33 research outputs found

    The biological basis of smoltification in Atlantic salmon

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    Chile is the second-largest producer of Atlantic salmon in the world, and the Chilean salmon production accounts for 27% of the world’s production. One important step of the productive cycle in freshwater is the smoltification process that prepares the fish for the marine life stage. This review describes the biological basis of smoltification in Atlantic salmon, with particular attention on branchial osmoregulatory adaptations. We also discuss some of the infectious diseases and problems in smoltification (two of the main causes of losses in Chilean aquaculture) that could be related from a physiological point of view

    Plan de negocio para una aplicaci?n utilitaria que junta los descuentos que las empresas otorgan a sus clientes

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    En el Per? los bancos, compa??as de telefon?a y de seguro, entre otros, otorgan a sus clientes programas de lealtad, a los cuales se accede a trav?s de aplicaciones, sin embargo, un gran porcentaje de los clientes no usan dichos programas, por desconocimiento o porque descargar tantas aplicaciones, genera problemas t?cnicos, en los smartphones. Ante tal situaci?n el presente proyecto desarrolla una aplicaci?n llamada ?ypagamenos? que junta, muestra y compara los descuentos que otorgan los programas de lealtad, a cada cliente de forma individual y a los cuales acceder?an con solo ingresar el n?mero de su DNI; as? el uso de los descuentos y beneficios ser?a m?s sencillo y efectivo. ?Ypagamenos? tendr? una versi?n gratuita con publicidad y otra versi?n pagada sin publicidad y con mayores atributos y estar? disponible en dispositivos con sistemas operativos Android y iOS. Con ?ypagamenos? se conseguir? que las empresas de banca y telefon?a, con quienes inicialmente se suscribir?a convenios de exclusividad, no s?lo logren que sus clientes usen los programadas de lealtad sino tambi?n la fidelizaci?n de los mismos, mayor alcance y conversi?n y por parte del cliente se lograr? que use todos los descuentos que ya tiene y cuando m?s le convenga

    Endothelin-1 enhances fibrogenic gene expression, but does not promote DNA synthesis or apoptosis in hepatic stellate cells

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    BACKGROUND: In liver injury, the pool of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) increases and produces extracellular matrix proteins, decreasing during the resolution of fibrosis. The profibrogenic role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in liver fibrosis remains disputed. We therefore studied the effect of ET-1 on proliferation, apoptosis and profibrogenic gene expression of HSCs. RESULTS: First passage HSC predominantly expressed endothelin A receptor (ETAR) mRNA and 4th passage HSC predominantly expressed the endothelin B receptor (ETBR) mRNA. ET-1 had no effect on DNA synthesis in 1st passage HSC, but reduced DNA synthesis in 4th passage HSC by more than 50%. Inhibition of proliferation by endothelin-1 was abrogated by ETBR specific antagonist BQ788, indicating a prominent role of ETBR in growth inhibition. ET-1 did not prevent apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or Fas ligand in 1st or 4th passage HSC. However, ET-1 increased procollagen α1(I), transforming growth factor ÎČ-1 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 mRNA transcripts in a concentration-dependent manner in 1st, but not in 4th passage HSC. Profibrogenic gene expression was abrogated by ETAR antagonist BQ123. Both BQ123 and BQ788 attenuated the increase of MMP-2 expression by ET-1. CONCLUSION: We show that ET-1 stimulates fibrogenic gene expression for 1st passage HSC and it inhibits HSC proliferation for 4th passage HSC. These data indicate the profibrogenic and antifibrogenic action of ET-1 for HSC are involved in the process of liver fibrosis

    En torno a los orígenes del monacato en Iberoamérica

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    El ingeniero D. Juan Gabland y White

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    The author presents a bibliographic checklist relating to John Garland White, an engineer who fulfilled very important tasks in Chile during the second half of the 18th century, all of them connected with military constructions. An Irishman by birth, Garland has been regarded as one of the most highly skilled professionals is his field during the Viceroyal periocl , and there is no doubt that his technical know-how was extremely valuable in the planning and execution of engineering works required by the King of Spain, particularly in the zone around Valdivia