223 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de los suelos de las zonas cafeteras de San Isidro de la Sierra, Cincinati y San Javier

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    Las zonas en estudio esta» situadas en el departamento del Magdalena, comprenden parte de los municipios de Santa Marta y Ciénaga, con una extensión promedio de -330 hectáreas. El estudio que aquí se presenta, aporta valiosa información Técnica y práctica sobre las características físicas más--importantes de los suelos así como también el estado de fertilidad de los mismos, que puede ser utilizada, en forma conveniente, por los agricultores de las zonas estudiadas, para planificar y mejorar el manejo y uso de los suelos de sus fincas—y aumentar sus rendimientos. A las muestras tomadas, se deterwinót textura, reación del suelo, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio, sodio, calcio, magnesio, capacidad cationica de cambio, bases totales, carbono orgánico, — materia orgánica, relación carbt,no nitrógeno y el color en seco, húmedo y mojado. Las vías de comunicaciones se encuentran en condiciones — bastante regulares, carreteras principales pavimentadas ( Santa Marta Riohacha, Santa Marta Fundación); carreteables ( El aserrío La Estación, ~ato«. — Cincinatip Granvía — San Pedro la Sierra) y caminos de herraduras ( La Estación — Quebrada la Lisa, San Pedro de la Sierra — San Javier), 2 La topografía dominante de las zonas es bastante quebrada - con distintos grados de pendiente ( 50 - 100%). La elevAción de las regiones v-ría entre los 1.100 y 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. La temperatura media anual es de 202C., la precipitación - media anual es de 2500 m.m. La humedad relativa en valores me - dios anuales es probablemente mayor del 75%, la mayor parte del año. Las regiones están influenciadas por las brisas de Nor-Es te desde Diciembre a Marzo. Las hoyas hidrógraficas principales de las zonas están - constituí das por los nos Sevilla, Piedra y la Quebrada La Li-sa. La mayoría de los suelos de las zonas pertenecen al grupo de los Residuales o sea form dos en el sitio donde aparecen co mo producto de la desintegración de las rocas originales, a través del proceso de la edafización. El material parental de la mayoría de los suelos, consiste de rocas igneas ( extrusi - vas e intrusivas), sedimentarias y metamórficas meteorizadas o semimeteorizadas. El tipo de vegetación, es la de bosque húmedo sub-tropical que está estrechamente relacionado con las condiciones climáti-cas. La agricultura se basa especialmente en el café y en menor escala citricos, hortalizas, yuca, guineo etc. Loa resultados de los análisis químicos del laboratorio de suelos, revelan,que los suelos de las zonas de San Isidro y San 3 Javier tienen un nivel moderado de fertilidad y los de la zona de Cincinati baja. Los suelos rojos que predominan en las zo—nas de Cincinati y San Javier tienen un nivel bajo de fertili—dad. La fertilización de los suelos actualmente, se hace usan—do la pulpa de café, estiércoles animales y algo de fertilizan tes comerciales pero en forma muy irregular

    Estrategias de aprendizaje de matemáticas en estudiantes con ceguera o baja visión.

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    Anexo 1 Fotografias, Anexo 2 Planeacion de claseEste trabajo de grado está basado en un trabajo de campo que se desarrolló en la Institución Educativa Emiliano Restrepo Echavarría del Municipio de Restrepo en el Departamento del Meta, en estudiantes con baja visión o ceguera total donde se aplicaron dos tipos de herramientas para la enseñanza de las matemáticas, unas de forma digital y otras de forma manual. En la utilización de herramientas manuales para la enseñanza-aprendizaje, se adoptaron elementos como el ábaco, tangram, para la enseñanza de razones y proporciones, transportador con agujeros cada cinco (5) grados para la medición de los ángulos, una regleta para la adición y sustracción de enteros; ubicación de fraccionarios. Un plano con agujeros para graficar funciones reales (Función lineal, cuadrática, cubica), un dado con puntos en relieve para trabajar probabilidades. Con estos elementos aplicados al desarrollo de actividades en el área de matemáticas se espera que tanto profesores como estudiantes puedan encontrar un apoyo para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes con baja visión o ceguera total.This degree work is based in a field work developed at Emiliano Restrepo Echavarría High School in Restrepo, Meta, in students with low vision or total blindness, where two types of tools were applied for teaching mathematics, some in digital form and others in a hand (manual) way. In the teaching and learning process with hand tools the abacus, and tangram were used to teach ratios and proportions; a protactor with holes each five degrees was used to measure angles; a strip board for addition and subtractions of integers and location of the fractions; a plane with holes to graph real functions( linear function, quadratic function, cubic function) and a die with dots in relief to teach probability. With all of these elements applied in different activities in mathematics classes it is expected that both, teachers and students, can find a support for improving the academic performance in students with low vision or total blindness

