485 research outputs found


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    The Clearwater metamorphic core complex (CMCC) in northern Idaho is one of several core complexes in the northern Rocky Mountains that were exhumed in the early Eocene and is located in the middle of the dextral Lewis and Clark fault zone (LCFZ). The CMCC has been divided into two lithologically distinct zones: an internal zone that consists of Paleoproterozoic anorthosite and basement schist, and an external zone that consists of Archean to Paleoproterozoic intrusive bodies, basement metasediments, and metasediments of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup. This thesis is focused on constraining the stratigraphy and structural geology of the eastern external zone, the architecture of Precambrian basement provinces in northern Idaho, and the exhumation history of the CMCC. LA-ICPMS U-Pb detrital and igneous zircon geochronology in this study has confirmed the presence of pre-Belt quartzite, as well as 1870 ± 9 Ma basement orthogneiss in the CMCC. Detrital zircons in the quartzites show a dominant peak near ~1800 Ma, with smaller Neo- and Mesoarchean peaks, and suggest correlation with the pre-Belt Neihart Quartzite. The quartzites lie stratigraphically above basement metasediments that were intruded by the 1870 Ma orthogneiss. Zircon Hf isotopic analyses of the orthogneiss yield intital εHf values between -5.23 and +5.46, suggesting that magma genesis for this body involved both a mantle source and a juvenile crustal source. Hf crustal model ages suggest that this crustal source is Paleoproterozoic to Neoarchean in age. The location of the CMCC in the LCFZ suggests that this structure represents a boundary between two distinct basement terranes along which ~1.87-1.86 Ga magmatism occurred and may be the western extension of the Great Falls tectonic zone. A set of previously unknown east-verging normal faults called the Surveyors Ridge fault zone (SRFZ) was mapped. These faults yield footwall 40Ar/39Ar mica cooling ages of 44 Ma; the easternmost of these faults, the Surveyors fault, yields a hanging wall muscovite cooling age of 78 Ma, and thus delineates the eastern boundary of the CMCC. Faults of the SRFZ were crosscut after 44 Ma by the Collins Creek fault. The Clearwater complex can be divided into at least four zones, each with a distinct structural evolution during exhumation. The internal, western external, and eastern external zones were exhumed between 48-41 Ma along east- and west-verging brittle-ductile normal faults. A fourth zone, the Crescendo Peak block (CPB), which lies between the internal and external zones, yields 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages between 58-54 Ma. The low metamorphic grade of this zone suggests that it was not buried as deeply as the other two zones during Sevier orogenesis. The CPB may represent the remnants of a strike-slip duplex that formed during the initial stages of dextral movement in the LCFZ. The complicated exhumation history of the Clearwater complex may be due to inheritance of pre-existing structural complexity from this structure


