90 research outputs found

    Hydraulic stream network conditioning by a tectonically induced, giant, deep-seated landslide along the front of the Apennine chain (south Italy)

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    Abstract. The tectonic stresses that produced the uplift of Apennine chain ridge in southern Italy generated advanced buried thrusts of allochthonous deposits that induced deformations of foredeep deposits. This thrust may cause giant, deep-seated landslides at the front of the chain. Starting from a specific case history in low Biferno Valley, this work presents how giant, deep-seated landslides along the front of the chain may be generated by the thrust of allochthonous nappe of the chain. In addition, the influence that these huge phenomena may have on landslide and flood susceptibility and on natural hazards of the involved area is analysed. The work presents an interpretation of local morphology and stream network paths of low Biferno Valley as a consequence of a giant, deep-seated landslide affecting the right side of the valley. The proposed interpretation is supported by numerical geomorphological analyses of the area at stake. It is shown how both the morphologies of the catchments of the river Biferno and its tributary Cigno and stream paths are strongly conditioned by this large, deep-seated landslide. This landslide deviates the stream paths affecting both the flooding susceptibility of low Biferno Valley and landslide susceptibility on the left side of Biferno Valley

    Hydraulic stream network conditioning by a tectonically induced, giant, deep-seated landslide along the front of the Apennine chain (south Italy)

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    The tectonic stresses that produced the uplift of Apennine chain ridge in southern Italy generated advanced buried thrusts of allochthonous deposits that induced deformations of foredeep deposits. This thrust may cause giant, deep-seated landslides at the front of the chain. Starting from a specific case history in low Biferno Valley, this work presents how giant, deep-seated landslides along the front of the chain may be generated by the thrust of allochthonous nappe of the chain. In addition, the influence that these huge phenomena may have on landslide and flood susceptibility and on natural hazards of the involved area is analysed. The work presents an interpretation of local morphology and stream network paths of low Biferno Valley as a consequence of a giant, deep-seated landslide affecting the right side of the valley. The proposed interpretation is supported by numerical geomorphological analyses of the area at stake. It is shown how both the morphologies of the catchments of the river Biferno and its tributary Cigno and stream paths are strongly conditioned by this large, deep-seated landslide. This landslide deviates the stream paths affecting both the flooding susceptibility of low Biferno Valley and landslide susceptibility on the left side of Biferno Valley

    Progetto per la creazione di un meta- registro Flebologico Nazionale.

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    Gli autori propondo la creazione di un database di meta-dati su un campione significativo di pazienti (50.000 anno) al fine di mettere a punto dei precorsi diagnostici terapeutici fleboligici

    Random forests highlight the combined effect of environmental heavy metals exposure and genetic damages for cardiovascular diseases

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    Heavy metals are a dangerous source of pollution due to their toxicity, permanence in the environment and chemical nature. It is well known that long-term exposure to heavy metals is related to several chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, neurodegenerative syndromes, etc.). In this work, we propose a machine learning framework to evaluate the severity of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) from Human scalp hair analysis (HSHA) tests and genetic analysis and identify a small group of these clinical features mostly associated with the CVD risk. Using a private dataset provided by the DD Clinic foundation in Caserta, Italy, we cross-validated the classification performance of a Random Forests model with 90 subjects affected by CVD. The proposed model reached an AUC of 0.78 ± 0.01 on a three class classification problem. The robustness of the predictions was assessed by comparison with different cross-validation schemes and two state-ofthe-art classifiers, such as Artificial Neural Network and General Linear Model. Thus, is the first work that studies, through a machine learning approach, the tight link between CVD severity, heavy metal concentrations and SNPs. Then, the selected features appear highly correlated with the CVD phenotype, and they could represent targets for future CVD therapies

    Impact of gastrointestinal side effects on patients’ reported quality of life trajectories after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Data from the prospective, observational pros-it CNR study

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    Radiotherapy (RT) represents an important therapeutic option for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. The aim of the current study is to examine trajectories in patients’ reported quality of life (QoL) aspects related to bowel function and bother, considering data from the PROState cancer monitoring in ITaly from the National Research Council (Pros-IT CNR) study, analyzed with growth mixture models. Data for patients who underwent RT, either associated or not associated with androgen deprivation therapy, were considered. QoL outcomes were assessed over a 2-year period from the diagnosis, using the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (Italian-UCLA-PCI). Three trajectories were identified for the bowel function; having three or more comorbidities and the use of 3D-CRT technique for RT were associated with the worst trajectory (OR = 3.80, 95% CI 2.04–7.08; OR = 2.17, 95% CI 1.22–3.87, respectively). Two trajectories were identified for the bowel bother scores; diabetes and the non-Image guided RT method were associated with being in the worst bowel bother trajectory group (OR = 1.69, 95% CI 1.06–2.67; OR = 2.57, 95% CI 1.70–3.86, respectively). The findings from this study suggest that the absence of comorbidities and the use of intensity modulated RT techniques with image guidance are related with a better tolerance to RT in terms of bowel side effects

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Background: The National Research Council (CNR) prostate cancer monitoring project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) is an observational, prospective, ongoing, multicentre study aiming to monitor a sample of Italian males diagnosed as new cases of prostate cancer. The present study aims to present data on the quality of life at time prostate cancer is diagnosed. Methods: One thousand seven hundred five patients were enrolled. Quality of life is evaluated at the time cancer was diagnosed and at subsequent assessments via the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA-PCI) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: At diagnosis, lower scores on the physical component of the SF-12 were associated to older ages, obesity and the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities. Lower scores on the mental component were associated to younger ages, the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities and a T-score higher than one. Urinary and bowel functions according to UCLA-PCI were generally good. Almost 5% of the sample reported using at least one safety pad daily to control urinary loss; less than 3% reported moderate/severe problems attributable to bowel functions, and sexual function was a moderate/severe problem for 26.7%. Diabetes, 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities, T2 or T3-T4 categories and a Gleason score of eight or more were significantly associated with lower sexual function scores at diagnosis. Conclusions: Data collected by the Pros-IT CNR study have clarified the baseline status of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. A comprehensive assessment of quality of life will allow to objectively evaluate outcomes of different profile of care

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Disturbi indotti da attivit\ue0 ionosferica eccezionale sulle soluzioni GNSS

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    La ionosfera rappresenta una fonte di disturbo che, se non ben modellizzata, pu\uf2 introdurre errori di entit\ue0 non trascurabile nel posizionamento GNSS. L'attivit\ue0 ionosferica \ue8 fortemente influenzata dall'attivit\ue0 solare, che presenta diverse ciclicit\ue0, tra cui quella principale con periodicit\ue0 undecennale, misurabile attraverso il numero di macchie solari (sunspot number). In base a tali informazioni \ue8 possibile apprezzare il repentino incremento dell\u2019attivit\ue0 solare che si sta verificando a partire dal 2010, con picchi massimi attesi nel corso del 2013. Anche se i pi\uf9 accurati metodi di posizionamento satellitare, relativi e NRTK, modellizzano gli effetti ionosferici sulle osservabili, gli effetti indotti da eventi di entit\ue0 eccezionale o corrispondenti alla massima attivit\ue0 solare, non sono del tutto quantificati. Ad esempio, i servizi del tipo NTRK non hanno mai lavorato in tali condizioni e le prestazioni di tali infrastrutture per i normali scopi topografici non sono del tutto note. Il presente lavoro introduce e quantifica i fenomeni ionosferici ciclici e descrive l\u2019effetto sulle prestazioni del posizionamento tramite GNSS nei casi in cui vengono impiegate le tecniche NRTK e statico-relativa per reti di limitata estensione geografica
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