17 research outputs found
Integrando redes neurais : avaliação do impacto do MP2,5 na saúde para cidades de médio porte em perspectiva aos novos limites da OMS
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo H. Moreton GodoiCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Yara de Souza TadanoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental. Defesa : Curitiba, 06/11/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: A poluição atmosférica é atualmente a principal causa de mortes evitáveis no mundo, e grande parte dessas mortes ocorre em países de baixa/média renda, onde há falta de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, geralmente em cidades de médio/ baixo porte. Além disso, as formas solúveis dos elementos contidos no material particulado fino (MP2,5) têm o potencial de penetrar profundamente no pulmão, onde são translocados por meio da barreira sanguínea para o sistema circulatório, acumulando-se em outros órgãos do corpo humano causando efeitos sistêmicos à saúde. No entanto, geralmente, as diretrizes globais de qualidade do ar são baseadas nas funções dose-resposta apenas da concentração mássica do MP, tratando todas as partículas finas como igualmente tóxicas, independente de sua fonte e composição. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a tendência de longo prazo do MP2,5 na cidade de médio porte de Londrina, Brasil. MP2,5 foi amostrado diariamente por quase dois anos, e obteve-se a concentração mássica de MP2,5, carbono negro e composição elementar. As possíveis fontes do poluente foram estudadas empregando-se a Análise de Componentes Principais Absoluta e o Fator de Enriquecimento. O risco à saúde foi avaliado com a bioacessibilidade do conteúdo inorgânico do MP no fluido pulmonar artificial, com a avaliação de risco químico à saúde e por meio da avaliação do efeito da exposição ao MP2,5 nas internações hospitalares por desfechos respiratórios (DR) e circulatórios (DC) com a aplicação de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Três diferentes RNA foram testadas (Perceptron de Múltiplas Camadas (MLP), Máquinas de Aprendizado Extremo, e as Redes Neurais com Estados de Eco), e o desempenho delas foi avaliado por meio do Erro Quadrático Médio (MSE) e o Erro Percentual Absoluto Médio (MAPE). A concentração média do MP2,5 ficou abaixo da diretriz da OMS, no entanto, a exposição ao MP2,5 possui riscos de 5 a cada 100.000 habitantes desenvolverem doenças carcinogênicas ao longo da vida. Além disso, foi observada a influência do MP2,5 nas internações hospitalares por DR e DC com a MLP, RNA que apresentou os menores valores de MSE (12,49 para DR e 15,64 para DC) e MAPE (27,1 para DR e 28,42 para DC). A bioacessibilidade média de 58,6%, 41,7% e 16,5% para Cu, Pb e Mn, respectivamente revelou o variável potencial de mobilidade para o sistema circulatório das fontes do MP na cidade: trânsito, poeira de rua e processos industriais. Esses resultados indicam que mesmo para cidades de médio porte existem riscos à saúde associados à exposição à poluição atmosférica, e ressaltam a necessidade de mais desenvolvimento de pesquisas nestas localidades. Além disso, há um amplo espectro de suscetibilidade ao poluente em relação às características econômicas específicas de cada cidade em particular, mesmo em cidades de pequeno/médio porte, destacando a hipótese geral tácita de que nenhum nível de MP2,5 é seguro, mesmo abaixo dos limites de qualidade do ar da OMS. Dada a evidência emergente de que a composição química do MP é tão, ou até mais, importante do que os níveis de concentração de massa, esta pesquisa pode abrir caminho para as colaborações inter e intra-cidades necessárias para lidar com esse problema de saúde globalAbstract: Air pollution is currently the leading global risk factor for death, and a significant proportion of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where there is a lack of air quality monitoring, general in middle- and small-sized cities. Moreover, the soluble forms of the elements present in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can deeply penetrate the lungs. From there, they translocate across the blood barrier into the circulatory system and accumulate in various organs, leading to systemic health effects. The global air quality guidelines are generally based on the doseresponse functions of only the PM2.5 mass concentration, treating all fine particles as equally toxic, regardless of their source or composition. This study aimed to investigate the long-term trend of PM2.5 in the middle-sized Brazilian city of Londrina. PM2.5 was sampled daily for almost two years, and PM2.5 concentration, black carbon, and elemental composition were obtained. The possible sources were identified using absolute principal component analysis and enrichment factor analysis. The health risk was evaluated by assessing the bioaccessibility of inorganic contents in artificial lung fluid, conducting a chemical health assessment for resident exposure, and using artificial neural networks (ANN) to assess