coeval Guibei (China) and Gairdner (Australia) large igneous provinces.  The northern margin of Laurentia was reactivated by renewed extension at ca. 720 Ma associated with the emplacement of the Franklin large igneous province.  Significant crustal thinning and generation of a thermally subsiding passive margin on the western margin of Laurentia may not have occurred until the late Ediacaran.RÉSUMÉLe cartographiage gĂ©ologique et l’analyse stratigraphique du groupe nĂ©oprotĂ©zoĂŻque Fifteenmile situĂ© Ă  l’ouest des montagnes Ogilvie du Yukon, Canada, ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de grands changements latĂ©raux de faciĂšs Ă  la fois pour les strates carbonatĂ©es et silicoclastiques. La mise en place des failles normales syn-sĂ©dimentaires inclinĂ©es vers le NNW au cours du dĂ©pĂŽt du groupe Fifteenmile infĂ©rieur, a entrainĂ© la formation locale d’un relief topographique et une prisme des strates. Ces derniĂšres ont finalement Ă©tĂ© recouvertes de carbonates de plate-forme issus de la mise en place d’un complexe rĂ©cifal stromatolitique exposĂ© NNW contigu Ă  la formation de mĂȘme Ăąge du groupe Little Dal des montagnes Ogilvie, en Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Les corrĂ©lations existant entre des formations spĂ©cifiques de chacun de ces groupes, sont testĂ©es grĂące Ă  la chimiostratigraphie des isotopes du carbone. Aucunes successions stratigraphiques agĂ©es de 830-780 Ma n’étant connues au sud de 62° N, la formation du bassin oĂč sont accumulĂ©s les groupes Fifteenmile et Little Dal des massifs Ogilvie et Mackenzie, ainsi que les strates analogues du supergroupe Shaler de l’üle Victoria, Ă©tait restreinte Ă  la bordure nord-ouest de la Laurentie. De ce fait, cet Ă©vĂ©nement ne correspond pas au large rifting s’étendant sur l’entiĂšre bordure ouest de la Laurentie et nous proposons Ă  la place, que ces strates ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©es au cours d’un rift avortĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par la mise en place simultanĂ©e des larges provinces ignĂ©es Guibei (Chine) et Gairdner (Australie). La bordure nord de la Laurentie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©activĂ©e par une nouvelle phase d’extension Ă  ca. 720 Ma associĂ©e Ă  l’emplacement de la province ignĂ©e Franklin. L’amincissement crustal et la formation d’une marge passive thermiquement subsidente le long de la bordure ouest de la Laurentie ne se sont certainement pas produits avant l’Édiacarien supĂ©rieur

    Initial cyclostratigraphy of the middle Nama Group (Schwarzrand Subgroup) in southern Namibia

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    The Ediacaran Period includes critical evolutionary trends of early complex life as well as climatic variations associated with ocean oxygenation, glaciations, and carbon cycling, which are still poorly understood in terms of astronomical climate forcing. The middle Nama Group in southern Namibia was deposited during the late Ediacaran in mainly shallow marine environments within a foreland basin and consists of hierarchically arranged depositional sequences. Here, we test a possible astronomical origin of these sedimentary variations by developing an initial cyclostratigraphic framework based on satellite images integrated with recently published high-precision U-Pb zircon ages. Regular sedimentary alternations occur dominantly on scales of several tens of meters, accompanied by smaller- and larger-scale variations, and are correlatable over distances of ∌50 km. Throughout the studied succession, 35 to 39 alternations are recognized on this dominant scale, which have an average duration of ∌120–180 k.y. This duration corresponds well with the period of short eccentricity (∌100 k.y.), given the likely presence of hiatuses, or alternatively, the period of obliquity amplitude modulation (∌173 k.y.), which would imply no time is missing on this scale. The dominant alternations are consistent with previously identified medium-scale sequences in this succession, which have been interpreted to record fluctuations in relative or eustatic sea level. We hypothesize that astronomically-forced fluctuations in eustatic sea level modulated deposition of the middle Nama Group. Geochemical studies suggested a relation between fossil distribution, redox variability and sea level, implying that astronomical forcing may have played a role in the distribution of early complex life

