115 research outputs found

    Cyfrowy eksperyment gazet codziennych: konieczność czy pochopny ruch?

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    Digital experiment of daily newspapers: necessity or hasty misstep?The deep crisis suffered over the years by daily newspapers resulted largely from the fall of the financial model of the sector. A breakdown of the financing system threatened the existence of the traditional model of serious reporting viewed as a service to society. The marginalization of print newspapers, outflow of readers and advertisers and serious competition in the form of the Internet made newsmakers take up the steps for survival. The following work tries to look at the process and show and assess different ways of the newspapers' adaptation of news to the new media as well as the tactics of reaching receivers in the new reality. Starting from more traditional online portals of print newspapers which introduce paywalls and premium content reserved only for subscribers through news aggregators to tabloid news in the social media. Decreasing interest in serious information, especially among young audiences, on the one hand, and assigning the status of news to the stories from the world of celebrities and entertainment on the other, redefine the very concept of news and additionally pose a question about the level of information in society. Cyfrowy eksperyment gazet codziennych: konieczność czy pochopny ruch?Głęboki kryzys, jaki przeżywają gazety codzienne w ostatnich latach, wynika w dużej mierze z upadku modelu biznesowego, na którym ich funkcjonowanie się opierało. Zachwianie podstaw finansowych sprawiło, że istnienie tradycyjnego „poważnego” dziennikarstwa uważanego za służbę wobec społeczeństwa zostało zagrożone. Marginalizacja gazet drukowanych, odpływ czytelników i reklamodawców, konkurencja ze strony Internetu: wszystkie te zjawiska doprowadziły do podjęcia przez gazety codzienne walki o przetrwanie. Poniższa praca jest próbą spojrzenia na ten proces i oceny różnych taktyk adaptacyjnych podejmowanych przez gazety w celu dostosowania wiadomości do nowych realiów i nowych wymagań odbiorców. Przedyskutuje np. strategie wprowadzania płatnych treści dostępnych jedynie dla subskrybentów przez portale tradycyjnych gazet drukowanych, ale także zajmie się nowymi formami przedstawiania wiadomości jak agregatory w mediach społecznościowych. Spadek zainteresowania wiadomościami ze strony młodych odbiorców oraz przypisywanie statusu newsów informacjom ze świata rozrywki redefiniuje samo pojęcie wiadomości i dodatkowo podnosi pytanie o poziom doinformowania społecznego

    Cyfrowy eksperyment gazet codziennych: konieczność czy pochopny ruch?

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    Digital experiment of daily newspapers: necessity or hasty misstep? The deep crisis suffered over the years by daily newspapers resulted largely from the fall of the financial model of the sector. A breakdown of the financing system threatened the existence of the traditional model of serious reporting viewed as a service to society. The marginalization of print newspapers, outflow of readers and advertisers and serious competition in the form of the Internet made newsmakers take up the steps for survival. The following work tries to look at the process and show and assess different ways of the newspapers' adaptation of news to the new media as well as the tactics of reaching receivers in the new reality. Starting from more traditional online portals of print newspapers which introduce paywalls and premium content reserved only for subscribers through news aggregators to tabloid news in the social media. Decreasing interest in serious information, especially among young audiences, on the one hand, and assigning the status of news to the stories from the world of celebrities and entertainment on the other, redefine the very concept of news and additionally pose a question about the level of information in society.   Cyfrowy eksperyment gazet codziennych: konieczność czy pochopny ruch? Głęboki kryzys, jaki przeżywają gazety codzienne w ostatnich latach, wynika w dużej mierze z upadku modelu biznesowego, na którym ich funkcjonowanie się opierało. Zachwianie podstaw finansowych sprawiło, że istnienie tradycyjnego „poważnego” dziennikarstwa uważanego za służbę wobec społeczeństwa zostało zagrożone. Marginalizacja gazet drukowanych, odpływ czytelników i reklamodawców, konkurencja ze strony Internetu: wszystkie te zjawiska doprowadziły do podjęcia przez gazety codzienne walki o przetrwanie. Poniższa praca jest próbą spojrzenia na ten proces i oceny różnych taktyk adaptacyjnych podejmowanych przez gazety w celu dostosowania wiadomości do nowych realiów i nowych wymagań odbiorców. Przedyskutuje np. strategie wprowadzania płatnych treści dostępnych jedynie dla subskrybentów przez portale tradycyjnych gazet drukowanych, ale także zajmie się nowymi formami przedstawiania wiadomości jak agregatory w mediach społecznościowych. Spadek zainteresowania wiadomościami ze strony młodych odbiorców oraz przypisywanie statusu newsów informacjom ze świata rozrywki redefiniuje samo pojęcie wiadomości i dodatkowo podnosi pytanie o poziom doinformowania społecznego

    Digital analysis of the dynamics of the arterial supply to the human foetal kidneys

