39 research outputs found

    Función de calefacción en pastas de cemento con adición de nanofibras de carbono

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    The viability of carbon nanofiber (CNF) composites in cement matrices as a self-heating material is reported in this paper. This functional application would allow the use of CNF cement composites as a heating element in buildings, or for deicing pavements of civil engineering transport infrastructures, such as highways or airport runways. Cement pastes with the addition of different CNF dosages (from 0 to 5% by cement mass) have been prepared. Afterwards, tests were run at different fixed voltages (50, 100 and 150V), and the temperature of the specimens was registered. Also the possibility of using a casting method like shotcrete, instead of just pouring the fresh mix into the mild (with no system’s efficiency loss expected) was studied. Temperatures up to 138 °C were registered during shotcrete-5% CNF cement paste tests (showing initial 10 °C/min heating rates). However a minimum voltage was required in order to achieve a proper system functioning.En este artículo se estudia la viabilidad del uso de matrices cementicias con adición de nanofibras de carbono (NFC) como elementos calefactores. Esto permitiría aumentar la temperatura de estancias en edificación o el deshielo de pavimentos en obras civiles. Se han fabricado pastas de cemento con distintas dosificaciones de NFC (0, 1, 2 y 5% respecto masa del cemento) y sometidas al paso de corriente continua a distintos potenciales fijos (50, 100 y 150 V), mientras se controlaba la temperatura en distintos puntos. Se ha estudiado la viabilidad de utilizar la proyección de la pasta fresca como método de puesta en obra, sin perjudicar la eficiencia del sistema. Se consiguieron temperaturas de hasta 138 °C (con velocidades iniciales de 10 °C/min) para pasta proyectada con 5% NFC. Además se ha detectado la necesidad de un potencial mínimo para que la densidad de corriente resultante sea suficiente para producir el efecto esperado.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for its financial support (ref: Mat2009-10866)

    Anthropological and transcultural nursing in the context of education for development: a historical and epistemologic perspective in the principle of the XXI century

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en clarificar históricamente el concepto de "desarrollo" y vincularlo a otro concepto, el de "educación"con la finalidad de aportar un marco idóneo para la acción educativa en enfermería, especialmente en enfermería antropológica y transcultural. Para ello se han identificado los significados de los conceptos implicados separada y conjuntamente procurando interrelacionar los factores sociales, ideológicos, económicos, políticos, científicos y metodológicos. Asimismo, una vez analizados y contextualizados los diferentes conceptos, atendiendo a su naturaleza, se ha procedido a seleccionar las técnicas y métodos idóneos para el trabajo en educación para el desarrollo y enfermería transcultural. Entre las conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia de la contextualización de todas las actividades de educación para el desarrollo, la necesidad de adoptar métodos y técnicas adecuados al contexto de la acción educativa en enfermería. Por otro lado se ha constatado que tanto la enfermería como la educación para el desarrollo comparten el carácter holístico con el que abordan su objeto-sujeto: el hombre en el proceso de satisfacción de necesidades. Los métodos y técnicas de investigación acción resultan ser los más adecuados para este tipo de trabajos debido, sobre todo a la repercusión de la actividad investigadora en la realidad investigada (no se agota el proceso científico en la producción de conocimientos). Tanto la enfermería para el desarrollo, como la enfermería comunitaria y la enfermería transcultural comparte el principio esencial y característico de tales disciplinas: el fomento de la participación en un clima de tolerancia y solidaridad. No es posible desarrollar ninguna actividad de educación para el desarrollo, enfermería comunitaria o enfermería transcultural sin la implicación previa de los individuos, las familias o las comunidades a las que vayan dirigidas.This work has the objective of clarify the development concept historically and relative it with another concept: education; and everything this process with the purpose of contributing to selection of a suitable context for educational nursing action, specially in anthropological and transcultural nursing

    Hormigón conductor reforzado con fibras de carbono para la prevención y remediación de heladas en pavimentos de carreteras y aeropuertos