    Análisis de las narrativas de sujetos traumatizados por abuso

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     The subject of the research is the traumatic ordeal caused by moral and sexual abuse during childhood, and its long-term consequences. Life stories of four adult individuals (one man and three women) between 36 and 60 years old were analyzed. The research is qualitative and the method of analysis is based on the Narrative Identity Theory. The stories have some coincident points: moral or sexual abuse; escape from their family nucleus; repetitive abuse, and current affliction due to relived experience. In the specific case of women, there are reports of suicide ideation and attempts. . It is concluded that the trauma and the rejection are consistent with the construction of an “existential no-place”.El objeto de la investigación es: la vivencia traumática por abuso moral y sexual en la infancia y sus estragos actuales. Se analizan los relatos de vida de cuatro sujetos adultos (un hombre y tres mujeres) de edad entre 36 y 60 años. La investigación es de corte cualitativo y el método de análisis se basa en la teoría del relato. Las narraciones coinciden en: abuso moral o sexual; huida del núcleo familiar; repetición de abuso y padecimiento actual por revivencia. Y, eEn el caso específico de las mujeres, hay intentos o ideación de acabar con la propia vida. Se concluye que el trauma y la desestimación es sino de lo que se ilustra bajo la categoría del no lugar existencial

    Inactivation of Capicua in adult mice causes T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma

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    CIC (also known as Capicua) is a transcriptional repressor negatively regulated by RAS/MAPK signaling. Whereas the functions of Cic have been well characterized in Drosophila, little is known about its role in mammals. CIC is inactivated in a variety of human tumors and has been implicated recently in the promotion of lung metastases. Here, we describe a mouse model in which we inactivated Cic by selectively disabling its DNA-binding activity, a mutation that causes derepression of its target genes. Germline Cic inactivation causes perinatal lethality due to lung differentiation defects. However, its systemic inactivation in adult mice induces T-cell acute lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-ALL), a tumor type known to carry CIC mutations, albeit with low incidence. Cic inactivation in mice induces T-ALL by a mechanism involving derepression of its well-known target, Etv4 Importantly, human T-ALL also relies on ETV4 expression for maintaining its oncogenic phenotype. Moreover, Cic inactivation renders T-ALL insensitive to MEK inhibitors in both mouse and human cell lines. Finally, we show that Ras-induced mouse T-ALL as well as human T-ALL carrying mutations in the RAS/MAPK pathway display a genetic signature indicative of Cic inactivation. These observations illustrate that CIC inactivation plays a key role in this human malignancy.We are grateful to Carol MacKintosh (University of Dundee, UK) for the pcDNA5/FRT/TO-GFP-CIC plasmid, and Huda Zoghbi (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX) and Yoontae Lee (University of Pohang, Korea) for Cic antisera. We thank Scott Brown and Robert Holt (University of Vancouver, Canada) for their help with TCR abundance calculations. We also thank Carmen G. Lechuga, Marta San Roman, Raquel Villar, Beatriz Jimenez, and Nuria Cabrera for excellent technical assistance. We value the support of Sagrario Ortega (Transgenic Mice Core Unit, CNIO) for help in generating the Cic mutant mice, Orlando Dominguez (Genomics Core Unit, CNIO) for the RNA-seq analysis, and the Histopathology Core Unit. This work was supported by grants from the Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (20131730/1) to G.J. and M.B., and the European Research Council (ERC-AG/250297-RAS AHEAD), the EU-Framework Programme (HEALTH-F2-2010-259770/LUNGTARGET and HEALTH-2010-260791/EUROCANPLATFORM), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2014-59864-R), the Autonomous Community of Madrid (S2011/BDM-2470/ONCOCYCLE), and the Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer (AECC) (GC16173694BARB) to M.B. M.B. is the recipient of an Endowed Chair from the AXA Research Fund. L.S.-C. was supported by a fellowship from the Programa de Formacion de Personal Investigator (FPI) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. M.D. and M.B. conceived and designed the study. L.S.-C., O.G., G.J., M.D., and M.B. developed the methodology. L.S.-C., O.G., M.S., and M.D. acquired the data. L.S.-C., O.G., M.S., H.K.C.J., G.J., M.D., and M.B. analyzed and interpreted the data. L.S-C., O.G., G.J., M.D., and M.B. wrote, reviewed, and/or revised the manuscript. G.J. provided material support. A. G. analyzed the T-ALL sequencing. M.D. and M.B. supervised the study.S

