19 research outputs found

    Work life balance : En studie om kvinnors anvÀndande av flexibla arbetsarrangemang

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    Sammanfattning Titel : Arbete och livsbalans, En studie om kvinnors anvÀndande av flexibla arbetsarrangemang NivÄ: Examensarbete i Företagsekonomi, KandidatnivÄ, 15hp Författare : Milena Novakovic & Gulsah Guven Handledare: Maria Fregidou Malama Datum : Januari 2014 Syfte: Syftet med arbetet Àr att undersöka vilka faktorer som gör det möjligt för kvinnor att anvÀnda sig av flexibla arbetsarrangemang och hur anvÀndandet pÄverkar deras karriÀrutveckling. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats inom ramen för en fallstudie. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor som tillhör yrkeskategorin forskare, gymnasielÀrare samt grundskolelÀrare. Resultat & Slutsats: Flexibla arbetsarrangemang har visat sig ha en stor inverkan pÄ kvinnor förmÄga att balansera arbete och familj. Arrangemangen anvÀnds allt oftare och de anvÀnts vÀl inom forskarvÀrlden. Vi fann sex faktorer som bidrog till att kvinnorna i vÄr studie anvÀnde sig av arrangemangen. FörstÄelse och förtroende frÄn chefer, öppet diskusions klimat, tillgÀnglighet via mejl eller telekommunikation, stöd av partner eller omgivning. Respondenter som anvÀnde sig av arrangemangen uttryckte att dessa faktorer var viktiga för de flexibla arrangemangens funktion. VÄr studie kunde dock inte visa om flexibla arbetsarrangemang bidrog till att respondenterna utvecklades mer inom deras yrke. VÄr slutsats Àr att flexibla arbetsarrangemang gynnar bÄde organisationer men frÀmst kvinnor om det finns förstÄelse och stöd för dessa, bÄde pÄ arbetsplatsen och frÄn omgivningens sida. Förslag till vidare forskning : Vi föreslÄr att samma undersökning följs upp med fler kvinnliga respondenter frÄn andra yrken. Detta skulle kunna styrka studiens reabilitet och generaliserbarhet. Ett annat förslag Àr att genomföra samma undersökning pÄ ensamstÄende kvinnor med barn. Detta för att studera om ensamstÄende kvinnor med barn, Àr i större behov av flexibla arrangemang. 4 Studiens bidrag: VÄr studie bidrar med en större förstÄelse över vilka faktorer som Àr avgörande för anvÀndandet av flexibla arbetsarragemang och kvinnors karriÀrutveckling . Med hjÀlp av vÄr studie kan det visas att stöd frÄn bÄde chefer, kollegor, vÀnner och familj har en avgörande betydelse i huruvuda kvinnor inom profesionella yrken balanserar arbete och familj. Nyckelord : work life balance, flexibla arbetsarrangemang, organisationskultur, stöd, kvinno


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    Supernumerary teeth are developmental disturbance encountered in the dental arches. Although this problem seems to be caused by genetic or environmental factors, the etiology is unknown. They can be single, multiple, unilateral or bilaterale. Complications arising from supernumerary teeth include delayed eruption, displacement and root resorption of permanent teeth. Because of these complications the surgical removal of supernumerary teeth is advocated. The purpose of this article is to evaluate clinical characteristics and treatment of four cases who have supernumerary teeth in maxilla or mandible

    An unusual cause of hyperammonemia in a newborn: question

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    Reconstruction of Extraoral Fistula of Dental Origin

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    Odontogenic extraoral fistulas often lead to intense levels of patient discomfort and incidence of complications, which are relieved by treatment. However, the cosmetic outcome following treatment may not meet the expectations of the patient. A 51-year-old male presented with a chronically draining lesion on his left cheek. Clinical examination revealed necrosis in the mandibular left first molar and a panoramic radiograph demonstrated periapical abscess surrounding the root apex. A diagnosis of extraoral fistula of odontogenic origin was made, and the affected tooth was extracted. The extraoral fistula disappeared but the defect on the cheek exhibited no improvement over the 2 month follow-up period. Surgical revision of the defect was therefore necessary. A Limberg flap was designed and then transposed to the defect region, followed by primary closure of the donor region. The 6-month follow-up visit revealed satisfactory results for both the patient and the surgeon. This manuscript is the first case report focusing on residual defect elimination of an extraoral fistula with the use of a transpositional flap in the cheek region

    Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Palate

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    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common mixed benign tumor of major salivary glands. Approximately 80% of these tumors arise in the parotid gland, whereas 7% arise in the minor salivary glands. The most common sites for minor salivary gland where pleomorphic adenoma arises are the palates followed by lips and cheek. We report a palate mass in a 46-year-old male patient. The initial cytologic diagnosis by fine-needle aspiration biopsy was pleomorphic adenoma. This report describes a case of pleomorphic adenoma regarding all distinctive diagnoses with the review of the literature

