30 research outputs found

    The Effect of Temperature on Reproductive Characteristics of an Asexually Reproducing Rotifer (Class Bdelloidea)

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    Most organisms exhibit sexual reproduction. Rotifers of the class Bdelloidea, however, seem to be a notable exception to this pattern. No male bdelloid individuals have ever been observed, and females apparently reproduce entirely through parthenogenesis. Sexual reproduction occurs in rotifers of the class Monogononta, and in many cases it is induced by environmental cues (e.g. temperature, diet). In this study, Philodina sp. was examined to determine if variations in temperature could induce a sexual cycle in bdelloid rotifers. Sibling individuals (clones) were raised with equal amounts of food at 20°C and 30°C. Newly hatched offspring produced by these individuals were counted and removed at approximately 12 hour intervals until the parent died. Individuals exhibiting unusual characteristics were isolated as possible males and raised for closer examination. No males were positively identified. However, temperature greatly affected reproduction rates. At 30°C individuals had a significantly greater rate of reproductive (Q10 = 2.34) and produced more offspring than those at 20°C. Furthermore, age at the start of reproduction was significantly earlier at 30°C than at 20°C. Unexpectedly, presumed genetically identical clones of Philodina sp. showed significant variation in lifespan when raised in equivalent environmental conditions

    Return to Beringia: Parasites Reveal Cryptic Biogeographic History of North American Pikas

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    Traditional concepts of the Bering Land Bridge as a zone of predominantly eastward expansion from Eurasia and a staging area for subsequent colonization of lower latitudes in North America led to early inferences regarding biogeographic histories of North American faunas, many of which remain untested. Here we apply a host–parasite comparative phylogeographical (HPCP) approach to evaluate one such history, by testing competing biogeographic hypotheses for five lineages of host-specific parasites shared by the collared pika (Ochotona collaris) and American pika (Ochotona princeps) of North America. We determine whether the southern host species (O. princeps) was descended from a northern ancestor or vice versa. Three parasite phylogenies revealed patterns consistent with the hypothesis of a southern origin, which is corroborated by four additional parasite lineages restricted to O. princeps. This finding reverses the traditional narrative for the origins of North American pikas and highlights the role of dispersal from temperate North America into Beringia in structuring northern diversity considerably prior to the Holocene. By evaluating multiple parasite lineages simultaneously, the study demonstrates the power of HPCP for resolving complex biogeographic histories that are not revealed by characteristics of the host alone

    Climate\u27s Role in Polar Bear Past [Letters]

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    Striking temporal concordance between the new date for divergence of polar bears and persistent freezing of the Arctic Ocean suggests that this may be one of relatively few instances in which a specific paleoclimatological episode can be convincingly linked to a specific evolutionary event, and it provides vivid demonstration of climatic forcing as a determinant of diversification in biological systems

    Small-mammal assemblage response to deforestation and afforestation in central China

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    International audienceDeforestation is a major environmental issue driving the loss of animal and plant species. Afforestation has recently been promoted to conserve and restore Chinese forest ecosystems. We investigated the distribution of small-mammal assemblages in an area where forest and associated deforestation habitats dominate and in an agricultural area where afforestation is ongoing in the Loess Plateau of southern Ningxia Autonomous Region, P.R. China. Multiple trapping was used. Assemblages were defined based on the multinomial probability distribution and information theory. Species turnover between assemblages of deforested and afforested habitats was high, although no clear effect on species richness was observed. The two assemblages described along the deforestation gradient displayed higher diversity, whereas diversity was lower in assemblages identified in afforested habitats where Cricetulus longicaudatus, known agricultural pest in various areas of China, clearly dominated. The threatened Sorex cylindricauda and Eozapus setchuanus were recorded along the deforestation gradient but not in plantations. Therefore, habitats present along a deforestation succession in this part of Ningxia sustain a high diversity of small mammals and include species of conservation concern. At the present stage of its process (maximum 15 years), afforestation in southern Ningxia favours the dominance of an agricultural pest

    Building an integrated infrastructure for exploring biodiversity: field collections and archives of mammals and parasites.

