255 research outputs found

    Una visión matemática: matemáticas en imágenes

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    La finalidad de esta ponencia se centra en dar a conocer la importancia de la geometría y, en general, de las Matemáticas en otras áreas del conocimiento y que ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las mismas

    Optimización de recursos y calidad de servicio en las consultas de urgencias de un centro de atención primaria

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    Los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios reciben una proporción no despreciable de pacientes que deberían haber sido atendidos en los servicios de atención primaria. Planificar los servicios de urgencias de atención primaria para que mejoren su calidad y sean atrayentes para los pacientes puede descongestionar las urgencias hospitalarias, incidiendo de manera integral en todo el servicio de urgencias sanitario. El tiempo de espera reducido es el principal factor que los usuarios identifican con la calidad del servicio. En este artículo se analiza el problema desde un punto de vista matemático e informático, diseñando un software que permite obtener la asignación de facultativos a un servicio de urgencias de atención primaria, cumpliendo el objetivo de no sobrepasar un tiempo de espera prefijado optimizando, además, el consumo de recurso

    Lecture room web for the improvement of mathematic knowedge

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    In this work it is detailed a proposal that a group of lecturers belonging to the investigation group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) “Mathematics applied to Civil Engineering: MAIC” is accomplishing through a project of educative innovation financed by the UPM. It is proposed a “Mathematic Thinking Lecture Room” to be incorporated in the web pages of the universities. It is offered in it a series of activities which permit the training of the students in several transversal competences, most of them related to the mathematical thinking, and others that, although can seem far from it, it is possible to develop them together. The list of activities proposed for this `lecture roomweb´ that can be increased with others along the beginning of it is: • Games, pastimes and mathematical puzzles. • The mathematical language: prove and solve. • Training for the mathematical Olympiads. • Activities related to the mathematical thinking: readings with mathematical content, mathematical cinema... • Convocation of competitions: mathematical short stories, mathematical photography, mathematical short films... • Forums and open discussions

    Implementación de un algoritmo de búsqueda de posiciones de equilibrio ponderado

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    En esta ponencia se presenta un algoritmo que determina las posiciones de equilibrio en un juego de competición política entre dos partidos representados en el plano de políticas por dos puntos. Para modelar una situación que se ajuste lo más posible a la realidad política de los diferentes países, se considera que los votantes están distribuidos en tipos posicionados en el plano por puntos que representan sus preferencias políticas y que dichos tipos no están equidistribuidos (se les asigna un peso). El estudio teórico de la existencia y unicidad de posiciones de equilibrio en el sentido clásico de Nash se hace aplicando herramientas geométricas como son los cierres convexos. El algoritmo de búsqueda de dichas posiciones de equilibrio cuando existen, se implementa en un caso práctico de la política en España, basado en el estudio 2742 (BARÓMETRO NOVIEMBRE 2007) realizado por el CIS

    Aulas abiertas. Seminario virtual intercampus en la Universidad de Salamanca

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    El Seminario virtual intercampus es una experiencia de trabajo colaborativo entre profesores y alumnos de tres campus de la Universidad de Salamanca en la asignatura de Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la Educación que, a partir del análisis de diversos documentos sobre el uso de Internet en al aula y sus posibilidades, se establece un debate telemático entre los alumnos. Se plantea un doble objetivo, en primer lugar, que los alumnos reflexionen, debatan y obtengan conclusiones de grupo sobre artículos relacionados con las posibilidades del uso de Internet en la educación y, en segundo lugar, que los alumnos tengan la posibilidad de conocer y valorar el trabajo cooperativo a través de una herramienta telemática. La metodología empleada en los seminarios virtuales ha sido el aprendizaje cooperativo. La actividad se ha diseñado en grupos de trabajo integrados por alumnos de los tres campus y cada grupo es tutelado por uno de los profesores. El material empleado ha sido 12 artículos de diversos autores, disponibles en la plataforma virtual, Blackboard, y relacionados con las posibilidades de Internet en el ámbito educativo. En la evaluación se ha tenido en cuenta la calidad del trabajo realizado y la participación activa y cooperativa de cada uno de los miembros. La evaluación cualitativa del desarrollo de la actividad indica que la experiencia ha resultado interesante y enriquecedora; ha conseguido despertar el interés, los alumnos han experimentado una nueva forma de trabajo interactiva con compañeros virtuales, los profesores han abierto una nueva vía de colaboración y se han cumplido los objetivos propuestos. Se realizará una evaluación cuantitativa, pero en este momento no se han procesado los datos recogidos. Esta experiencia abre nuevas vías de intercambio y reflexión conjunta y constata que Internet posibilita la apertura de las aulas a nuevos caminos de colaboración en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.The intercampus virtual seminar is a collaborative teaching experience, among teachers and students of three campuses from Salamanca University in the subject of New Technology applied to Education that, from the analysis of many documents about the use of Internet in lecture room and its possibilities, establishes a telematics debate among students. We consider a double aim. First, that students know, ask themselves, think about, express an opinion, discuss and get group conclusions about some articles in relation with the possibilities of the use of Internet in Educative Centers and, second, that students have the possibility of knowing and appreciating the collaborative work through a telematics tool. The methodology used in the virtual seminars has been the cooperative learning. The activity has been designed in work groups of students of the three campuses and each group has been coordinated by one of the teachers. The used materials have been 12 articles of various authors; they are available in Blackboard virtual environment and related with the possibilities of Internet in educational scope. In the evaluation we have taken into account the quality of the carried out works, the depth of the reflections, and the active and cooperative share of each member. The quality evaluation of the activity development shows that the experience has resulted interested and enriching; it has got to arouse the interest: students have tried out a new interactive way of working with virtual learners, teachers have opened a new way of collaboration and the proposal objectives have been carried out. A quantitative evaluation will be made. In this moment the questionnaire data have not been processed. This experience opens new ways of working, reflection and shows that Internet does its best to open the classroom through new ways of collaboration in the teaching and learning process

