1,213 research outputs found

    Visualizing Genetic Influences on Human Brain Functions

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    AbstractEgan and colleagues (2003), in this issue of Cell, integrate genetics and functional brain imaging by showing that variation in the human brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene is associated with variation in episodic memory ability and in hippocampal neurochemistry and function

    Street appeal: The value of street improvements

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    The planning for and design of streets around the world have been undergoing a radical change via a move from a network efficiency model to a movement and place-based one. This is a fundamental change, and it is important to understand both the benefits and drawbacks that result. This research represents an attempt to capture and understand these impacts and to address the question, what is the ‘value’, in the widest sense of the word, of place-based improvements in street design. The key features of the approach adopted here were, the use of pairwise comparisons of five improved and five unimproved streets across London, a holistic analytical framework to represent the complexity of urban streets, and the use of diverse qualitative and quantitative data to understand the diverse forms of value that might accrue from interventions. As well as important methodological innovations and insights, the research revealed that in relation to street improvements in the sorts of mixed local high street locations investigated, investments in the quality of the street environment return substantial value to the everyday users of streets, and to the occupiers of space (to business) and investors in surrounding property in multiple ways

    Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Income-Achievement Gap

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    In the United States, the difference in academic achievement between higher- and lower-income students (i.e., the income-achievement gap) is substantial and growing. In the research reported here, we investigated neuroanatomical correlates of this gap in adolescents (N = 58) in whom academic achievement was measured by statewide standardized testing. Cortical gray-matter volume was significantly greater in students from higher-income backgrounds (n = 35) than in students from lower-income backgrounds (n = 23), but cortical white-matter volume and total cortical surface area did not differ significantly between groups. Cortical thickness in all lobes of the brain was greater in students from higher-income than lower-income backgrounds. Greater cortical thickness, particularly in temporal and occipital lobes, was associated with better test performance. These results represent the first evidence that cortical thickness in higher- and lower-income students differs across broad swaths of the brain and that cortical thickness is related to scores on academic-achievement tests.Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32 HD079143-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32 MH095354-01

    Entorhinal cortex volume is associated with episodic memory related brain activation in normal aging and amnesic mild cognitive impairment

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    The present study examined the relationship between entorhinal cortex and hippocampal volume with fMRI activation during episodic memory function in elderly controls with no cognitive impairment and individuals with amnesic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Both groups displayed limited evidence for a relationship between hippocampal volume and fMRI activation. Smaller right entorhinal cortex volume was correlated with reduced activation in left and right medial frontal cortex (BA 8) during incidental encoding for both aMCI and elderly controls. However, during recognition, smaller left entorhinal cortex volume correlated with reduced activation in right BA 8 for the control group, but greater activation for the aMCI group. There was no significant relationship between entorhinal cortex volume and activation during intentional encoding in either group. The recognition-related dissociation in structure/function relationships in aMCI paralleled our behavioral findings, where individuals with aMCI displayed poorer performance relative to controls during recognition, but not encoding. Taken together, these results suggest that the relationship between entorhinal cortex volume and fMRI activation during episodic memory function is altered in individuals with aMCI.Illinois. Department of Public HealthNational Institute on Aging (Grant P01 AG09466)National Institute on Aging (Grant P30 AG10161)National Institute on Aging (Grant R01 AG017917)National Institute on Aging (Grant T32 AG000257

    Stability Analysis of a Landslide Scarp by Means of Virtual Outcrops: The Mt. Peron Niche Area (Masiere di Vedana Rock Avalanche, Eastern Southern Alps)

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    We investigated the Mt. Peron niche area of the Masiere di Vedana rock avalanche (BL), one of the major mass movements that affected the Eastern Southern Alps in historical times. So far, a geomechanical characterization and a stability analysis of the niche area, where potential rockfall sources are present, are lacking. The Mt. Peron niche area is a rocky cliff almost inaccessible to field-based measurements. In order to overcome this issue, we performed a geo-structural characterization of a sector of the cliff by means of a UAV-based photogrammetric survey. From the virtual outcrop, we extracted the orientation of 159 fractures that were divided into sets based on a K-means clustering algorithm and field-checked with some measurements collected along a rappelling descent route down to the cliff. Finally, with the aim of evaluating the stability of the volume under investigation, we performed a stability analysis of three rock pillars included in our survey by means of a distinct element numerical simulation. Our results indicate that two out of the three pillars are characterized by a stable state, under the simulation assumptions, whereas the third is close to failure, and for this reason, its condition needs further investigation

