37 research outputs found

    Maxillary sinus septa : A systematic review

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    This review analyzes articles published on the presence of septa in maxillary sinuses. An automated search was conducted on PubMed using different key words. This search resulted in 11 papers in which the presence of antral septa was assessed. These septa are barriers of cortical bone that arise from the floor or from the walls of the sinus and may even divide the sinus into two or more cavities. They may originate during maxillary development and tooth growth, in which case they are known as primary septa; or they may be acquired structures resulting from the pneumatization of maxillary sinus after tooth loss, in which case they are called secondary septa. Several methods have been used in their study, direct observation on dried skulls or during sinus lift procedures; and radiographic observation using panoramic radiographs or computed tomographs. Between 13 and 35.3% of maxillary sinuses have septa. They can be located in any region of the maxillary sinus and their size can vary between 2.5 and 12.7 mm in mean length. Some authors have reported a higher prevalence of septa in atrophic edentulous areas than in non-atrophic ones. If a sinus lift is conducted in the presence of maxillary sinus septa, it may be necessary to modify the design of the lateral window in order to avoid fracturing the septa

    Transcrestal sinus lift and implant placement using the sinus balloon technique

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    Objective: A description is made of transcrestal sinus lift using the sinus balloon technique, evaluating the bone height achieved and implant success one year after prosthetic loading. Material and method: Between January and July 2007, transcrestal sinus lift using the sinus balloon technique for dental implant placement was carried out in 6 patients. A panoramic X-ray study and maxillary computed tomography scan were carried out before the operation, in order to discard possible sinus pathology. During the intervention, the integrity of the sinus membrane was evaluated using a Medi Pack Pal endoscope (Farol Store and Co., Tuttlingen, Germany), and the intraoperative complications were analyzed. The dental implants were placed in the same surgical step in the presence of 3 mm or more of residual bone. Following the operation, panoramic X-rays were used to assess the bone height gained. One year after prosthetic loading, the implant success rate was determined based on the criteria of Buser. Results: One patient was excluded due to Schneider's membrane perforation as confirmed by endoscopy. Trans-crestal sinus lift was carried out in 5 males with a mean age of 41.6 years (range 27-51), without antecedents of sinus disease. There were no intraoperative complications. In four patients the implants were placed simultaneous to sinus lift, while in another case implant placement was postponed due to insufficient remaining bone height. The mean gain in height after the operation was 8.7 mm. One year after prosthetic loading, the implant success rate was 100%. Conclusions: Transcrestal sinus lift using the sinus balloon technique is a minimally invasive procedure. In 5 patients the bone height gained proved sufficient to allow implant placement even in the presence of 3 mm of residual bone. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Análisis evolutivo de la intervención de la mujer en la gestión de empresas y sus variables económicas: Comparativa entre el sector hospitalario y las concesionarias en régimen de peaje sombra.

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    Con la creciente incorporación de la mujer al mercado laboral, ha crecido la inquietud por conocer la participación de ésta en la gestión y su poder de decisión en las empresas, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar y comparar la evolución de la presencia de la mujer en órganos de administración , dirección y en el resto de las categorías laborales de las empresas del sector hospitalario y del sector de las autopistas en régimen de peaje sombra en España, estudiando asimismo la relación entre la participación y algunas variables económicas.Para ello, se ha tomado una muestra formada por 8 empresas del sector hospitalario y 9 empresas del sector de las autovías en régimen de peaje sombra.De este análisis comparado a lo largo de varios años, se llega a la conclusión de que el sector de las autopistas en régimen de peaje sombra tiene una tendencia tradicional ya que son raros los casos en los que se ha incrementado la participación de la mujer, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con el sector hospitalario en el que año tras año dicha participación es mayor.<br /

    The use of robots.txt and sitemaps in the Spanish public administration

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    Robots.txt and sitemaps files are the main methods to regulate search engine crawler access to its content. This article explain the importance of such files and analyze robots.txt and sitemaps from more than 4,000 web sites belonging to spanish public administration to determine the use of these files as a medium of optimization for crawlers

    Diferentes ecuaciones de falla al cortante en suelos pumíticos no saturados

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    Se realizaron pruebas de corte directo en suelos pumíticos que representan a la gran mayoría de los suelos (depósitos piroclásticos) de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara. Dichos suelos están conformados por arenas limosas y cenizas provenientes de la actividad volcánica reciente (geológicamente hablando) en el valle de Atemajac. Para las pruebas de corte directo se utilizaron gráficas esfuerzo cortante vs esfuerzo normal y se resolvió trabajar con cuatro variables independientes: granulometría (D10 y % Que pasa malla No.200), contenido de agua (w), densidad y esfuerzo efectivo. De este modo las variables dependientes resultan ser: esfuerzo cortante, ángulo de fricción y cohesión

    Datos sobre la flora y vegetación del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga, España)