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    Póster presentado en el I Congreso Nacional PRE-CONPAT 16, Madrid, 2 de diciembre de 2016.La función de calefacción que poseen los materiales cementantes conductores presenta un importante campo de aplicación en las infraestructuras de transporte. La adición de fibras de carbono (FC) en bajas cantidades al hormigón mejora sustancialmente su conductividad eléctrica, lo que puede ser aprovechado para acometer actuaciones de prevención y curación de heladas en pavimentos de carreteras y aeropuertos, frente a otros métodos más agresivos o de mayor coste económico.Los autores agradecen a la Consellería de Educación, Formación y Empleo de la Generalitat Valenciana, la financiación de la investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto “Prometeo 2013/035. Materiales cementantes conductores multifuncionales inteligentes”

    Intercultural mediation at the end of life. Different perceptions of the same process

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    The aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of palliative care professionals with regards to the management of patients from a different culture, and if there is a need to incorporate an intercultural mediator. To understand the influence of the intercultural mediator as a facilitator in the decision making of the patient and family at the end of life. The methodological approach is centered in pluralism, reinforced by triangulation of data and information. The intercultural mediator is crucial because they can provide light in a multitude of conflict situations caused by lack of knowledge about the patient's culture. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Mechanical Properties and Durability of CNT Cement Composites

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    In the present paper, changes in mechanical properties of Portland cement-based mortars due to the addition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and corrosion of embedded steel rebars in CNT cement pastes are reported. Bending strength, compression strength, porosity and density of mortars were determined and related to the CNT dosages. CNT cement paste specimens were exposed to carbonation and chloride attacks, and results on steel corrosion rate tests were related to CNT dosages. The increase in CNT content implies no significant variations of mechanical properties but higher steel corrosion intensities were observed.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref: Mat 2009-10866) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2013/035) for their economic support on this research

    Carbon Nanofiber Cement Sensors to Detect Strain and Damage of Concrete Specimens Under Compression

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    Cement composites with nano-additions have been vastly studied for their functional applications, such as strain and damage sensing. The capacity of a carbon nanofiber (CNF) cement paste has already been tested. However, this study is focused on the use of CNF cement composites as sensors in regular concrete samples. Different measuring techniques and humidity conditions of CNF samples were tested to optimize the strain and damage sensing of this material. In the strain sensing tests (for compressive stresses up to 10 MPa), the response depends on the maximum stress applied. The material was more sensitive at higher loads. Furthermore, the actual load time history did not influence the electrical response, and similar curves were obtained for different test configurations. On the other hand, damage sensing tests proved the capability of CNF cement composites to measure the strain level of concrete samples, even for loads close to the material’s strength. Some problems were detected in the strain transmission between sensor and concrete specimens, which will require specific calibration of each sensor one attached to the structure.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for their economic support on this research (grant Mat 2009-10866) and Generalitat Valenciana (grant PROMETEO/2013/035)

    Heating and de-icing function in conductive concrete and cement paste with the hybrid addition of carbon nanotubes and graphite products

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    This paper aims to study the viability of conductive cement paste and conductive concrete with the hybrid addition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphite powder (GP) as a self-heating material for heating, ice formation prevention and de-icing in pavements. Different heating tests, ice-preventing tests and de-icing tests were performed with cement paste and concrete specimens. Results confirm that the conductive cement composites studied, with the addition of 1% CNT + 5% GP, exhibited heating, de-icing and ice-prevention properties, when applying constant AC/DC voltages between the two end sides of each specimen, with relatively low energy consumption. The main contribution of this work is to achieve a sufficient conductivity level for the development of the heating and de-icing function using this hybrid addition in concrete, which has not been used so far, in order to be applied in real concrete structures.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support received from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 760940 and from the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) (AICO/2019/050)

    Strain and damage sensing properties on multifunctional cement composites with CNF admixture

