146 research outputs found

    eEF1Bγ binds the Che-1 and TP53 gene promoters and their transcripts

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    Background: We have previously shown that the eukaryotic elongation factor subunit 1B gamma (eEF1Bγ) interacts with the RNA polymerase II (pol II) alpha-like subunit “C” (POLR2C), alone or complexed, in the pol II enzyme. Moreover, we demonstrated that eEF1Bγ binds the promoter region and the 3’ UTR mRNA of the vimentin gene. These events contribute to localize the vimentin transcript and consequentially its translation, promoting a proper mitochondrial network. Methods: With the intent of identifying additional transcripts that complex with the eEF1Bγ protein, we performed a series of ribonucleoprotein immunoprecipitation (RIP) assays using a mitochondria-enriched heavy membrane (HM) fraction. Results: Among the eEF1Bγ complexed transcripts, we found the mRNA encoding the Che-1/AATF multifunctional protein. As reported by other research groups, we found the tumor suppressor p53 transcript complexed with the eEF1Bγ protein. Here, we show for the first time that eEF1Bγ binds not only Che-1 and p53 transcripts but also their promoters. Remarkably, we demonstrate that both the Che-1 transcript and its translated product localize also to the mitochondria and that eEF1Bγ depletion strongly perturbs the mitochondrial network and the correct localization of Che-1. In a doxorubicin (Dox)-induced DNA damage assay we show that eEF1Bγ depletion significantly decreases p53 protein accumulation and slightly impacts on Che-1 accumulation. Importantly, Che-1 and p53 proteins are components of the DNA damage response machinery that maintains genome integrity and prevents tumorigenesis. Conclusions: Our data support the notion that eEF1Bγ, besides its canonical role in translation, is an RNA-binding protein and a key player in cellular stress responses. We suggest for eEF1Bγ a role as primordial transcription/translation factor that links fundamental steps from transcription control to local translatio

    SMN protein promotes membrane compartmentalization of ribosomal protein S6 transcript in human fibroblasts

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    Alterations of RNA homeostasis can lead to severe pathological conditions. The Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein, which is reduced in Spinal Muscular Atrophy, impacts critical aspects of the RNA life cycle, such as splicing, trafficking, and translation. Increasing evidence points to a potential role of SMN in ribosome biogenesis. Our previous study revealed that SMN promotes membrane-bound ribosomal proteins (RPs), sustaining activity-dependent local translation. Here, we suggest that plasma membrane domains could be a docking site not only for RPs but also for their encoding transcripts. We have shown that SMN knockdown perturbs subcellular localization as well as translation efficiency of RPS6 mRNA. We have also shown that plasma membrane-enriched fractions from human fibroblasts retain RPS6 transcripts in an SMN-dependent manner. Furthermore, we revealed that SMN traffics with RPS6 mRNA promoting its association with caveolin-1, a key component of membrane dynamics. Overall, these findings further support the SMN-mediated crosstalk between plasma membrane dynamics and translation machinery. Importantly, our study points to a potential role of SMN in the ribosome assembly pathway by selective RPs synthesis/localization in both space and time

    HAX1 is a novel binding partner of Che-1/AATF. Implications in oxidative stress cell response

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    HAX1 is a multifunctional protein involved in the antagonism of apoptosis in cellular response to oxidative stress. In the present study we identified HAX1 as a novel binding partner for Che-1/AATF, a pro-survival factor which plays a crucial role in fundamental processes, including response to multiple stresses and apoptosis. HAX1 and Che-1 proteins show extensive colocalization in mitochondria and we demonstrated that their association is strengthened after oxidative stress stimuli. Interestingly, in MCF-7 cells, resembling luminal estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer, we found that Che-1 depletion correlates with decreased HAX1 mRNA and protein levels, and this event is not significantly affected by oxidative stress induction. Furthermore, we observed an enhancement of the previously reported interaction between HAX1 and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) upon H2O2 treatment. These results indicate the two anti-apoptotic proteins HAX1 and Che-1 as coordinated players in cellular response to oxidative stress with a potential role in estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells

    SMN deficiency destabilizes ABCA1 expression in human fibroblasts: novel insights in pathophysiology of spinal muscular atrophy

