454 research outputs found

    Liability rules and self-driving cars: The evolution of Tort Law in the light of new technologies.

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    Le norme sulla responsabilità civile extracontrattuale non affrontano direttamente il problema degl incidenti che coinvolgono almeno un veicolo autonomo e - anche se le norme sulla circolazione stradale prevedono alcuni casi che possono essere applicati a veicoli autonomi - non esiste una legislazione completa che permetta di identificare pienamente il responsabile in questo nuovo scenario. In particolare, le auto senza conducente potrebbero comportare il superamento della responsabilità del conducente e/o del proprietario del veicolo, nonché dei soggetti ad esso equiparati imputabili negli incidenti stradali. Ciò comporta la necessità di analizzare il tradizionale schema della responsabilità civile extracontrattuale da circolazione stradale, al fine di verificare se sia necessario coinvolgere altri soggetti come ad esempio il produttore, il fornitore di servizi Internet e altre parti interessate (ad esempio gli hacker che possono manomettere il software di guida del veicolo). Nell’individuazione del soggetto responsabile, la ricerca, in primo luogo, ha preso in considerazione la prospettiva della legge italiana con particolare attenzione all’identificazione dei principi e della funzione della responsabilità civile in Italia. Le soluzioni che possono essere previste dalla legge italiana, poi, sono state confrontate con quelle in vigore negli ordinamenti giuridici francese, tedesco, inglese e americano, tenendo conto non solo della legislazione ma anche della giurisprudenza e della dottrina. Inoltre, il confronto è stato esteso anche alla normativa dell'Unione Europea, con particolare riguardo a quella sulla responsabilità da prodotto difettoso (in alternativa alla responsabilità da sinistro stradale) e alla recente soft-law sul tema della robotica e dell’intelligenza artificiale. Partendo da un’analisi dello stato dell’arte, si è tentato di raggiungere un duplice obiettivo. Prima di tutto, è stato valutato se esiste una normativa sulla responsabilità civile che sia funzionale alla protezione del soggetto leso, anche in caso di incidente stradale causato da un’auto a guida autonoma. In secondo luogo, è stato verificato se tale legislazione sia sufficiente per una regolamentazione completa e sistematica dei veicoli autonomi, oppure se sia necessario modificarla ovvero introdurre un quadro di regole 'ad hoc' per le auto a guida autonoma

    Developing Students Autonomy And Self-Regulation Thought A Co-Teaching Research Methods Experience

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    The College of Human Sciences at Oklahoma State University (OSU) and Universidad Popular Automa del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) decided to offer Pedagogy Doctoral students from Mexico a 3 week co-teaching research methods experience. Two professors, one from each institution (OSU and UPAEP), designed the syllabus to offer a co-teaching experience in the United States. The objective of the course was to enhance students success in their research dissertation project, contributing to develop students autonomy and self-regulation while offering Mexican students an international experience at OSU and at the same time allowing students to access OSU facilities, including the library databases and different research software. Two evaluations were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the course and the impact in the students autonomous learning. The first assessment was conducted at the end of the course through a semi-structured personal interview. The second evaluation was conducted six months after concluding the experience and included one on-line survey. During both evaluations the students agreed that a co-teaching experience was beneficial because the course combined two kinds of expertise and the teaching styles of both professors. The study concluded that co-teaching experience was useful in the students journey to become autonomous learners and the level of understanding of the topics studied the students self-directed and self-regulated process and the achievement of the students expectations

    Perfiles motivacionales en estudiantes de bachillerato: generación y uso de estrategias volitivas

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a geração e o uso de estratégias volitivas -controle motivacional e emocional-, com base no perfil motivacional dos alunos, utilizando uma metodologia mista. Dois instrumentos padronizados (CMA y AVSI) foram aplicados em 204 estudantes mexicanos do ensino médio, entre 16 e 18 anos, a fim de identificar seu perfil motivacional e o uso de estratégias volitivas. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas para entender como geram as estratégias volitivas por eles utilizadas. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos alunos adotou um perfil orientado para objetivos múltiplos, caracterizado por uma maior utilização de estratégias volitivas. Eles também afirmaram que usavam estratégias volitivas principalmente para se concentrar no estudo e ter tempo para realizar outras tarefas. Considera-se necessário desenhar programas que promovam estratégias volitivas e que fortaleçam o comprometimento e esforço sustentado, condições necessárias para atingir os objetivos acadêmicos no ensino médio.Este estudio tuvo como propósito principal analizar la generación y uso de estrategias volitivas –de control motivacional y emocional-, en función del perfil motivacional de los estudiantes, mediante una metodología mixta. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos estandarizados (CMA y AVSI) a 204 estudiantes de Bachillerato mexicanos, entre 16 y 18 años, para identificar su perfil motivacional. Asimismo, se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas para comprender cómo generan las estrategias volitivas que utilizan. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos en su mayoría adoptaron un perfil orientado a metas múltiples, caracterizado por un mayor uso de estrategias volitivas. Además, manifestaron usar estrategias volitivas principalmente para concentrarse en el estudio y tener tiempo para realizar otras tareas. Se considera necesario diseñar programas que promuevan el uso de estrategias volitivas, que fortalezcan el compromiso y esfuerzo sostenido necesarios para el logro de las metas académicas en el bachillerato.This research had as its main purpose to analyze the generation and use of volitional strategies –motivational and emotional control-, based on the motivational profile of the students, through a mixed methodology. Two standardized instruments (CMA and AVSI) were applied to 204 Mexican high school students, between 16 and 18, to identify their motivational profile. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to understand how they generate the volitional strategies they use. Results show that most students adopted a profile oriented to multiple goals, characterized by more volitional strategies use. They also stated that they used volitional strategies to concentrate on studying and have time to perform other tasks. It is considered necessary to design programs that promote volitional strategies, strengthening the commitment and sustained effort required to achieve academic goals in high school

