14 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh elemen Good Corporate Governance (GCG) terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility). Pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan merupakan variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini yang diukur berdasarkan pada Success Key Factors for Social Perfomance yang berisi 78 indikator pengukuran corporate social responsibility. Variabel independen yang diteliti antara lain kepemilikan manajerial, kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan asing dan ukuran dewan komisaris. Sampel perusahaan adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) yang menerbitkan laporan tahunan / annual report secara berturut-turut periode tahun 2010-2012. Sampel di pilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 54 perusahaan sebagai sampel. Penelitian ini menganalisis laporan tahunan perusahaan dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ukuran dewan komisaris berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan

    Efektifitas Perbedaan Warna Cahaya Lampu terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Bagan Tancap di Perairan Sungsang Sumatera Selatan

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    Sungsang  South  Sumatra  is  an  estuarine  waters  that  have  low  brightness,  muddy substrate,  and  the  currents  that  influenced  the  tidal  conditions.  Most  fishermen  do  fishing with the use of tidal currents. The research objective is to analyze the effectiveness of different color  lights  to  catch  and  analyze  the  effect  of  light  color  on  the  fish  species  caught.  The research  was  conducted  in  August  2010  with  Experimental  Fishing  methods  and  treatment light colors fishing (yellow, blue and white / control) on 3 Stationary Lift Net’s. The dominant species caught is anchovies (StolephorusSp) (56.6%), Prawn (Metapenaeus ensis)(18,4%) and squid  (Loligo sp)(12,5%).   Results  of  analysis  of  variance  showed  honestly  significantly different color lights to the total weight of the catch. On the operation of fishing gear, white light (control) and the yellow is more effective than blue light. Results of analysis of variance also showed that the color of light is effective for target species such as anchovies and squid are the white and yellow. As for catching predators such as while Longtail shad (Ilisha elongata), Rainbow  sardine  (Dussumieria acuta)  and  Ponyfishes  (Leiognatus Sp)  more  effective  use  of light blue. Key words: Stationary lift net, Sungsang estuary, light colorABSTRAK Karakteristik  Perairan  Sungsang  Sumatera  Selatan  merupakan  perairan  muara yang memiliki kecerahan yang rendah (keruh), substrat berlumpur dan arus yang dipengaruhi kondisi pasang surut. Sebagian besar nelayan bagan tancap melakukan penangkapan dengan memanfaatkan  arus  pasang  surut.  Tujuan  penelitian  adalah  menganalisis  efektifitas perbedaan warna lampu terhadap hasil tangkapan dan  menganalisis pengaruh warna lampu terhadap spesies ikan yang tertangkap. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada kondisi bulan gelap di bulan Agustus 2010 dengan metode Experimental  Fishingdan perlakuan warna cahaya lampu  petromak  (kuning,  biru  dan  putih/kontrol)  pad a  3  buah  bagan  tancap.  Spesies yang  dominan  tertangkap  adalah  Teri  (Stolephorus  Sp)  (56,6%),  Udang  pepe (Metapenaeus ensis)(18,4%) dan cumi-cumi(Loligo Sp)(12,5%). Hasil analisis sidik ragam menunjukan warna lampu berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap berat totalhasil tangkapan. Lampu warna putih (kontrol),  kemudian  yang  kedua  lampu  kuning  lebih  efektif  penggunaanya  dibandingkan lampu warna biru pada pengoperasian alat tangkap bagan tancap. Hasil analisis sidik ragam juga  menunjukan  bahwa  warna  lampu  yang  efektif  terhadap  spesies target  seperti  teri  dan cumi-cumi  adalah  warna  putih  dan  kuning.  Sedangkan  untuk  penangkapan  ikan  predator seperti permato, japuh dan pepetek lebih efektif menggunakan lampu warna biru. Kata kunci : Bagan tancap, Perairan Sungsang, Warnalamp

    Profissionais do sexo: um estudo sobre suas condições de trabalho

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em PsicologiaPesquisa de desdobramento e análise do material coletado por alunos da graduação do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, referente ao fenômeno da prostituição na cidade de Florianópolis/SC. A premissa do trabalho dos alunos da graduação era determinar as condições de trabalho das profissionais do sexo que atuam em boates e ruas da região central da cidade. Foi observado, pelo período de um ano, o ambiente dos locais de trabalho das profissionais do sexo, bem como, foram realizadas entrevistas com as mesmas. O material foi organizado pela autora que, apoiando-se metodologicamente na análise do discurso, buscou delinear um perfil psicológico, social e econômico das prostitutas através do registro - anteriormente obtido pelos graduandos - do seu cotidiano profissional; perfil, o qual objetivava ressaltar a influência das condições materiais e ideológicas, historicamente construídas, presentes na formação da consciência das profissionais do sexo. A prostituição é um fenômeno social caracterizado pela controvérsia de caráter moral, geradora de muitas discussões na esfera política, veiculada principalmente pela mídia; é alvo de uma literatura elucidativa sobre as origens e os significados que lhe são atribuídos ao longo da história, e presentes na construção da consciência coletiva e individual da sociedade em geral, bem como das próprias profissionais do sexo. Contudo, pouco focalizou-se a condição de trabalho partindo do pressuposto de que a consciência faz parte do processo, como fator que influencia na consolidação de uma identidade profissional