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    As new faba bean varieties are available in western Canada and the production is increasing, there is a possible use of this legume as a fodder. The overall objective of this research was to systematically evaluate whole plant faba bean as hay and silage for dairy cows. The effect of the tannin concentration (high vs. low) and the effect of cutting stages (flower, mid pod, and late pod) were determined. In the first study (Chapter 3), the high tannin SSNS-1 and the low tannin Snowdrop variety were harvested at 77, 88, and 97 days from planting (flower, mid pod, and late pod stages, respectively). The results showed that dry matter (DM) yield and the Feed Milk Value (FMV) of whole plant faba bean hay (artificially air dried) was lower (P< 0.05) at flower stage than at late pod stage (7.68 vs. 12.74 t/ha; 1.35 vs. 1.57 kg milk/kg DM hay, respectively). This study indicates that late pod stage may be the alternative to harvest the whole plant faba bean as the yield and production performance are superior. In the second study (Chapter 4) whole plant faba bean silage was evaluated. The results indicated that the whole plant faba bean silage had a similar protein concentration of 22 %DM in all the cutting stages. Additionally, the DVE and the FMVDVE were lower (P< 0.05) at mid pod stage than at late pod stage (59 vs. 68 g/kg DM and 1.20 vs. 1.37 kg milk/kg DM silage, respectively). This study suggests that at late pod stage the predicted production performance is higher. The third study (Chapter 5) determined the nutritive value of frost damaged whole plant faba bean hay. The results showed that the low tannin frost damaged hay had lower metabolizable protein (MP) (-4 g/kg DM) and lower FMVNRC (-0.09 kg milk/kg DM Hay) than the high tannin frost damaged hay. This study suggests that the nutritive value of frost damaged whole plant faba bean hay is lower than the normal whole plant faba bean hay. The objectives of the third study (Chapter 6) were to carry out dairy production performance and metabolic trials with whole plant faba bean silage from Chapter 4. The inclusion of whole plant faba bean silage in high producing milking cows increased significantly (P< 0.05) the fat corrected milk (3.5% FCM), fat yield and efficiency (FCM/DMI) (56.39 vs. 51.98; 2.11 vs. 1.89 kg/cow/d; and 2.15 vs. 1.91, respectively). This study indicates that the inclusion of whole plant faba bean silage at late pod stage significantly improve the performance of dairy cows. In the fourth study (Chapter 7) an intrinsic molecular structure analysis was performed on whole plant faba bean silage from Chapter 4. The results indicated that the total carbohydrates (TC) area was higher (P 0.74). In conclusion, whole plant faba bean should be harvested at late pod stage to obtain a higher yield, and superior predicted production performance as hay and silage. The inclusion of whole plant faba bean silage at late pod stage in high producing milking cows rations improved the performance. On the other hand, molecular structures of the whole plant faba bean silage were affected by the tannin concentration and by the cutting stage, also some of those structures are correlated to nutrient profiles and metabolic characteristics of the silage and can be used to predict them with good accuracy


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    ABSTRACT Brassica carinata meal from bio-fuel processing and canola meal from bio-oil processing have recently become available, but little data is available on their chemical, nutrient profile, bioactive compounds, and nutrient utilization and availability in livestock, especially when carinata meal is blended with other feedstuffs as a pellet in order to optimize nutrient and amino acid supply. The aim of this project was to develop and test blended pelleted products based on combinations of carinata/canola meal, pea screenings, and lignosulfonate at different levels for ruminants. Chemical profile, energy value, rumen degradation kinetics of nutrients, hourly effective rumen degradation ratios/potential N-to-energy synchronization, and intestinal digestion of nutrients were analyzed, then the truly absorbed protein supply to dairy cattle and feed milk values were evaluated using on the DVE/OEB system and the NRC Dairy model. Comparisons were made among blend pelleted products based on carinata meal versus canola meal based pelleted products, addition vs. non addition of lignosulfonate, and low level of inclusion of those co-products with high level of inclusion of pea screenings vs. high level of inclusion of co-products with low level of inclusion of pea screenings. Statistical analyses were performed using PROC MIXED of SAS 9.4 with significance declared at P< 0.05. The results showed that all blend pelleted products had safe levels of glucosinolates (3.46 to 5.86 µmol/g) and condensed tannins (maximum of 0.033 % DM), and high pellet durability index (PDI) (88.5 to 97.5 %). Carinata based pelleted products were lower in NDF content (-4.6 % DM), but higher in protein (+3.2 % DM), and in total amino acids (+1.23 % DM) than the canola pelleted products. Canola pelleted products contained higher level of methionine (1.90 vs. 1.70 % CP) than the carinata blend pelleted products. Canola blend pelleted products contained higher lysine ranging from 5.71 to 5.90 % CP than carinata based pelleted products which ranged from 4.20 to 4.43 % CP. Carinata based blend pelleted products contained higher NE for lactation (NEL), maintenance (NEm) and growth (NEg) (1.99 vs. 1.83, 2.15 vs. 1.98 and 1.47 vs. 1.33 Mcal/kg, respectively) than canola based pelleted products. In terms of protein fractions, carinata based blend pelleted products contain lower true soluble protein (PA2) with a mean of 29.5 % of CP and indigestible protein (PC) with a mean of 1.5 % of CP, but higher (P< 0.05) fiber bound-protein (PB2) with a mean of 12.0 % of CP than canola based blend pelleted products. In terms of CHO fractions, carinata based blend pelleted products had lower (P< 0.05) indigestible fiber (CC) with a mean of 12.5 % of CHO. According to the hourly effective degradation ratios between rumen available N and CHO (ED_N/ED_CHO), all blend pelleted products had overall degradation ratios above the optimal N to CHO ratio. In addition, carinata based blend pelleted products contain lower (P< 0.05) rumen effective degraded protein (221 vs. 245 g/kg DM), higher rumen bypass protein (207 vs. 146 g/kg DM), higher effective fiber degradability of NDF (28.3 vs. 25.4 %), higher intestinal absorbable feed protein (IADP 146 vs. 90 g/kg DM) than canola based blend pelleted products. Furthermore, carinata based blend pelleted products contained higher total protein truly digested in the small intestine (DVE 218 vs. 158 g/kg DM), metabolizable protein (MP 210 vs. 151 g/kg DM) and lower degradable protein balance (OEB and DPB values) (105 vs. 130 and 111 vs. 142 g/kg DM, respectively) than canola based blend pelleted products, which leads them to contain higher (P< 0.05) feed milk value (FMVDVE and FMVNRC) (4.43 vs. 3.22 and 4.01 vs. 2.76 g/kg DM, respectively) than canola based blend pelleted products

