91 research outputs found

    Analysis of selected methods of creating artificial intelligence on the example of a popular card game

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    The aim of the article was to analyze selected methods of creating artificial intelligence in a popular card game. Two experiments were conducted: with a human and with a computer. The following algorithms were analyzed: random, min-max, based on a neural network, statistical and statistical with the use of "cheating" technique. The examined parameters were as follows: efficiency, execution time, number of implementation code lines, implementation time and training duration. The indicator with the greatest impact on the selection of the most optimal method was efficiency. The research has shown no difference in efficiency for the neural network-based algorithm and the statistical algorithm. In other cases, the differences in this feature were significant. The use of the "cheating" technique has increased the efficiency

    Polish Phoneme Statistics Obtained On Large Set Of Written Texts

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    The phonetical statistics were collected from several Polish corpora. The paper is a summaryof the data which are phoneme n-grams and some phenomena in the statistics. Triphonestatistics apply context-dependent speech units which have an important role in speech recognitionsystems and were never calculated for a large set of Polish written texts. The standardphonetic alphabet for Polish, SAMPA, and methods of providing phonetic transcriptions are described

    Responses of vegetation and testate amoeba trait composition to fire disturbances in and around a bog in central European lowlands (northern Poland)

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    Compared to boreal or Mediterranean biomes, the influence of fire on peatlands in Central Europe is not well studied. We aim to provide first analysis of statistically significant charcoal-inferred fire events from a peatland from central European lowlands, spanning the period of the last 650 years, and define peatland vegetation and microbial trait-related responses to local fire events. Here, we reconstructed regional and local fire activity from Bagno Kusowo bog (Poland) using high-resolution microscopic charcoal and macroscopic charcoal and its morphotypes, inferring past fire regimes using numeric analyses. We compared fire data with extra-local (pollen) and local (plant macrofossils, testate amoebae (TA) and their trait composition) proxies. Our data show that within the chronological uncertainties, regional fires recorded in the peat core coincide with historically-documented fires. Macroscopic charcoal analysis suggests 3–8 local fire events, while fire frequency varied between 0 and 2 events/1000 years. Wood charcoal was dominant throughout the profile, pointing to forest fires in close proximity to the peatland. Local fire activity was the most intensive in the 17th century, when the water table was at its lowest. The abundance of Sphagnum spp. declined, whereas vascular plants, mixotrophs and TA with proteinaceous shells were significantly positively correlated to fire. Xenosomes were significantly negatively correlated to fires, and they responded to water table lowering. We show that the peatlands’ vegetation recovered from low-intensity and short-lasting disturbances and, to some extent, maintained “pristine” local vegetation cover with Sphagnum as the dominant taxon. TA traits common before disturbances, mainly mixotrophs and TA with proteinaceous shells, temporarily re-appeared after fire. We conclude that TA communities in peatlands are good bioindicators of disturbances

    Przykłady zróżnicowania grubości pokryw lodowych wybranych jezior

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    W pracy podjęto próbę określenia czy istnieje zróżnicowanie grubości pokryw lodowych w obrębie jezior oraz jaka jest skala tego zjawiska. Pomiary wykonano zimą 2006 r. na Jeziorze Niepruszewskim, Charzykowskim i Skrzynka. Z uwagi na stwierdzenia znacznych różnic grubości lodu zbadano czy wpływ na to ma różnica głębokości. Zależności takiej nie stwierdzono i dano propozycje badań, które w przyszłości być może pozwolą uzyskać odpowiedzi na pytanie, co stanowi o dużym zróżnicowaniu grubości lodu w obrębie danego jeziora oraz między jeziorami leżącymi nieopodal siebie.57152

    Unveiling exceptional Baltic bog ecohydrology, autogenic succession and climate change during the last 2000 years in CE Europe using replicate cores, multi-proxy data and functional traits of testate amoebae

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    We present the results of high-resolution, multi-proxy palaeoecological investigations of two parallel peat cores from the Baltic raised bog Mechacz Wielki in NE Poland. We aim to evaluate the role of regional climate and autogenic processes of the raised bog itself in driving the vegetation and hydrology dynamics. Based on partly synchronous changes in Sphagnum communities in the two study cores we suggest that extrinsic factors (climate) played an important role as a driver in mire development during the bog stage (500–2012 CE). Using a testate amoebae transfer function, we found exceptionally stable hydrological conditions during the last 2000 years with a relatively high water table and lack of local fire events that allowed for rapid peat accumulation (2.75 mm/year) in the bog. Further, the strong correlation between pH and community-weighted mean of testate amoeba traits suggests that other variables than water-table depth play a role in driving microbial properties under stable hydrological conditions. There is a difference in hydrological dynamics in bogs between NW and NE Poland until ca 1500 CE, after which the water table reconstructions show more similarities. Our results illustrate how various functional traits relate to different environmental variables in a range of trophic and hydrological scenarios on long time scales. Moreover, our data suggest a common regional climatic forcing in Mechacz Wielki, Gązwa and Kontolanrahka. Though it may still be too early to attempt a regional summary of wetness change in the southern Baltic region, this study is a next step to better understand the long-term peatland palaeohydrology in NE Europ

    Kettle-hole peatlands as carbon hot spots : Unveiling controls of carbon accumulation rates during the last two millennia

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments that helped us to improve the manuscript. The research was funded by the National Science Centre (Poland), grant 2015/17/B/ST10/01656.Peer reviewe