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    Datos sobre la flora y vegetación del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga, España). Se ha realizado un estudio de la flora, vegetación y paisaje vegetal del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, situado en las provincias de Cádiz y Málaga (SW de la Península Ibérica, Andalucía). La altitud máxima en el Parque es de 1091 m.; la litología dominante es a base de areniscas silíceas y arcillas salvo en el NW donde predominan las calizas. Las precipitaciones son muy abundantes (entre 800 y 1400 mm.) así como el régimen de nieblas causado por la cercanía al Estrecho de Gibraltar; se reconocen dos pisos bioclimáticos, termo y mesomediterráneo con oceanidad acusada. Como resultado se han catalogado unos 1300 taxones de plantas vasculares, destacandose en este trabajo las especies protegidas, endemismos o primeras citas para Andalucía Occidental, de entre ellas 9 son pteridófitos relícticos de gran valor fitogeográfico. Se han inventariado un total de 89 asociaciones y comunidades. Se realizan comentarios sobre sintaxones de rango superior a asociación. Se lectotipifica una subasociación y se neotipifica una asociación. Se describen como nuevos sintáxones un orden (Rhododendro pontici-Prunetalia lusitanicae), dos alianzas (Rhododendro pontici-Prunion lusitanicae y Salicion pedicellatae), 6 asociaciones, 4 subasociaciones y 6 combinaciones. Se reconocen 6 series climatófilas de las cuales es nueva una de quejigares sobre calizas (Oleo sylvestris-Querceto broteroi S), otras dos son de alcornocales sobre areniscas (Quercus suber), una de quejigares morunos en zonas más húmedas (Quercus canariensis), una de robledales en las cumbres (Quercus pyrenaica) y una de encinares sobre calizas en zonas basales (Quercus rotundifolia). Como serie mixta ligada a las condiciones de los vertisoles se desarrolla una serie de acebuchales (Olea sylvestris). Como vegetación permanente sobre calizas aparecen algarrobales (Ceratonia siliqua), sobre areniscas aparecen enebrales (Juniperus oxycedrus), en cumbres azotadas por el viento reconocemos una comunidad con quejigueta (Quercus lusitanica) y una variante relictual edafoxerófila sobre areniscas con pino negral (Pinus pinaster). Como serie mixta ligada a las condiciones de humedad tanto ambiental como edáfica se desarrollan ojaranzales (Rhododendron ponticum) similares a las formaciones de laurisilva macaronésica. Las series edafohigrófilas del Parque son: las alisedas (Alnus glutinosa), las saucedas (Salix pedicellata), las choperas (Populus alba), las fresnedas (Fraxinus angustifolia), los adelfares (Nerium oleander), los tarajales (Tamarix africana) y los brezales edafohidrófilos (Erica ciliaris). Existen así mismo mosaicos de comunidades ligadas a corredores ecológicos, entornos humanos, rupícolas, epífitas, aerohalófilas, de medios acuáticos y salinos. Finalmente se presentan el esquema sintaxonómico comentado, las tablas fitosociológicas correspondientes a las novedades y un mapa de las series de vegetación del Parque

    Psycho-emotional disorders as incoming risk factors for myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries

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      Background: There is an emerging field underlying the myocardial infarction (MI) with non-obstruc­tive coronary arteries (MINOCA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of psycho-emotional disorders and social habits in MINOCA patients. Methods: The study included 95 consecutive patients diagnosed of MINOCA and 178 patients with MI and obstructive lesions. MINOCA patients were included when they fulfilled the three main criteria: accomplishment of the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction, absence of obstructive coronary arteries and no clinically overt specific cause for the acute presentation. Results: MINOCA patients had a higher frequency of previous psychiatric illnesses than the obstructive coronary arteries group (29.7% vs. 12.9%, p = 0.001). MINOCA patients recognized emotional stress in 75.7% of the cases, while only 32.1% of the obstructive related group did (p &lt; 0.001). The relation­ship remained after excluding takotsubo syndrome from the analysis (26 cases, 27.4%): psychiatric diseases (27.9% vs. 12.9%, p &lt; 0.01) and recognition of emotional stress (70.8% vs. 32.1%, p &lt; 0.001). Social habits which could act as stress modulating showed no significant relation with MINOCA. Conclusions: Psycho-emotional disorders are related to MINOCA and they could act as risk fac­tor. This relationship is maintained after excluding takotsubo from the analysis. (Cardiol J 2018; 25, 1: 24–31

    Clinical characteristics and prognosis of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): A prospective single-center study

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    Background: A definition of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) was published by European Society of Cardiology in 2016. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical profile and prognosis of these patients in a prospective single-center study and compare it with the literature data. Methods: During a 3-year period, information from every consecutive MINOCA patient was gathered (n = 109). It was then compared with 412 contemporaneous patients with myocardial infarction and obstructive coronary arteries (MIOCA). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Prognosis analysis was adjusted by age and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Results: MINOCA represented 16.9% of the total of patients admitted for myocardial infarction. Compared with MIOCA, they had more psychosocial disorders (22.9% vs. 10.7%; p &lt; 0.01) and more pro-inflammatory conditions (34.9% vs. 14.0%; p &lt; 0.01). Atrial fibrillation was twice as frequent in MINOCA (14.7% vs. 7.3%; p = 0.016). Predictors of MINOCA were as follows: female gender, absence of diabetes, absence of tobacco use, tachycardia, troponin above 10 times the 99th percentile, and pro-inflammatory conditions. Median follow-up was 17.3 ± 9.3 months. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; a composite of a recurrence of acute myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack/stroke, or death from cardiovascular cause and death from any cause) occurred in 10.8% of the MINOCA group as compared with 10.7% in the MIOCA group (hazard ratio [HR] 1.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.58–2.45; p = 0.645). Cardiovascular re-admission rates were higher in the MINOCA group: 19.8% vs. 13.9% (HR 1.85; CI 1.06–3.21; p = 0.030). Conclusions: The frequency of MINOCA is high, with fewer CVRF, and it is linked to atrial fibrillation, psychosocial disorders, and pro-inflammatory conditions. Mid-term prognosis is worse than previously thought, with a similar proportion of MACE as compared to MIOCA, and even a higher rate of cardiovascular re-admissions