83 research outputs found


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    V želji, da bi država lahko sledila nenadnim spremembam na trgu dela in se izognila večji brezposelnosti, potrebujemo zakonodajo, ki dopušča večjo fleksibilnosti tako pri delodajalcih kot pri zaposlenih in njihovem delu. Kljub reformam, ki jih je Slovenija izvedla od osamosvojitve, na področju delovnopravne zakonodaje, pogosto zasledimo, da je zakonodaja v nekaterih delih toga. Večja fleksibilnost na trgu dela bi omogočala lažje zaposlovanje in odpuščanje delavcev, brezposelnim, ženskam in tistim, ki iščejo svojo prvo zaposlitev, pa bi omogočala lažjo vključitev na trg dela. Magistrsko delo predstavlja vpliv zakonodaje na fleksibilnost v slovenski javni upravi. Opredeljena so ključna teoretična izhodišča, narejena je bila raziskava na podlagi kvalitativne metode ter primerjava fleksibilnosti delovnopravne zakonodaje z drugimi državami Evropske unije. Želel sem ugotoviti, ali hipertrofija predpisov omejuje fleksibilnost organizacij, kako prenormiranost vpliva na slovensko javno upravo, pa tudi ali je zakonodaja, ki vpliva na fleksibilnost v slovenski javni upravi, bolj toga v primerjavi z drugimi članicami Evropske unije. Magistrska naloga predstavlja nekatere fleksibilne oblike dela in primerjavo dobrih praks tuje delovnopravne zakonodaje, ki bi lahko pripomogle k večji učinkovitosti javne uprave. Tako raziskava kot intervju sta pokazala, da je Slovenija uvrščena med države Evropske unije, ki imajo delovnopravno zakonodajo z dopuščanjem manjše fleksibilnosti v javni upravi, kar kaže na potrebo po spremembi delovnopravne zakonodaje.In the desire for the country to be able to follow sudden changes in the labor market and to avoid an increased unemployment, we need a new legislation which would allow greater flexibility of the employers and employees and their work. In spite of reforms which were introduced in Slovenia since its independence, we often discover that legislation is rigid in some parts in the field of work-code legislation. Greater flexibility in the labor market would enable easier employment and dismissal of workers. It would enable easier inclusion to the labor market to the unemployed, females, and those who seek their first employment. The master’s thesis represents the influence of legislation on the flexibility in the Slovenian public administration. The essential theoretic starting points are defined. The research was performed on the basis of the qualitative method and the comparison of the flexibility of the work-code legislation with the other member states of the European Union. I wanted to ascertain, whether the hypertrophy of regulations limits the flexibility of organizations, how over-regulation influences the Slovenian public administration, and whether legislation which influences the flexibility in the Slovenian public administration is more rigid in comparison to the other member states of the European Union. The master’s thesis represents some flexible forms of labor and the comparison of good practices of foreign work-code legislation which could contribute to the greater efficiency of the public administration. The research and the interview showed that Slovenia is classified among the countries of the European Union with the work-code legislation which allows less flexibility in the public administration, which shows the need of altering the work-code legislation

    Induction of the bacteriocin activity in bacterial strain Lactobacillus plantarum SF15C