the effect of PM2.5 exposure on hospital admissions due to respiratory (RO) and circulatory (CO) outcomes. Tree different ANN models were tested (Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), and Echo State Networks (ESN)), and their performance was evaluated based on the mean square error (MSE), and the Mean Absolute Percentual Error (MAPE). Although the average concentration of PM2.5 was below WHO guidelines, the exposure do PM2.5 leads to the risk of 5 in each group of 100,000 inhabitants to develop carcinogenic diseases over a lifetime. Furthermore, the influence of MP2.5 exposure on hospital admissions for RO and CO was observed with MLP, ANN that presented the lowest values of MSE (12.49 for RO and 15.64 for CO) and MAPE (27.1 for RO and 28.42 for CO).The average bioaccessibility of 58.6% for Cu, 41.7% for Pb and 16.5% for Mn, revealed the diverse mobility potential for the circulatory system for PM sources in the city: traffic, street dust and processes industrial. These results indicate that even in medium-sized cities, there are health risks associated with air pollution exposure, and highlight the need for more research in this regions. Moreover, there is a broad spectrum of susceptibility to pollutants, likely related to the specific and diversified economic base of each city, even in smalland medium-sized cities, highlighting the tacit general assumption that no level of PM2.5 is safe, even below WHO air quality limits. Given the further emerging evidence that PM chemical composition is as, or even more, important than mass concentration levels, the research reported in the paper could pave the way for the necessary inter- and inner-city collaborations that are needed to address this global health challeng
Materiais antropogênicos suspensos na atmosfera de Curitiba
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo H. Moreton GodoiCo-orientador: Prof. Dr. Andrea P. de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais - PIPE. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/10/2015Inclui referências : f. 91-99Área de concentração: Engenharia e ciência de materiaisResumo: O material particulado (MP) tem sido considerado um dos principais poluentes atmosféricos, e muitos estudos vêm demonstrando a associação do MP com efeitos adversos à saúde. O MP com tamanho aerodinâmico menor do que 2,5 ?m (MP2,5) pode alcançar os alvéolos pulmonares e, por isso, tem sido associado com problemas cardiopulmonares. Este estudo objetiva avaliar a contribuição da poluição atmosférica advinda do MP2,5 em Curitiba, assim como determinar os possíveis efeitos na saúde da população devido à exposição a tal poluente e os custos monetários associados a tais efeitos. MP2,5 foi amostrado durante os anos de 2008 a 2015, diariamente, sobre filtros de policarbonato de 37 mm. Para tais amostragens foi utilizado o Impactador Inercial Harvard com corte de 2,5 ?m. As amostras de MP foram investigadas através de Análise Gravimétrica, Fluorescência de Raios-X, e de Transmitância de forma a quantificar as concentrações de MP2,5, seus elementos e BC (Black Carbon). As concentrações obtidas foram utilizadas para determinação do Fator de Enriquecimento (FE), medida da quantidade de cada elemento encontrado nas amostras em relação à concentração na natureza; aplicação da análise de componentes principais absoluta (APCA), visando à determinação das fontes do MP2,5. Fez-se também a determinação da fração de BC e BrC (Brown Carbon) com um amostrador automático. Investigou-se os riscos à saúde utilizando as concentrações elementais, de forma a avaliar os possíveis riscos gerados a uma pessoa pela exposição ao longo da vida pelo MP2,5. Aplicando-se o modelo linear generalizado com as distribuições de Poisson e Binomial negativa, determinou-se a associação do número de internações hospitalares no SUS devido a problemas circulatórios e respiratórios com a exposição ao MP2,5, possibilitando aferir os custos monetários do SUS com tais internações devido aos poluentes em questão. Com exceção dos elementos considerados terrígenos, todos os elementos encontrados estavam enriquecidos, implicando em que a região de estudo esta sobre grande influência de atividades antropogênicas. Além disso, pela APCA utilizando-se as concentrações diárias de MP2,5, BC e elementos, foram determinadas quatro fontes principais de MP2,5: veicular (60%), industrial e aerossol secundário (13%), solo (10%), e Manganês (0,03%). Pela metodologia do risco relativo relacionou-se de 2010 a 2014 um total de 133 e 768 internações devido a problemas circulatórios e respiratórios respectivamente, ocasionando um custo de R 1.223.435,00 em virtude de problemas circulatórios e respiratórios respectivamente no, com um total de aproximadamente R$ 287.196,00 por ano. A avaliação de riscos à saúde determinou um risco insignificante para efeitos não carcinogênicos, e um risco de 100 pessoas desenvolverem câncer a cada 1.000.000 de pessoas ao longo da vida devido a exposição ao MP2,5, sendo 99 pessoas devido a exposição ao elemento Cr(VI) e 