14,082 research outputs found

    Compound orbits break-up in constituents: an algorithm

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    In this paper decomposition of periodic orbits in bifurcation diagrams are derived in unidimensional dynamics system xn+1=f(xn;r)x_{n+1}=f(x_{n};r), being ff an unimodal function. We proof a theorem which states the necessary and sufficient conditions for the break-up of compound orbits in their simpler constituents. A corollary to this theorem provides an algorithm for the computation of those orbits. This process closes the theoretical framework initiated in (Physica D, 239:1135--1146, 2010)

    La percepción del estado de forma fisica está asociada a la percepción del peso corporal; análisis sociodemográfico en españa

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics, body weight perception and physical fitness perception. Methods: Survey by means of personal interview. The sample consisted of 8,594 participants living in Spain between 15 and 97 years of age. Sampling error was ±1.07%. Results: Of the people who reported having good or excellent physical fitness, there was a proportionally greater prevalence of males, people aged 15 to 34, people with university studies and people from an upper or very upper social class (P < 0.001). It was also inferred that there was a greater possibility of perceiving deficient or very bad physical fitness in cohorts who felt that they should gain a bit of weight (OR = 2.87), lose a bit of weight (OR = 2.31) or lose a lot of weight (OR = 8.78). Conclusion: Perception of physical fitness is associated with perception of body weight, independently of people's sociodemographic characteristics.Introducción: El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la relación entre características sociodemográficas, percepción de peso corporal y percepción de estado de forma física. Métodos: Encuesta mediante entrevista personal. La muestra estuvo formada por 8.594 participantes residentes en España de entre 15 y 97 años. El error muestral fue ±1,07%. Resultados:Entre las personas que declararon estar bien de peso o tener una forma física buena o excelente hubo, proporcionalmente, mayor prevalencia de hombres, jóvenes de entre 15 y 34 años, personas con estudios universitarios y ciudadanos de clase social alta o muy alta (P < 0,001). Además, se infirió mayor posibilidad de percibir una forma física deficiente o muy mala en las cohortes que consideraron que les vendría bien ganar algo de peso (OR = 2,87), perder unos pocos kilos (OR = 2,31) o perder muchos kilos (OR = 8,78). Conclusión: La percepción del estado de forma física está asociada a la percepción del peso corporal, independientemente de las características sociodemográficas de las persona

    Las matemáticas de los alumnos

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    Presentamos aquí los avances de esta investigación orientada a la obtención de un inventario de preconceptos que tienen los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso al bachillerato y que dificultan su aprendizaje de las Matemáticas, fundamentalmente del Álgebra. Conforme avanzamos en este estudio, obtenemos información sobre las estructuras conceptuales de nuestros pupilos, y las utilizamos para ir elaborando las directrices y criterios que normarán, tanto nuestra intervención pedagógica como el diseño de la didáctica ad-hoc que posibiliten aprendizajes significativos. La construcción del conocimiento puede ser analizada desde dos vertientes: Los procesos psicológicos implicados en el aprendizaje y, los mecanismos de influencia educativa susceptibles de promover, guiar y orientar dicho aprendizaje. Para realizar esta indagación usamos la segunda vía y utilizamos métodos de observación directa (intra-aula), entrevista, clínica y registros escritos por los estudiantes

    Detecting vapour bubbles in simulations of metastable water

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    International audienceThe investigation of cavitation in metastable liquids with molecular simulations requires an appropriate definition of the volume of the vapour bubble forming within the metastable liquid phase. Commonly used approaches for bubble detection exhibit two significant flaws: first, when applied to water they often identify the voids within the hydrogen bond network as bubbles thus masking the signature of emerging bubbles and, second, they lack thermodynamic consistency. Here, we present two grid-based methods, the M-method and the V-method, to detect bubbles in metastable water specifically designed to address these shortcomings. The M-method incorporates information about neighbouring grid cells to distinguish between liquid- and vapour-like cells, which allows for a very sensitive detection of small bubbles and high spatial resolution of the detected bubbles. The V-method is calibrated such that its estimates for the bubble volume correspond to the average change in system volume and are thus thermodynamically consistent. Both methods are computationally inexpensive such that they can be used in molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of cavitation. We illustrate them by computing the free energy barrier and the size of the critical bubble for cavitation in water at negative pressure

    El discurso generado en el aula de español como lengua extranjera: ¿Un discurso con características propias?.