    Homeostatic Plasticity and Therapeutic Approaches in Neurodegeneration

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    The synapses transmit signals between neurons in an ever-changing fashion. Changes of synaptic transmission arise from numerous mechanisms known as synaptic plasticity. The importance and complexity of the synapse has fueled research into the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptogenesis, synaptic transmission, and plasticity. Particularly, homeostatic plasticity refers to the local changes in synaptic activation to generate local synaptic adaptations and network-wide changes in activity to generate adjustments between excitation and inhibition. This review chapter will focus on synaptic phenomena and mechanisms that are likely to contribute to network homeostasis. In addition, it will be discussed a putative modulation of the signaling mechanisms serving a homeostatic function as a viable therapeutic approach for disease modification in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. To sum up, the main role of the following players in homeostatic plasticity will be analyzed, based on what a growing body of evidence has suggested recently: BDNF-mediated TrkB system activation; adenosine modulation system; nitric oxide/soluble GC/cGMP signaling; astrocyte involvement—astroglial CB1 receptors; the microtubule-associated neuronal protein Tau; the signaling pathway of the Wnt protein family; extracellular vesicles in the intercellular communication; and estrogen involvement in non-reproductive functions

    Search algorithm to find optimum strategies to shape political action with subjective assessment

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    This paper introduces a problem related to decision making and the shaping of political strategies in the course of one term of office, in which the government and the opposition shape their proposals for action on two issues that are relevant for the citizens. A variable component is considered regarding both the relevance of the issues to be dealt with and the strategies that the parties are presumed to adopt. The aim of this study is to find the optimum strategies for the two majority parties of a country, while allowing them to vary their proposals to a certain degree. In addition, the process is dynamic because the proposals are intended to be modified taking into account the other party’s foreseen action. The contribution of this article lies in this approach, as well as in its taking into account variable components. The problem is dealt with from a geometric point of view, and a search algorithm to find optimum strategies is developed

    Women health providers: materials on cures, remedies and sexuality in inquisitorial processes (15th–18th century)

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    Background: The first inquisitorial trials were against Muslims and Jews. Later, they focused on women, especially caregivers. Progressively, they were linked to witchcraft and sorcery because of their great care, generational and empirical knowledge. The historiography of health in the 15th–18th centuries still has important bibliographical and interpretative gaps in the care provided by women. Objective: To analyse the care provided by healers as health providers, accused by the Inquisition, justifying the importance of nursing in the diversity of community care in the 15th–18th centuries. Method: A scoping review was conducted following the Dialectical Structural Model of Care (DSMC). A database search was conducted for the period 2013–2022. Bibliographic and legislative resources were used. Cases and convictions from Castilla la Nueva were found in the National Historical Archive and the Diocesan Archive of Cuenca. Results: The concepts of healer, witch and sorceress envolved during the study period. They reflect and reveal the collective imaginary of the social structure. They had healing laboratories, practised psychological and sexual care. They used to accompany their therapeutic action with prayers and amulets. They shared their professional activity with their main denouncers, doctors, apothecaries and priests. They were usually women in socially vulnerable situations, who did not conform to social stereotypes. Conclusions: They were predecessors of today’s nursing, they overcame socio-cultural difficulties, although they were condemned for it. Healers did not manage to regulate their profession, but they acted as agents of health in a society that demanded them while participating in the “witch-hunt”