729 research outputs found

    Metodologia de desdobramento de gestão estratégica em unidade judiciária: um modelo de sucesso?

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de analisar os fatores que determinaram maior grau de eficácia da gestão, como tendência, na unidade judiciária da Comarca de Colméia, estado do Tocantins. O estudo se realizou por meio da observação, da pesquisa documental, e em revisão de literatura. Concluíram-se quatro fatores preponderantes para o bom resultado como tendência favorável ao longo dos anos. O que diferenciou a unidade pesquisada das demais foi à adoção de um sistema de gestão da governança judiciária, o maior envolvimento da liderança e da equipe de trabalho, e a persistência no modelo de gestão

    Microssistema de penas criminais alternativas nas comarcas de menor porte do estado do Tocantins: diagnóstico, tendências e proposições

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    This research aimed to diagnose the microsystem of alternative sanctions in the smaller judicial districts of the state of Tocantins. The study focused on the organization of the service, the application and compliance of the penalties, from efficiency and efficacy parameters, in an applied nature study with a mainly quantitative approach. A desk research of criminal actions and penal executions was carried out with the processes that were downloaded between the years 2015 and 2016, as a cut-off criterion. Concurrently, systematic reviews of literature and jurisprudence were undertaken, through books, articles, dissertations and theses, in the databases of the physical library of Superior School for Magistrates in Tocantins (ESMAT), and in a virtual way in the Thesis Database of São Paulo University (USP) and Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), using the selected descriptors: alternative sanctions, restrictive penalties, management and efficiency. Research was also carried out in databases of jurisprudence of the Superior Courts and in some Courts of the States of Brazil. The contents were delimited by the Legal norm, and interdisciplinary knowledge of Administration field. Its theoretical background identifies itself to the third-generation criminological of social interrelationships regards, especially to the clinical criminology model of social inclusion. It was concluded that the Microsystem of Alternative Sanctions is in full operation and it has many conditions for improvement. There are minor inadequacies in the structure of the penalty application phase, but there is a significant lack of means in the penalty enforcement phase. The methods and the management processes proved more flawed in the stage of execution, although in both moments, time and quality problems were detected concerning the established standards, especially in a systematic Constitutional interpretation. The operation of the service can not be considered efficient, especially in the executive stage. The microsystem is also not efficacious in managerial and criminological perspectives and therefore has not been proven effective. In the normative perspective, its inefficacy is attached to some legal hypotheses. At last, the study presented the main conditions that hinder or facilitate the operation of the microsystem, as well as the propositions for its improvement.Esta pesquisa, de natureza aplicada e abordagem eminentemente quantitativa, concebeu como objetivo diagnosticar o microssistema das penas alternativas nas comarcas de menor porte do estado do Tocantins, sob os enfoques da organização do serviço, da aplicação e do cumprimento das penas propriamente ditas, a partir dos parâmetros da eficiência e da eficácia. A pesquisa documental, relacionada à busca de ações penais e de execuções penais, concatenou-se com os processos baixados entre os anos de 2015 e 2016, como critério de corte. Paralelamente, empreenderam-se revisões sistemáticas de literatura e de jurisprudência, por meio de livros, artigos, dissertações e teses, nas bases de dados da biblioteca física da Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense (ESMAT), e de forma virtual, na base de dados dos bancos de teses da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), e da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), por meio dos descritores selecionados: pena alternativa, pena restritiva de direito, gestão e eficiência. Foram também realizadas pesquisas nos bancos de jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores, e ainda em alguns Tribunais estaduais. Os conteúdos foram delimitados pela norma jurídica, e em saberes interdisciplinares com a área da administração. Sua base teórica identifica-se ao modelo criminológico de terceira geração das inter-relações sociais, especialmente à teorização da criminologia clínica de inclusão social. Concluiu-se que o microssistema das penas alternativas está em pleno funcionamento e tem amplas condições de melhorias. Há falhas menores em sua estrutura na fase de aplicação da pena, mas, por outro lado, existe relevante ausência de meios da fase de cumprimento da pena. Os métodos e os processos gerenciais se mostraram mais imperfeitos na fase da execução, embora nos dois momentos tenha se detectado problemas de tempo e de qualidade quanto aos padrões estabelecidos, principalmente em uma interpretação sistemática constitucional. O funcionamento do serviço não pode ser considerado eficiente, especialmente na fase executiva. O microssistema também não é eficaz nas perspectivas gerencial e criminológica e, portanto, não se demonstrou efetivo. Na perspectiva normativa, sua ineficácia está adstrita a algumas hipóteses legais. Ao final, apresentaram-se as principais condições que facilitam e dificultam o funcionamento do microssistema, e proposições para o seu aperfeiçoamento


