32 research outputs found

    Hortiterapia czy praca w ogrodzie – podobieństwa i różnice

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    There is growing attention to findand popularize untypical forms of therapy which should help patients in hospitals, occupational facilities and clinics. The main aim of the article is to show the differences between horticultural therapy as a form of therapy and work in a garden, which can also provide therapeutic results. Comparison of different determinants was a method to outline that proper understanding of the differences may be beneficialboth for theoreticians and practitioners who use nature in order to improve their patients’ health. However, it is useful for future teachers and could play a role in the teacher education process. As a conclusion, it has been established that source literature scientificreports focus rather on potential recipients or benefitswhich come from this form of therapy, whereas basic differences between gardening and horticultural therapy have been rarely mentioned. Analysis has helped to observe that there are many factors which differentiate therapeutic work in the garden from work in the garden which can bring therapeutic effects. Performing such an analysis seems to be significantin connection with the growing popularity of centers which offer this kind of therapy, and with the emergent dilemmas concerning how it differs from gardening and whether the therapy is worth the money invested in it

    Wczesna inicjacja seksualna młodzieży – przyczyny i konsekwencje

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    Juvenescence constitutes period between infantile sexuality and sexuality of young man. Adolescence is time of discovering sexual identity, initiating new sexual behaviors and involving into intimate relationships. During this period, the forms of sexual activity are developing from less to more and more mature – from masturbation, through petting to sexual initiation. Decision of a first sexual intercourse is an important act for every person. Nevertheless, sexual initiation which is precocious, in a stage of unformed identity, can disturb psychosexual functioning of an individual causing unplanned pregnancies, leading to sexually transmissible diseases and initiating risky sexual behaviors. The causes of starting precocious sexual activity are associated with improper models of upbringing (strictness or lack of interference) as well as with distancing of youth from pedagogical or educational influences of school or church. These traditional socializing agendas are replaced with media influences and behavior patterns providing by peers. It seems that only complex acts from pedagogical and socializing backgrounds can contribute starting responsible behaviors of youth in sexual field

    Sex education of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Poland

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    Anna Gulczyńska, Aneta Wojciechowska, Sex education of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Poland. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019. Pp. 155-176. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.09 The aim of this article is to present the results of research into how mothers of individuals with ASD perceive school sex education. The article aims to contribute to the discussion on the need to introduce changes in the Polish education system as far as the area of sexuality is concerned. The study was carried out in two parts, at time intervals. The results were obtained only from mothers, which corresponds with the conclusion that mothers talk about matters of sexuality more often than fathers do and with daughters rather than with sons. The results indicate that mothers want to influence the sex education of their children, at the same time having no knowledge of what topics they are pursuing or can pursue with their child during formal sex education at school (education for living in a family).Anna Gulczyńska, Aneta Wojciechowska, Sex education of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Poland. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019. Pp. 155-176. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.09 The aim of this article is to present the results of research into how mothers of individuals with ASD perceive school sex education. The article aims to contribute to the discussion on the need to introduce changes in the Polish education system as far as the area of sexuality is concerned. The study was carried out in two parts, at time intervals. The results were obtained only from mothers, which corresponds with the conclusion that mothers talk about matters of sexuality more often than fathers do and with daughters rather than with sons. The results indicate that mothers want to influence the sex education of their children, at the same time having no knowledge of what topics they are pursuing or can pursue with their child during formal sex education at school (education for living in a family)

    Współpraca nauczycieli z rodzicami – systemowe propozycje rozwiązań

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    The aim of the article is to give some systemic approach proposal as a base to educational offer. Poor relation between parents and teachers at Polish schools is a fact. Political and social-cultural changes, or taking into consideration different criteria – globalization and digitalization changes, caused transformation of parents – teachers relations. According to recent research, they are dissatisfying, rare, disappointing and frustrating for both parties. They are not an important element of school politics for directors of educational institutions. It is worth to start changes at local level, they may in the future cause global changes – in this case meaning countrywide changes. Good practices must be based on good theories.Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie wykorzystania podejścia systemowego – jako zasadnego dla tworzenia oferty edukacyjnej. Niesatysfakcjonująca relacja rodzice – nauczyciele/nauczycielki w polskiej szkole jest częstą rzeczywistością. Zmiany polityczne, społeczno-kulturowe czy też wynikające z cyfryzacji i globalizacji przyczyniły się również do zmian w relacjach rodzice – nauczyciele. Zgodnie z najnowszymi badaniami są one niezadowalające, rzadkie, przynoszące rozczarowanie i frustrację z obu stron. Dla dyrektorów placówek oświatowych – nie są ważnym elementem polityki szkoły. Dlatego też warto zacząć zmiany – być może najpierw na poziomie lokalnym. Jeśli staną się przykładem dobrych praktyk, opartych o dobrą teorię – być może w jakimś stopniu, przyczynią się do zmian na poziomie ogólnokrajowym