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    El discurso que se genera en el aula de español como lengua extranjera por el contexto en el que se realiza académico y por la situación en la que se produce el aula en presencia de los alumnos como destinatarios presenta unos rasgos que dificultan su clasificación dentro de los esquemas elaborados hasta la fecha para el análisis de los diferentes tipos de discurso. Si repasamos la bibliografía existente sobre el tema, tradicionalmente se ha partido de la dicotomía oral/escrito por lo que estos se han caracterizado según su grado de elaboración y según el canal de transmisión; pero observamos que difícilmente el discurso didáctico encaja en las clasificaciones existentes. Es por todo ello por lo que se propone establecer un marco teórico a partir de los estudios del español conversacional que permita caracterizar el discurso didáctico atendiendo a los rasgos que comparte con este

    The complete HEFT Lagragian after the LHC Run I

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    The complete effective chiral Lagrangian for a dynamical Higgs is presented and constrained by means of a global analysis including electroweak precision data together with Higgs and triple gauge-boson coupling data from the LHC Run I. The operators' basis up to next-to-leading order in the expansion consists of 148 (188 considering right-handed neutrinos) flavour universal terms and it is presented here making explicit the custodial nature of the operators. This effective Lagrangian provides the most general description of the physical Higgs couplings once the electroweak symmetry is assumed, and it allows for deviations from the SU(2)L doublet nature of the Standard Model Higgs. The comparison with the effective linear Lagrangian constructed with an exact SU(2)L doublet Higgs and considering operators with at most canonical dimension six is presented. A promising strategy to disentangle the two descriptions consists in analysing (i) anomalous signals present only in the chiral Lagrangian and not expected in the linear one, that are potentially relevant for LHC searches, and (ii) decorrelation effects between observables that are predicted to be correlated in the linear case and not in the chiral one. The global analysis presented here, which includes several kinematic distributions, is crucial for reducing the allowed parameter space and for controlling the correlations between parameters. This improves previous studies aimed at investigating the Higgs Nature and the origin of the electroweak symmetry breaking

    Experiència artistica i producció cultural, àmbits per a la intervenció socioeducativa

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    La intervenció socioeducativa troba en les activitats artístiques interessants possibilitats per a treballar amb una gran varietat de col·lectius socials. La col·laboració interdisciplinaria entre diferents arees i entre diferents professionals, educadors, treballadors socials, art-terapeutes, pedagogs i artistes dóna lloc a tot el món línies d'investigació i de projectes d'intervenció socioeducativa amb l'art i altres produccions culturals com a protagonistes. Els professionals de la intervenció socioeducativa tenen eines valuoses per al seu treball

    Four-neutrino oscillations at SNO

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    We discuss the potential of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) to constrain the four-neutrino mixing schemes favored by the results of all neutrino oscillations experiments. These schemes allow simultaneous transitions of solar {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e}'s into active {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}'s, {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\tau}}'s, and sterile {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{s} controlled by the additional parameter {\mathrm{cos}}^{2}({\ensuremath{\vartheta}}_{23}){\mathrm{cos}}^{2}({\ensuremath{\vartheta}}_{24}) and they contain as limiting cases the pure {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e}-active and {\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e}-sterile neutrino oscillations. We first obtain the solutions allowed by the existing data in the framework of the BBP00 standard solar model and quantify the corresponding predictions for the charged current and the neutral current to charged current (NC/CC) event ratios at SNO in the different allowed regions as a function of the active-sterile admixture. Our results show that some information on the value of {\mathrm{cos}}^{2}({\ensuremath{\vartheta}}_{23}){\mathrm{cos}}^{2}({\ensuremath{\vartheta}}_{24}) can be obtained by the first SNO measurement of the CC ratio, while considerable improvement on the knowledge of this mixing will be achievable after the measurement of the NC/CC ratio