    Sustainability Analysis on a Small Farm with Crop and Livestock

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    A small farm affiliated to a credit-and-service cooperative collective venture in Camagüey, Cuba, was studied to determine its sustainability under a system integrating cattle raising and agronomy. Data from January 2009 to April 2010 were collected and the Logical Operation Schedule for Sustainability Evaluation (ECOFAS) by Funes-Monzote et al. (2002) was applied. Findings indicate an increase in incomes from sales compared to expenses. This evidence, therefore, shows that sustainability can be attained at short and median terms, but not at a long term, by implement- ing this system. Energy, nitrogen, and phosphorus balances confirm these results

    Propuesta de ordenamiento y uso turístico de la zona de playa de San Clemente

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo brindar una propuesta de equipamiento complementado con un ordenamiento para el uso de la playa de San Clemente, ubicada en la provincia de Manabí. La tesis presenta una metodología utilizada para recolectar información, y de esta manera introducirnos en el perfil del turista que visita la playa de San Clemente y a través de él, analizar la demanda y la oferta existente. Con los datos obtenidos se realiza un estudio de la situación actual de la playa, la capacidad de carga, identificación de impactos socio ambientales y el análisis FODA, en base a los resultados adquiridos se proponen soluciones que permitan un desarrollo de calidad del destino, creando diseños para su instalación como baterías sanitarias y duchas, tachos de basura y torres salvavidas, lógicamente todo lo mencionado con su respectivo modelo de gestión, para finalmente lograr la aceptación por parte del visitante y el reconocimiento de la playa, involucrando a la comunidad quien se convertirá en el principal beneficiario

    Influencia de un programa de ludoteca para la salud mental y la convivencia, en la resolución de problemas, habilidades de relación interpersonal y convivencia escolar de jóvenes de grado octavo y noveno de un colegio público en Pereira

