25 research outputs found

    Reimplementación de un software de planeación de recursos empresariales, centrado en un análisis de capacidades y alcances de los actuales procesos y actividades para la empresa Publivisual

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    143 p.Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el de identificar, redactar y analizar los procesos que sean más relevantes para la empresa Publivisual, adecuando su modelo de datos a los procesos claves detectados y obtenidos en base a dicho análisis, formando así una nueva base de datos, para ser implementada en un software de planeación de recursos empresariales (ERP), mediante el uso de la actividades propuestas por la metodología tradicional de desarrollo como es la cascada, en conjunto a la incorporación de las fases propuestas por una metodología ágil como lo es AIM (Accelerated Improvement Method), respaldando de forma rigurosa mediante el uso de la metodología de Documentación de Requerimientos Centrada en el Usuario (DoRCU) los requerimientos necesarios y vitales para el correcto funcionamiento de dichos procesos. Para poder trabajar y adecuar aquellos procesos, se trabajó con modelos de negocios identificando y registrando las futuras interacciones que presentaría el software con el modelo de negocios identificado. // ABSTRACT: The objective of this project is to identify, write and analyze the most relevant processes for Publivisual, adapting its data model to the key processes detected and obtained based on this analysis, thus forming a new database to be implemented in an enterprise resource planning software (ERP), through the use of the activities proposed by the traditional development methodology such as waterfall, together with the incorporation of the phases proposed by an agile methodology such as AIM (Accelerated Improvement Method), supporting in a rigorous way through the use of the methodology of Documentation of Requirements Centered on the User (DoRCU) the necessary and vital requirements for the correct operation of these processes. In order to work and adapt those processes, we worked with business models identifying and recording the future interactions that the software would present with the identified business model

    El panteón de la montaña de cobre. Trabajo, ambiente y causas de muerte en la mina de Chuquicamata durante la etapa Guggenheim (Chile, 1915-1923)

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    Se caracteriza y analiza cuantitativa y cualitativamente los procesos de mortalidad desarrollados en Chuquicamata entre los años 1915 y 1923, etapa bajo gestión de la familia Guggenheim. Para dicho objetivo, se recurre a un valioso archivo documental inédito hallado en las ruinas del abandonado campamento, archivo que contiene el registro de los muertos que están sepultados en el Cementerio de Chuquicamata. Así, podremos caracterizar y analizar 2353 casos correspondientes a occisos para el periodo seleccionado, viendo las correlaciones de los factores o causales de muertes, los periodos, frecuencias y su impacto según género. De esa manera, también se caracterizan los modos de la atención de salud, las singularidades laborales y las características ambientales del campamento, el cual, de una u otra manera, intervino en los indicadores que determinan la calidad de vida y los procesos que la extinguieron. Podremos ver que, con la inauguración industrial de Chuquicamata por parte de los Guggenheim, se estimuló un aumento de la escala de la producción llegando a ser la mina de cobre más grande del mundo, hito que fue posible gracias a una nueva realidad tecnológica y procedimental que alteró el ambiente, surgiendo también un metabolismo sociobiológico en la nueva comunidad que tuvo que habitar el mineral y subsidiar con sus biologías un proyecto minero extranjero.This article characterizes and analyzes quantitatively and qualitatively the mortality processes developed in Chuquicamata between 1915 and 1923, a stage under the management of the Guggenheim family. For this, a valuable unpublished documentary file found in the ruins of the abandoned camp is used, a file that contains the record of the dead who are buried in the Chuquicamata cemetery. Thus, we will be able to characterize and analyze 2353 cases corresponding to deaths for the selected period, seeing the correlations of the factors or causes of death, the periods, frequencies and their impact according to gender. In this way, the modes of health care, the labor singularities and the environmental characteristics of the camp are also characterized, which in one way or another intervened in the indicators that determine the quality of life and the processes that extinguished it. We can see that, with the industrial inauguration of Chuquicamata by the Guggenheims, an increase in the scale of production was stimulated becoming the largest copper mine in the world, a milestone that was possible thanks to a new technological and procedural reality that altered the environment, also arising a sociobiological metabolism in the new community that had to inhabit the mineral and subsidize with its biologies a foreign mining project.Se caracterizan y analizan cuantitativa y cualitativamente los procesos de mortalidad desarrollados en Chuquicamata entre los años 1915 y 1923, etapa bajo gestión dela familia Guggenheim. Para dicho objetivo, se recurre a un valioso archivo documentalinédito hallado en las ruinas del abandonado campamento, archivo que contiene el registrode los muertos que están sepultados en el Cementerio de Chuquicamata. Así, podremoscaracterizar y analizar 2.353 casos correspondientes a occisos para el periodo seleccionado,viendo las correlaciones de los factores o causas de muertes, los periodos, frecuencias y suimpacto según género. De esa manera, también se caracterizan los modos de la atenciónde salud, las singularidades laborales y las características ambientales del campamento,el cual, de una u otra manera, intervino en los indicadores que determinan la calidad devida y los procesos que la extinguieron. Podremos ver que, con la inauguración industrialde Chuquicamata por parte de los Guggenheim, se estimuló un aumento de la escalade la producción llegando a ser la mina de cobre más grande del mundo, hito que fueposible gracias a una nueva realidad tecnológica y procedimental que alteró el ambiente,surgiendo también un metabolismo sociobiológico en la nueva comunidad que tuvo quehabitar el mineral y subsidiar con sus biologías un proyecto minero extranjero