    Gold(I)-Catalyzed Formation of Bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-1-enes

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    Gold(I) catalysts effectively promote the Cope rearrangement of acyclic 1,5-dienes bearing a terminal cyclopropylidene. When this methodology is applied to cyclic substrates an unexpected transformation occurs, resulting in the formation of a tricyclic compound incorporating a bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-1-ene core, a portion of which is found in a number of natural products. Density functional theory calculations (M06 and M06-2X) reveal insight into the mechanism and thermodynamics of this unique transformation

    Scale for assessing the quality of Mexican adults' mealtime habits

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    To construct a scale for assessing the quality of mealtime habits in a sample of urban Mexican adults, computing the contribution of a set of advisable and unadvisable mealtime habits. Material and Methods. We performed an exploratory factor analysis among 7 472 adults participating in the baseline assessment of the Health Workers Cohort Study, to assess the mealtime habits quality. Likelihood ratio test for difference of two probabilities and test for the difference of two means were used to identify differences between low and high categories of the Mealtime Habits Quality Scale (MHQS) across variables of interest. Results. Participants with the top quality of mealtime habits showed lower rates of overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity, and elevated body fat. They were also more adherent to a prudent dietary pattern than a western dietary pattern, and consumed more fruits and vegetables. Conclusions. Anthropometric and dietary variables differed across MHQS categories. However, further validation of the scale, and assessment of their ability to predict weight gain or related diseases are needed, using prospective and intervention studies

    A gold-catalysed enantioselective Cope rearrangement of achiral 1,5-dienes

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    Since the discovery of the Cope rearrangement in the 1940s, no asymmetric variant of the rearrangement of achiral 1,5-dienes has emerged, despite the successes that have been achieved with its heteroatom variants (Claisen, aza-Cope, etc.). This article reports the first example of an enantioselective Cope reaction that starts from an achiral diene. The new gold(I) catalyst derived from double Cl−-abstraction of ((S)-3,5-xylyl-PHANEPHOS(AuCl)2), has been developed for the sigmatropic rearrangement of alkenyl-methylenecyclopropanes. The reaction proceeds at low temperature and the synthetically useful vinylcyclopropane products are obtained in high yield and enantioselectivity. Density functional theory calculations predict that: (1) the reaction proceeds via a cyclic carbenium ion intermediate, (2) the relief of strain in the methylenecyclopropane moiety provides the thermodynamic driving force for the rearrangement and (3) metal complexation of the transition-state structure lowers the rearrangement barriers


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    In the title compound, C16H12N2O2S, the carbonyl­thio­urea group forms dihedral angles of 75.4 (1) and 13.1 (2)°, respectively, with the naphthalene ring system and furan ring. The mol­ecule adopts a trans–cis configuration with respect to the positions of the furoyl and naphthyl groups relative to the S atom across the thio­urea C—N bonds. This geometry is stabilized by an N—H⋯·O intra­molecular hydrogen bond. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds, forming centrosymmetric dimers which are inter­linked through C—H⋯π inter­actions

    MAP entropy estimation: Applications in robust image filtering

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    We introduce a new approach for image filtering in a Bayesian framework. In this case the probability density function (pdf) of the likelihood function is approximated using the concept of non-parametric or kernel estimation. The method is based on the generalized Gaussian Markov random fields (GGMRF), a class of Markov random fields which are used as prior information into the Bayesian rule, which principal objective is to eliminate those effects caused by the excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of images which are rich in contours or edges. Accordingly to the hypothesis made for the present work, it is assumed a limited knowledge of the noise pdf, so the idea is to use a non-parametric estimator to estimate such a pdf and then apply the entropy to construct the cost function for the likelihood term. The previous idea leads to the construction of Maximum a posteriori (MAP) robust estimators, since the real systems are always exposed to continuous perturbations of unknown nature. Some promising results of three new MAP entropy estimators (MAPEE) for image filtering are presented, together with some concluding remarks