260 research outputs found

    3D Simulation of Ship Motions to Support the Planning of Rescue Operations on Damaged Ships

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    AbstractThe paper describes a software system to simulate the ship motions in a crisis situation. The scenario consists of a damaged ship subjected to wave excitation forces generated by a random sea state. The simulation is displayed in an interactive Virtual Environment allowing the visualization of the ship motions. The numerical simulation of the sea surface and ship motions requires intensive computation to maintain the real-time or even the fast-forward simulations, which are the only ones of interest for these situations. Dedicated tools to analyse the ship behaviour in time are also described. The system can be useful to evaluate the responses of the ship to the current sea state, namely the amplitude, variations and tendencies of ship motions, and help the planning and coordination of rescue operations

    Propagação das ondas de flexão em placas compósitas

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    Este trabalho tem como objectivo principal o estudo experimental/numérico da propagação de ondas de flexão em estruturas laminadas tipo placa. A medição do campo de deslocamentos é efectuada por holografia TV de duplo impulso. Para o efeito foi desenvolvida uma montagem experimental utilizando um LASER de Rubi e um sistema de controlo para, com elevada precisão, gerar e registar no tempo a evolução da força de impacto. Vários registos foram efectuados para diferentes instantes de tempo em duas placas laminadas compósitas. Um programa de elementos finitos, Ansys ®, foi utilizado para, nas mesmas condições de carga e de tempo, simular numericamente a resposta das placas. Por fim, é apresentado o estudo comparativo dos resultados obtidos pelas diferentes técnicas.Os autores agradecem à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia –FCT o apoio financeiro no âmbito do projecto POCI/EME/63236/2004

    Ion-induced effects in GEM & GEM/MHSP gaseous photomultipliers for the UV and the visible spectral range

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    We report on the progress in the study of cascaded GEM and GEM/MHSP gas avalanche photomultipliers operating at atmospheric pressure, with CsI and bialkali photocathodes. They have single-photon sensitivity, ns time resolution and good localization properties. We summarize operational aspects and results, with the highlight of a high-gain stable gated operation of a visible-light device. Of particular importance are the results of a recent ion-backflow reduction study in different cascaded multipliers, affecting the detector's stability and the photocathode's liftime. We report on the significant progress in ion-blocking and provide first results on bialkali-photocathode aging under gas multiplication.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Association Of Inflammation, Dyslipidemia, Obesity And Physical Activity Status In Children

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    The aim of this study was to verify the association between inflammatory biomarkers, dyslipidemia, obesity and physical activity status in 10-years old children. Ninety-four children participated in this study and were classified into eutrophic (n=36), overweight (n=34) or obese (n=24) according to their body mass index (BMI). The genic expression of interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 (CCL-2) mRNA; the serum concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) and triglycerides; BMI, percentage of body fat (% BF) and waist circumference; and the number of steps per day were determined. The expression of IL-6, TNF-α and CCL-2 were associated (p 0.05) between pro-inflammatory biomarkers and number of steps per day was found.222182

    Rice F-bZIP transcription factors regulate the zinc deficiency response

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    The F-bZIP transcription factors bZIP19 and bZIP23 are the central regulators of the zinc deficiency response in Arabidopsis, and phylogenetic analysis of F-bZIP homologs across land plants indicates that the regulatory mechanism of the zinc deficiency response may be conserved. Here, we identified the rice F-bZIP homologs and investigated their function. OsbZIP48 and OsbZIP50, but not OsbZIP49, complement the zinc deficiency-hypersensitive Arabidopsis bzip19bzip23 double mutant. Ectopic expression of OsbZIP50 in Arabidopsis significantly increases plant zinc accumulation under control zinc supply, suggesting an altered Zn sensing in OsbZIP50. In addition, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of F-bZIP homologs from representative monocot species that supports the branching of plant F-bZIPs into Group 1 and Group 2. Our results suggest that regulation of the zinc deficiency response in rice is conserved, with OsbZIP48 being a functional homolog of AtbZIP19 and AtbZIP23. A better understanding of the mechanisms behind the Zn deficiency response in rice and other important crops will contribute to develop plant-based strategies to address the problems of Zn deficiency in soils, crops, and cereal-based human diets.</p

    Structure and function of the alfa-rhizobia non-coding transcriptome investigated by RNAseq

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    Conferencia presentada en: I Spanish-Portuguese Congress on Beneficial Plant-Microbe Interactions (BeMiPlant) and XVIII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Nitrogen Fixation (XVIII SEFIN). Oeiras, Portugal, 17-19 octubre (2022)This work was supported by grants BFU2017-82645-P and PID2020-114782GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” (BFU2017-82645-P), and grant P20_00185 funded by Junta de Andalucía PAIDI/FEDER/EU, awarded to J.I.J.-Z., and by grant US-1250546 funded by FEDER/Universidad de Sevilla to J.M.V

    Optimization of a frame structure subjected to a plastic deformation

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    An optimization method for a frame structure subjected to a plastic deformation is proposed in this paper. The method is based on the generalized layout optimization method proposed by Bendsøe and Kikuchi in 1988, where the solid-cavity composite material is distributed in the admissible domain and the cavity size is determined so that it becomes large in the area where the strain energy is small. Elasto-plastic analysis based on the homogenization method is carried out to obtain the nonlinear average stress-strain relations of a porous material first. Then the optimization algorithm of a frame structure is derived by taking plastification into account. Finally in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present algorithm, several numerical examples are illustrated.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46071/1/158_2005_Article_BF01742592.pd

    Against all odds? Forming the planet of the HD196885 binary

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    HD196885Ab is the most "extreme" planet-in-a-binary discovered to date, whose orbit places it at the limit for orbital stability. The presence of a planet in such a highly perturbed region poses a clear challenge to planet-formation scenarios. We investigate this issue by focusing on the planet-formation stage that is arguably the most sensitive to binary perturbations: the mutual accretion of kilometre-sized planetesimals. To this effect we numerically estimate the impact velocities dvdv amongst a population of circumprimary planetesimals. We find that most of the circumprimary disc is strongly hostile to planetesimal accretion, especially the region around 2.6AU (the planet's location) where binary perturbations induce planetesimal-shattering dvdv of more than 1km/s. Possible solutions to the paradox of having a planet in such accretion-hostile regions are 1) that initial planetesimals were very big, at least 250km, 2) that the binary had an initial orbit at least twice the present one, and was later compacted due to early stellar encounters, 3) that planetesimals did not grow by mutual impacts but by sweeping of dust (the "snowball" growth mode identified by Xie et al., 2010b), or 4) that HD196885Ab was formed not by core-accretion but by the concurent disc instability mechanism. All of these 4 scenarios remain however highly conjectural.Comment: accepted for publication by Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Special issue on EXOPLANETS

    A geometric approach to time evolution operators of Lie quantum systems

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    Lie systems in Quantum Mechanics are studied from a geometric point of view. In particular, we develop methods to obtain time evolution operators of time-dependent Schrodinger equations of Lie type and we show how these methods explain certain ad hoc methods used in previous papers in order to obtain exact solutions. Finally, several instances of time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian are solved.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Theoretical Physic