    La satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas hacia el ejercicio (SNPBE) en la infancia como indicador de la SNPBE en la adultez

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    [spa] Basada en la micro Teoría de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas proveniente de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) de Deci y Ryan (1985; 2000), esa tesis tiene como objetivo comprobar si la Satisfacción de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas hacia el Ejercicio (SNPBE) durante la infancia puede indicar la SNPBE en la fase adulta. Para eso, se construyó y se validó la Medida de la Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas hacia el Ejercicio en la Infancia y en la Adultez (MNPBEIA). La medida está basada en los recuerdos y en las sensaciones hacia la satisfacción de la Autonomía, Capacidades y Relación con los demás en el ámbito del ejercicio y están representados por dos momentos distintos, la infancia y la adultez. La MNPBEIA está compuesta por dos modelos de 12 ítems cada y para su validación fue administrado en 289 estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad Federal do Paraná en la ciudad de Curitiba, Brasil, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 40 años (media 21 años y DT de 3.64). La validación del instrumento se hizo a través del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y de las medidas de calidad de ajuste, bien como los indicadores del RMSEA y del Alfa Cronbach. Las tres dimensiones (Autonomía, Competencia y Relaciones) alcanzaron valores > 0.7 para el momento infancia y para el momento actual. Para dotar de las cualidades técnicas del instrumento, se realizaron análisis descriptivos, comparativos, de correlación y de regresión utilizando las tres necesidades psicológicas básicas y las variables categóricas género, edad y curso de los estudiantes. Los resultados de los análisis comparativos enseñan que los hombres se sienten más competentes que las mujeres en el momento actual, los alumnos de Educación Física se sienten más competentes en el momento infancia y satisfacen más las NPBE en el momento actual que los alumnos de otros cursos. No se ha encontrado diferencia significativa para la variable edad de los estudiantes. En los análisis de correlación revelaron que todas las variables independientes se correlacionan positivamente y significativamente con las variables dependientes (p<0,05), es decir, las variables Autonomía, Competencia y Relaciones están moderadamente correlacionadas entre sí en los dos momentos. Los resultados logrados en los análisis de regresión apuntan que la satisfacción de la Autonomía en el momento infancia, predice positivamente la satisfacción de la Autonomía en el momento actual (p=0,00), la satisfacción de la Competencia en el momento infancia, predice positivamente la satisfacción de la Competencia en el momento actual (p=0,00) y además, la satisfacción de la necesidad Relación en el momento infancia, predice positivamente la satisfacción de la necesidad Relación en el momento actual p=0,00). Por todo ello se puede afirmar que la Satisfacción las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en la Infancia en el ámbito físico deportivo debe ser considerado un factor que influye en la SNPBE en la vida adulta, es decir, hay una conexión entre la satisfacción de estas necesidades en los primeros años de vida y la satisfacción de las mismas en la vida adulta, confirmándose así, verdadera la principal hipótesis de la actual investigación. Por lo tanto, se comprueba que si un individuo en su edad de formación tiene satisfechas esas necesidades, deberá presentar mayor probabilidad de tener satisfechas las NPBE de adulto, aumentando su compromiso con la práctica deportiva (Moreno y cols., 2006) y sus niveles de calidad de vida (Silvestre y Vandenberghe, 2013).[eng] Based on the micro Theory of Basic Psychological Needs from the Self- Determination Theory (SDT) of Deci and Ryan (1985, 2000), this thesis aims to verify that the Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise (SBPNE) during childhood may indicate the SBPNE in the adult phase. For that, it was built and validated the Measure of Basic Psychological Needs for Exercise in Childhood and Adulthood (MBPNECA). The measure is based on memories and feelings towards the satisfaction of the Autonomy, Competence and Relationship in the field of exercise and are represented by two different moments, childhood and adulthood. The MBPNECA is composed of two models of 12 items each and for its validation was administered by 289 university students of the Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil, aged between 18 and 40 years (average of 21 years and ST of 3.64). The validation of the instrument was done through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the adjustment quality measures, as well as the indicators of the RMSEA and the Cronbach Alpha. The three dimensions (Autonomy, Competence and Relationships) reached values > 0.7 for the childhood moment and for the current moment. To provide the technical qualities of the instrument, descriptive, comparative, correlation and regression analyzes were carried out using the three basic psychological needs and the categorical variables gender, age and course of the students. The main results teach that men feel more competent than women at the moment, Physical Education students feel more competent at the time childhood and satisfy more BPNE at the time current than the students of other courses. Also, the results showed a positive correlation between dependent and independent variables in both moments. In addition, a relationship has been found between SBPNE in childhood and SBPNE in adult life. Thus, it was found that an individual who meets BPNE in childhood, should be more likely to have met those needs as an adult, increasing their commitment to sports (Moreno-Murcia et al, 2006) and their levels of quality of life (Silvestre and Vandenberghe, 2013)