1 pessoa devido a exposição ao elemento Pb presente no MP2,5. Os resultados da APCA e FE pontuam para o fato de que as fontes automotivas são a principal fonte de poluição na região urbana de Curitiba, e tal poluição, com concentração média de 9,7 ?g m-³, comprovadamente encontra-se em níveis que causam efeitos deletérios à saúde humana. Palavras-chave: Poluição Atmosférica, Material particulado, Fontes Antropogênicas, Saúde humana.Abstract: Particulate matter (PM) has been considered a mainly atmospheric pollutant and many researches have demonstrated the association of the PM with adverse health effects. The PM with an aerodynamic size less than 2.5 ?m (PM2.5) can reach the alveoli and that is the reason it has been associated with cardiopulmonary problems. Moreover, studies have demonstrated that the metals present in PM2.5 can be particularly toxic. This research aimed to evaluate de atmospheric pollution due to PM2,5 next to a residential area in Curitiba, Brazil, as well to quantify de possible health effects over the population exposed to such pollutant and the monetary costs associated to healthy implications.PM2.5 was collected daily from 2008 to 2015, in polycarbonate filters of 37 mm diameter. For the sampling the Harvard Inertial Impactor was used connected to vacuum pump at 10 L min-1 and a flow meter. The samples were subjected to gravimetric, X-Ray Fluorescence and Black Carbon (BC) analysis, intending to quantify PM2.5 concentrations, its elements and black carbon. Then, this concentrations were used do determine the enrichment factor (EF), a relation between the measurement of each element founded at the samples and the concentration at nature; and the principal component analysis (PCA) to access the sources of the PM. The fraction of BC and Brc (Brown Carbon) was determined using an automatic sampler. A risk assessment was performed to access the possible health risks the PM2.5 pollution can cause to population. All the analysed elements were very enriched, except by the soil elements, proving that the study region is the subject of considerable anthropogenic activity. Moreover, it was possible to determine four PM2.5 sources through the PCA analysis. The first component was assigned as vehicular source, contibuting to 60% of the mass, the second source was soil explaning about 10% of the mass, the third component with 13% of contribution was industrial and aerosol formation, and finally the fourth component explaning 0.03% of the mass was associated to a Manganese source. About 18% of the mass was not explained by the PCA. The relative risk method observed an influnce of PM2,5 over respiratory and circulatory hospital admissions in Curitiba. A non-cancer risk was determined as not significant, but close to the limit to become significant, and it was found an acceptable risk of one person develop cancer, generated mainly by Cromium. Such results point out the fact that the automotive sources are the major source of pollution at the urban area of Curitiba, furthermore, even the concentrations found being lower than other cities, that levels were found to cause injure to human health. Key words: Atmospheric Pollution, Particulate Matter, Antropic Sources, human health
Bioacessibilidade em fluido pulmonar artificial de material particulado nas cidades de Curitiba e Manaus
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo H. Moreton GodoiCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Andrea P. de OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais - PIPE. Defesa : Curitiba, 18/12/2019Inclui referências: p. 103-117Área de concentração: Engenharia e Ciência dos MateriaisResumo: O desenvolvimento econômico e o crescimento urbano das cidades influenciam a dispersão atmosférica de poluentes, concentração, tamanho de partículas e composição, que afetam a saúde humana. A fração solúvel do material particulado fino (MP2,5) no fluido pulmonar (fração bioacessível) é considerada como uma das principais rotas de transporte de metais tóxicos, capazes de se acumular no sangue. Um número limitado de estudos in vitro de MP2,5 em fluido lisossomal artificial (ALF) foi realizado usando diferentes tipos de poluentes para a via de inalação. No entanto, as possíveis consequências de várias fontes e das condições atmosféricas urbanas existentes não foram totalmente avaliadas nesses estudos. Para avaliar esses aspectos de forma contudente, duas cidades com localização geográfica e clima diferentes, e com distintas estratégias de desenvolvimento urbano foram usadas para ilustrar a influência que esses fatores têm sobre a composição química e o consequente destino do MP2,5 no organismo humano. A fração bioacessível em ALF do MP2,5 foi comparada durante os períodos de incubação de 1, 24 e 48 horas para as espécies Cu, Cr, Pb e Mn contidas nas amostras coletadas em Manaus, uma cidade industrial no centro da floresta amazônica e Curitiba, uma cidade planejada, um modelo internacional para o desenvolvimento sustentável. As concentrações atmosféricas médias totais foram: