3,503 research outputs found

    Classification of Metadata Categories in Data Warehousing - A Generic Approach

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    Using appropriate metadata is a central success factor for (re)engineering and using data warehouse systems effectively and efficiently. The approach presented in this paper aims to reduce the effort in developing and operating data warehouse systems and thus to increase the ability and acceptance of a data warehouse. To achieve these objectives identifying the appropriate metadata is an important task. To avoid processing the “wrong” object data and thus compromising the acceptance of a data warehouse system, a systematic approach to categorize and to identify the appropriate metadata is essential. This paper presents such a generic approach. After investing and structuring problem situations, that can occur in data warehousing, metadata categories are identified to solve a given problem situation. A use case illustrates the approach

    Closed-loop optimal experiment design: Solution via moment extension

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    We consider optimal experiment design for parametric prediction error system identification of linear time-invariant multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in closed-loop when the true system is in the model set. The optimization is performed jointly over the controller and the spectrum of the external excitation, which can be reparametrized as a joint spectral density matrix. We have shown in [18] that the optimal solution consists of first computing a finite set of generalized moments of this spectrum as the solution of a semi-definite program. A second step then consists of constructing a spectrum that matches this finite set of optimal moments and satisfies some constraints due to the particular closed-loop nature of the optimization problem. This problem can be seen as a moment extension problem under constraints. Here we first show that the so-called central extension always satisfies these constraints, leading to a constructive procedure for the optimal controller and excitation spectrum.We then show that, using this central extension, one can construct a broader set of parametrized optimal solutions that also satisfy the constraints; the additional degrees of freedom can then be used to achieve additional objectives. Finally, our new solution method for the MIMO case allows us to considerably simplify the proofs given in [18] for the single-input single-output case

    Fusion of IMU and Vision for Absolute Scale Estimation in Monocular SLAM

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    The fusion of inertial and visual data is widely used to improve an object's pose estimation. However, this type of fusion is rarely used to estimate further unknowns in the visual framework. In this paper we present and compare two different approaches to estimate the unknown scale parameter in a monocular SLAM framework. Directly linked to the scale is the estimation of the object's absolute velocity and position in 3D. The first approach is a spline fitting task adapted from Jung and Taylor and the second is an extended Kalman filter. Both methods have been simulated offline on arbitrary camera paths to analyze their behavior and the quality of the resulting scale estimation. We then embedded an online multi rate extended Kalman filter in the Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) algorithm of Klein and Murray together with an inertial sensor. In this inertial/monocular SLAM framework, we show a real time, robust and fast converging scale estimation. Our approach does not depend on known patterns in the vision part nor a complex temporal synchronization between the visual and inertial senso


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    Previous papers mostly dealt with specific views of information security management (either technical, organizational for instance). Recently, major progress has been achieved in the development of a business driven approach with BORIS (Business Oriented management of Information Security) and a process-oriented approach called ORBIT (Operational Risks in Business and IT). An integrated framework is being described in this paper that bases on the beneficial and complementary merge of both approaches. It supports management of an enterprise’s information security functions with a strong economic focus whereby it specifically links business and information security objectives. The methodology to be presented has proven to be reliable, user friendly, consistent and precise under real conditions over several years in enterprises with world wide presence

    Essential p-dimension of algebraic groups whose connected component is a torus

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    Following up on our earlier work and the work of N. Karpenko and A. Merkurjev, we study the essential p-dimension of linear algebraic groups G whose connected component G^0 is a torus.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0910.557

    Evaluation of Water Quality and Heavy Metal Concentration across Two Connecting Tropical Lagoons in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Ologe and Badagry Lagoons are important tropical lagoons in Lagos, Nigeria. The water quality and heavy metal concentration were studied for a period of 2 years (Aug. 2016 to Jul. 2018) using standard methods. The least temperature obtained was 28.70±0.05 °C in Ologe Lagoon during the wet season and the maximum recorded was 29.41±0.08 in in Badagry Lagoon during the dry season. During the wet season (May- October) the temperature was steady and similar between the two connecting tropical lagoons. The salinity values vary at different stations in both Lagoon, 0.06 to 0.44 % in Ologe Lagoon and 0.08 to 0.28 % in Badagry Lagoon. Badagry Lagoon showed significant higher values in conductivity, total dissolved solid, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, total suspended solid and total hardness across seasons. Heavy metal results showed that except for lead (0.25±0.10 mg/L), Ologe Lagoon had higher concentrations of all examined heavy metals (Zinc, copper, iron, chromium, lead, cadmium, manganese and cobalt) than Badagry Lagoon across season. Furthermore, cadmium, manganese and cobalt were not detected in Badagry Lagoon across season. The two studied connecting Lagoons especially Ologe Lagoon is exposed to dramatic deterioration in its water quality due to different wastes that discharge into the water body. These lagoons are clearly polluted by metals for various utilizations. As a result, the study suggests enforcing the controls on waste discharged into lagoons

    A Primer on the Differential Calculus of 3D Orientations

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    The proper handling of 3D orientations is a central element in many optimization problems in engineering. Unfortunately many researchers and engineers struggle with the formulation of such problems and often fall back to suboptimal solutions. The existence of many different conventions further complicates this issue, especially when interfacing multiple differing implementations. This document discusses an alternative approach which makes use of a more abstract notion of 3D orientations. The relative orientation between two coordinate systems is primarily identified by the coordinate mapping it induces. This is combined with the standard exponential map in order to introduce representation-independent and minimal differentials, which are very convenient in optimization based methods
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