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    Variations in the renal arteries in human individuals and foetuses have already been well studied. Contemporary trends in visualisation techniques focus on the evaluation of the dynamic parameters of blood flow in the vessels (speed, pulsatility, resistance). Most of these data have been obtained by the means of Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 1, 2). The authors have not found any anatomical database containing information about variability in the volume of the foetal renal arteries. The aim of the study is to design a database for variation in foetal renal artery volume in relation to foetal age and sex. The material consisted of digital images of the renal arteries filled with LBS-latex taken from 30 foetuses aged 12–19 Hbd. Digital analysis of the arteries was made with a unique form of software. The program is a 2D vector graphic editor using spliced functions of Bezier. Foetal age is estimated according to the last menstrual period and measurement of manual foot length and femur length (FL) as determined by ultrasound

    Schizofrenia od kuchni : próby egzystencjalne

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    Obce źródła finansowania małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce

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    The article presents the scope of use of various forms of financing for small and medium-sized businesses. Only one fifth of companies uses retained earnings to finance development. In over 40 % companies expansion is financed from overdraft, while in every third business from bank loans in a credit account. Small businesses face many barriers such as lack of collateral, high costs and the high risk of bankruptcy when they want to use bank credit. This speeds up financing investments with leasing and operating activities through factoring. In 2013, the percentage of firms using leasing and factoring in Poland and in the European Union was similar and amounted to over 38%. Companies in Poland benefited from subsidized bank loans to the same extent as in the EU

    Encapsulation of iron-saturated lactoferrin for proteolysis protection with preserving iron coordination and sustained release

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    Lactoferrin (Lf) is a globular glycoprotein found mainly in milk. It has a very high affinity for iron(III) ions, and its fully saturated form is called holoLf. The antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, and immunomodulatory properties of Lf have been studied extensively for the past two decades. However, to demonstrate therapeutic benefits, Lf has to be efficiently delivered to the intestinal tract in its structurally intact form. This work aimed to optimize the encapsulation of holoLf in a system based on the versatile Eudragit® RS polymer to protect Lf against the proteolytic environment of the stomach. Microparticles (MPs) with entrapped holoLf were obtained with satisfactory entrapment efficiency (90–95%), high loading capacity (9.7%), and suitable morphology (spherical without cracks or pores). Detailed studies of the Lf release from the MPs under conditions that included simulated gastric or intestinal fluids, prepared according to the 10th edition of the European Pharmacopeia, showed that MPs partially protected holoLf against enzymatic digestion and ionic iron release. The preincubation of MPs loaded with holoLf under conditions simulating the stomach environment resulted in the release of 40% of Lf from the MPs. The protein released was saturated with iron ions at 33%, was structurally intact, and its iron scavenging properties were preserved

    Combination of ERK2 inhibitor VX-11e and voreloxin synergistically enhances anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in leukemia cells

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    ERK1/2 inhibitors are new promising anticancer drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the combination of ERK2 inhibitor VX-11e and voreloxin on MOLM-14, K562, REH and MOLT-4 leukemia cell lines. We found that VX-11e alone and in combination with voreloxin significantly decreased ERK activation in all cell lines tested. To evaluate the interactions of the drugs, cells were treated for 24 h with VX-11e or voreloxin alone and in combination at fixed ratios based on IC50 values. The combinatorial effects of both drugs were synergistic over a wide range of concentrations in MOLM-14, REH and MOLT-4 cell lines. In K562 cells, three effects were found to be additive, one antagonistic and only one synergistic. The results showed that incubation with both VX-11e and voreloxin inhibited the growth of leukemia cells, affected cell cycle and induced apoptosis. Furthermore, the molecular mechanism of these effects might be attributed to an increased expression of p21 and a decreased expression of survivin and NF-κB in all cell lines tested except from K562 cells. In conclusion, combination of VX-11e and voreloxin can exert a synergistic anticancer effect in leukemia cells

    Effect of histone deacetylase inhibitors trichostatin A and valproic acid on etoposide-induced apoptosis in leukemia cells

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    Background: Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) have been extensively studied as potential candidates for treatment of various malignancies, including leukemia, since they not only induce growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of cancer cells, but can also increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two HDACi, trichostatin A (TSA) and valproic acid (VPA), on etoposide-induced apoptosis in human leukemia cell lines. Materials and Methods: Viability, apoptosis rate, caspase activity, mitochondrial membrane potential and expression of BCL2 mRNA were assessed in HL60 and U937 cell lines treated with 250 nM TSA or 1.25 mM VPA alone or followed by 5 μM etoposide. Results: Preincubation of HL60 cells with TSA or VPA significantly potentiated etoposide-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis, which was associated with activation of caspases and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Similar effects were not observed in U937 cells. Expression of BCL2 mRNA was strongly down-regulated after treatment of cells with HDACi alone but did not show additive effect with etoposide. Conclusion: Combination of HDACi with etoposide can have a synergistic effect on increased apoptosis in leukemia cells but this effect depends on the cancer cell type and other factors such as the concentration of drugs and the administration schedule