Mn> Pb> Cu> Cr e Pb> Mn> Cu> Cr para as cidades de Manaus e Curitiba, respectivamente. Mn e Cu apresentaram níveis até 5 vezes superiores em Manaus em relação aos encontrados em Curitiba. O procedimento in vitro utilizado nesse estudo revelou que as espécies de Mn apresentaram a menor solubilidade e a menor variação de fração solúvel entre todas as espécies investigadas, muito semelhante nas amostras de ambas as cidades. O cobre apresentou maior solubilidade em Curitiba que Manaus, sugerindo que, nesse caso, a fonte de tráfego de cobre pode ser mais prejudicial que a geração de energia térmica. Por outro lado, o Cr apresentou maior bioacessibilidade em Manaus que Curitiba, e o chumbo (Pb) foi o elemento com maior fração solúvel média entre todos os investigados nesta pesquisa. Este resultado é preocupante pela capacidade conhecida do Pb de se acumular nos tecidos do corpo, incluindo ossos e dentes. Os elementos avaliados na presente investigação apresentaram cinética máxima de dissolução no fluido ALF após um tempo de incubação de 1 hora, possibilitando o transporte da fração solúvel para o sistema circulatório. A população de Manaus está sujeita à poluição do ar e recebe aporte respiratório duas vezes (para Cu e Pb) e quatro vezes (para Cr e Mn) maior que a população de Curitiba, sugerindo que a comunidade de Manaus tem maior risco decorrente da exposição à poluição do ar, como câncer pulmonar e doenças neurológicas. Portanto, o desenvolvimento urbano e as diferentes atividades econômicas de Manaus e Curitiba desempenham papéis diferentes em relação aos riscos específicos da exposição à poluição do ar para o ser humano. Esses resultados indicam a importância de se controlar tanto a concentração total das emissões de poluentes atmosféricos quanto o tipo de espécies químicas bioacessíveis do MP2,5 no fluido pulmonar. Palavras-chave: MP2,5. Elementos metálicos. Saúde humana. Bioacessibilidade. Fluido lisossomal artificial. Fluido pulmonar artificial.Abstract: Economic development and urban growing fate on the atmospheric pollutants dispersion, concentration, size fraction, and content, therefore also impact on human health. The soluble fraction of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) present in the lung fluid of humans (i.e., the bioaccessible fraction) has been considered as one of the main transport conduits of particle-phase heavy metals capable of accumulating in human blood. A limited number of in vitro PM2.5 studies in artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF) have been carried out using different kinds of pollutants through inhalation routes. Nevertheless, the possible consequences of various sources and prevailing urban atmospheric conditions were not fully accessed in these studies. To address this issue, two cities of different geographical location and climate, and with different urban development strategies were used to illustrate the influence that these factors have on the chemical composition and consequent fate of PM2.5 in the body. The bioaccessible fraction of PM2.5 was compared in ALF during incubation periods of 1, 24 and 48 hours for Cu, Cr, Pb and Mn species contained in samples collected in Manaus, an industrial city in the center of Amazon forest, and Curitiba, a planned city an international model for sustainable development. The total atmospheric mass concentrations were: Mn>Pb>Cu>Cr and Pb>Mn>Cu>Cr for the cities of Manaus and Curitiba, respectively. The highest concentrations of the analyzed species in Manaus were Mn and Cu which shown levels up to 5 times higher than that found in Curitiba. The in vitro procedure used in our study revealed that Mn species had the lowest solubility and the smallest variation of soluble fraction among all species investigated while presenting a soluble fraction very similar in the samples from both cities. Copper had higher solubility in Curitiba than Manaus, suggesting that in this case, the copper traffic source may be more harmful than the thermal power generation. On the other hand, Cr presented higher bioaccessibility in Manaus than Curitiba, and lead (Pb) was the element with higher soluble fraction average between all the investigated in this research. This result is very concerning due to the well-known capacity of Pb to accumulate in the hard tissues of the body, including bones and teeth. The elements examined in the present investigation have maximum dissolution kinetics in the ALF fluid after an incubation time of 1 hour, therefore enabling transport of the soluble fraction transport to the circulatory system. The Manaus population is subjected to air pollution exposure and receives a respiratory intake two times (for Cu and Pb) and four times (for Cr and Mn) greater than the population of Curitiba, suggesting that the Manaus community is at a higher risk of toxic health effects from air pollution exposure, such as pulmonary cancer and neurological effects. Therefore, urban development and the differing main economic activities of Manaus and Curitiba play different roles regarding the specific risks of human air pollution exposure. These findings point out the importance of controlling both the total concentration of pollutant emissions as well as the type of PM2.5 bioaccessible species in the lung fluid. Keywords: PM2,5, metallic elements. Human health. Bioaccessibility. Artificial lisossomal fluid. Artificial lung fluid