    Strumenti di diritto privato per la sostenibilità ambientale nell’industria automobilistica 4.0: un’analisi giuridicoecodinamica

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    Many government policies are in place to promote the socially responsible development of new technologies, also in the automotive sector, in order to reduce their environmental impact. Nevertheless, it is necessary to support and implement these initiatives through the regulation of certain legal cases of strategic interest in relations between private parties. In this perspective, the work aims to identify possible instruments of private law to guarantee adequate protection of individuals and of the environment, with particular regard to the balance between technological evolution and eco-sustainability in the road mobility sector. This is in the double perspective of ex-ante and ex-post protection of the subjects of law involved in the development of the automotive industry.; Molteplici sono le politiche governative per la promozione dello sviluppo socialmente responsabile delle nuove tecnologie, anche nel settore automobilistico, al fine di ridurne l’impatto ambientale. Tuttavia, risulta necessario affiancare e attuare tali iniziative attraverso la disciplina di determinate fattispecie giuridiche di interesse strategico nei rapporti tra soggetti privati. In questa prospettiva, il lavoro mira ad individuare possibili strumenti di diritto privato a garanzia di un’adeguata tutela degli individui e dell’ambiente, con particolare riguardo al bilanciamento tra evoluzione tecnologica ed ecosostenibilità nel settore della mobilità stradale.Ciò nella duplice prospettiva di una tutela ex ante ed ex post dei soggetti di diritto coinvolti nello sviluppo dell’industria automobilistica

    Il processo penale minorile come momento di recupero dell'individuo in eta' evolutiva

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    La tesi prende avvio dall'esame dei principi in materia di processo minorile che sono fissati in sede internazionale e Costituzionale. Il lavoro prosegue poi con una sintetica descrizione dei più caratteristici istituti processuali minorili, che sono previsti nel nostro ordinamento. Si passa poi all'esame del istituto della sospensione del processo con messa alla prova: sono evidenziati i caratteri del "minimo intervento penale" e del principio di adeguatezza alla personalità del minore. In fine si descrivono gli esiti finali della sospensione

    Abitare la scuola. Ricerca esplorativa sulle opportunità educative offerte dallo spazio, in prospettiva inclusiva

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    Recently in the Western countries, within a wider debate on the improvement and enhancement of education, the theme of architecture of school buildings is taking a growing interest. In Italy it became a debated theme, with the approvation, at a regional level, of the New Provincial Guidelines for School Building in Alto Adige (2009) and, at a national level, with the New Guidelines for School Building (2013). This research aims to explore the theme of the physical space in education and to understand what are the opportunities that a physical space provides for inclusive education to promote equal opportunities for the development of students. This research also aims to know the priorities of the architects involved in the design of school buildings in order to understand how these priorities relate to education. In order to answer these questions the author chose to interview privileged witnesses as architects and interior designers dealing with school spaces. Author chose to adopt a qualitative investigation process using a semi-structured interview. From the data analysis emerge the variables to consider, in the design of a school building, in order to offer opportunities for each student and promote his development. Moreover data explain that architects who have the mandate to design school spaces, have neither a comparison with teachers, nor with experts in education. This inattention could have an impact on teaching and other educational dimensions causing possible forms of micro-exclusion. Finally, the different relationship between the architecture, the furniture, and the educational dimension that allow a dialogue between disciplines, has been tracked

    High-resolution wave and hydrodynamics modelling in coastal areas: operational applications for coastal planning, decision support and assessment

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    Abstract. Numerical modelling has become an essential component of today's coastal planning, decision support and risk assessment. High-resolution modelling offers an extensive range of capabilities regarding simulated conditions, works and practices and provides with a wide array of data regarding nearshore wave dynamics and hydrodynamics. In the present work, the open-source TELEMAC suite and the commercial software MIKE21 are applied to selected coastal areas of South Italy. Applications follow a scenario-based approach in order to study representative wave conditions in the coastal field; the models' results are intercompared in order to test both their performance and capabilities and are further evaluated on the basis of their operational use for coastal planning and design. A multiparametric approach for the rapid assessment of wave conditions in coastal areas is also presented and implemented in areas of the same region. The overall approach is deemed to provide useful insights on the tested models and the use of numerical models – in general – in the above context, especially considering that the design of harbours, coastal protection works and management practices in the coastal zone is based on scenario-based approaches as well

    Deep decarbonization pathways

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    KSHV dysregulates bulk macroautophagy, mitophagy and UPR to promote endothelial to mesenchymal transition and CCL2 release, key events in viral-driven sarcomagenesis

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    Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) is the causative agent of KS, an aggressive neoplasm that mainly occurs in immune-compromised patients. Spindle cells represent the main feature of this aggressive malignancy and arise from KSHV-infected endothelial cells undergoing endothelial to mesenchymal transition (EndMT), which changes their cytoskeletal composition and organization. As in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), EndMT is driven by transcription factors such as SNAI1 and ZEB1 and implies a cellular reprogramming mechanism regulated by several molecular pathways, particularly PI3K/AKT/MTOR. Here we found that KSHV activated MTOR and its targets 4EBP1 and ULK1 and reduced bulk macroautophagy and mitophagy to promote EndMT, activate ER stress/ Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), and increase the release of the pro-angiogenic and pro-inflammatory chemokine CCL2 by HUVEC cells. This study suggests that the manipulation of macroautophagy, mitophagy, and UPR and the interplay between the three could be a promising strategy to counteract EndMT, angiogenesis, and inflammation, the key events of KSHV-driven sarcomagenesis
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