    A study on the effects of seat belt posters on drivers

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    2nd World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2010) -- FEB 04-08, 2010 -- Bahceschir Univ, Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000282002800136The primary aim of this study was to identify the effects of several posters designed to encourage the use of seat belts on drivers. Discovering the seat belt use habits of drivers and their reasons for failing to use them constitute the secondary aims of the study. In order to fulfill these aims, four different posters appealing to drivers' safety and normative motivations were designed. The drivers were then asked to choose the poster that impressed them most. Half of the drivers chose the first poster, which drew a parallelism between the casualites of terrorism, earthquake and traffic, as most impressive. The second most impressive poster was the fourth one, which emphasized the link between traffic rules and morality. Female drivers found this poster with a moral message more impressive than males. Another finding of the study was that primary school and university graduates were more impressed by the posters appealing to normative motivation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The protective effect of Gingko biloba in a rat model of ovarian ischemia/reperfusion injury: Improvement in histological and biochemical parameters

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    WOS: 000433896000003PubMed ID: 29790691Background. Ovarian torsion is one of the most common gynecological emergencies, which especially affects women of reproductive age. Objectives. We aimed to evaluate the effect of Ginkgo biloba (GB) supplementation in ovarian ischemia/reperfusion injury in an experimental torsion/de-torsion rat model. Material and methods. This study was carried out in the Ege University Faculty of Medicine in Izmir, Turkey. Thirty mature female Sprague-Dawley albino rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: in Group 1 (control), the abdominal wall was only opened and closed; in the torsion group (Group 2), ischemia was induced for 3 h, using atraumatic vascular clips to create a torsion model; in the torsion/GB group (Group 3), the rats were given 80 mg/kg (oral gavage) of GB 30 min before torsion was induced and the torsion model was formed; in the torsion/de-torsion group (Group 4), the rats underwent 3 h of ischemia and then the vascular clips were removed and reperfusion took place for 3 h; in the torsion/de-torsion/GB group (Group 5), the rats underwent 3 h of ischemia followed by GB (oral gavage) 30 min prior to a 3-h reperfusion period. Ovarian tissue damage was evaluated by a histopathological scoring system. Ovarian tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and plasma pentraxin-3 were measured. Results. In comparison with the sham group, both the torsion and torsion/de-torsion groups had significantly higher scores for follicular degeneration, vascular congestion, edema, hemorrhage, and leukocyte infiltration. Ginkgo biloba significantly decreased these scores in both groups. Ovarian malondialdehyde and plasma pentraxin 3 were significantly higher both in the torsion and torsion/de-torsion groups compared with the sham group. Ginkgo biloba decreased these levels significantly both in the torsion/GB and torsion/de-torsion/GB groups. Conclusions. Supplementing GB during a surgical procedure decreases ischemia/reperfusion injury to an ovary in an experimental rat model based on histopathological parameters, tissue malondialdehyde, and plasma pentraxin-3 levels

    Management of cesarean scar pregnancy with suction curettage: a report of four cases and review of the literature

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    Ustuner, Isik/0000-0002-3791-4071WOS: 000336394600007PubMed: 24464347To present the outcomes of four cases of cesarean scar pregnancy treated with suction curettage. Four patients were ultrasonographically diagnosed with cesarean scar pregnancies treated with suction curettage in a tertiary care center. Serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin levels ranged between 1,681 and 15,573 mU/mL, gestational sac diameter measured from 10 to 24 mm and scar thickness was between 4.7 and 6.8 mm. All patients underwent suction curettage under general anesthesia with transabdominal ultrasonography guidance. No complications were observed during or after operation. Suction curettage is a viable alternative for conservative treatment in selected cases of patients who are diagnosed with CSP early in gestation and who have a myometrial thickness of more than 4.5 mm

    Plasma lipids and lipoproteins during pregnancy and related pregnancy outcomes

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    Ustuner, Isik/0000-0002-3791-4071WOS: 000320383500008PubMed: 23400357To study the effect of maternal lipid profile changes in pregnancy in relation to fetal growth and development, prognosis, and complications of pregnancy. One thousand pregnant women between 17 and 48 years of age were included in this prospective longitudinal and uni-center study. Lipid profile tests [triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL)] were first requested as part of the routine pregnancy follow-up in first antenatal visit ( 28 weeks). the analysis included the medical, social-demographic, and nutritional status of the women as well. Primer outcome measures were defined as the association of the pregnancy-related lipid profile change to neonatal weight, the weight of the infant in third month and pregnancy complications (preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, IUGR, and preterm birth). the levels of TG, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL increased significantly as pregnancy progressed. the percentage of the change in the TG levels were higher in patients with well nutritional parameters (p = 0.033). As the percentage of change in the TG levels increased, the neonatal weight increased (p = 0.033) but no effect on the placental weight and the third month weight of the infant was seen. As the percent change in TG levels decreased, the risk of the preterm birth significantly increased. in women who were positive in 50 g screening test, but were uncomplicated with gestational diabetes mellitus, the percent change in cholesterol was lower (p = 0.010), the percent change in LDL was lower (p = 0.015), and the percent change in TG was higher (p = 0.032). in pregnancy, complex alterations occur in lipid metabolism. Percent change in TG is affected positively by the nutrition level. the neonatal weight also increases as well but postnatal weight is unaffected. Conversely TG levels significantly decrease in preterm birth. No association between preeclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus with lipid profile changes were noted except in patients with glucose intolerance (> 140 mg/dl in 50 g screening test) in which change in cholesterol, LDL was low and TG was high