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    La presente investigación hace parte de una macro-investigación en Salud mental positiva, coordinada por el grupo de investigación en Cultura de la Salud, semillero de investigación en Recreación FACIES; la financiación de la misma la asignó la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira en la convocatoria 2009 y desarrollada en el año 2010. El diseño fue corte cuasi experimental y buscó identificar los efectos de un programa de Ludotecas para la Salud Mental y la Convivencia en la Salud Mental Positiva y La Intimidación Escolar; en este trabajo de grado se analizó la Salud Mental Positiva en general y los factores de Resolución de Problemas y Habilidades de Relación Interpersonal así mismo como los indicadores de Convivencia Escolar. La población participante de la investigación fue de 141 estudiantes de grados octavo y noveno de dos colegios públicos de la ciudad de Pereira, (uno de trabajo y otro de control), el 58% de los estudiantes fueron de género masculino y un 42% femenino; las edades oscilaban entre los 12 y los 18 años; para la evaluación se aplicó la Escala para evaluar la Salud mental Positiva validada por María Teresa Lluch Canut en su tesis Doctoral y el Cuestionario para mejorar el conocimiento sobre uno mismo y sobre las relaciones con los demás de Jordi Collell y Carmen Escudé,2003; adaptado por Cano, 2010. Los grupos fueron seleccionados intencionalmente de acuerdo a las dificultades de convivencia escolar percibidas por los Directivos de las Instituciones. Para desarrollar la intervención, se tuvieron en cuenta 4 grupos de 8 y 9, 2 de la jornada de la mañana y 2 de la tarde. Con estos grupos se implementó el Programa de ludoteca para la Salud Mental y la Convivencia Escolar que constaba de 12 sesiones de 2 horas cada una, 2 veces en la semana; para la realización de las intervenciones se contaba con un protocolo definido a partir de la teoría de salud mental positiva y habilidades para la convivencia, las cuales fueron adaptadas a las necesidades observadas en cada grupo. Los principales hallazgos encontrados fueron diferencias significativas en Salud mental positiva entre grupo de trabajo 9 tarde con una p=0.010, grupo de trabajo 8 mañana con una p=0.002 - grupo 9 mañana con una p= 0.033; para el test de Convivencia Escolar se observaron diferencias significativas comparando cada grupo consigo mismo, total grupo trabajo con una p=0.044; grupo 8 mañana pretest - postest con una p=0.034; grupo 8 tarde con una p=0.006; además se observaron diferencias en la comparación del grupo de trabajo 9 tarde pretest - postest con una p=0.003. Las diferencias significativas se presentan cuando los resultados (p) son por debajo de 0,05 estadísticamente

    A model for the settling velocity of flocs; application to an aquaculture recirculation tank

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    Se generalizó un modelo para velocidad de caida de flocs para diferentes tipos de agregados ; de plantas de tratamiento, estuarios y acuacultura.A general model for fl ocs settling velocity is still an open fi eld of research in the scientific literature. In this work, a reduced model of an aquaculture recirculation tank was used to validate a model for floc settling velocity. Cohesive sediments from non-used food and fi sh excreta are a main concern in those tanks design. Excess concentrations of sediments can cause fi sh death or additional costs of energy for aeration. This research is aimed to understand the settling behavior of fl ocs when subjected to a liquid shear rate. A reduced scale model of an aquaculture recirculation tank was build in Plexiglas in order to use particle image velocimetry and particle tracking velocimetry techniques to measure fl uid velocities, solid settling velocities, flocs shape and size. Different fl ow rates and solid concentrations were used to develop varied confi gurations in the system; models for floc settling velocity based on fractal theory were calibrated. Cohesive sediments from fi sh food were observed in long-term experiments at constant fl uid shear rate in the recirculation tank. A group of 50 images were obtained for every 5 min. Image analysis provided us with fl oc settling velocity data and fl oc size. Using fl oc settling velocity data, fl oc density was obtained for different diameters at equilibrium conditions, after 1 h or larger experiments. Statistical analysis of fl oc velocities for different floc sizes allowed us to obtain an expression for the drag coefficient as a function of floc particle Reynolds number (Rep). The results were compared with floc settling velocity results from different researchers. The model is able to define the general behavior of fl oc settling velocity, which shows a reduction for larger fl ocs that is not taken into account in classical models. Only two parameters of the drag coefficient model for a permeable spherical particle are needed to be calibrated, for different types of sediments, in order to have more general applicability.UAE

    Nuevos registros de abejas megachilidas (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) para Colombia

