959 research outputs found

    El document etnogràfic audiovisual generat en un projecte de recerca.Proposta de projecte

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    L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar una proposta concreta d'esquema de plantejament d'un projecte de recerca que incorpori la càmera com a metodologia d'investigació en la presa de dades i posada a prova de les hipòtesis depurades amb anterioritat. És a dir, proposar un itinerari metodològic i tècnic orientat a augmentar la confiabilitat en la qualitat final del nostre producte audiovisual.The objective of this article is to present a concrete proposal of a scherne for planning a research project incorporating the camera as a research method in data collection and put to the proof of earlier hypotheses. That is, to propose a methodological and technical itinerary intended to increase the trustworthiness of the final quality of our audiovisual product

    A propósito de D.M. Schneider

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    Beyond "adoption" : the social relevance of informal child circulation

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    Despite its prevalence in academic research, formal adoption is actually a specific sort of child placement. The more general phenomenon of the circulation of children could better help us to explain the centrality of minors in broader social milieus, since so-called 'informal' placements do frequently act as productive and reproductive strategies with social cohesion purposes that go far beyond the specificity of the punctual child transfer. These forms of child mobility are commonly found in many cultures, including our own in a not so distant past and may become a crucial social structuring factor.Pese a su prevalencia en la investigación antropológica, la adopción formal no es sino una forma más de emplazamiento infantil. Considerar, desde este punto de vista, la circulación de menores como un fenómeno más amplio de movilidad y adscripción podría sernos de más ayuda a la hora de explicar la centralidad de niños y niñas en contextos sociales diversos, puesto que los emplazamientos considerados 'informales' actúan con frecuencia como estrategias productivas y reproductivas con finalidades socialmente cohesivas que van más allá de la transferencia puntual de un menor. Estas formas de movilidad infantil han sido (y en buena medida siguen siendo) comunes en muchas culturas, también en la nuestra, pudiendo llegar a constituir un factor social estructurante

    Formal and informal child placements : some considerations from a cross-­cultural prospection on their frequency and motivations

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    This paper refines and extends previous cross-cultural research on circulation of children by taking into consideration some appointed shortages stated in previous studies -not only from Anthropology but also from other related disciplines. Though some studies have pointed out the relevance of formal and informal child placements in many different societies across the world, a systematic research of the cross-cultural dimension of the circulation of children (term that comprises both formal and informal social practices) is yet to be fully developed. Thus, I try to overcome specific methodological constrictions in that field by exploring the extension, frequency and motivations of child circulation according to the extracted ethnographic records

    Imaginarios situados: contribuciones del análisis audiovisual a la comprensión de la adopción

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    In this article, I inquire about the kind of new knowledge audiovisual insights could provide in the field of International Adoption studies, and how these outcomes could give rise to new ways of approaching that subject. In doing so, I tackle the centrality of cultural imaginaries in International Adoption and the prolificacy of audiovisual research in anthropology to gain a better understanding. Hence, I consider adoptive itineraries as culturally situated contexts that render folk ideologies visible and may become foundational imaginaries that demand the encompassment of academic research with a more general ethnographic comprehension of such cultural representations and ideologies.En este artículo reflexiono acerca de los nuevos conocimientos que la investigación audiovisual podría aportar al ámbito de los estudios en adopción internacional y en cómo sus resultados pueden iluminar nuevas formas de aproximarse al problema. Para ello, parto de la centralidad de los imaginarios culturales en la adopción internacional y de la fecundidad de la investigación audiovisual en antropología para su mejor comprensión. De este modo, considero los itinerarios adoptivos como contextos culturalmente situados que visibilizan ideologías populares y pueden devenir imaginarios fundacionales que reclaman la imbricación de la investigación académica con una comprensión etnográfica más general de estas ideologías y representaciones culturales

    Confinement narratives : TV advertising during the coronavirus outbreak in Spain

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    Spain had been one of the worst affected countries during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and by mid-March it had enforced one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe. As ethnographers, we have to deal with the unexpected (Canals, 2020) and cultural narratives embedded in widely broadcast audiovisual productions can be a key source for analysing social discourses and prevalent images during exceptional periods. Of these productions, TV advertising can be extremely valuable, with its intentional micro-stories of everyday life that condense self-contained, meaningful audiovisual tales into less than 60 seconds. I examine here cultural narratives on the quarantine and subsequent de-escalation process in Spain by analysing a sample of 32 spots from 17 different brands and institutions in two different rounds of advertising. Among the recurrent tropes, a consistent storyline on a new sense of communitas is forged by emphasising resilience and continuity as cornerstones for a more robust concept of togetherness based on the idea of mutuality of sharing - drawing upon Sahlins' "mutuality of being" (2013)

    The formulation of imputation, of Law 906 of 2004 becomes unnecessary and delaying the procedure

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    En el presente trabajo se determina cómo la audiencia de formulación de imputación, que se encuentra reglada en la Ley 906 de 2004, articulo 286 y s.s., se torna innecesaria y dilatoria del procedimiento penal. Para tal efecto, se acudió al estudio de la normatividad que hace referencia a la audiencia en mención, de la jurisprudencia y doctrina nacional y unos breves comentarios respecto de algunas legislaciones extranjeras que tienen implementado el Sistema Penal Acusatorio. Los resultados mostraron que la audiencia de formulación de imputación sin el descubrimiento probatorio que la sustenta es violatoria del debido proceso y dilatoria del procedimiento, por lo que se sugirió suprimirla del ordenamiento jurídico como viene diseñada, para que, de manera implícita, haga parte del escrito de acusación como ocurre en los Estados Unidos, país cuyo sistema procesal penal acusatorio sirvió de modelo para su implementación en Colombia.In the present work it is determined how the audience imputation formulation which is regulated in the Law 906 of 2004, article 286 and s.s., it becomes unnecessary and dilatory of the criminal procedure. For this purpose, it was taken into account the regulations that refer to the audience in question, jurisprudence and national doctrine and a few brief comments regarding some foreign laws that have implemented the Accusatory Criminal System. The results showed that the audience of imputation formulation without evidence discovery that supports it violates due process and delaying the process, so it was suggested to remove it from the legal systems as it is designed, so that it implicitly forms part of the Indictment such as occurs in the United States, a country whose accusatory criminal justice system served as a model for implementation in Colombia

    Un epigrama no censado de Martin de Roa (1586)

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    The works of the jesuit Martin de Roa (1559-1637) have been object of very accurate catalogs; however, none of them includes a latin epigram found at the begimming of the book titled El Perfecto Regidor (Salamanca 1586). The author of the article explains the reasons why he considers this poem to be a work of Roa, as well as the confusions that had motivated others scholars not to attribute it to his writings before. Following this explanation, the edition of the epigram is presented, followed by its translation into spanis