    Correlations Among Neutron Yield and Dynamical Discharge Characteristics Obtained from Electrical Signals in a 400 J Plasma Focus

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    Artículo de publicación ISIDynamical discharge characteristics and their relation with the total neutron yield emitted from a 400 J plasma focus operating in deuterium gas are presented. The dynamical nature of the plasma focus is obtained merely from the analysis of the voltage and current electrical signals without considering any particular geometry for the plasma sheath. It is calculated that large neutron yields are obtained when plasma inductance, mechanical energy and plasma voltage at pinching time have larger values. In contrast, no correlations are found among neutron yields either with plasma propagation velocities or quantities at the beginning of the radial phase. There is also found that the current sheath geometry changes according to the gas pressure, having larger curvature for lower pressures. The calculations also provide estimations of sheath thicknesses at the detachment from the insulator in the range of 0.5–1 mm, being thicker for larger neutron yield.This work is supported by the Chile Bicentennial Program in Science and Technology grant ACT 26, Center for Research and Applications in Plasma Physics and Pulsed Power Technology (P4 Project) F Veloso is supported by CCHEN and grant PSD-01, PBCT

    YUCCA-Mediated Biosynthesis of the Auxin IAA Is Required during the Somatic Embryogenic Induction Process in Coffea canephora

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    Despite the existence of considerable research on somatic embryogenesis (SE), the molecular mechanism that regulates the biosynthesis of auxins during the SE induction process remains unknown. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is an auxin that is synthesized in plants through five pathways. The biosynthetic pathway most frequently used in this synthesis is the conversion of tryptophan to indol-3-pyruvic acid (IPA) by tryptophan aminotransferase of Arabidopsis (TAA) followed by the conversion of IPA to IAA by enzymes encoded by YUCCA (YUC) genes of the flavin monooxygenase family; however, it is unclear whether YUC-mediated IAA biosynthesis is involved in SE induction. In this study, we report that the increase of IAA observed during SE pre-treatment (plants in MS medium supplemented with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 0.54 µM and kinetin (Kin) 2.32 µM for 14 days) was due to its de novo biosynthesis. By qRT-PCR, we demonstrated that YUC gene expression was consistent with the free IAA signal found in the explants during the induction of SE. In addition, the use of yucasin to inhibit the activity of YUC enzymes reduced the signal of free IAA in the leaf explants and dramatically decreased the induction of SE. The exogenous addition of IAA restored the SE process in explants treated with yucasin. Our findings suggest that the biosynthesis and localization of IAA play an essential role during the induction process of SE in Coffea canephora