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    Bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK) pokazuju širok spektar antimikrobne aktivnosti. Posebni naglasak stavlja se na bakteriocine, peptide s antimikrobnim djelovanjem prema srodnim bakterijskim vrstama soja producenta i Gram-pozitivnim mikroorganizmima, koji uzrokuju kvarenje hrane i zdravstvene tegobe kod ljudi i životinja. U ovom diplomskom radu ispitivana je prisutnost gena koji kodiraju za plantaricine kod soja Lactobacillus plantarum SF15C. Isto tako ispitan je inhibitorni učinak bakterijskog soja Lb. plantarum SF15C, uzgojenog sa i bez žučnih soli, na rast test-mikroorganizma Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19111 i Staphylococcus aureus 3048, nakon kokultivacije s istim test–mikroorganizmima. Tijekom kokultivacije također je provedeno ispitivanje bakteriocinske aktivnosti prema istim test–mikroorganizmima koji su korišteni za indukciju sinteze bakteriocina, primjenom metode s dvostrukim slojem agara.Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) show a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Particular accent is on bacteriocins, peptides with antimicrobial activity against related bacterial strains and Gram-positive microorganisms that cause food degradation and health problems in humans and animals. In this graduate thesis, presence of genes, which are coding for plantaricin in the Lactobacillus plantarum SF15C was investigated. In addition, inhibitory effect of bacterial strain Lb. plantarum SF15C, grown with and without bile salts, on the growth of test organisms Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19111 and Staphylococcus aureus 3048, after coculture with the same test microorganisms was tested. During the coculture, a bacterial activity was also tested for the same test microorganisms used to induce bacteriocin synthesis using a double-layer agar method

    Right venticular loading conditions in left ventricular assist device recipients

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    A ventricular assist device is a type of mechanical circulatory support used in patients with advanced heart failure. Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) can be used as destination therapy, where they are an alternative to heart transplantation, bridge to transplant therapy or bridge to recovery therapy. The most common complication in the immediate postoperative period after LVAD implantation is right ventricular failure. It is challenging to determine which patients may develop right ventricular failure in the postoperative period, and there is no equivocal evidence in the literature suggesting which parameters might be optimal in predicting right ventricular failure (RVF). The aim of this study was to identify and obtain clinical, hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters that could successfully predict RVF in LVAD recipients. For this we have studied 40 consecutive patients at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb in which we have measured parameters of heart geometry and function by echocardiography, as well as functional and hemodynamic values by right heart catheterization which were used in combination with clinical parameters for the prediction of early and late RVF

    Right venticular loading conditions in left ventricular assist device recipients

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    A ventricular assist device is a type of mechanical circulatory support used in patients with advanced heart failure. Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) can be used as destination therapy, where they are an alternative to heart transplantation, bridge to transplant therapy or bridge to recovery therapy. The most common complication in the immediate postoperative period after LVAD implantation is right ventricular failure. It is challenging to determine which patients may develop right ventricular failure in the postoperative period, and there is no equivocal evidence in the literature suggesting which parameters might be optimal in predicting right ventricular failure (RVF). The aim of this study was to identify and obtain clinical, hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters that could successfully predict RVF in LVAD recipients. For this we have studied 40 consecutive patients at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb in which we have measured parameters of heart geometry and function by echocardiography, as well as functional and hemodynamic values by right heart catheterization which were used in combination with clinical parameters for the prediction of early and late RVF

    Right venticular loading conditions in left ventricular assist device recipients

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    A ventricular assist device is a type of mechanical circulatory support used in patients with advanced heart failure. Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) can be used as destination therapy, where they are an alternative to heart transplantation, bridge to transplant therapy or bridge to recovery therapy. The most common complication in the immediate postoperative period after LVAD implantation is right ventricular failure. It is challenging to determine which patients may develop right ventricular failure in the postoperative period, and there is no equivocal evidence in the literature suggesting which parameters might be optimal in predicting right ventricular failure (RVF). The aim of this study was to identify and obtain clinical, hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters that could successfully predict RVF in LVAD recipients. For this we have studied 40 consecutive patients at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb in which we have measured parameters of heart geometry and function by echocardiography, as well as functional and hemodynamic values by right heart catheterization which were used in combination with clinical parameters for the prediction of early and late RVF

    Characteristics of the Middle Triassic sedimentary succession near Velika Popina, Lika : master’s thesis