    Precise age of Bangiomorpha pubescens dates the origin of eukaryotic photosynthesis

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    Although the geological record indicates that eukaryotes evolved by 1.9–1.4 Ga, their early evolution is poorly resolved taxonomically and chronologically. The fossil red alga Bangiomorpha pubescens is the only recognized crown-group eukaryote older than ca. 0.8 Ga and marks the earliest known expression of extant forms of multicellularity and eukaryotic photosynthesis. Because it postdates the divergence between the red and green algae and the prior endosymbiotic event that gave rise to the chloroplast, B. pubescens is uniquely important for calibrating eukaryotic evolution. However, molecular clock estimates for the divergence between the red and green algae are highly variable, and some analyses estimate this split to be younger than the widely inferred but poorly constrained first appearance age of 1.2 Ga for B. pubescens. As a result, many molecular clock studies reject this fossil ex post facto. Here we present new Re-Os isotopic ages from sedimentary rocks that stratigraphically bracket the occurrence of B. pubescens in the Bylot Supergroup of Baffin Island and revise its first appearance to 1.047 +0.013/–0.017 Ga. This date is 150 m.y. younger than commonly held interpretations and permits more precise estimates of early eukaryotic evolution. Using cross-calibrated molecular clock analyses with the new fossil age, we calculate that photosynthesis within the Eukarya emerged ca. 1.25 Ga. This date for primary plastid endosymbiosis serves as a benchmark for interpreting the fossil record of early eukaryotes and evaluating their role in the Proterozoic biosphere

    New multicellular marine macroalgae from the early Tonian of northwestern Canada

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    Molecular phylogenetic data suggest that photosynthetic eukaryotes first evolved in freshwater environments in the early Proterozoic and diversified into marine environments by the Tonian Period, but early algal evolution is poorly reflected in the fossil record. Here, we report newly discovered, millimeter- to centimeter-scale macrofossils from outershelf marine facies of the ca. 950–900 Ma (Re-Os minimum age constraint = 898 ± 68 Ma) Dolores Creek Formation in the Wernecke Mountains, northwestern Canada. These fossils, variably preserved by iron oxides and clay minerals, represent two size classes. The larger forms feature unbranching thalli with uniform cells, differentiated cell walls, longitudinal striations, and probable holdfasts, whereas the smaller specimens display branching but no other diagnostic features. While the smaller population remains unresolved phylogenetically and may represent cyanobacteria, we interpret the larger fossils as multicellular eukaryotic macroalgae with a plausible green algal affinity based on their large size and presence of rib-like wall ornamentation. Considered as such, the latter are among the few green algae and some of the largest macroscopic eukaryotes yet recognized in the early Neoproterozoic. Together with other Tonian fossils, the Dolores Creek fossils indicate that eukaryotic algae, including green algae, colonized marine environments by the early Neoproterozoic Era

    Continental carbonate facies of a Neoproterozoic panglaciation, north-east Svalbard