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    Both strain and damage sensing properties on carbon nanofiber cement composites (CNFCC) are reported in the present paper. Strain sensing tests were first made on the material’s elastic range. The applied loading levels have been previously calculated from mechanical strength tests. The effect of several variables on the strain-sensing function was studied, e.g. cement pastes curing age, current density, loading rate or maximum stress applied. All these parameters were discussed using the gage factor as reference. After this first set of elastic experiments, the same specimens were gradually loaded until material’s failure. At the same time both strain and resistivity were measured. The former was controlled using strain gages, and the latter using a multimeter on a four probe setup. The aim of these tests was to prove the sensitivity of these CNF composites to sense their own damage, i.e. check the possibility of fabricating structural damage sensors with CNFCC’s. All samples with different CNF dosages showed good strain-sensing capacities for curing periods of 28 days. Furthermore, a 2%CNF reinforced cement paste has been sensitive to its own structural damage.Authors want to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for their economic support on this research (Ref: Mat 2009-10866)

    The new European phenomenon, health tourism : present situation

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    La crisis de los sistemas sanitarios es algo común en todos los países del mundo. Esta crisis se ve especialmente reflejada en las listas de espera para tratamientos de cirugía, en la medida en que el número de intervenciones aumenta debido a las mejoras de las técnicas quirúrgicas y anestésicas así como al incremento de la demanda de la población. Todo esto conlleva que los gastos en estas materias específicas se disparen. Los sistemas sanitarios vienen buscando alternativas que aceleren las listas y disminuyan los costes. Con este fin, la Unión Europea ha abierto las fronteras al tráfico de pacientes entre países, lo que permite que usuarios de un estado vayan a operarse a otro, en ocasiones con médicos y equipo del propio país de origen. Sin embargo esto plantea ciertos problemas: el país de origen debe garantizar que la asistencia va a ser similar a la que se le prestaría en este, debe elegir el tipo de intervenciones y el tipo de pacientes adecuados y un largo etcétera. El país de destino afronta el reto de cuidar a unos pacientes con una lengua y una cultura diferentes y por lo tanto con unas creencias sobre la salud, la enfermedad y la hospitalización diferentes. La Clínica Vistahermosa ha sido pionera a este campo en el ámbito español y europeo, gracias a los acuerdos firmados entre nuestro país y otros como Portugal, Gran Bretaña u Holanda. De este último venimos recibiendo pacientes desde hace varios años. Tal y como venimos reflejando en diferentes estudios, se esta dando un fenómeno nuevo que denominamos “Turismo de Salud” en la provincia de Alicante, puesto que los pacientes realizan actividades de ocio, y ocupan habitaciones de hotel tras los primeros días de hospitalización. El estado de la cuestión, los retos, problemas y repercusiones de este nuevo fenómeno son abordados en este estudio.The present crisis in health system is something common world wide. This crisis can be well detected when watching waiting lists for surgical care treatments, according to the increasing number of operation processes due to the better present surgical and anesthetic techniques. Also due to the more and more demands from the population. This is a process where finance for certain specific processes emphasizes. The health systems are looking for alternative ways to diminish their waiting lists as well as to decrease costs. For that reason, the European Union opens its borders to easy a possible traffic of patients among different countries to allow users of a certain Union Estate to move to another one. In some occasions a full team of professionals: doctors and nurses could move from their own European Estate to a different one. But of course, this type of transfers do present certain problems. The native country must guarantee that the care the patient will get in another country will be similar to its own. The receiving country faces the challenge of caring patients with a different culture, a different language and as a consequence different ways for considering health where illness and hospitalization differ as well. Clinica Vistahermosa – in Alicante – has been pioneer in that sense, in the whole Spain, and within Europe. CV. has agreements and protocols signed with Portugal, U.K. and Holland. As a matter of fact, it has been receiving patients from the later for several years now. As we have been showing in several studies, there is a new phenomenon we may call “Health Tourism” in Alicante, as patients integrate not only for health techniques but for leisure time as well as they book hotel rooms for post-operative sessions. Present situation, challenges and consequences of this new phenomenon are presented in this study