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    Esse estudo examina a relação entre consumo de eletricidade e crescimento econômico no Brasil durante o período de 1952-2010em estrutura bivariada de cointegração e causalidade. O teste de causalidade de Granger (1969) em um modelo vetorial com correção de erro (VEC) indica uma forte evidência de causalidade unidirecional do consumo de eletricidade per capita para o PIB real per capita, indicando que o Brasil é uma nação dependente de energia elétrica e que políticas conservadoras de energia terão um efeito adverso no crescimento econômico

    Living near the port area is associated with physical inactivity and sedentary behavior

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The impact of the port of Santos, Brazil, on the population's health is unknown. We aimed to evaluate the association between living near the port area and physical inactivity and sedentary behavior. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study developed at a university laboratory and a diagnostic clinic. METHODS: 553 healthy adults were selected and their level of physical activity in daily life was assessed using accelerometers. Multiple linear and logistic regressions were performed using physical inactivity and sedentary behavior as the outcomes and living near the port area as the main risk factor, with adjustments for the main confounders. RESULTS: Among all the participants, 15% were resident near the port area. They took 699 steps/day and presented, weekly, 2.4% more sedentary physical activity, 2.0% less time in standing position and 0.9% more time lying down than residents of other regions. Additionally, living near the port area increased the risk of physical inactivity by 2.50 times and the risk of higher amounts of sedentary behavior (>= 10 hours/day) by 1.32 times. CONCLUSION: Living near the port of Santos is associated with physical inactivity and higher sedentary behavior among adults, regardless of confounders. The reasons for this association should be investigated in longitudinal studies.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Epidemiol & Human Movement Epidemiol & Movime, Santos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Human Movement Sci, Ave Ana Costa 95, BR-11060001 Santos, SP, BrazilAngiocorpore Inst Cardiovasc Med, Dept Cardiovasc Med, Santos, SP, BrazilInst Coracao InCor, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHarvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Cardiovasc Hlth Program, Boston, MA USADepartment of Human Movement Sciences, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), Santos (SP), BrazilDepartment of Human Movement Sciences, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), Ave Ana Costa 95, BR-11060001, Santos (SP), BrazilFAPESP: 2011/07282-6Web of Scienc

    Relationship between endothelial progenitor cells and vascular endothelial growth factor and its variation with exercise

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    Background: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of programmed physical activity and a single exercise test on the number of CD309+ circulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) and their relation to the variation in plasma levels of VEGF in chronic coronary patients. Methods: 21 patients < 75 years with chronic stable coronary artery disease were included. All patients underwent exercise myocardial perfusion SPECT. Then, participants were divided into two groups: one group (11 patients) underwent cardiac rehabilitation program and the other (10 patients) continued with the standard treatment. Blood samples were obtained at baseline, 30 min after exercise ended and at one and three months during follow-up. Results: VEGF values decreased significantly after exercise SPECT test. After one month, there was a significant increase in VEGF levels compared to those measured immediately after exercise. All patients showed a decrease in the values of EPC at 1 and 3-month follow-up. There was an inverse and statistically significant relation between change of EPC and VEGF between the baseline and 1 month. Conclusions: The increase of VEGF at 1-month, with respect to baseline values correlated with decreased levels of EPC. This association was independent of the onset of ischemia in the perfusion study.Fil: Gagliardi, Juan A.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud; ArgentinaFil: Maciel, Neiva. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Cosme Argerich"; ArgentinaFil: Castellano, José L.. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Cosme Argerich"; ArgentinaFil: Masoli, Osvaldo. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Cosme Argerich"; ArgentinaFil: Miksztowicz, Verónica Julieta. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Berg, Gabriela Alicia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bermejo, Emilse. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Lazzari, María Ángela. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gelpi, Ricardo Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiopatología Cardiovascular; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Intensity and physiological responses to the 6-minute walk test in middle-aged and older adults: a comparison with cardiopulmonary exercise testing

