125 research outputs found

    Multi-assets real options

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    Real options present a wide topic in investment litterature nowadays. However, despite big advances in the single asset investment pricing, the theory is miser of informations about problems involving more than one asset. We show in this paper that using dynamic programming, one can find an analytic trigger for a three assets simple exchange problem. Although we get a forward investment rule, one can not find the precise option value ex ante but only an average value. The precise option value depends on the first exit time from the continuation region which is stochastic. This is a quite intuitive effect of the course of dimensionality of the problem. Valuating a single asset project gives a single condition for the optimal decision rule. The same holds for the simple exchange problem with two assets since the value of the project just depends on the price over cost ratio. In a three assets problem, as the project don't depend anymore of a single state variable, one can't region.real options, dynamic programming, price and cost uncertainty

    Corporal Punishment as an Educational Practice for Burundian Children's Maladaptive Behavior: The Assessment of the Disposition of Children Education Stakeholders

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    Our study aims to investigate the factors that produce and sustain the use of corporal punishment in education in Burundi. To collect data, we used a life story approach with semi-structured interviews and direct and indirect observation of educational actors. Analysis of the empirical corpus of 50 educational actors enabled us to highlight the social and educational experiences of our interviewees drawn from their childhood. Religious beliefs, the personality of the educators and psychic tensions linked to the general context are the main reasons for the use of corporal punishment. The majority of our interviewees, including teachers, support the use of corporal punishment, provided it does not exceed certain limits. Sensitivity to the effects of corporal punishment on children is generally low. It changes and rises to physical and economic effects, which arise when corporal punishment results in serious bodily harm, requiring prolonged hospitalization of the victim. For our respondents, not punishing children would be synonymous with cowardice, a violation of biblical scripture, with a high risk of exposing children to more dangerous consequences. Finally, to prevent and reduce the early onset of maladaptive behavior in children, the introduction of positive parenting programs is indispensable in Burundian education

    Corporal Punishment as an Educational Practice for Burundian Children's Maladaptive Behavior: The Assessment of the Disposition of Children Education Stakeholders

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    Our study aims to investigate the factors that produce and sustain the use of corporal punishment in education in Burundi. To collect data, we used a life story approach with semi-structured interviews and direct and indirect observation of educational actors. Analysis of the empirical corpus of 50 educational actors enabled us to highlight the social and educational experiences of our interviewees drawn from their childhood. Religious beliefs, the personality of the educators and psychic tensions linked to the general context are the main reasons for the use of corporal punishment. The majority of our interviewees, including teachers, support the use of corporal punishment, provided it does not exceed certain limits. Sensitivity to the effects of corporal punishment on children is generally low. It changes and rises to physical and economic effects, which arise when corporal punishment results in serious bodily harm, requiring prolonged hospitalization of the victim. For our respondents, not punishing children would be synonymous with cowardice, a violation of biblical scripture, with a high risk of exposing children to more dangerous consequences. Finally, to prevent and reduce the early onset of maladaptive behavior in children, the introduction of positive parenting programs is indispensable in Burundian education

    Corporal Punishment as an Educational Practice for Burundian Children's Maladaptive Behavior: The Assessment of the Disposition of Children Education Stakeholders

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    Our study aims to investigate the factors that produce and sustain the use of corporal punishment in education in Burundi. To collect data, we used a life story approach with semi-structured interviews and direct and indirect observation of educational actors. Analysis of the empirical corpus of 50 educational actors enabled us to highlight the social and educational experiences of our interviewees drawn from their childhood. Religious beliefs, the personality of the educators and psychic tensions linked to the general context are the main reasons for the use of corporal punishment. The majority of our interviewees, including teachers, support the use of corporal punishment, provided it does not exceed certain limits. Sensitivity to the effects of corporal punishment on children is generally low. It changes and rises to physical and economic effects, which arise when corporal punishment results in serious bodily harm, requiring prolonged hospitalization of the victim. For our respondents, not punishing children would be synonymous with cowardice, a violation of biblical scripture, with a high risk of exposing children to more dangerous consequences. Finally, to prevent and reduce the early onset of maladaptive behavior in children, the introduction of positive parenting programs is indispensable in Burundian education

    Children in Street Situations, Their Determinants, Survival and Strategies. Case of the City of Bujumbura

