89 research outputs found

    The State of the IS Academic Discipline in Pacific Asia: Methodological Learnings

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    This is the last in a series of nine papers making up a special issue of Communications of the AIS (CAIS) titled The State of the Information Systems Academic Discipline in Pacific Asia (IS-in-PA). This paper reports on knowledge gleaned from the conduct of the sub-studies that comprise the IS-in PA project. In particular, there is analysis of the specific research artifacts developed for the individual sub-studies reported in this special edition. It is proposed that the methodological learnings derived from this project will be of benefit in the replication and extension of this project to other regions of the world. The paper addresses a key aim of the IS-in-PA, involving the development and application of a process of evidence collection and review transferable to other studies tracking diffusion of the IS discipline

    Spectral, crystallographic, theoretical and antibacterial studies of palladium(II)/platinum(II) complexes with unsymmetric diphosphine ylides

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    The reaction of alpha-keto-stabilized diphosphine ylides [Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2C(H)C(O)C6H4-p-CN] (n = 1 (Y-1); n = 2 (Y-2)) with dibromo(1,5-cyclooctadiene) palladium(II)/platinum(II) complexes, [Pd/PtBr2(cod)], in equimolar ratio gave the new cyclometalated Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes [Br2Pd(kappa(2)-Y-1)] (1), [Br2Pt(kappa(2)-Y-1)] (2), [Br2Pd(kappa(2)-Y-2)] (3) and [Br2Pt(kappa(2)-Y-2)] (4). These compounds were screened in a search for novel antibacterial agents and characterized successfully using Fourier transfer infrared and NMR (H-1, C-13 and P-31) spectroscopic methods. Also, the structures of complexes 1 and 2 were characterized using X-ray crystallography. The results showed that the P,C-chelated complexes 1 and 2 have structures consisting of five-membered rings, while 3 and 4 have six-membered rings, formed by coordination of the ligand through the phosphine group and the ylidic carbon atom to the metal centre. Also, a theoretical study of the structures of complexes 1-4 was conducted at the BP86/def2-SVP level of theory. The nature of metal-ligand bonds in the complexes was investigated using energy decomposition analyses (EDA) and extended transition state combined with natural orbitals for chemical valence analyses. The results of EDA confirmed that the main portions of Delta E-int, about 57-58%, in the complexes are allocated to Delta E-elstat

    Integrating Academic and Non-Academic Instruction for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

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    Students with emotional/behavioral disorders exhibit a wide range of academic and behavioral problems. Not surprisingly, there is growing support for integrating instruction to address overlapping students\u27 needs in both areas. In this article, we discuss instructional variables that contribute to a positive classroom climate and that serve as setting events for more focused group-individual instructional programs. We draw on the accumulated research to identify common non-academic challenges that should be incorporated into those programs. We examine issues that relate to the efficacy of instruction and also the cultural and chronological age differences among students and how they relate to planning for instruction. Finally, we offer several forms that illustrate ways to combine academics and non-academics into a manageable instructional plan

    Early Intervention with Children at Risk of Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: A Critical Examination of Research Methodology and Practices

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    Children\u27s behavior problems pose challenges to families, schools, and society. The research literature argues that early detection/intervention is the most powerful course of action in ameliorating these problems in children at risk of emotional/behavioral disorders. However, specifying precisely what constitutes a quality program of early intervention is not a simple task. Current conceptualizations suggest that successful early intervention cannot be unidimensional in nature, but must consist of a complex series of interactions and transactions that synergistically serve to nurture and enhance both the development of the child and family. In this paper, we reviewed the accumulated research to learn more about the critical elements of early intervention. Specifically, we examined three major areas addressed in the literature. First, we describe literature search procedures and criteria for study inclusion, along with methods for analyzing these early intervention studies. Second, we examine the conduct of the intervention, including characteristics of study participants, types of interventions, types of measures, age of onset and length of intervention, treatment fidelity, and social validity measures. Finally, we draw upon that review to offer recommendations for future research

    Slow magnetisation relaxation in tetraoxolene-bridged rare earth complexes

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    Two tetraoxolene-bridged dinuclear Dy(iii) complexes exhibit slow relaxation in ac magnetic susceptibility studies with zero-field quantum tunnelling of the magnetisation that is suppressed by the application of a dc magnetic field

    Raman Spectroscopy of Synthetic Antimicrobial Frog Peptides Magainin 2a and PGLa

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    Magainin and PGLa are 23- and 21-residue peptides isolated from the skin of the African clawed frog Xenopus lueuis. They protect the frog from infection and exhibit a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity in vitro. The mechanism of this activity involves the interaction of magainin with microbial membranes. We have measured the secondary structure and membrane-perturbing ability of these peptides to obtain information about this mechanism. Our results show that mgn2a forms a helix with an average length of less than 20 Å upon binding to liposomes. At high concentrations (50 mg/mL) mgn2a spontaneously solubilizes phosphatidylcholine liposomes at temperatures above the gel-liquid-crystalline phase transition. Mgn2a appears to bind to the surface of liposomes made of negatively charged lipids without spontaneously penetrating the bilayer. Finally, mgn2a and PGLa interact together with liposomes in a synergistic way that enhances the helix content of one or both of the peptides and allows the peptides to more easily penetrate the bilayer. PGLa mixed with a small nonperturbing amount of magainin 2 amide is 25-43 times as potent as PGLa alone at inducing the release of carboxyfluorescein from liposomes. The results suggest that the mechanism of antimicrobial activity does not involve a channel formed by transmembrane helical peptides

    See Me, Hear Me, Coach Me

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    The writers describe the implementation of virtual coaching for teachers in Alabama and Pennsylvania. They describe use of bug-in-ear devices, revolutionized by Internet and mobile technology advances, to provide on-the-spot feedback as teachers deliver instruction. They outline lessons learned from virtual coaching initiatives and present research results showing the positive impact of this approach on both teachers and students. They also provide advice for those using this approach on making contact and providing feedback

    Valence tautomerism versus spin crossover in pyridinophane-cobalt-dioxolene complexes: an experimental and computational study

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    Compounds [Co(L-N4R2)(dbdiox)](BPh4) (L-N4R2 = N,N′-di-alkyl-2,11-diaza[3.3]-(2,6)pyridinophane, R = iPr (1a), Et (2a); dbdiox = 3,5-di-tert-butyldioxolene) and [M(L-N4iPr2)(dbdiox)](BPh4) (M = Mn (3a), Fe (4a)) have been synthesized and investigated with a view to possible valence tautomeric (VT) or spin crossover (SCO) interconversions. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data for all compounds at 100 or 130 K indicate trivalent metal cations and di-tert-butylcatecholate (dbcat2−) dioxolene ligands. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility data for all species between 2 and 340 K are consistent with these redox states, with low spin configurations for the cobalt(III) ions and high spin for the manganese(III) and iron(III) ions. Above 340 K, compound 1a exhibits an increase in magnetic susceptibility, suggesting the onset of a VT interconversion from low spin Co(III)-dbcat to high spin Co(II)-dbsq (dbsq− = di-tert-butylsemiquinonate) that is incomplete up to 400 K. In solution, variable temperature electronic absorption spectra and Evans NMR method magnetic susceptibility data indicate reversible VT interconversions for 1a in several solvents, with the transition temperature varying with solvent. Variable temperature electronic absorption spectra are temperature-invariant for 3a and 4a, while spectra for 2a in 1,2-dichloroethane suggest the onset of a VT transition at the highest temperatures measured. Density functional theory calculations on all four compounds and literature analogues provide key insights into the relative energies of the different electromeric forms and the possibilities for VT versus SCO interconversions in this family of compounds