501 research outputs found

    Radiographic measurements of the trachea in domestic short haired and Persian cats

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    Tracheal diameter can be assessed from a thoracic radiograph, with assessment of tracheal diameter in dogs based on ratios between tracheal diameter and a skeletal measurement – however reference ranges are not available for the cat. Tracheal narrowing may cause significant clinical problems, although tracheal hypoplasia in dogs may be clinically silent, and is rarely reported in cats (both mesati- and brachycephalic). The tracheal diameter and trachea:thoracic inlet and trachea:rib ratios were calculated for populations of Domestic Short Haired (DSH) (n=68) and Persian (n=40) cats. This gave reference ranges for radiographic tracheal measurements in these breeds. It is proposed that the tracheal diameter in a normal DSH cat should be 18% of the diameter of the thoracic inlet, and compared to 20% in Persian cats


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    Angkutan umum massal berbasis jalan telah dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang sejak tahun 2009 hingga kini (Trans Semarang). Disisi lain, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah sejak tahun 2017 juga melakukan hal yang sama di Wilayah Aglomerasi Kedungsepur (Trans Jateng). Namun terkesan berjalan sendiri-sendiri dan terjadi tumpang tindih layanan di ruas-ruas jalan tertentu. Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan penelitian kebutuhan pengintegrasian layanan angkutan umum massal di Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis spasial untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan pola permintaan perjalanan penggunanya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna Koridor 1 dan 2 Trans Semarang dari luar Kota Semarang mencapai 39,14% dan 60,86% berasal dari dalam Kota Semarang. Pengguna dengan tujuan ke luar Kota Semarang mencapai 42,23% dan 57,77% tujuan di dalam Kota Semarang. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Koridor 1 dan 2 mengakomodasi penumpang yang asal tujuannya cukup besar dari luar Kota Semarang. Terdapat tumpang tindih layanan mencapai 60% dari panjang lintasan di Koridor 1 Trans Jateng dan Koridor 2 Trans Semarang. Moda first mile pengguna Koridor 2 didominasi oleh Trans Jateng sebesar 51,51% dan last mile didominasi oleh penggunaan motor sebesar 48,10%. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa rute layanan Trans Jateng kedepannya dapat mengakomodir permintaan perjalanan di dalam kawasan penyangga dengan konsep layanan loop (mengelilingi), berbeda dari kondisi saat ini. Selanjutnya, layanan Trans Jateng yang menuju ke Kota Semarang dapat berhenti di titik perbatasan, dimana pergerakan kemudian dilayani oleh Trans Semarang dan diharapkan dapat memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat di Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya.

    Dynamical segregation of galaxies in groups and clusters

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    We have performed a systematic analysis of the dynamics of different galaxy populations in galaxy groups from the 2dFGRS. For this purpose we have combined all the groups into a single system, where velocities v and radius r are expressed adimensionally. We have used several methods to compare the distributions of relative velocities of galaxies with respect to the group centre for samples selected according to their spectral type (as defined by Madgwick et al., 2002), bj band luminosity and B-R colour index. We have found strong segregation effects: spectral type I objects show a statistically narrower velocity distribution than that of galaxies with a substantial star formation activity (type II-IV). Similarly, the same behavior is observed for galaxies with colour index B-R>1 compared to galaxies with B-R<1. Bright (Mb-19) galaxies show the same segregation. It is not important once the sample is restricted to a given spectral type. These effects are particularly important in the central region (Rp<Rvirial/2) and do not have a strong dependence on the mass of the parent group. These trends show a strong correlation between the dynamics of galaxies in groups and star formation rate reflected both by spectral type and by colour index.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Condensation of `composite bosons' in a rotating BEC

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    We provide evidence for several novel phases in the dilute limit of rotating BECs. By exact calculation of wavefunctions and energies for small numbers of particles, we show that the states near integer angular momentum per particle are best considered condensates of composite entities, involving vortices and atoms. We are led to this result by explicit comparison with a description purely in terms of vortices. Several parallels with the fractional quantum Hall effect emerge, including the presence of the Pfaffian state.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 figure

    The velocity peaks in the cold dark matter spectrum on Earth

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    The cold dark matter spectrum on earth is expected to have peaks in velocity space. We obtain estimates for the sizes and locations of these peaks. To this end we have generalized the secondary infall model of galactic halo formation to include angular momentum of the dark matter particles. This new model is still spherically symmetric and it has self-similar solutions. Our results are relevant to direct dark matter search experiments.Comment: 12 pages including 1 table and 4 figures, LaTeX, REVTEX 3.0 versio

    More Than a Moggy; A Population Genetics Analysis of the United Kingdom’s Non-Pedigree Cats

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    The domestic cat is one of the most popular pets in the world. It is estimated that 89–92% of domestic cats in the UK are non-pedigree Domestic shorthair (DSH), Domestic longhair (DLH), or Domestic semi-longhair cats (DSLH). Despite their popularity, little is known of the UK non-pedigree cats’ population structure and breeding dynamics. Using a custom designed single nucleotide variant (SNV) array, this study investigated the population genetics of 1344 UK cats. Principal components analysis (PCA) and fastSTRUCTURE analysis verified that the UK’s DSH, DLH, and DSLH cats are random-bred, rather than admixed, mix breed, or crossbred. In contrast to pedigree cats, the linkage disequilibrium of these random-bred cats was least extensive and decayed rapidly. Homozygosity by descent (HBD) analysis showed the majority of non-pedigree cats had proportionally less of their genome in HBD segments compared to pedigree cats, and that these segments were older. Together, these findings suggest that the DSH, DLH, and DSLH cats should be considered as a population of random-bred cats rather than a crossbred or pedigree-admixed cat. Unexpectedly, 19% of random-bred cat genomes displayed a higher proportion of HBD segments associated with more recent inbreeding events. Therefore, while non-pedigree cats as a whole are genetically diverse, they are not impervious to inbreeding and its health risks