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    Museum specimens play an increasingly important role in predicting the outcomes and revealing the consequences of anthropogenically driven disruption of the biosphere. As ecological communities respond to ongoing environmental change, host-parasite interactions are also altered. This shifting landscape of host-parasite associations creates opportunities for colonization of different hosts and emergence of new pathogens, with implications for wildlife conservation and management, public health, and other societal concerns. Integrated archives that document and preserve mammal specimens along with their communities of associated parasites and ancillary data provide a powerful resource for investigating, anticipating, and mitigating the epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary impacts of environmental perturbation. Mammalogists who collect and archive mammal specimens have a unique opportunity to expand the scope and impact of their field work by collecting the parasites that are associated with their study organisms. We encourage mammalogists to embrace an integrated and holistic sampling paradigm and advocate for this to become standard practice for museum-based collecting. To this end, we provide a detailed, field-tested protocol to give mammalogists the tools to collect and preserve host and parasite materials that are of high quality and suitable for a range of potential downstream analyses (e.g., genetic, morphological). Finally, we also encourage increased global cooperation across taxonomic disciplines to build an integrated series of baselines and snapshots of the changing biosphere. Los especímenes de museo desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante tanto en la descripción de los resultados de la alteración antropogénica de la biosfera como en la predicción de sus consecuencias. Dado que las comunidades ecológicas responden al cambio ambiental, también se alteran las interacciones hospedador-parásito. Este panorama cambiante de asociaciones hospedador-parásito crea oportunidades para la colonización de diferentes hospedadores y para la aparición de nuevos patógenos, con implicancias en la conservación y manejo de la vida silvestre, la salud pública y otras preocupaciones de importancia para la sociedad. Archivos integrados que documentan y preservan especímenes de mamíferos junto con sus comunidades de parásitos y datos asociados, proporcionan un fuerte recurso para investigar, anticipar y mitigar los impactos epidemiológicos, ecológicos y evolutivos de las perturbaciones ambientales. Los mastozoólogos que recolectan y archivan muestras de mamíferos, tienen una oportunidad única de ampliar el alcance e impacto de su trabajo de campo mediante la recolección de los parásitos que están asociados con los organismos que estudian. Alentamos a los mastozoólogos a adoptar un paradigma de muestreo integrado y holístico y abogamos para que esto se convierta en una práctica estándarizada de la obtención de muestras para museos. Con este objetivo, proporcionamos un protocolo detallado y probado en el campo para brindar a los mastozoólogos las herramientas para recolectar y preservar materiales de parásitos y hospedadores de alta calidad y adecuados para una gran variedad de análisis subsecuentes (e.g., genéticos, morfológicos, etc.). Finalmente, también abogamos por una mayor cooperación global entre las diversas disciplinas taxonómicas para construir una serie integrada de líneas de base y registros actuales de nuestra cambiante biosfera

    Resolving the Evolutionary History of Campanula (Campanulaceae) in Western North America

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    Recent phylogenetic works have begun to address long-standing questions regarding the systematics of Campanula (Campanulaceae). Yet, aspects of the evolutionary history, particularly in northwestern North America, remain unresolved. Thus, our primary goal in this study was to infer the phylogenetic positions of northwestern Campanula species within the greater Campanuloideae tree. We combined new sequence data from 5 markers (atpB, rbcL, matK, and trnL-F regions of the chloroplast and the nuclear ITS) representing 12 species of Campanula with previously published datasets for worldwide campanuloids, allowing us to include approximately 75% of North American Campanuleae in a phylogenetic analysis of the Campanuloideae. Because all but one of North American Campanula species are nested within a single campanuloid subclade (the Rapunculus clade), we conducted a separate set of analyses focused specifically on this group. Our findings show that i) the campanuloids have colonized North America at least 6 times, 4 of which led to radiations, ii) all but one North American campanuloid are nested within the Rapunculus clade, iii) in northwestern North America, a C. piperi – C. lasiocarpa ancestor gave rise to a monophyletic Cordilleran clade that is sister to a clade containing C. rotundifolia, iv) within the Cordilleran clade, C. parryi var. parryi and C. parryi var. idahoensis exhibit a deep, species-level genetic divergence, and v) C. rotundifolia is genetically diverse across its range and polyphyletic. Potential causes of diversification and endemism in northwestern North America are discussed

    Discovery of New \u3ci\u3eOhbayashinema\u3c/i\u3e spp. (Nematoda: Heligmosomoidea) in \u3ci\u3eOchotona princeps\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eOchotona cansus\u3c/i\u3e (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from Western North America and Central Asia, with Considerations of Historical Biogeography