    Hydroclimate in Africa during the Medieval Climate Anomaly

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    The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) is a recognized period of distinct pre-industrial climate change, with a core period of 1000–1200 CE. The field of palaeoclimatology has made major progress over the past 15 years during which a great number of high- and medium-resolution case studies were published, reconstructing climate change of the past millennia. In many parts of the world, regional data coverage has now reached a point which allows compiling palaeoclimate maps for well-defined time intervals. Here we present hydroclimatic trend maps for the MCA in Africa based on 99 published study locations. Key hydroclimatic proxy curves are visualized and compared in a series of 16 correlation panels. Proxy types are described and possible issues discussed. Based on the combined MCA dataset, temporal and spatial trends are interpreted and mapped out. Three areas have been identified in Africa in which rainfall seems to have increased during the MCA, namely Tunisia, western Sahel and the majority of southern Africa. At the same time, a reduction in precipitation occurred in the rest of Africa, comprising of NW and NE Africa, West Africa, Eastern Africa and the Winter Rainfall Zone of South Africa. MCA hydroclimate change in Africa appears to have been associated with characteristic phases of ocean cycles, as also supported by modern climate observations. Aridity in Morocco typically coincides with the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), whilst increased rainfall in the western Sahel is often coupled to the positive phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Reduction in rainfall in the region Gulf of Aden/southern Red Sea to Eastern Africa could be linked to a negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) or a derived long-term equivalent Indian Ocean cycle parameter. The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) appears to have been shifted pole-wards during the MCA, for both the January and July positions. MCA hydroclimate mapping revealed major data gaps in the Sahara, South Sudan, Somalia, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, northern Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Special efforts are needed to fill these gaps, e.g. through a dedicated structured research program in which new multiproxy datasets are created, based on the learnings from previous African MCA studies

    Znaczenie wspólnych badań historycznych i paleoekologicznych nad wpływem człowieka na środowisko. Przykład ze stanowiska Kazanie we wschodniej Wielkopolsce

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    The aim of the article is to present the potential of interdisciplinary research on the human impact on the environment in the past on the example of a site in Greater Poland (Wielkopolska). It uses high-resolution palaeoecological analyses of peat archives from the Kazanie peat bog as well as archaeological and historical materials reflecting the settlement and economic activity of the inhabitants of Pobiedziska and surrounding villages throughout last 1200 years.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie potencjału interdyscyplinarnych badań nad wpływem człowieka na środowisko w przeszłości na przykładzie Wielkopolski. Zostaną w nim wykorzystane wysokorozdzielcze analizy paleoekologiczne źródeł przyrodniczych wydobytych z torfowiska Kazanie oraz materiały archeologiczne i historyczne obrazujące osadnictwo i aktywność gospodarczą mieszkańców Pobiedzisk i okolicznych wsi w ciągu ostatnich 1200 lat

    Comparison of paleobotanical and biomarker records of mountain peatland and forest ecosystem dynamics over the last 2600 years in central Germany

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    As peatlands are a major terrestrial sink in the global carbon cycle, gaining an understanding of their development and changes throughout time is essential in order to predict their future carbon budget and potentially mitigate the adverse outcomes of climate change. With this aim to understand peat development, many studies have investigated the paleoecological dynamics by analyzing various proxies, including pollen, macrofossil, elemental, and biomarker analyses. However, as each of these proxies is known to have its own benefits and limitations, examining them in parallel allows for a deeper understanding of these paleoecological dynamics at the peatland and a systematic comparison of the power of these individual proxies. In this study, we therefore analyzed peat cores from a peatland in Germany (Beerberg, Thuringia) to (a) characterize the vegetation dynamics over the course of the peatland development during the late Holocene and (b) evaluate to what extent the inclusion of multiple proxies, specifically pollen, plant macrofossils, and biomarkers, contributes to a deeper understanding of those dynamics and interaction among factors. We found that, despite a major shift in the regional forest composition from primarily beech to spruce as well as many indicators of human impact in the region, the local plant population in the Beerberg area remained stable over time following the initial phase of peatland development up until the last couple of centuries. Therefore, little variation could be derived from the paleobotanical data alone. The combination of pollen and macrofossil analyses with the elemental and biomarker analyses enabled further understanding of the site development as these proxies added valuable additional information, including the occurrence of climatic variations, such as the Little Ice Age, and more recent disturbances, such as drainage

    Znaczenie wysokorozdzielczych wielowskaźnikowych (multi-proxy) badań paleoekologicznych dla geografii historycznej i historii gospodarczej

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    The article presents the importance of palaeoecology for the study of economic history, historical geography and environmental history. The text introduces the methodological possibilities of palaeoecology. We pay attention to the unused potential of high resolution palaeoecology. By using natural archives (sediments of lakes and peatlands), we are able to trace the history of changes in nature. We can reconstruct history and better understand the changes in Poland’s ecosystems and its economic development.Artykuł prezentuje znaczenie paleoekologii dla badań historii gospodarczej, geografii historycznej i historii środowiskowej. Praca przybliża możliwości metodyczne paleoekologii. Zwracamy uwagę na niewykorzystany dotąd potencjał wysokorozdzielczej paleoekologii. Wykorzystując naturalne archiwa (osady jezior i torfowisk), jesteśmy w stanie prześledzić historię przemian przyrody, możemy zrekonstruować historię i lepiej zrozumieć zmiany ekosystemów Polski oraz jej rozwój ekonomiczny