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    Na području Kunovca, u blizini naselja Velika Popina u Lici, istražene su srednjetrijaske naslagei orovedene su mikropetrografske, sedimentološke i biostratigrafske analize. Snimljena su dva detaljna slijeda naslaga („Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“). U oba slijeda definirana su dva facijesa, Facijes vapnenaca i Facijes piroklastita i devet litotipova: Litotip vapnenaca s plitkovodnom faunom, Litotip vapnenaca s piroklastičnim materijalom, Litotip vapnenaca s pelagičkom faunom, Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova, Litotip kristalovitroklastičnih i litoklastičnih tufova, Litotip pretaloženih litoklastičnih vapnenaca, Litotip pelagičkih vapnenaca s vulkanoklastičnim materijalom, Litotip kristalolitoklastičnih tufova i Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova. Opisane su litofacijesne promjene s obzirom na taložne okoliše i mehanizme taloženja. Također je prikupljena značajna količina cefalopodne faune, kojom je utvrđena stratigrafska pozicija gornjeg anizika u istraživanom slijedu naslaga.Middle Triassic deposits in Kunovac area, near Velika Popina village were investigated. Micropetrograhic, sedimentological and biostratigraphical analysis were conducted on the collected samples. Two detailed sedimentological sections were recorded in sedimentary succession: „Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“. Both recorded sections contain two facies, Limestone Facies and Pyroclastic Facies. Determined facies in the recorded sections contain nine lithotypes (Limestones containing shallow marine fossils, Limestones with pyroclastic material, Limestones with pelagic fauna, Vitroclastic tuffs, Crystalovitroclastic and lithoclastic tuffs, Resedimented lithoclastic limestones, Crystaoclastic tuffs and Vitroclastic tuffs). Lithofacies characteristics and changes are described and analysed, in respect with their sedimentary environments and depositional mechanisms involved. A significant amount of cephalopode fauna was collected and according to it, stratigraphic position of the Upper Anisian strata within investigated sedimentary succession, was determined

    Parents\u27 perspective on a model of family centered care in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in Slovenia

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    Uvod: Sprejem bolnega otroka v pediatrično intenzivno enoto povzroča stres in lahko obremenjujoče vpliva na celotno družino. V družino usmerjena skrb je inovativen konstrukt, ki se osredotoča na partnerski odnos med pacientom, družino in zdravstvenim osebjem z namenom empatične, učinkovite in kakovostne zdravstvene oskrbe. Implementacija modela v klinično okolje ostaja izziv. Namen: Preučiti, kakšna je vključenost elementov modela v družino usmerjene skrbi v neonatalnih in pediatričnih intenzivnih enotah v Sloveniji. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja. Izveden je bil spletni vprašalnik, ki je bil povzet po že preizkušenem tujem vprašalniku Inštituta za v družino usmerjeno skrb (Patient- and family-centered pediatric intensive care: a self-assessment inventory). Spletno anketiranje je potekalo s pomočjo spletnega orodja EnKlikAnketa. Vzorec je obsegal 122 staršev. Podatke smo statistično obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa SPSS (verzija 20.0, operacijski sistem Windows). Za analizo podatkov smo uporabili Hi-kvadrat test in Pearsonov korelacijski test. Veljavnost in zanesljivost vprašalnika smo preverili s koeficientom Cronbach alfa. Rezultati: Pravila enot omejujejo 24-urno prisotnost staršev ob otroku. Starši so zadovoljni s komunikacijo, vendar si želijo večje informiranosti. Večina staršev je imela možnost vključevanja v skrb za otroka. Staršem je najbolj pomemben koncept delitve informacij in najmanj koncept sodelovanja, ki je v kliničnem okolju najslabše zastopan. Starejšim staršem je manj pomembna finančna podpora, bolj pa jim je pomembna zasebnost. Staršem z višjo izobrazbo je pomembno, da so ob otroku 24 ur na dan, da je komunikacija sprotna in da lahko izrazijo svoje skrbi. Staršem z več otroki je manj pomembna enakopravna obravnava očetov. V zadnjih treh letih je manj staršev vedelo, ali so imeli na kliničnih oddelkih možnost sodelovanja s psihologom in socialnim delavcem. Manj jih je vedelo, ali imajo zdravi sorojenci in ostali zdravi družinski člani možnost obiskovanja hospitaliziranega otroka. Razprava in zaključek: Elementi v družino usmerjene skrbi so v slovenskih pediatričnih intenzivnih enotah implementirani neenotno. Staršem je pomembno, da se tekom hospitalizacije upošteva načela v družino usmerjene skrbi. Izpostavljena je potreba po izobraževanju zdravstvenega kadra in nadaljnjih raziskavah.Introduction: Admission of a sick child in pediatric intensive care unit causes stress and it can put burden on the whole family. Family centered care is an innovative construct that focuses on partnership between patient, family and healthcare workers, with intention of emphatetic, effective and quality healthcare. It\u27s implementation in the clinical environment remains a challenge. Purpose of this diploma work is to study how elements of family centered care are implemented in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in Slovenia. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a review of scientific and professional literature in Slovenian and English language. We used a quantitative research method. In the empirical part data was collected using a structured questionnaire, which was taken from the already tested foreign questionnaire by Insitute for family centered care (Patient- and family-centered pediatric intensive care: a self-assessment inventory). Online surveying was done using online tool EnKlikAnketa. Sample consisted of 122 parents. We statistically analysed data using computer programme SPSS, version 20.0, Windows. Data were analysed using Hi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire was verified by Cronbach alpha coefficient. Results: Policy of the units restrict 24 hour presence of the parents with the child. Parents are satisfied with the level of communication, but they wish to be informed better. Most od the parents had an oppurtunity to be involved in the care for their child. Parents find the most important concept to be sharing information and the least important concept to be collaboration – it is also the least represented concept in the clinical environment. Older parents find it less important to have financial support, but they think privacy is important more. Parents with a higher level of education find it more important to be with their child, they value timely communication and being able to express their worries. Parents who have more children find it less important, that fathers are treated equally. In the past three years less parents knew if they had an opportunity to work with a psychologist and/or social worker. Less parents knew if healthy children or other healthy family members were able to visit their hospitalised child. Discussion and conclusion: Elements of family centered care are implemented inconsistently in Slovenian pediatric intensive care units. Parents find it important, that during hospitalization of the child, the principles of family centered care are included. There is a prioritising need for education of healthcare workers and further research

    Microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenols from common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

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    U ovom radu opisana je ekstrakcija polifenola iz lista i cvijeta bijelog gloga (Crataegus monogyna) metodom mikrovalne ekstrakcije. Ispitane su 30% i 50%-tna vodena otopina metanola, temperature 50° C i 65° C, te je mijenjano vrijeme ekstrakcije 3 min, 6 min, 9 min, 12 min i 15 min. Usporedbom svih rezultata najviše polifenola ekstrahirano je u 50%-tnoj vodenoj otopini metanola, pri temperaturi 50° C u trajanju od 9 minuta.This study describes the extraction of polyphenols from the leaves and flowers of white hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) with method of microwave extraction. Used as 30% strength and 50% aqueous methanol, the temperature of 50° C and 65° C, and the extraction time was 3 min, 6 min, 9 min, 12 min and 15 min. By comparing the results, the most polyphenols were extracted in 50% aqueous methanol at a temperature of 50° C for 9 minutes

    Microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenols from common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

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    U ovom radu opisana je ekstrakcija polifenola iz lista i cvijeta bijelog gloga (Crataegus monogyna) metodom mikrovalne ekstrakcije. Ispitane su 30% i 50%-tna vodena otopina metanola, temperature 50° C i 65° C, te je mijenjano vrijeme ekstrakcije 3 min, 6 min, 9 min, 12 min i 15 min. Usporedbom svih rezultata najviše polifenola ekstrahirano je u 50%-tnoj vodenoj otopini metanola, pri temperaturi 50° C u trajanju od 9 minuta.This study describes the extraction of polyphenols from the leaves and flowers of white hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) with method of microwave extraction. Used as 30% strength and 50% aqueous methanol, the temperature of 50° C and 65° C, and the extraction time was 3 min, 6 min, 9 min, 12 min and 15 min. By comparing the results, the most polyphenols were extracted in 50% aqueous methanol at a temperature of 50° C for 9 minutes