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    Three new species of Ohbayashinema (Nematoda, Heligmosomoidea) are described from localities in western North America and central Asia. Two of these species, Ohbayashinema nearctica n. sp. and Ohbayashinema aspeira n. sp., are parasitic in American pika, Ochotona princeps. Ohbayashinema nearctica is differentiated from the 5 known species of the genus parasitic in Ochotonidae from the Old World by very long spicules and an oblique axis of orientation for the ridges composing the synlophe. Ohbayashinema aspeira, described only from females, is similar to Oh. nearctica based on the number of cuticular ridges at the midbody. It is mainly differentiated by an uncoiled anterior extremity and by near equal dimensions of the vestibule and the uterus. The third species, Ohbayashinema patriciae n. sp., is parasitic in Gansu pika, Ochotona cansus, from China. It is similar to Ohbayashinema erbaevae parasitic in Ochotona dauurica from Buriatia and Ohbayashinema ochotoni in Ochotona macrotis from Nepal, based on the length of the spicules and the ratio of spicule length to body length. It differs from the former species by possessing a smaller number of cuticular ridges and in the comparative length of the vestibule and infundibulum. Related to Oh. ochotoni by an identical number of cuticular ridges at the mid-body, it differs from this species in having smaller ridges in the dorsal rather than ventral field and in the dimensions of the dorsal ray where rays 9 are less than rays 10. Species of Ohbayashinema appear to be host-specific among the Ochotonidae but had not been previously reported in pikas from the Nearctic. Although much remains to be demonstrated about the diversity for helminths in pikas, it is apparent that factors associated with the assembly and structure of parasite faunas have been complex, involving episodic processes for geographic and host colonization along with coevolutionary mechanisms. Understanding the historical factors, particularly climate-driven fluctuations in geographic range, that have structured these faunas suggests that the current regime for global warming and habitat modification has considerable implications for the continuity of already localized assemblages of hosts and parasites

    \u3ci\u3eHymenolepis folkertsi\u3c/i\u3e n. sp. (Eucestoda: Hymenolepididae) in the Oldfield Mouse \u3ci\u3ePeromyscus polionotus\u3c/i\u3e (Wagner) (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Neotominae) from the Southeastern Nearctic with Comments on Tapeworm Faunal Diversity among Deer Mice

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    A previously unrecognized species of hymenolepidid cestode attributable to Hymenolepis is described based on specimens in Peromyscus polionotus, oldfield mouse, from Georgia, United States, near the southeastern coast of continental North America. Specimens of Hymenolepis folkertsi n. sp. differ from those attributed to most other species in the genus by having testes arranged in a triangle and a scolex with a prominent rostrum-like protrusion. The newly recognized species is further distinguished by the relative position and length of the cirrus sac, shape of seminal receptacle, and relative size of external seminal vesicle and seminal receptacle. Hymenolepidid cestodes have sporadically been reported among the highly diverse assemblage of Peromyscus which includes fifty-six distinct species in the Nearctic. Although the host genus has a great temporal duration and is endemic to the Nearctic, current evidence suggests that tapeworm faunal diversity reflects relatively recent assembly through bouts of host switching among other cricetid, murid, and geomyid rodents in sympatry

    Contrasting consequences of historical climate change for marmots at northern and temperate latitudes

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    Many species that occupy high latitudes of North America were historically restricted to relatively small refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The geographic ranges of many of these species then expanded widely across the continent after glacial ice receded. In contrast, species whose LGM distributions spanned lower (relatively ice-free) latitudes may have been less likely to experience demographic and geographic retraction during glacial periods, or expansion during interglacial periods. For example, species in North America\u27s Intermountain West occupied a topographically complex landscape across which widespread patches of suitable habitat could have helped maintain a relatively stable range-wide effective population size even if local populations fluctuated in response to shifting climates. We test for these alternative demographic signals in southern versus northern species by comparing patterns of genetic diversity of the more southern yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) with those of the more northern hoary marmot (M. caligata). Our data reveal high diversity but no deep structure across the distribution of yellow-bellied marmots. In contrast, hoary marmots have previously been shown to exhibit a deep divergence between regional mitochondrial clades of relatively low diversity. We suggest that these differences reflect differences in habitat availability through time, with hoary marmots persistently isolated in small glacial refugia and yellow-bellied marmots more broadly distributed across the Intermountain West through both glacial and interglacial periods. Our results highlight the importance of historical patterns of habitat availability as key drivers of current genetic structure