211 research outputs found

    La formación de maestros en España, de la teoría a la práctica

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    evolución, enfoque, formación inicial, maestros, competencia

    Revisão de propostas metodológicas: uma taxonomia de agrupamento categórico

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    Actualmente, no existe ninguna taxonomía vinculada a la metodología que agrupe diferentes elementos metodológicos en función del carácter activo e instructivo de los mismos y de la etapa educativa a la que mejor se adecúen en términos de utilización. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer una taxonomía considerando 76 recursos, estrategias, técnicas y métodos didácticos obtenidos tras una revisión de la principal literatura nacional e internacional. Para establecer la taxonomía, se elaboró y validó por medio del procedimiento de juicio de expertos la escala EVEMDT. La misma, fue administrada a un panel de 30 expertos quienes asistieron a un seminario de formación impartido por los investigadores, para valorar el carácter instructivo o activo y la adecuación a la etapa educativa de los 76 elementos metodológicos. Los resultados permitieron establecer una taxonomía donde aparecen 25 y 51 recursos, estrategias, técnicas y métodos didácticos instructivos y activos respectivamente, clasificados también en función de la etapa educativa a la que mejor se adapten en términos de utilización. Se concluye que, las taxonomías con las que comparar los resultados son exiguas, aspecto que permite a esta ser un referente para los docentes a la hora de decidir qué recursos, estrategias, técnicas y métodos didácticos utilizar en función de la etapa educativa en la que se ubique el alumnado y el papel que quieran dotarle en sus procesos de aprendizaje.Currently, there is no taxonomy linked to the methodology that groups different methodological elements based on both their active and instructive nature and the educational stage where they are best suited in terms of use. Hence, the objective of this research was to establish a taxonomy taking into account 76 resources, strategies, techniques and teaching methods obtained after a review of the main national and international literature. In order to establish the taxonomy, the EVEMDT scale was developed and validated through the expert judgment procedure. The EVEMDT scale was administered to a panel of 30 experts who attended a training seminar conducted by the researchers, to assess both the instructive or active nature and the 76 methodological elements adaptation to the educational stage. Results shows a taxonomy composed of 25 and 51 didactic resources, didactic strategies, didactic techniques and didactic methods respectively, also classified according to the educational stage where they are best suited in terms of use. It was concluded that taxonomies to compare the results are reduced, so that this taxonomy could be a reference for teachers when deciding what resources, strategies, techniques and teaching methods to use depending both the students´ educational stage and the role they want to give them in their learning processes.Atualmente não existe uma taxonomia ligada à metodologia que agrupe diferentes elementos metodológicos de acordo com o seu carácter ativo e instrutivo e com a fase educacional a que mais se adequam quanto ao uso. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer uma taxonomia considerando 76 recursos, estratégias, técnicas e métodos de ensino obtidos após uma revisão da principal literatura nacional e internacional. Para estabelecer a taxonomia, a escala EVEMDT foi desenvolvida e validada por meio do procedimento de perícia. A mesma foi administrada a um painel de 30 especialistas, que assistiram a um seminário de formação ministrado pelos investigadores, para avaliação do carácter instrutivo ou ativo e a adequação à fase educacional dos 76 elementos metodológicos. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer uma taxonomia onde aparecem, respectivamente, 25 e 51 recursos, estratégias, técnicas e métodos didáticos instrucionais e ativos, também classificados de acordo com o estágio educacional a que melhor se adaptam quanto ao uso. Conclui-se que as taxonomias com as quais comparar os resultados são escassas, aspecto que permite ser uma referência para o professor na hora de decidir quais recursos, estratégias, técnicas e métodos didáticos utilizar em função da etapa educativa em que os alunos se localizam e o papel que desejam lhes dar em seus processos de aprendizagem