    Structural Connectivity of the Developing Human Amygdala

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    <div><p>A large corpus of research suggests that there are changes in the manner and degree to which the amygdala supports cognitive and emotional function across development. One possible basis for these developmental differences could be the maturation of amygdalar connections with the rest of the brain. Recent functional connectivity studies support this conclusion, but the structural connectivity of the developing amygdala and its different nuclei remains largely unstudied. We examined age related changes in the DWI connectivity fingerprints of the amygdala to the rest of the brain in 166 individuals of ages 5-30. We also developed a model to predict age based on individual-subject amygdala connectivity, and identified the connections that were most predictive of age. Finally, we segmented the amygdala into its four main nucleus groups, and examined the developmental changes in connectivity for each nucleus. We observed that with age, amygdalar connectivity becomes increasingly sparse and localized. Age related changes were largely localized to the subregions of the amygdala that are implicated in social inference and contextual memory (the basal and lateral nuclei). The central nucleus’ connectivity also showed differences with age but these differences affected fewer target regions than the basal and lateral nuclei. The medial nucleus did not exhibit any age related changes. These findings demonstrate increasing specificity in the connectivity patterns of amygdalar nuclei across age.</p></div

    Disclosing Jackson Pollock's palette in Alchemy (1947) by non-invasive spectroscopies

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    Alchemy (1947, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice) is one of the most materic works by J. Pollock, whose palette is extensive, ranging from white to yellow, red, green, violet, blue, black, and silver. Each layer of color was laid on top of a previously dried one and effectively separated from the lower one forming a quite complex stratigraphy with colors intersecting each other. In this study, a non-invasive multi-technique method combining point analysis with Vis–NIR multispectral imaging has been exploited to give insights on the painting technique of the American abstract expressionist. The molecular identification of pigments, colorants and extenders contained in fifteen different paints has been achieved combining key spectral markers from elemental, electronic and vibrational spectroscopies. For those colors exhibiting similar hues but different chemical compositions, a mapping procedure based on false color rendering, obtained by properly mixing three spectral planes from the Vis–NIR multispectral imaging set, has been successfully applied. Relevant for the understanding of the evolution of Pollock's drip technique is the identification of both traditional oil-based paints and oil-modified alkyd media. Point analysis by reflection FTIR scattered throughout the painting enabled mapping the distinct use of traditional and new binding media among painted, squeezed and dripped paints

    Reward-Sensitive Basal Ganglia Stabilize the Maintenance of Goal-Relevant Neural Patterns in Adolescents

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    Maturation of basal ganglia (BG) and frontoparietal circuitry parallels developmental gains in working memory (WM). Neurobiological models posit that adult WM performance is enhanced by communication between reward-sensitive BG and frontoparietal regions, via increased stability in the maintenance of goal-relevant neural patterns. It is not known whether this reward-driven pattern stability mechanism may have a role in WM development. In 34 young adolescents (12.16–14.72 years old) undergoing fMRI, reward-sensitive BG regions were localized using an incentive processing task. WM-sensitive regions were localized using a delayed-response WM task. Functional connectivity analyses were used to examine the stability of goal-relevant functional connectivity patterns during WM delay periods between and within reward-sensitive BG and WM-sensitive frontoparietal regions. Analyses revealed that more stable goal-relevant connectivity patterns between reward-sensitive BG and WM-sensitive frontoparietal regions were associated with both greater adolescent age and WM ability. Computational lesion models also revealed that functional connections to WM-sensitive frontoparietal regions from reward-sensitive BG uniquely increased the stability of goal-relevant functional connectivity patterns within frontoparietal regions. Findings suggested (1) the extent to which goal-relevant communication patterns within reward-frontoparietal circuitry are maintained increases with adolescent development and WM ability and (2) communication from reward-sensitive BG to frontoparietal regions enhances the maintenance of goal-relevant neural patterns in adolescents’ WM. The maturation of reward-driven stability of goal-relevant neural patterns may provide a putative mechanism for understanding the developmental enhancement of WM
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