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    The deficiency of survival motor neuron protein (SMN) causes spinal muscular atro- phy (SMA), a rare neuromuscular disease that affects different organs. SMN is a key player in RNA metabolism regulation. An intriguing aspect of SMN function is its relationship with plasma membrane-associated proteins. Here, we provide a first demonstration that SMN affects the ATP- binding cassette transporter A1, (ABCA1), a membrane protein critically involved in cholesterol homeostasis. In human fibroblasts, we showed that SMN associates to ABCA1 mRNA, and impacts its subcellular distribution. Consistent with the central role of ABCA1 in the efflux of free cholesterol from cells, we observed a cholesterol accumulation in SMN-depleted human fibroblasts. These results were also confirmed in SMA type I patient-derived fibroblasts. These findings not only validate the intimate connection between SMN and plasma membrane-associated proteins, but also highlight a contribution of dysregulated cholesterol efflux in SMA pathophysiology

    The SMN Protein is a Key Regulator of Nuclear Architecture in Differentiating Neuroblastoma Cells

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    The cell nucleus contains two closely related structures, Cajal bodies (CBs) and gems. CBs are the first site of accumulation of newly assembled splicing snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins) following their import into the nucleus, before they form their steady-state localization in nuclear splicing speckles. Gems are the nuclear site of accumulation of survival motor neurons (SMNs), an insufficiency of which leads to the inherited neurodegenerative condition, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN is required in the cytoplasm for the addition of core, Sm, proteins to new snRNPs and is believed to accompany snRNPs to the CB. In most cell lines, gems are indistinguishable from CBs, although the structures are often separate in vivo. The relationship between CBs and gems is not fully understood, but there is evidence that symmetrical dimethylation of arginine residues in the CB protein coilin brings them together in HeLa cells. During neuronal differentiation of the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y, CBs and gems increase their colocalization, mimicking changes seen during foetal development. This does not result from alterations in the methylation of coilin, but from increased levels of SMN. Expression of exogenous SMN results in an increased efficiency of snRNP transport to nuclear speckles. This suggests different mechanisms are present in different cell types and in vivo that may be significant for the tissue-specific pathology of SMA

    Alternative Splicing Events Are a Late Feature of Pathology in a Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy is a severe motor neuron disease caused by inactivating mutations in the SMN1 gene leading to reduced levels of full-length functional SMN protein. SMN is a critical mediator of spliceosomal protein assembly, and complete loss or drastic reduction in protein leads to loss of cell viability. However, the reason for selective motor neuron degeneration when SMN is reduced to levels which are tolerated by all other cell types is not currently understood. Widespread splicing abnormalities have recently been reported at end-stage in a mouse model of SMA, leading to the proposition that disruption of efficient splicing is the primary mechanism of motor neuron death. However, it remains unclear whether splicing abnormalities are present during early stages of the disease, which would be a requirement for a direct role in disease pathogenesis. We performed exon-array analysis of RNA from SMN deficient mouse spinal cord at 3 time points, pre-symptomatic (P1), early symptomatic (P7), and late-symptomatic (P13). Compared to littermate control mice, SMA mice showed a time-dependent increase in the number of exons showing differential expression, with minimal differences between genotypes at P1 and P7, but substantial variation in late-symptomatic (P13) mice. Gene ontology analysis revealed differences in pathways associated with neuronal development as well as cellular injury. Validation of selected targets by RT–PCR confirmed the array findings and was in keeping with a shift between physiologically occurring mRNA isoforms. We conclude that the majority of splicing changes occur late in SMA and may represent a secondary effect of cell injury, though we cannot rule out significant early changes in a small number of transcripts crucial to motor neuron survival

    Pre-symptomatic development of lower motor neuron connectivity in a mouse model of severe spinal muscular atrophy

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    The childhood motor neuron disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) results from reduced expression of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. Previous studies using in vitro model systems and lower organisms have suggested that low levels of Smn protein disrupt prenatal developmental processes in lower motor neurons, influencing neuronal outgrowth, axon branching and neuromuscular connectivity. The extent to which these developmental pathways contribute to selective vulnerability and pathology in the mammalian neuromuscular system in vivo remains unclear. Here, we have investigated the pre-symptomatic development of neuromuscular connectivity in differentially vulnerable motor neuron populations in Smn(-/-);SMN2 mice, a model of severe SMA. We show that reduced Smn levels have no detectable effect on morphological correlates of pre-symptomatic development in either vulnerable or stable motor units, indicating that abnormal pre-symptomatic developmental processes are unlikely to be a prerequisite for subsequent pathological changes to occur in vivo. Microarray analyses of spinal cord from two different severe SMA mouse models demonstrated that only minimal changes in gene expression were present in pre-symptomatic mice. In stark contrast, microarray analysis of late-symptomatic spinal cord revealed widespread changes in gene expression, implicating extracellular matrix integrity, growth factor signalling and myelination pathways in SMA pathogenesis. Taken together, these data suggest that reduced Smn levels induce SMA pathology by instigating rapidly progressive neurodegenerative pathways in lower motor neurons around the time of disease onset rather than by modulating pre-symptomatic neurodevelopmental pathways