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    Yogurt is a food product produced by fresh milk as the raw material which is easier to digest and assimilate than fresh milk. Today, it is a very popular food product and is marketed worldwide.Consequently, is important to know its chemical composition. On the other hand, the use of near-infrared technologies is increasing in the last years as it is a fast and easy technique.Nevertheless, studies about its use in yogurts are limited. 141 samples of yogurt were analysed by NIRS. The whole experiment was carried out at 20ºC. 75% of the samples were used for calibration set and the rest were used for validating this model. A NIR Luminar 5030 Miniature “Hand-held” with a spectral range of 1100-2300 nm was used to obtain the spectra, with a sampling interval of 2 nm. The software used for analysis was The Unscrambler. The predictive models were established by using partial least squares (PLS). The information that is used to predict the composition and quantities of the samples is contained into the spectral curves. The pivotal step for spectroscopy technique is to extract quantitative data from them. In this study, PLS algorithm was used to achieve this purpose. 87 samples were chosen as a calibration sample cluster, and PLS mathematic model was built by using NIR-spectroscopy and fat content of each sample (Fig.1). The correlation coefficient between spectral data and fat content of yogurt was 0.965, the standard error of calibration (SEC) was 0.587, and the standard error of prediction (SEP) was 0.642. The fat content of another 33 samples was predicted by a mathematical model (Fig.2). The correlation coefficient of linear regression between predicted and measured values shows a reasonable to excellent prediction performance of 0.929. In conclusion, the results indicated that NIRS could quantitatively analyze fat content of yogurt in a fast and non-destructive way

    Diseño biofílico en base a la percepción visual del color del área de consultorios y salones de terapia de un centro de tratamiento psicosocial juvenil en la ciudad de Cajamarca 2019

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación arquitectónica se enfoca en determinar las características de diseño Biofílico en base a la Percepción Visual del Color para la realización de un Centro de Terapia Psicosocial Juvenil, en la ciudad de Cajamarca, en el año 2019. Por ello, la pregunta de investigación se refiere en determinar cuáles son estas características de diseño Biofílico en base a Percepción Visual del Color que fundamentarían el diseño de los consultorios y salones de terapia del centro de tratamiento. El método utilizado es de tipo no experimental de diseño Transversal Correlacional ya que el objetivo es medir la relación entre ambas variables. La Variable Independiente que es el Diseño Biofílico con la Variable Dependiente que se enfoca en la Percepción Visual del Color. Por esta razón, los resultados se dan gracias al cruce de variables y pueden ser aplicados en los espacios estudiados, es decir en los consultorios y salones de terapia, en los cuales se evidencia la relación entre ambas variables en donde se determinó la conexión con el exterior, con los materiales y con la iluminación natural en base al uso del color. Los cuales responden a los 5 objetivos en los que se basa la presente investigación. PALABRAS CLAVE: Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial, Diseño Biofílico, Percepción Visual del Color

    Formación de profesionales para la construcción de una sociedad intercultural

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    P. 115-139En los últimos años, el término “intercultural” ha visto incrementado su uso debido a la apertura de una sociedad global, inquieta y con capacidad, en mejores o peores condiciones, de movilidad. Esta casuística afecta, como no podía ser de otro modo, al ser, al saber y al hacer de la escuela. Se espera que el educador sea capaz de enfrentar las grandes exigencias que demanda la construcción de una sociedad intercultural, lo que deriva en la necesidad de adquirir competencias interculturales, que le permitan tanto un análisis crítico de su práctica educativa, además de un claro compromiso con la educació

    Modelos de evaluación de calidad en las organizaciones educativas

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    p. 28-68Términos como mejora continua, excelencia o liderazgo, abandonan la zona de confort proporcionada por el espacio de gestión empresarial, para irrumpir en las escuelas, los institutos y las universidades arropados por la corriente de la gestión de la calidad. Este salto, lejos de considerarse intrusismo, forjó la necesidad de instrumentación de las organizaciones educativas, desde escenarios como la excelencia (movimiento de Escuelas eficaces, Mejora escolar, Mejora de la eficacia escolar y Calidad total) o la reestructuración (Gestión basada en la escuela) y, dependiendo los referentes evaluadores de la calidad, siguiendo las directrices del Modelo del Premio Deming, del Modelo del Premio Baldrige, del Modelo de las Normas ISO o del Modelo Europeo de Gestión de Calidad. Preguntarse por la calidad no es una cuestión simple, pero trataremos de acercar este, concepto complejo y controvertido, a las distintas aproximaciones que sirven de base para su integración en la educaciónS

    La presencia de la mujer en la educación superior: la Universidad de León (España), un estudio de caso