    The role of chromatin modifications in somatic embryogenesis in plants

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    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a powerful tool for plant genetic improvement, when used in combination with agricultural traditional techniques, and it is being used to understand the different processes that occur during the development of plant embryogenesis. SE onset depends on a complex network of interactions among plant growth regulators, mainly auxins and cytokinins, during the proembryogenic early stages, and ethylene, gibberellic and abscisic acids later in the development of the somatic embryos. These growth regulators control spatial and temporal regulation of multiple genes in order to initiate the change in the genetic program of the somatic cells, as well as the transition among embryo developmental stages. In recent years, epigenetic mechanisms have emerged as critical factors during SE. Some early reports indicate that auxins modify the levels of DNA methylation in embryogenic cells. The changes in DNA methylation patterns are associated with the regulation of several genes involved in SE, such as WUS, BBM1, LEC, and several others. In this review, we highlight the more recent discoveries in the role of epigenetic regulation of SE. In addition, we include a survey of novel approaches to the study of SE, and new opportunities to focus SE studies

    Auxin-Cytokinin Cross Talk in Somatic Embryogenesis of <i>Coffea canephora</i>

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    Cytokinins (CK) are plant growth regulators involved in multiple physiological processes in plants. One less studied aspect is CK homeostasis (HM). The primary genes related to HM are involved in biosynthesis (IPT), degradation (CKX), and signaling (ARR). This paper demonstrates the effect of auxin (Aux) and CK and their cross talk in a Coffea canephora embryogenic system. The transcriptome and RT-qPCR suggest that Aux in pre-treatment represses biosynthesis, degradation, and signal CK genes. However, in the induction, there is an increase of genes implicated in the CK perception/signal, indicating perhaps, as in other species, Aux is repressing CK, and CK are inducing per se genes involved in its HM. This is reflected in the endogenous concentration of CK; pharmacology experiments helped study the effect of each plant growth regulator in our SE system. We conclude that the Aux–CK balance is crucial to directing somatic embryogenesis in C. canephora

    Modern conditions and recent environmental evolution of the industrialized inner Ría of Ferrol (Galicia, NW Spain)