    Development of a Single Vector System that Enhances Trans-Splicing of SMN2 Transcripts

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    RNA modalities are developing as a powerful means to re-direct pathogenic pre-mRNA splicing events. Improving the efficiency of these molecules in vivo is critical as they move towards clinical applications. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by loss of SMN1. A nearly identical copy gene called SMN2 produces low levels of functional protein due to alternative splicing. We previously reported a trans-splicing RNA (tsRNA) that re-directed SMN2 splicing. Now we show that reducing the competition between endogenous splices sites enhanced the efficiency of trans-splicing. A single vector system was developed that expressed the SMN tsRNA and a splice-site blocking antisense (ASO-tsRNA). The ASO-tsRNA vector significantly elevated SMN levels in primary SMA patient fibroblasts, within the central nervous system of SMA mice and increased SMN-dependent in vitro snRNP assembly. These results demonstrate that the ASO-tsRNA strategy provides insight into the trans-splicing mechanism and a means of significantly enhancing trans-splicing activity in vivo

    Ribonucleoprotein Assembly Defects Correlate with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Severity and Preferentially Affect a Subset of Spliceosomal snRNPs

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a motor neuron disease caused by reduced levels of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. SMN together with Gemins2-8 and unrip proteins form a macromolecular complex that functions in the assembly of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) of both the major and the minor splicing pathways. It is not known whether the levels of spliceosomal snRNPs are decreased in SMA. Here we analyzed the consequence of SMN deficiency on snRNP metabolism in the spinal cord of mouse models of SMA with differing phenotypic severities. We demonstrate that the expression of a subset of Gemin proteins and snRNP assembly activity are dramatically reduced in the spinal cord of severe SMA mice. Comparative analysis of different tissues highlights a similar decrease in SMN levels and a strong impairment of snRNP assembly in tissues of severe SMA mice, although the defect appears smaller in kidney than in neural tissue. We further show that the extent of reduction in both Gemin proteins expression and snRNP assembly activity in the spinal cord of SMA mice correlates with disease severity. Remarkably, defective SMN complex function in snRNP assembly causes a significant decrease in the levels of a subset of snRNPs and preferentially affects the accumulation of U11 snRNP—a component of the minor spliceosome—in tissues of severe SMA mice. Thus, impairment of a ubiquitous function of SMN changes the snRNP profile of SMA tissues by unevenly altering the normal proportion of endogenous snRNPs. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that SMN deficiency affects the splicing machinery and in particular the minor splicing pathway of a rare class of introns in SMA

    Temporal and tissue-specific variability of SMN protein levels in mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy

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    textabstractSpinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a progressive motor neuron disease caused by deleterious variants in SMN1 that lead to a marked decrease in survival motor neuron (SMN) protein expression. Humans have a second SMN gene (SMN2) that is almost identical to SMN1. However, due to alternative splicing the majority of SMN2 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is translated into a truncated, unstable protein that is quickly degraded. Because the presence of SMN2 provides a unique opportunity for therapy development in SMA patients, the mechanisms that regulate SMN2 splicing and mRNA expression have been elucidated in great detail. In contrast, how much SMN protein is produced at different developmental time points and in different tissues remains under-characterized. In this study, we addressed this issue by determining SMN protein expression levels at three developmental time points across six different mouse tissues and in two distinct mouse models of SMA ('severe' Taiwanese and 'intermediate' Smn2B/mice). We found that, in healthy control mice, SMN protein expression was significantly influenced by both age and tissue type.When comparing mouse models of SMA, we found that, despite being transcribed from genetically different alleles, control SMN levels were relatively similar. In contrast, the degree of SMN depletion between tissues in SMA varied substantially over time and between the two models. These findings offer an explanation for the differential vulnerability of tissues and organs observed in SMA and further our understanding of the systemic and temporal requirements for SMN with direct relevance for developing effective therapies for SMA