EXPRESS: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Methods to Access the Metal Solubility of Aerosols in Artificial Lung Fluid
Recent studies to quantify the health risks that fine particulate matter with anaerodynamic lessthan 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) poseuse in vitro approaches. One of these approaches is to incubate PM2.5in artificial lysosomal fluid for a given period at body temperature. These body fluids used have a high ionic strength and as such can be challenging samples to analyzewith atomic spectroscopy techniques. AsPM2.5isaprimary healthhazard because it is tiny enough to penetrate deep into the lungsand could, in addition, dissolve in the lung fluid it is important to quantify elements of toxic and/or carcinogenic concerns, reliably and accurately. Sophisticated instrumentation and expensive pre-treatment of challenging samples are not always available, especially in developing countries. Toevaluatethe applicability of GFAAS without Zeeman correction capability to detect trace quantities of heavy metals leached from PM2.5on to artificial lungfluid, uni-and multivariate approaches have been used for optimization purposes. The limits of quantification, LOQ,obtained by theoptimizedmethod were:2μgL-1(Cu), 3μg L-1(Cr), 1μg L-1(Mn) and 10μg L-1(Pb). The addition/recovery experiments had amean accuracy of: (Cu) 99 ± 7%; 110± 8% (Cr); 95 ± 9% (Mn) and 96 ± 11% (Pb). The average soluble fractions of PM2.5incubated in artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF)for 1 hour were:1.2 0.01ng m-3Cu, 0.40.01ng m-3Cr,0.60.01ng m-3Mnand4.8 0.03ng m-3Pb.Using historical elemental 2averagesof PM2.5 in Curitiba(Cu 3.3 ng m-3, Cr 2.1 ng m-3, Mn 6.1 ng m-3, Pb 21 ng m-3), the percentage bioaccessibility were determined to beCu 38%; Cr 20%; Mn 10%; and Pb 23%.The elemental values of the atmospheric soluble fraction of Cu, Cr and,Mn were below the inhalation risk concentrations.However, for Pb, the atmospheric soluble fraction exceeded the inhalation unit risk of 0.012 ng m-3.This robust and straightforward GF AASmethod is pivotal for low and middle-income countries were most air pollution adverse effects occur andestablished lower-costtechnologies are likelyunavailable
The influence that different urban development models has on PM2.5 elemental and bioaccessible profiles
Limited studies have reported on in-vitro analysis of PM2.5 but as far as the authors are aware, bioaccessibility of PM2.5 in artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF) has not been linked to urban development models before. The Brazilian cities Manaus (Amazon) and Curitiba (South region) have different geographical locations, climates, and urban development strategies. Manaus drives its industrialization using the free trade zone policy and Curitiba adopted a services centered economy driven by sustainability. Therefore, these two cities were used to illustrate the influence that these different models have on PM2.5 in vitro profile. We compared PM2.5 mass concentrations and the average total elemental and bioaccessible profiles for Cu, Cr, Mn, and Pb. The total average elemental concentrations followed Mn > Pb > Cu > Cr in Manaus and Pb > Mn > Cu > Cr in Curitiba. Mn had the lowest solubility while Cu showed the highest bioaccessibility (100%) and was significantly higher in Curitiba than Manaus. Cr and Pb had higher bioaccessibility in Manaus than Curitiba. Despite similar mass concentrations, the public health risk in Manaus was higher than in Curitiba indicating that the free trade zone had a profound effect on the emission levels and sources of airborne PM. These findings illustrate the importance of adopting sustainable air quality strategies in urban planning
Human exposure to hydrogen sulphide concentrations near wastewater treatment plants
The hydrogen sulphide (H2S) levels from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Curitiba, Brazil have been quantified for the first time. H2S generated by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in WWTPs is a cause for concern because it is an air pollutant, which can cause eye and respiratory irritation, headaches, and nausea. Considering the requirement for WWTPs in all communities, it is necessary to assess the concentrations and effects of gases such as H2S on populations living and/or working near WWTPs. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the indoor and outdoor concentration of H2S in the neighbourhood of two WWTPs located in Curitiba, as well as its human health impacts. Between August 2013 and March 2014 eight sampling campaigns were performed using passive samplers and the analyses were carried out by spectrophotometry, presenting mean concentrations ranging from 0.14 to 32 μg m− 3. Eleven points at WWTP-A reported H2S average concentrations above the WHO recommendation of 10 μg m− 3, and 15 points above the US EPA guideline of 2 μg m− 3. At WWTP-B the H2S concentration was above US EPA guideline at all the sampling points. The I/O ratio on the different sampling sites showed accumulation of indoor H2S in some instances and result in exacerbating the exposure of the residents. The highest H2S concentrations were recorded during the summer in houses located closest to the sewage treatment stations, and towards the main wind direction, showing the importance of these factors when planning a WWTP. Lifetime risk assessments of hydrogen sulphide exposure showed a significant non-carcinogenic adverse health risk for local residents and workers, especially those close to anaerobic WWTPs. The data indicated that WWTPs operated under these conditions should be recognized as a significant air pollution source, putting local populations at risk
BTEX profile and health risk at the largest bulk port in Latin America, Paranaguá Port
Port-related activities have a detrimental impact on the air quality both at the point of source and for considerable distances beyond. These activities include, but are not limited to, heavy cargo traffic, onboard, and at-berth emissions. Due to differences in construction, operation, location, and policies at ports, the site-specific air pollution cocktail could result in different human health risks. Thus, monitoring and evaluating such emissions are essential to predict the risk to the community. Environmental agencies often monitor key pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2), but the volatile organic carbons (VOCs) most often are not, due to its analytical challenging. This study intends to fill that gap and evaluate the VOC emissions caused by activities related to the port of Paranaguá — one of the largest bulk ports in Latin America — by characterizing BTEX concentrations at the port and its surroundings. At seven different sites, passive samplers were used to measure the dispersion of BTEX concentrations throughout the port and around the city at weekly intervals from November 2018 to January 2019. The average and uncertainty of BTEX concentrations (µg m−3) were 0.60 ± 0.43, 5.58 ± 3.80, 3.30 ± 2.41, 4.66 ± 3.67, and 2.82 ± 1.95 for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m- and p-xylene, and o-xylene, respectively. Relationships between toluene and benzene and health risk analysis were used to establish the potential effects of BTEX emissions on the population of the city of Paranaguá. Ratio analysis (T/B, B/T, m,p X/Et, and m,p X/B) indicate that the BTEX levels are mainly from fresh emission sources and that photochemical ageing was at minimum. The cancer risk varied across the sampling trajectory, whereas ethylbenzene represented a moderate cancer risk development for the exposed population in some of the locations. This study provided the necessary baseline data to support policymakers on how to change the circumstances of those currently at risk, putting in place a sustainable operation
Health implications of atmospheric aerosols from asbestos-bearing road pavements traditionally used in Southern Brazil.
Serpentine and amphibole asbestos occur naturally in certain geologic settings worldwide, most commonly in association with ultramafic rocks, along associated faults. Ultramafic rocks have been used in Piên County, Southern Brazil for decades for the purpose of road paving in rural and urban areas, but without the awareness of their adverse environmental and health impact. The aim of this study was the chemical characterization of aerosols re-suspended in two rural roads of Piên, paved with ultramafic rocks and to estimate the pulmonary deposition of asbestos aerosols. Bulk aerosol samples were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and X-ray diffraction analysis, in order to characterize elemental composition and crystallinity. Single-particle compositions of aerosols were analyzed by computer-controlled electron-probe microanalysis, indicating the presence of a few percentages of serpentine and amphibole. Given the chemical composition and size distribution of aerosol particles, the deposition efficiency of chrysotile, a sub-group of serpentine, in two principal segments of the human respiratory system was estimated using a lung deposition model. As an important finding, almost half of the inhaled particles were calculated to be deposited in the respiratory system. Asbestos depositions were significant (∼25 %) in the lower airways, even though the selected breathing conditions (rest situation, nose breathing) implied the lowest rate of respiratory deposition. Considering the fraction of inhalable suspended chrysotile near local roads, and the long-term exposure of humans to these aerosols, chrysotile may represent a hazard, regarding more frequent development of lung cancer in the population of the exposed region