74 research outputs found

    The Possible Role of Large-Scale Sewage Plants in Local Transport

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    Large-scale sewage plants in large cities are suitable for the production of large quantities of biogas, using economically viable biogas upgrading technologies and generally available public transport fleets of a sufficient number of local buses, as well as municipal vehicles. The conditions for the sale of locally produced CNGs do not depend on gas suppliers, they can be very well integrated with local waste management, and the local emission reductions occur in the inner city, where air pollution is the most serious problem. At the same time, the cogeneration solution currently of decisive importance for wastewater plants is more economically and environmentally advantageous in the production of biomethane. The consumption of heat and electricity by these plants is significant and must be supplied through the purchase of biomethane. However, for the local authority, when converting diesel buses, compressed biomethane (CBM) offers much greater savings, so at the municipal level, the process is economically profitable. The short-term spread of CBM (due to the small number of filling stations) is bound to local systems. If more and more cities operated a similar system (allowing refuelling within a few dozen kilometres), it would be expected that passenger cars would also be more widespread

    Opportunities of Circular Economy in a Complex System of Woody Biomass and Municipal Sewage Plants

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    In this chapter, we present the opportunities and general importance of woody biomass production (forests and short-rotation coppices) and waste management in a common system. Wastewater and different forms of sewage sludge, as energy- and nutrient-rich materials, can contribute to reaching resource efficiency, savings in energy, and reduction of CO2 emissions. Within certain limits, these woody plantations are suitable options for the environmentally sound disposal of wastewater and/or sewage sludge; in addition, they can facilitate the realization of full or partial energy self-sufficiency of the wastewater plant through bioenergy production. Focusing on circular economy, we introduce the aspects of the treatment process and the sizing issues regarding the municipal wastewater treatment and the woody biomass in a complex system. Based on a specific case study, approximately 826 ha of short-rotation coppices (with a 2-year rotation) are required for the disposal of sewage sludge generated by a 250,000 population equivalent wastewater treatment plant. If we look at the self-sufficiency of its energy output, 120–150 ha of short-rotation coppices may be adequate. This complex system can replace the emissions of around 5650 t of CO2 through electricity generation alone and another 1490 t of CO2 by utilizing the waste heat

    The Major Driving Forces of the EU and US Ethanol Markets with Special Attention Paid to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Ethanol is a widely produced fuel, as well as a fuel additive. Its price is closely related to the price of gasoline, its major substitute. This paper focuses on the impacts of the related variables on regional ethanol prices. Additionally, the length of the price dataset made it possible to isolate the impacts of COVID-19 on the ethanol prices. Using multiple regression and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, we found no significant correlation between the European and US ethanol prices because the major influencing factors were regionally different. In the case of the European ethanol markets, the positive factors were wheat, maize, and potassium chloride prices, while the European sugar and diammonium phosphate prices were negative. In the US markets, gasoline, sugar, and most of the artificial fertilizer prices were positive, while wheat prices were negative. Based on factor analysis, artificial fertilizers and maize factors proved to be important to the European markets, while US ethanol prices were driven by the crude oil-gasoline and raw materials factors. The COVID variable showed no significant connection with the EU prices, but negatively affected the US ethanol prices. This is explained by the different market characteristics, as the US is not only the major consumer, but also the major producer of the different oil products. Therefore, COVID-19 had a double effect on their oil and ethanol markets

    Trends and Characterization of Primary Energy Sources by Energy and Food Prices

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    This study introduces the most important energy trends and global food systems, as well as the relationship between the human development index (HDI) and energy supply and the relationship between energy prices and food prices. Based on seven important indicators as variables in 18 relevant countries worldwide, before and after the pandemic, with the help of cluster analysis and comparative analysis, five different primary energy clusters were created and analyzed. Our results prove the high volatility of the composition of these clusters within a short period. Another important finding is that renewable energy sources (RES) are probably not viable options for the largest (developed and developing) countries in the short term. The human development index and food production per capita are the lowest in the renewable energy cluster and the highest in countries dominated by nuclear energy and oil with typically the highest GDP, since they are able to finance the price hike in both food and energy markets. Generally, it can be stated that although there is a relationship between the measured indicators, it is not constant in all cases. Our results and methodology may be a good basis for further research to examine the relationship between the most important relevant indicators in different countries, as well as the effect of a global crisis on strengthening food and energy security

    A fitnesztrendek és új típusú mozgásformák társadalmi és gazdasági aspektusai = Social and Economic Aspects of Fitness Trends and New Types of Exercises

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    A fitneszipar társadalmi-gazdasági jelentősége mára megkérdőjelezhetetlenné vált, melyet egyre növekvő méretei és piaci részesedése is jól bizonyítanak. Az egészséges életmód térnyerése mellett növekszik a kereslet a különféle szabadidős tevékenységek iránt. Az európai egészség- és fitneszpiac 2017-ben és 2018-ban is növekedett, melyet mind a fitneszklubok számának, mind a tagok számának és azok költéshajlandóságának növekedése eredményezett. Kutatásunkban az Észak-alföldi régióban működő fitnesztermek körében mélyinterjús kutatást végeztünk (N=33). Elemeztük, hogy a régióban működő fitnesztermek szolgáltatásai hogyan viszonyulnak napjaink nemzetközi fitnesz trendjeihez. Arra kerestük a választ, hogy a szolgáltatók a sportkínálatukban hogyan jelenítik meg a fogyasztói trendeket. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy azok a különböző edzésmódszerek, mozgásformák és funkcionális tréning gyakorlatok jelennek meg a szolgáltatók népszerű kínálatában, melyek leginkább alkalmasak arra, hogy a fogyasztók teljesítőképességét és fittségi szintjét növeljék. The socio-economic importance of fitness industry has become unquestionable, which is evidenced by its increasing size and market share. With the rise of a healthy lifestyle, demand for various leisure activities is increasing. Besides the spread of healthy lifestyle, there is growing demand for various leisure activities as well. The European health and fitness market continued to grow in 2017 and 2018 as a result of the increasing number of fitness clubs, club members and their willingness to spend. In our research, we conducted in-depth interviews with gyms operating in the Northern Great Plain Region (N=33). We analyzed how the fitness facilities relate to today’s international fitness trends in the region. We sought an answer on how service providers display consumer trends in their sports services supply. The results show that those training methods and functional training practices appear in the supply of service providers, which are most suitable to increase consumers’ performance and fitness level
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