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    The aim of this article is to establish the link between the determinants of street life and the violence experienced by children and their survival in the city of Bujumbura. To gather the experiences of our interviewees, we used a life history with semi-structured interviews, and direct and indirect observation. To identify emerging themes, we carried out a thematic analysis of the interview content. Analysis of the empirical corpus of 43 street children reveals nine determinants at the root of the street child phenomenon, grouped into two categories, namely environmental and personal and interpersonal determinants centered on parent-child relationships. There are also determinants linked to educational styles that interact with the child's behavior. The stepmother is often perceived by children and their in-laws as a "ferocious animal’’, even in the absence of a negative upbringing. When family life fails, the street becomes an alternative. Exposed to all forms of violence, child victims become violent, and the cycle of violence is fueled. Stories of life on the streets show that every child has his/ her problems. Previous results show that the determinants of street life are multifactorial and have causal links that are part of a cyclical context of violence. Our results go further, proving that in addition to environmental determinants, there are also personal and interpersonal ones. Combating this phenomenon requires preventive action at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels: preventing the development of the problem, intervening early and, finally, treating the consequences and reintegrating the children

    Le Concours théùtral interafricain : quelles archives ? quels usages ?

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    CrĂ©Ă© par l’Office de coopĂ©ration radiophonique (OCORA) en 1967, le Concours thĂ©Ăątral interafricain, objet radiophonique et compĂ©tition dramaturgique, poursuit deux objectifs : surmonter les difficultĂ©s d’accĂšs Ă  l’édition et aux structures de reprĂ©sentation ; sur la demande des directeurs des radiodiffusions africaines, initier un programme tout Ă  la fois culturel et attractif. Du tournant des annĂ©es soixante Ă  1991, depuis l’OCORA jusqu’à Radio France Internationale (RFI), le Concours thĂ©Ăątral interafricain devient, au grĂ© de ses Ă©ditions, une instance destinĂ©e Ă  lĂ©gitimer les dramaturges africains. FondĂ©e sur une recherche en cours, cette chronique s’intĂ©ressera Ă  ses archives encore trĂšs largement mĂ©connues et Ă©tudiĂ©es

    Les tempos de l’écriture – GaĂ«l Faye

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    CĂ©line Gahungu : Quand avez-vous commencĂ© Ă  Ă©crire et Ă  avoir une activitĂ© littĂ©raire ? De quel type d’écrits s’agissait-il ? GaĂ«l Faye : Je n’ai jamais eu l’impression de commencer. Je me souviens de la premiĂšre fois que j’ai Ă©crit un texte, c’était un acte Ă©trange car j’étais jeune et n’aimais pas Ă©crire. Avec le recul, dĂ©sormais, je comprends, mais Ă  ce moment-lĂ  je ne comprenais pas pourquoi j’avais envie d’écrire. J’avais douze ans, je vivais Ă  Bujumbura, il y avait la guerre autour de n..

    « L’Ɠuvre ! L’Ɠuvre ! »

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    Ce dixiĂšme numĂ©ro de Continents manuscrits s’intĂ©resse aux premiers pas littĂ©raires des Ă©crivains, Ă  la naissance de leurs Ɠuvres, aux balbutiements de leur style, aux mĂ©tamorphoses de leurs identitĂ©s littĂ©raires dans leur autogenĂšse – ce qu’on pourrait appeler le devenir-Ă©crivain. S’interroger sur cet objet, le devenir-Ă©crivain, serait-ce sacrifier Ă  une « curiositĂ© fĂ©tichiste » Ă  l’endroit « des accidents de [l]a vie de dĂ©butant », passer outre les ruptures Ă©pistĂ©mologiques opĂ©rĂ©es par le ..

    La Gueule de rechange : l’« impitoyable acrobatie » de Sony Labou Tansi

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    Cet article se propose de dĂ©montrer que la crĂ©ation de La Gueule de rechange correspond Ă  un moment singulier de la trajectoire sonyenne. Le jeune homme rĂȘve d’inventer des Ɠuvres horrifiques et imagine cette piĂšce qui pose de vĂ©ritables dĂ©fis Ă  la reprĂ©sentation. MĂ©moire d’une « folie inĂ©puisable », le manuscrit manifeste le dĂ©sir de crĂ©er une Ă©criture radicale, hantĂ©e par la violence et l’étrange


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    Si des Ă©tudes consacrĂ©es Ă  Yambo Ouologuem n’ont cessĂ© de paraĂźtre depuis le tournant des annĂ©es 1970 – de Bernard Mouralis et Christiane Chaulet Achour Ă  Christopher Wise, des recherches fondatrices ont contribuĂ© Ă  mettre en perspective sa poĂ©tique et sa trajectoire –, les travaux rĂ©cents signalent un regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour l’écrivain derniĂšrement disparu, dont le cĂ©lĂšbre roman Le Devoir de violence vient d’ĂȘtre rĂ©Ă©ditĂ© aux Éditions du Seuil cinquante ans aprĂšs sa premiĂšre publication, en 196..