    Analysis of the cadastral data published in the Polish Spatial Data Infrastructure

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    The cadastral data, including land parcels, are the basic reference data for presenting various objects collected in spatial databases. Easy access to up-to-date records is a very important matter for the individuals and institutions using spatial data infrastructure. The primary objective of the study was to check the current accessibility of cadastral data as well as to verify how current and complete they are. The author started researching this topic in 2007, i.e. from the moment the Team for National Spatial Data Infrastructure developed documentation concerning the standard of publishing cadastral data with the use of the WMS. Since ten years, the author was monitoring the status of cadastral data publishing in various districts as well as participated in data publishing in many districts. In 2017, when only half of the districts published WMS services from cadastral data, the questions arise: why is it so and how to change this unfavourable status? As a result of the tests performed, it was found that the status of publishing cadastral data is still far from perfect. The quality of the offered web services varies and, unfortunately, many services offer poor performance; moreover, there are plenty services that do not operate at all

    Measures and visualization methods of map projection distortions with the use of “python matplotlib library” as an example

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    The aim of the author of this article is to show the users of Geographical Information Systems how to present the distortions in a simple way. The intention of the author is also to popularize the knowledge in the scope of map projections and to inform the users of the maps that, despite all the advanced modern tools, an elimination of the problem, connected with the map projections and cartographical distortions occurring in them, has failed so far

    Application of Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Land Surveying in the Analysis of Underground Construction Impact on the Warsaw Scarp

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    The pa per pres ents the anal y sis of the II Un der ground Line con struc tion’s im pact on the War saw Scarp with the use of the elec tri cal re sis tiv ity im ag ing (ERI, also known as the elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy) and fur ther to tal sta tion posi tion mea sure ments. The un der ground passes un der the scarp per pen dic u lar in the area of Dynasy Street 6, in Downtown dis trict. The elec tri cal re sis tiv ity im ag ing was per formed for rec og ni tion of the geo log i cal struc ture and a potential land slide sur face or zone. The gra di ent sys tem was used dur ing the prospection. In these anal y ses, the lon gi tu di nal sec tion was 40 m long, and the depth of sur vey amounted to 6 m. In the case of the 200 m long trans verse sec tion, there sulted depth of sur vey was 30 m. The geo phys i cal im age of the lon gi tu di nal sec tion, does not con tain loos en ing soil zones, which could in di cate slip sur face. Next, to tal sta tion mea sure ments, which were tied to the ar chi val geo detic obser va tions’ re sults, were car ried out. The aim of the mea sure ments was to ver ify the ac tiv ity of the hor i zon tal and verti cal dis place ments. The TBM ex ca va tion pro cess led to sum mary ver ti cal dis place ments up to approx. 24 mm and hor i zon tal dis place ments amount ing to approx. 13 mm. To sum up, the cur rent land sur veys re veals mi nor un der ground line’s con struc tion im pact on the scarp dis place ment. Nev er the less, the sen si tive ur ban en vi ron ment re quires fur ther mon i tor ing, es pe cially that the op er a tion loads can re sult in dis place ment rate change

    Physical and Chemical Properties of Surface Waters in the Różany Strumień Catchment in The Years 1988–2012

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    The Różany Strumień catchment located in the north of Poznań is an example of a small anthropogenically-induced catchment. The main aim of this study is to analyse the variability of selected physical and chemical properties of surface waters in the catchment area in the years 1988–2012. It was found that surface waters in the catchment can be classified as hard and very hard, with slightly basic pH. The deterioration of Różany Strumień water quality concerns chemical oxygen demand, conductivity, chlorides, sodium, ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen concentrations. The authors of the study have noticed a decrease in the amount of phosphates and sulphates in the water. As observed, the hydrogeochemical type of water changed from calcium-hydrogen carbonate-sulphate into calcium-sodium-hydrogen carbonate-sulphate-chloride. Changes in water chemistry are probably a result of anthropogenic impacts, and they can be associated with the transformation of land use in the catchment area, i.e. the ongoing urbanization of the area