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    The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a simple field test that is widely used in clinical settings to assess functional exercise capacity. However, studies with healthy subjects are scarce. We hypothesized that the 6MWT might be useful to assess exercise capacity in healthy subjects. the purpose of this study was to evaluate 6MWT intensity in middle-aged and older adults, as well as to develop a simple equation to predict oxygen uptake (V) over dotO(2)) from the 6-min walk distance (6MWD). Eighty-six participants, 40 men and 46 women, 40-74 years of age and with a mean body mass index of 28 +/- 6 kg/m(2), performed the 6MWT according to American Thoracic Society guidelines. Physiological responses were evaluated during the 6MWT using a K4b2 Cosmed telemetry gas analyzer. On a different occasion, the subjects performed ramp protocol cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) on a treadmill. Peak (V) over dotO(2) in the 6MWT corresponded to 78 +/- 13% of the peak (V) over dotO(2) during CPET, and the maximum heart rate corresponded to 80 +/- 23% of that obtained in CPET. Peak (V) over dotO(2) in CPET was adequately predicted by the 6MWD by a linear regression equation: (V) over dotO(2) mL.min(-1).kg(-1) = -2.863 + (0.0563 x 6MWD(m)) (R-2 = 0.76). the 6MWT represents a moderate-to-high intensity activity in middle-aged and older adults and proved to be useful for predicting cardiorespiratory fitness in the present study. Our results suggest that the 6MWT may also be useful in asymptomatic individuals, and its use in walk-based conditioning programs should be encouraged.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Epidemiol & Movimento Humano EPIMOV, Dept Ciencias Movimento Humano, Santos, SP, BrazilInst Med Cardiovasc Angiocorpore, Santos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Epidemiol & Movimento Humano EPIMOV, Dept Ciencias Movimento Humano, Santos, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2007/08673-3Web of Scienc

    Revisão da distribuição do vite-vite-de-cabeça-cinza Hylophilus pectoralis (Passeriformes: Vireonidae), com notificação de sua ocorrência no Triângulo Mineiro e noroeste de São Paulo

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    The Ashy-headed Greenlet has a spotty distribution over a broad area in Amazonia, both north and south of the Solimões-Amazonas river. It is mostly found second-growth, forest edge and water-edge habitats, including mangroves and gallery and varzea forests. The species also occurs in the Pantanal, the Chiquitano Forests, and in the Cerrado of central and northeastern Brazil, including the Brazilian states of Goiás, Maranhão and Piauí. This paper presents new records extending its distribution to the south, including southwest Minas Gerais (the "Triângulo Mineiro" region), southern Goiás, northwest São Paulo and eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, suggesting a recent colonization of those regions parallel to the one shown by the closely related H. thoracicus in southeastern Brazil

    Evaluation of dose-response relationship between smoking load and cardiopulmonary fitness in adult smokers: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: To evaluate the dose-response relationship between smoking load and cardiopulmonary fitness, as measured with cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), in adult smokers free of respiratory diseases. Methods: After a complete clinical evaluation and spirometry, 95 adult smokers (35 men and 60 women) underwent CPET on a treadmill. Results: The physiological responses during CPET showed lower cardiorespiratory fitness levels, regardless of smoking load, with a peak V-o2(') lower than 100% of the expected value and a lower maximum heart rate. We observed a significant moderate negative correlation between smoking load and peak V-o2('). The smoking load also presented a significant negative correlation with maximum heart rate(r=-0.36p < 0.05), lactate threshold(r=-0.45p < 0.05), and peak ventilation(r=-0.43p<0.05). However, a dose-response relationship between smoking load quartiles and cardiopulmonary fitness was not found comparing quartiles of smoking loads after adjustment for age, sex and cardiovascular risk. Conclusion: There appears to be no dose-response relationship between SL and cardiopulmonary fitness in adult smokers with preserved pulmonary function, after adjusting the analysis for age and cardiovascular risk. Our results suggest that smoking cessation might be useful as the primary strategy to prevent cardiopulmonary fitness decline in smokers, regardless of smoking load. Thus, even a very low dose of tobacco use must be avoided in preventive strategies focusing on becoming people more physically active and fit. (C) 2016 Sociedade Portuguese de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Epidemiol & Human Movement EPIMOV, Santos, BrazilAngiocorpore Inst Cardiovasc Med, Santos, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Epidemiol & Human Movement EPIMOV, Santos, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/07282-6Web of Scienc

