14 research outputs found

    Polish Phoneme Statistics Obtained On Large Set Of Written Texts

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    The phonetical statistics were collected from several Polish corpora. The paper is a summaryof the data which are phoneme n-grams and some phenomena in the statistics. Triphonestatistics apply context-dependent speech units which have an important role in speech recognitionsystems and were never calculated for a large set of Polish written texts. The standardphonetic alphabet for Polish, SAMPA, and methods of providing phonetic transcriptions are described

    Poj臋cie informacji przetworzonej w kontek艣cie dost臋pu do informacji publicznej

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    The aim of the publication is an attempt to define the notion of processed public in form a tion as mentioned in the act from September 6, 2001 about access to public information. Due to the lack of relevant statutory definition it was of key importance to refer to judicial record in this field as well as doctrinal standpoint. The authors first focused on the already existing definition of public information, characterizing simple public information as well as processed public information according to analysis of number of sentences by Supreme Administrative Court as well as Regional Administrative Court . This let them categorize certain type of information as processed information. Finally, the publication refers to procedural key issues connected with examination of public information questions in the case when it is categorized as processed public information

    Optymalizacja parametryzacji sygna艂u w aspekcie rozpoznawania mowy polskiej rozprawa doktorska /

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    Tyt. z ekranu tytu艂owego.Praca doktorska. Akademia G贸rniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanis艂awa Staszica (Krak贸w), 2008.Zawiera bibliogr.Dost臋pna tak偶e w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dost臋pu: Internet.Przetwarzanie mowy, mowa w j臋zykoznawstwie, rozpoznawanie, weryfikacja m贸wcy, diagnostyka, kodowanie, kompresja, modyfikacja sygna艂u, synteza, elementy teorii sygna艂贸w, metod klasyfikacji, metody analizy cz臋stotliwo艣ciowej, analiza czasowo-cz臋stotliwo艣ciowa, ci膮g艂a, dyskretna transformacja falkowa, transformacja falkowa-Fouriera i falkowo-kosinusowa, metody klasyfikacji, klasyfikator k-NN, ukryte modele Markowa, typy segmentacji, przegl膮d metod, ocena jako艣ci, kryteria subiektywne, praktyczne, numeryczne, segmentacja akustyczna metod膮 艣ledzenia zmian widma falkowego, metod膮 detekcji zdarze艅, parametryzacja, kryteria oceny skuteczno艣ci, metody po艣rednie, bezpo艣rednie, predykcja liniowa, analiza cepstralna, MFCC, przegl膮d falkowych metod parametryzacji, diadyczna transformacja falkowa, DWT, optymalizacja drzewa dekompozycji falkowej, falkowa aproksymacja skali melowej, optymalna baza dekompozycji, algorytm Mean Best Basi

    Best Basis Selection of the Wavelet Packet Cosine Transform in Speech Analysis

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    Abstract-In this paper a new application of the Wavelet Packet Cosine Transform (WPCT), used in the adaptive wavelet parameterization scheme, is presented. This is an extension of the Best Basis algorithm. Obtained optimized wavelet decomposition schemes are used for speech feature extraction and are tested using Polish language hidden Markov model (HMM) phone-classifier

    Framework for automated customer service in sign language

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    Deaf people need the help of an interpreter in formal relations, such as visiting offices or medical institutions. We present a new framework for building systems for sign language interaction, which can provide basic automated customer service for the deaf. The framework covers all steps required to build such a system from scratch - the acquisition of scenario-specific corpora, extraction of features, training of models, recognition, user interface, integration and configuration of the final application. The usability of the framework has been evaluated by creating a proof-of-concept system for automated scheduling of doctor's appointments in sign language. The results indicate that the process of building a sign language interaction system with our framework is relatively quick and simple. Recognition efficiency was evaluated as well and proved to be sufficient for practical use

    The concept of processed information within the context of public information access

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    The aim of the publication is an attempt to define the notion of processed public information as mentioned in the act from September 6, 2001 about access to public information. Due to the lack of relevant statutory definition it was of key importance to refer to judicial record in this field as well as doctrinal standpoint. The authors first focused on the already existing definition of public information, characterizing simple public information as well as processed public information according to analysis of number of sentences by Supreme Administrative Court as well as Regional Administrative Court . This let them categorize certain type of information as processed information. Finally, the publication refers to procedural key issues connected with examination of public information questions in the case when it is categorized as processed public information

    Composition of wavelet and Fourier transforms

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    W pracy przedstawione s膮 podstawowe w艂asno艣ci szeregowego z艂o偶enia dwóch transformacji: falkowej i Fouriera. Uzyskano dwa rodzaje transformacji poniewa偶 transformacje falkowe i Fouriera nie s膮 przemienne. Przedstawione s膮 konsekwencje zjawiska zwanego "przest臋pstwem falkowym". Zastosowanie falek ze zwartymi no艣nikami w dziedzinie cz臋stotliwo艣ci (np. falki Meyera) prowadzi do reprezentacji sygna艂ów w postaci macierzy rzadkich. Sygna艂y mowy zosta艂y u偶yte do przetestowania przedstawionych transformacji.The paper presents the basic properties of the serial composition of two transformations: wavelet and Fourier. Two types of transformations were obtained because wavelet and Fourier transformations do not commute. The consequences of a phenomenon known as a "wavelet crime" are presented. Using wavelets with compact support in the frequency domain (e.g. Meyer wavelets) leads to the representation of signals as sparse matrices. Speech signals were used to test the presented transforms

    Rejestracja multimodalnego korpusu danych dla automatycznego przetwarzania j臋zyka migowego

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    This paper presents the creation of a Polish Sign Language corpus suitable for recognition research and automatic translation of sign language. The recording approach used and the captured data modalities are presented, as well as the description of the acquisition system implementation. The evaluation of the collected corpus is presented and compared to other available resources.Artyku艂 prezentuje utworzenie korpusu nagra艅 gest贸w Polskiego J臋zyka Migowego na potrzeby bada艅 mo偶liwo艣ci rozpoznawania i automatycznego t艂umaczenia j臋zyka migowego. Zaprezentowano podej艣cie i metodyk臋 tworzenia bazy nagra艅 oraz opisano implementacj臋 systemu akwizycji. Przedstawiono tak偶e ewaluacj臋 zebranych danych pod k膮tem rozpoznawania gest贸w j臋zyka migowego oraz por贸wnano z innymi, dost臋pnymi zasobami