5,088 research outputs found

    New approach to nonlinear electrodynamics: dualities as symmetries of interaction

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    We elaborate on the duality-symmetric nonlinear electrodynamics in a new formulation with auxiliary tensor fields. The Maxwell field strength appears only in bilinear terms of the corresponding generic Lagrangian, while the self-interaction is presented by a function E depending on the auxiliary fields. Two types of dualities inherent in the nonlinear electrodynamics models admit a simple off-shell characterization in terms of this function. In the standard formulation, the continuous U(1) duality symmetry is nonlinearly realized on the Maxwell field strength. In the new setting, the same symmetry acts as linear U(1) transformations of the auxiliary field variables. The nonlinear U(1) duality condition proves to be equivalent to the linear U(1) invariance of the self-interaction E. The discrete self-duality (or self-duality by Legendre transformation) amounts to a weaker reflection symmetry of E. For a class of duality- symmetric Lagrangians we introduce an alternative representation with the auxiliary scalar field and find new explicit examples of such systems.Comment: Latex file, 21 page

    The 2D analogue of the Reissner-Nordstrom solution

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    A two-dimensional (2D) dilaton gravity model, whose static solutions have the same features of the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions, is obtained from the dimensional reduction of a four-dimensional (4D) string effective action invariant under S-duality transformations. The black hole solutions of the 2D model and their relationship with those of the 4D theory are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, Plain-Tex, no figure

    Full Component Lagrangian in the Linear Multiplet Formulation of String-inspired Effective Supergravity

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    We compute the component field 4-dimensional N=1 supergravity Lagrangian that is obtained from a superfield Lagrangian in the U(1)_K formalism with a linear dilaton multiplet. All fermionic terms are presented. In a variety of important ways, our results generalize those that have been reported previously, and are flexible enough to accomodate many situations of phenomenological interest in string-inspired effective supergravity, especially models based on orbifold compactifications of the weakly-coupled heterotic string. We provide for an effective theory of hidden gaugino and matter condensation. We include supersymmetric Green-Schwarz counterterms associated with the cancellation of U(1) and modular duality anomalies; the modular duality counterterm is of a rather general form. Our assumed form for the dilaton Kahler potential is quite general and can accomodate Kahler stabilization methods. We note possible applications of our results. We also discuss the usefulness of the linear dilaton formulation as a complement to the chiral dilaton approach.Comment: 2+34 page

    Gaugino Condensation with S-Duality and Field-Theoretical Threshold Corrections

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    We study gaugino condensation in the presence of an intermediate mass scale in the hidden sector. S-duality is imposed as an approximate symmetry of the effective supergravity theory. Furthermore, we include in the K\"ahler potential the renormalization of the gauge coupling and the one-loop threshold corrections at the intermediate scale. It is shown that confinement is indeed achieved. Furthermore, a new running behaviour of the dilaton arises which we attribute to S-duality. We also discuss the effects of the intermediate scale, and possible phenomenological implications of this model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures include

    Supergravity Radiative Effects on Soft Terms and the μ\mu Term

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    We compute quadratically divergent supergravity one-loop effects on soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters and the μ\mu term in generic hidden sector supergravity models. These effects can significantly modify the matching condition for soft parameters at the Planck scale and also provide several new sources of the μ\mu term which are naturally of order the weak scale. We also discuss some phenomenological implications of these effects, particularly the violation of the scalar mass universality which may lead to dangerous FCNC phenomena, and apply the results to superstring effective supergravity models.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX. One reference is adde

    Non-factorizable contribution in nonleptonic weak interactions of K mesons

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    Two pion decays of K mesons, K_L-K_S mass difference, two photon and the Dalitz decays of K_L are studied systematically by assuming that their amplitude is given by a sum of factorizable and non-factorizable ones. The former is estimated by using a naive factorization while the latter is assumed to be dominated by dynamical contributions of various hadron states.Comment: 23 pages,1 figur

    Application of the operator product expansion to the short distance behavior of nuclear potentials

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    We investigate the short distance behavior of nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials defined through Bethe-Salpeter wave functions, by perturbatively calculating anomalous dimensions of 6-quark operators in QCD. Thanks to the asymptotic freedom of QCD, 1-loop computations give certain exact results for the potentials in the zero distance limit. In particular the functional form of the S-state central NN potential at short distance rr is predicted to be a little weaker than r2r^{-2}. On the other hand, due to the intriguing character of the anomalous dimension spectrum, perturbative considerations alone can not determine whether this potential is repulsive or attractive at short distances. A crude estimation suggests that the force at short distance is repulsive, as found numerically in lattice QCD. A similar behavior is found for the tensor potential.Comment: 40 pages, no figure

    Lepton-Flavour Violation in Ordinary and Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories

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    By an explicit calculation we show that in ordinary SU(5) logarithmic divergence in the amplitude of μeγ\mu \to e\gamma cancels among diagrams and remaining finite part is suppressed by at least 1/MGUT21/M_{GUT}^2. In SUSY SU(5), when the effect of flavour changing wave function renormalization is taken into account such logarithmic correction disappears, provided a condition is met among SUSY breaking masses. In SUGRA-inspired SUSY GUT the remaining logarithmic effect is argued not to be taken as a prediction of the theory.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX209 file, using axodraw.st

    Anomaly cancellation in effective supergravity from the heterotic string with an anomalous U(1)

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    © 2019 The Author(s) We show that a choice of Pauli-Villars regulators allows the cancellation of all the conformal and chiral anomalies in an effective field theory from Z3 compactification of the heterotic string with two Wilson lines and an anomalous U(1)

    Dynamics of the Born-Infeld dyons

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    The approach to the dynamics of a charged particle in the Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics developed in [Phys. Lett. A 240 (1998) 8] is generalized to include a Born-Infeld dyon. Both Hamiltonian and Lagrangian structures of many dyons interacting with nonlinear electromagnetism are constructed. All results are manifestly duality invariant.Comment: 11 pages, LATE