    Properties of satellite galaxies in the SDSS photometric survey: luminosities, colours and projected number density profiles

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    We analyze photometric data in SDSS-DR7 to infer statistical properties of faint satellites associated to isolated bright galaxies (M_r<-20.5) in the redshift range 0.03<z<0.1. The mean projected radial profile shows an excess of companions in the photometric sample around the primaries, with approximately a power law shape that extends up to ~700kpc. Given this overdensity signal, a suitable background subtraction method is used to study the statistical properties of the population of bound satellites, down to magnitude M_r=-14.5, in the projected radial distance range 100 < r_p/kpc < 3 R_{vir}. We have also considered a color cut consistent with the observed colors of spectroscopic satellites in nearby galaxies so that distant redshifted galaxies do not dominate the statistics. We have tested the implementation of this procedure using a mock catalog. We find that the method is effective in reproducing the true projected radial satellite number density profile and luminosity distributions, providing confidence in the results derived from SDSS data. The spatial extent of satellites is larger for bright, red primaries. Also, we find a larger spatial distribution of blue satellites. For the different samples analyzed, we derive the average number of satellites and their luminosity distributions down to M_r=-14.5. The mean number of satellites depends very strongly on host luminosity. Bright primaries (M_r<-21.5) host on average ~6 satellites with M_r<-14.5, while primaries with -21.5<M_r<-20.5 have less than 1 satellite per host. We provide Schechter function fits to the luminosity distributions of satellite galaxies with faint-end slopes -1.3+/-0.2. This shows that satellites of bright primaries lack an excess population of faint objects, in agreement with the results in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Quantum Phases of Vortices in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the groundstates of weakly interacting bosons in a rotating trap as a function of the number of bosons, NN, and the average number of vortices, NVN_V. We identify the filling fraction Îœâ‰ĄN/NV\nu\equiv N/N_V as the parameter controlling the nature of these states. We present results indicating that, as a function of Îœ\nu, there is a zero temperature {\it phase transition} between a triangular vortex lattice phase, and strongly-correlated vortex liquid phases. The vortex liquid phases appear to be the Read-Rezayi parafermion states

    Quantum and classical localisation, the spin quantum Hall effect and generalisations

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    We consider network models for localisation problems belonging to symmetry class C. This symmetry class arises in a description of the dynamics of quasiparticles for disordered spin-singlet superconductors which have a Bogoliubov - de Gennes Hamiltonian that is invariant under spin rotations but not under time-reversal. Our models include but also generalise the one studied previously in the context of the spin quantum Hall effect. For these systems we express the disorder-averaged conductance and density of states in terms of sums over certain classical random walks, which are self-avoiding and have attractive interactions. A transition between localised and extended phases of the quantum system maps in this way to a similar transition for the classical walks. In the case of the spin quantum Hall effect, the classical walks are the hulls of percolation clusters, and our approach provides an alternative derivation of a mapping first established by Gruzberg, Read and Ludwig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4254 (1999).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Galaxies undergoing ram-pressure stripping: the influence of the bulge on morphology and star formation rate

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    We investigate the influence of stellar bulges on the star formation and morphology of disc galaxies that suffer from ram pressure. Several tree-SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) simulations have been carried out to study the dependence of the star formation rate on the mass and size of a stellar bulge. In addition, different strengths of ram pressure and different alignments of the disc with respect to the intra-cluster medium (ICM) are applied. As claimed in previous works, when ram pressure is acting on a galaxy, the star formation rate (SFR) is enhanced and rises up to four times with increasing ICM density compared to galaxies that evolve in isolation. However, a bulge suppresses the SFR when the same ram pressure is applied. Consequently, fewer new stars are formed because the SFR can be lowered by up to 2 M_sun/yr. Furthermore, the denser the surrounding gas, the more inter-stellar medium (ISM) is stripped. While at an ICM density of 10^-28 g/cm^3 about 30% of the ISM is stripped, the galaxy is almost completely (more than 90%) stripped when an ICM density of 10^-27 g/cm^3 is applied. But again, a bulge prevents the stripping of the ISM and reduces the amount being stripped by up to 10%. Thereby, fewer stars are formed in the wake if the galaxy contains a bulge. The dependence of the SFR on the disc tilt angle is not very pronounced. Hereby a slight trend of decreasing star formation with increasing inclination angle can be determined. Furthermore, with increasing disc tilt angles, less gas is stripped and therefore fewer stars are formed in the wake. Reducing the disc gas mass fraction results in a lower SFR when the galaxies evolve in vacuum. On the other hand, the enhancement of the SFR in case of acting ram pressure is less pronounced with increasing gas mass fraction. Moreover, the fractional amount of stripped gas does not depend on the gas mass fraction.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figure