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    The Marinoan panglaciation (ca 650 to 635 Ma) is represented in north-east Svalbard by the 130 to 175 m thick Wilsonbreen Formation which contains syn-glacial carbonates in its upper 100 m. These sediments are now known to have been deposited under a CO2-rich atmosphere, late in the glaciation, and global climate models facilitate testing of proposed analogues. Precipitated carbonates occur in four of the seven facies associations identified: Fluvial Channel (including stromatolitic and intraclastic limestones in ephemeral stream deposits); Dolomitic Floodplain (dolomite-cemented sand and siltstones, and microbial dolomites); Calcareous Lake Margin (intraclastic dolomite and wave-rippled or aeolian siliciclastic facies); and Calcareous Lake (slump-folded and locally re-sedimented rhythmic/stromatolitic limestones and dolomites associated with ice-rafted sediment). There is no strong cyclicity, and modern analogues suggest that sudden changes in lake level may exert a strong control on facies geometry. Both calcite and dolomite in stromatolites and rhythmites display either primary or early diagenetic replacive growth. Oxygen isotope values (−12 to +15‰VPDB) broadly covary with ÎŽ13C. High ÎŽ13C values of +3·5 to +4·5‰ correspond to equilibration with an atmosphere dominated by volcanically degassed CO2 with ÎŽ13C of −6 to −7‰. Limestones have consistently negative ÎŽ18O values, while rhythmic and playa dolomites preserve intermediate compositions, and dolocretes possess slightly negative to strongly positive ÎŽ18O signatures, reflecting significant evaporation under hyperarid conditions. Inferred meltwater compositions (−8 to −15·5‰) could reflect smaller Rayleigh fractionation related to more limited cooling than in modern polar regions. A common pseudomorph morphology is interpreted as a replacement of ikaite (CaCO3·H2O), which may also have been the precursor for widespread replacive calcite mosaics. Local dolomitization of lacustrine facies is interpreted to reflect microenvironments with fluctuating redox conditions. Although differing in (palaeo)latitude and carbonate abundance, the Wilsonbreen carbonates provide strong parallels with the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica

    Subglacial Meltwater Supported Aerobic Marine Habitats During Snowball Earth

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    The Earth’s most severe ice ages interrupted a crucial interval in eukaryotic evolution with widespread ice coverage during the Cryogenian Period (720 to 635 Ma). Aerobic eukaryotes must have survived the “Snowball Earth” glaciations, requiring the persistence of oxygenated marine habitats, yet evidence for these environments is lacking. We examine iron formations within globally distributed Cryogenian glacial successions to reconstruct the redox state of the synglacial oceans. Iron isotope ratios and cerium anomalies from a range of glaciomarine environments reveal pervasive anoxia in the ice-covered oceans but increasing oxidation with proximity to the ice shelf grounding line. We propose that the outwash of subglacial meltwater supplied oxygen to the synglacial oceans, creating glaciomarine oxygen oases. The confluence of oxygen-rich meltwater and iron-rich seawater may have provided sufficient energy to sustain chemosynthetic communities. These processes could have supplied the requisite oxygen and organic carbon source for the survival of early animals and other eukaryotic heterotrophs through these extreme glaciations

    Precise age of Bangiomorpha pubescens dates the origin of eukaryotic photosynthesis

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    Although the geological record indicates that eukaryotes evolved by 1.9–1.4 Ga, their early evolution is poorly resolved taxonomically and chronologically. The fossil red alga Bangiomorpha pubescens is the only recognized crown-group eukaryote older than ca. 0.8 Ga and marks the earliest known expression of extant forms of multicellularity and eukaryotic photosynthesis. Because it postdates the divergence between the red and green algae and the prior endosymbiotic event that gave rise to the chloroplast, B. pubescens is uniquely important for calibrating eukaryotic evolution. However, molecular clock estimates for the divergence between the red and green algae are highly variable, and some analyses estimate this split to be younger than the widely inferred but poorly constrained first appearance age of 1.2 Ga for B. pubescens. As a result, many molecular clock studies reject this fossil ex post facto. Here we present new Re-Os isotopic ages from sedimentary rocks that stratigraphically bracket the occurrence of B. pubescens in the Bylot Supergroup of Baffin Island and revise its first appearance to 1.047 +0.013/–0.017 Ga. This date is 150 m.y. younger than commonly held interpretations and permits more precise estimates of early eukaryotic evolution. Using cross-calibrated molecular clock analyses with the new fossil age, we calculate that photosynthesis within the Eukarya emerged ca. 1.25 Ga. This date for primary plastid endosymbiosis serves as a benchmark for interpreting the fossil record of early eukaryotes and evaluating their role in the Proterozoic biosphere