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    Galician rías provide several ecosystem services of great ecological and economic significance in the northwestern Iberian margin, requiring a good environmental quality for sustainable harnessing. More paleoenvironmental reconstructions extending to their preindustrial state are needed to predict their evolution under natural and human-induced perturbations, such as ongoing anthropogenic global warming. This study's aim is twofold: first, characterize the current environmental conditions governing the inner Ría of Ferrol (Galicia, NW Spain) and address its recent natural and anthropogenic evolution. Therefore, a multiproxy approach (benthic foraminifera, grain size, pollen content, trace metals, Al, total organic and inorganic carbon contents, total nitrogen content, δ¹³C, magnetic susceptibility, ²¹⁰Pb and ¹³⁷Cs radiotracers, and microplastics) has been applied to intertidal surface and sediment core samples. The benthic foraminiferal results exhibit typical inner ría assemblages, primarily driven by natural ría-estuarine dynamics, with a higher dominance of brackish species (H. germanica, A. morphogroup tepida), fewer living individuals and marine allochthonous taxa toward the continental end-member. The foraminiferal standing crops and surface trace metal concentrations do not reflect strong anthropogenic impacts, although areas with elevated magnetic susceptibility have been detected, probably associated with nearby industrial activities. The recent sedimentary deposits reveal anthropogenic impacts at local and regional scales, with different environmental shifts. Local impacts were triggered by physical interventions in the inner ría, with the construction of the As Pías Bridge in 1968 and the great urban-industrial development of Ferrol city and surrounding localities experienced since the late 19th century. Land-use changes have driven regional scale changes, corresponding to reforestation plans with the introduction of anthropogenic plant species for industrial purposes initiated in the 1940s. The stratigraphic analysis of sediment cores has unveiled high levels of contaminants (Zn and microplastics) in the innermost sector as the primary environmental concerns. In this sediment-infilling and restricted area, potential dredging activities could release them leading to their possible bioavailability. Although past adverse environmental conditions cannot be discarded, sedimentary intervals with negligible presence of microfauna in the innermost area have mostly been attributed to taphonomic processes involving calcareous dissolution and disaggregation of agglutinated tests, likely caused by carbonate-undersaturated conditions and organic matter metabolization by microbial activity respectively.Acknowledgements. This research was financially supported by RTI2018-095678-B-C21, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE (MINECO) and IT1616-22 (EJ/GV) projects. Jon Gardoki and Carlos Galaz are supported by predoctoral fellowships granted by the Basque Government (PRE_2020_1_0035) and Mexican Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONAHCYT 771105), respectively. Jordina Belmonte is also thanked for sharing laboratory facilities for pollen extraction at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Filipa Bessa was supported by the University of Coimbra through the contract IT057-18-7252 and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), I.P. through the strategic projects UIDB/04292/2020 and UIDP/04292/2020 granted to MARE and LA/P/0069/2020, granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET. María Celia Besteiro (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain) is thanked for the historical micropaleontological information kindly supplied. It is contribution 57 of the Geo-Q Zentroa Research Unit (Joaquín Gomez ´ de Llarena Laboratory). The manuscript was revised by the Language Editing Services of Elsevier. We are grateful to the Associate Editor (Angel ´ Borja) and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions that contributed to improve the original manuscrip

    Somatic Embryogenesis: Identified Factors that Lead to Embryogenic Repression. A Case of Species of the Same Genus

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    <div><p>Somatic embryogenesis is a powerful biotechnological tool for the mass production of economically important cultivars. Due to the cellular totipotency of plants, somatic cells under appropriate conditions are able to develop a complete functional embryo. During the induction of somatic embryogenesis, there are different factors involved in the success or failure of the somatic embryogenesis response. Among these factors, the origin of the explant, the culture medium and the <i>in vitro</i> environmental conditions have been the most studied. However, the secretion of molecules into the media has not been fully addressed. We found that the somatic embryogenesis of <i>Coffea canephora</i>, a highly direct embryogenic species, is disrupted by the metabolites secreted from <i>C</i>. <i>arabica</i>, a poorly direct embryogenic species. These metabolites also affect DNA methylation. Our results show that the abundance of two major phenolic compounds, caffeine and chlorogenic acid, are responsible for inhibiting somatic embryogenesis in <i>C</i>. <i>canephora</i>.</p></div

    The Role of Cytokinins during the Development of Strawberry Flowers and Receptacles

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    Cytokinins play a relevant role in flower and fruit development and plant yield. Strawberry fruits have a high commercial value, although what is known as the &ldquo;fruit&rdquo; is not a &ldquo;true&rdquo; botanical fruit because it develops from a non-reproductive organ (receptacle) on which the true botanical fruits (achenes) are found. Given cytokinins&rsquo; roles in botanical fruits, it is important to understand their participation in the development of a non-botanical or accessory &ldquo;fruit&rdquo;. Therefore, in this work, the role of cytokinin in strawberry flowers and fruits was investigated by identifying and exploring the expression of homologous genes for different families that participate in the pathway, through publicly available genomic and expression data analyses. Next, trans-zeatin content in developing flowers and receptacles was determined. A high concentration was observed in flower buds and at anthesis and decreased as the fruit approached maturity. Moreover, the spatio-temporal expression pattern of selected CKX genes was evaluated and detected in receptacles at pre-anthesis stages. The results point to an important role and effect of cytokinins in flower and receptacle development, which is valuable both from a biological point of view and to improve yield and the quality of this fruit