    Use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing to assess early ventilatory changes related to occupational particulate matter

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    Spirometry has been used as the main strategy for assessing ventilatory changes related to occupational exposure to particulate matter (OEPM). However, in some cases, as one of its limitations, it may not be sensitive enough to show abnormalities before extensive damage, as seen in restrictive lung diseases. Therefore, we hypothesized that cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) may be better than spirometry to detect early ventilatory impairment caused by OEPM. We selected 135 male workers with at least one year of exposure. After collection of self-reported socioeconomic status, educational level, and cardiovascular risk data, participants underwent spirometry, CPET, body composition assessment (bioelectrical impedance), and triaxial accelerometry (for level of physical activity in daily life). CPET was performed using a ramp protocol on a treadmill. Metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilatory, and submaximal relationships were measured. We compared 52 exposed to 83 non-exposed workers. Multiple linear regressions were developed using spirometry and CPET variables as outcomes and OEPM as the main predictor, and adjusted by the main covariates. Our results showed that OEPM was associated with significant reductions in peak minute ventilation, peak tidal volume, and breathing reserve index. Exposed participants presented shallower slope of Delta VT/Delta lnE (breathing pattern), i.e., increased tachypneic breathing pattern. The OEPM explained 7.4% of the Delta VT/Delta lnE variability. We found no significant influence of spirometric indices after multiple linear regressions. We conclude that CPET might be a more sensitive feature of assessing early pulmonary impairment related to OEPM. Our cross-sectional results suggested that CPET is a promising tool for the screening of asymptomatic male workers.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Movimento Humano, Lab Epidemiol & Movimento Humano, Santos, SP, BrazilInst Med Cardiovasc Angiocorpore, Santos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Movimento Humano, Lab Epidemiol & Movimento Humano, Santos, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/07282-6Web of Scienc

    Giant paraselar aneurysm simulating pituitary tumour

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    Revisamos 7 pacientes com comprometimento da sela turca ao raio X do crânio que apresentavam aneurisma gigante da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida (6 casos) e aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior (1 caso). As alterações encontradas foram: cefaléia (7/7), oftalmoplegia complexa interessando III, IV e VI nervos cranianos (5/7) e comprometimento do V nervo (4/7), dor ocular (4/7). Outras alterações encontradas foram: sinais meníngeos (2/7), cegueira unilateral (1/7), hemiparesia (1/7) cacosmia (1/7) e quadrantanopsia bitemporal inferior (1/7). Cinco pacientes com aneurisma da porção intracavernosa da artéria carótida beneficiaram-se com a ligadura progressiva da artéria carótida interna a nível cervical; o outro paciente faleceu antes da realização da operação. O paciente com aneurisma da artéria comunicante anterior foi submetido a clipagem do aneurisma, tendo boa evolução. Baseados neste estudo e em concordância com a literatura, concluímos que o diagnóstico diferencial entre aneurisma localizado na região parasselar e outras patologias dessa área freqüentemente apresenta dificuldade. O diagnóstico definitivo requer a realização de angiografia cerebral. O tratamento cirúrgico, por ligadura da carótida interna na região cervical, é benéfico e quase desprovido de complicações.Seven cases of compromised pituitary fossa at the conventional skull X-ray, who had the final diagnosis of giant aneurysm of the intracavernous portion of the carotid artery (6 cases) and one of the anterior communicant artery, are reported. The main findings were: headache (7/7), complex ophtalmoplegia involving the III, IV and VI cranial nerves (5/7), compromised V cranial nerve (4/7) and eyeball pain (4/7). Other manifestations were: meningeal signs (2/7), unilateral blindness (1/7), hemiparesis (1/7), cacosmia (1/7) and inferior bitemporal quadrantanopsia (1/7). Five patients with intracavernous carotid artery aneurysm showed benefits with progressive occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the cervical level. One died before surgery. The case with anterior communicant artery aneurysm improved after its surgical clipping. Our data, in accord with the literature, support the conclusion that the differential diagnosis of aneurysms in the parasellar egion remains a very difficult task. The accurate final diagnosis requires cerebral angiography and the surgical treatment with progressive occlusion at the cervical portion of the internal carotid artery has a relatively low risk with promising results