    The Usefulness of the Term “Normal Family” from the Perspective of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance

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    The article gives an insight into the meaning of the term “normal family” and the potential implications of its use. The modernist and the postmodernist approaches presented are supposed to contribute to a reflection on the current usefulness of this term, i.e. to what extent it describes the family and work with it. The use of the terms: norm and normal is mistaken for objectivism and neutrality. It is therefore worth considering in the context of narration about the family terms such as: healthy, functional, successful, adapting, and when using the term norm or standard, to add criteria of its description. The article first presents selected definitions of norms, then the approaches to the normal family, and the resultant conclusions. Further on the article indicates the results of preliminary analyses of statements made by students, showing their ways of defining the notion of a “normal family”. Subsequently a summary is made from the perspective of both modernism and postmodernism

    Modele wychowania seksualnego w rodzinach pochodzenia współczesnych kobiet na tle przemian obyczajowych w sferze seksualności

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    The paper attempts to present the transformations in sexual morality and their significance for the sexual upbringing of men and women. The results of the research presented herein allow us to analyze the models of sexual upbringing implemented in the families of origin of modern young women. It also verifies whether there are differences between men and women in the realm of sexual upbringing in their families of origin and if there are differences in their sexual functioning within a partnership depending on the model of sexual upbringing in the family of origin.The paper attempts to present the transformations in sexual morality and their significance for the sexual upbringing of men and women. The results of the research presented herein allow us to analyze the models of sexual upbringing implemented in the families of origin of modern young women. It also verifies whether there are differences between men and women in the realm of sexual upbringing in their families of origin and if there are differences in their sexual functioning within a partnership depending on the model of sexual upbringing in the family of origin

    Zachowania seksualne dzieci i młodzieży ze spektrum autyzmu. Wyniki badań pilotażowych

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    In the article the results of pilot studies concerning manifestation of sexuality in a group of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder were presented. The research is divided into two fundamental parts. In the first part – the shorter one, definitions and conceptions were outlined. The subject of sexuality and functioning of people with autism spectrum disorders regarding social behaviours was also discussed. In the second part, the findings of own studies conducted on a group of mothers of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder were presented

    On Youth’s Early Sexual Initiation – Causes and Consequences

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    Juvenescence constitutes period between infantile sexuality and sexuality of young man. Adolescence is time of discovering sexual identity, initiating new sexual behaviors and involving into intimate relationships. During this period, the forms of sexual activity are developing from less to more and more mature – from masturbation, through petting to sexual initiation. Decision of a first sexual intercourse is an important act for every person. Nevertheless, sexual initiation which is precocious, in a stage of unformed identity, can disturb psychosexual functioning of an individual causing unplanned pregnancies, leading to sexually transmissible diseases and initiating risky sexual behaviors. The causes of starting precocious sexual activity are associated with improper models of upbringing (strictness or lack of interference) as well as with distancing of youth from pedagogical or educational influences of school or church. These traditional socializing agendas are replaced with media influences and behavior patterns providing by peers. It seems that only complex acts from pedagogical and socializing backgrounds can contribute starting responsible behaviors of youth in sexual field.117118710Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacj

    The Sexual Need in People with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    The article reflects on the sexual needs of people with autism spectrum, with an IQ in the range of intellectual standards. It first shows the social functioning of such persons and later proposes a view on the sexual needs of this group, with particular reference to the process of instantiation, internalization and socialization of the sexual needs.3421122313Studia Edukacyjn

    The relationship between sense of coherence and some aspects of students´ sexuality

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy jest zbadanie, czy i w jaki sposób poczucie koherencji koreluje z takimi aspektami seksualności studentów, jak: aktywność seksualna i pozytywne emocje z nią związane. Do publikacji wybrano wyniki, których znaczenie okazało się istotne statystycznie. Materiał i metody. Osobami badanymi byli studenci studiów zaocznych. Grupa badawcza obejmowała 54 osoby. Anonimowe badania kwestionariuszowe przeprowadzono w czerwcu 2005 roku. Zastosowano następujące metody: Kwestionariusz Poczucia Koherencji dla Dorosłych (SOC-29), Skalę ITAS do badania pozytywnych emocji oraz Kwestionariusz do Badania Aktywności Seksualnej, opracowany specjalnie dla potrzeb pracy.Introduction. The aim of this study is to investigate how the sense of coherence corelates with the sexual activity and emotions it may induce. Only statistically relevant results were chosen to be published in this study. Material and methods. The research was carried on students of part time studies. The group consisted of 54 students. An annonymous questionnaire research was carried in June 2005. The applied methods included: "Sense of Coherence Questionnaire", ITAS-Scale constructed to investigate into positive emotions and Questionnaire for Testing Sexual Activity - developed solely for the purpose of this study