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    The bee family Megachilidae consists of solitary species, some of which are important pollinators of cultivated plants. Although literature records indicate the existence of about 50 species of 10 genera of megachilid bees in Colombia, taxonomic studies are lacking and thus limited information is available on their identity as well as their distribution in the country. Herein, we provide new geographical records for the following ten species: Anthidium sanguinicaudum Schwarz, Chelostomoides otomita (Cresson), Hoplostelis bilineolata (Spinola), Megachile amparo Gonzalez, M. kalina Gonzalez et al., M. lorenziensis Mitchell, M. moderata Smith, M. simillima Smith, Pseudomegachile lanata (Fabricius), and Stelis costaricensis Friese. We report M. kalina for the first time for the country.Las abejas de la familia Megachilidae son especies solitarias, algunas de ellas importantes polinizadores de cultivos. Aunque en la literatura se registran cerca de 50 especies de 10 géneros de abejas megachilidas en Colombia, faltan estudios taxonómicos y, por lo tanto, se dispone de información limitada sobre la identidad y la distribución de este grupo en el país. En este trabajo proporcionamos nuevos registros geográficos para 10 especies poco conocidas [Anthidium sanguinicaudum Schwarz, Chelostomoides otomita (Cresson), Hoplostelis bilineolata (Spinola), Megachile amparo Gonzalez, M. kalina Gonzalez et al., M. lorenziensis Mitchell, M. moderata Smith, M. simillima Smith, Pseudomegachile lanata (Fabricius), y Stelis costaricensis Friese]. Megachile kalina se registra por primera vez para Colombia

    Marketing mix e imagen corporativa del Casino Golden Palace S.A., San Isidro, 2018

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre el marketing mix y la imagen corporativa en el casino Golden Palace, San Isidro, 2018. La metodología que se aplicó fue del método hipotético-deductivo del tipo de investigación aplicada -técnico, con el nivel de investigación descriptivo correlacional –técnico con el diseño de investigación no experimental con corte transversal, el cual se aplicó a una muestra de 218 clientes que visitan las instalaciones del casino Golden Palace, San Isidro, 2018. Los resultados que se obtuvieron fueron procesados, analizados a través del programa estadístico SPSS, por el cual se logró medir el nivel de confiabilidad de las preguntas mediante el Alfa de Cronbach, de igual manera para medir el nivel de correlación entre las variables se empleó la prueba de correlación de Kolmogorov-Smirnova, por último, se analizó e interpretó los gráficos estadísticos obtenidos por cada dimensión y variable. Finalmente se obtuvo resultados significativos de que, si existe relación positiva moderada entre el marketing mix y la imagen corporativa en el casino Golden Palace, San Isidro, 2018; del mismo modo se determinó que existe relación entre el marketing mix y las dimensiones de imagen corporativa que son: interpretación mental, identidad e imagen

    Formación profesional y desempeño laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada, Trujillo - 2019

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    El objeto de estudio de esta investigación, fue el de determinar cuál es la relación que hay entre la formación profesional y el desempeño laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada, Trujillo – 2019, para realizar esta investigación, se hizo mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, el cual fue validado por tres docentes especialistas en el área de la educación, a su vez, el cuestionario fue sometido a una prueba de confiabilidad, la cual arrojó como resultados mediante el uso del Alfa de Cronbach un alfa = 0.823 para la formación profesional y 0.811 para el desempeño laboral. Para calcular el tamaño de muestra, se realizó mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, el cual se contó con una población de 170 estudiantes, de los cuales solo se encuesto a 120, arrojando un valor p < 0.05, y un r = 0.188, lo que evidencia que existe correlación entre ambas variables, así mismo, el nivel de correlación se observa que es bajo. Por otra parte, de los 120 estudiantes encuestados, con los resultados obtenidos se puede evidenciar también que, tanto para la formación profesional como para desempeño laboral, ambas presentan un nivel regular de 63.3% y 72.5% respectivamente, el estudio concluyo también que hay relación significativa entre la dimensión docencia del desempeño laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada, Trujillo-2019 en desenlace, se espera que estos resultados obtenidos sean usados para tener en cuenta su aportación a estudios posteriores en esta institución, con la motivación del beneficio para los estudiantes de ahora y que sirva para el futuro en el que vivimos