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    p. 343-350Esta exposición tiene como objeto examinar el estado actual de las principales cuestiones relacionadas con la situación de las mujeres en la Educación Superior, y de un modo más específico en la Universidad de León, reflexio nando acerca de las estrategias para reforzar la función desempeñada por las mujeres en este sector y en su contribución al desarrollo social en general. En los últimos años, en la medida en que ha ido aumentando el número de mujeres matriculadas en la enseñanza secundaria, su acceso a la educación superior se ha ampliado considerablemente. No obstante, todavía es posible realizar más progresos, especialmente incrementando su participación en el campo científico y tecnológico, así como en los procesos de toma de decisiones. La equidad se ha convertido en uno de los aspectos esenciales del desarrollo humano, la estrategia para el desarrollo exige una plena participación de los principales protagonistas interesados, es decir los hombres y las mujeres

    External radiotherapy dosimetry in nonstandard fields

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    The dosimetry of the small and intensity modulated elds employed in radiotherapy, with high dose gradients involved, is a quite demanding task. The need for reliable measurements in these beams responds not only to quality assurance requirements, but also to the legal regulations of Radiotherapy (in Spain, Real Decreto 1566/1998 sobre Criterios de Calidad en Radioterapia, and also EURATOM 97/43). The complexity of modern radiotherapy techniques led to an extensive incorporation of thorough treatment dosimetric veri cation in the hospital quality assurance programs. This veri cation, previous to the treatment, is performed in order to check that the dose distributions delivered by the radiotherapy machine match the corresponding planned dose distributions within the required tolerances. One work performed in this thesis project consists in the study of di erent commercial detector arrays, devices widely employed for dosimetric treatment veri cation. The response of the detectors involved in these devices is determined in order to study the impact of the detector size, technology and layout on the measurement of intensity modulated dose distributions. The capabilities of detector arrays for the detection of uence variations is also studied, as this is one of the main objectives of treatment veri cation

    A mathematical model of thyroid disease response to radiotherapy

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    We present a mechanistic biomathematical model of molecular radiotherapy of thyroid disease. The general model consists of a set of differential equations describing the dynamics of different populations of thyroid cells with varying degrees of damage caused by radiotherapy (undamaged cells, sub-lethally damaged cells, doomed cells, and dead cells), as well as the dynamics of thyroglobulin and antithyroglobulin autoantibodies, which are important surrogates of treatment response. The model is presented in two flavours: on the one hand, as a deterministic continuous model, which is useful to fit populational data, and on the other hand, as a stochastic Markov model, which is particularly useful to investigate tumor control probabilities and treatment individualization. The model was used to fit the response dynamics (tumor/thyroid volumes, thyroglobulin and antithyroglobulin autoantibodies) observed in experimental studies of thyroid cancer and Graves’ disease treated with 131I-radiotherapy. A qualitative adequate fitting of the model to the experimental data was achieved. We also used the model to investigate treatment individualization strategies for differentiated thyroid cancer, aiming to improve the tumor control probability. We found that simple individualization strategies based on the absorbed dose in the tumor and tumor radiosensitivity (which are both magnitudes that can potentially be individually determined for every patient) can lead to an important raise of tumor control probabilities.This project has received funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01428 grant, FEDER co-funding). This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No 839135. This project has received funding from FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades;Agencia Estatal de Investigación, under grant MTM2017-84446-C2-2-R

    A Systematic Review of Co-Educational Models in School Handball

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    [EN] This study aims to address the characteristics presented by the co-educational models that have been put into practice in school handball, showing a general overview, after providing a systematic review of the literature on the topic published over the last ten years on co-educational paradigms in the practice of handball as a school sport. For the description and recording of the process of selection and filtering of documentary sources to be analyzed, use was made of the PRISMA flowchart. After the elimination of duplicates and entries not compliant with the criteria for time limits and type of document, the final sample surveyed was composed of thirty academic articles. The results considered (n = 26) showed a presentational pattern divisible into three segments or groups. These were: technical and sporting aspects of handball, highlighting the benefits of this sport in schools relative to other options (n = 7), co-education (n = 8), and results based on differences between the sexes (n = 11). Co-education stresses significant improvements in skills, together with perceived effort, enjoyment, and participation. These lead to improvements in the social climate and group cohesion, thanks to the practice of sports. Handball within schools, seen from a co-educational angle, should be approached with an eye to its predisposition for the development of social and civic skills. These include respect for the rules of a game, teamwork and solidarity, fair play, commitment, and responsibility. This paper lays out precisely and exhaustively the lines of investigation undertaken in the area of co-education, and, more specifically, how this is handled within the practicing of a confrontational team sport like handball.S