892 research outputs found

    Surface recombination measurements on III–V candidate materials for nanostructure light-emitting diodes

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    Surface recombination is an important characteristic of an optoelectronic material. Although surface recombination is a limiting factor for very small devices it has not been studied intensively. We have investigated surface recombination velocity on the exposed surfaces of the AlGaN, InGaAs, and InGaAlP material systems by using absolute photoluminescence quantum efficiency measurements. Two of these three material systems have low enough surface recombination velocity to be usable in nanoscale photonic crystal light-emitting diodes


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    The modeling of forest growth and production is an essential tool for forestry management because it allows us to perform simulations and project forest biometric variables in the future, thus assisting in stock planning and economic analyses. In this work, a growth and production model by diameter distribution was proposed with the application of the Weibull function based on the recovery of parameters through simplified functions between the forest attributes and the parameters of the Weibull function. The algorithm was developed in Excel’s VBA language. Validation was performed with data from the Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI) in a stand of Khaya grandifoliola and in rows of Eucalyptus spp. in the ILPF system, which were ordinarily organized into seven date combinations, from the most distant from to the closest to the projection date. The results were evaluated by the percentage standard error (SE%) applied to the projected and observed volumes and by the Kolmogorov‒Smirnov test applied to the diameter distributions to verify adherence. It was possible to identify an exact relationship for parameter c of the Weibull function as a function of the percentiles and for parameter b, improving the parameter recovery method. Another methodological improvement was the use of maximum diameter and maximum height for age to adjust the hypsometric function. The algorithm presented results for total volume with errors up to 20% in 85% of the tests

    Evaluation of Microencapsulation of The UFV-AREG1 Bacteriophage in Alginate-Ca Microcapsules using Microfluidic Devices

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    The indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the emergence of resistant microorganisms have become a major challenge for the food industry. The purpose of this work was to microencapsulate the bacteriophage UFV-AREG1 in a calcium alginate matrix using microfluidic devices and to study the viability and efficiency of retention. The microcapsules were added to gel of propylene glycol for use as an antimicrobial in the food industry. The technique showed the number of the phage encapsulation, yielding drops with an average 100-250 μ\mum of diameter, 82.1 ±\pm 2% retention efficiency and stability in the gel matrix for 21 days. The gel added to the microencapsulated phage showed efficiency (not detectable on the surface) in reducing bacterial contamination on the surface at a similar level to antimicrobial chemicals (alcohol 70%). Therefore, it was possible to microencapsulate bacteriophages in alginate-Ca and apply the microcapsules in gels for use as sanitizers in the food industry.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Tissue-specific regulation of IRS-1 in unilaterally nephrectomized rats

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOInsulin stimulates the tyrosine kinase activity of its receptor, resulting in the phosphorylation of its cytosolic substrate, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). IRS-1 is also a substrate for different peptides and growth factors, and a transgenic mouse knockout for this protein does not have normal growth. However, the role of IRS-1 in kidney hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia was not investigated. In the present study we investigated IRS-1 protein and tyrosine phosphorylation levels in the remnant kidney after unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) in 6-week-old male Wistar rats. After insulin stimulation the levels of insulin receptor and IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation were reduced to 79 ± 5% (P<0.005) and 58 ± 6% (P<0.0001), respectively, of the control (C) levels, in the remnant kidney. It is possible that a circulating factor and/or a local (paracrine) factor playing a role in kidney growth can influence the early steps of insulin action in parallel. To investigate the hypothesis of a circulating factor, we studied the early steps of insulin action in liver and muscle of unilateral nephrectomized rats. There was no change in pp185 tyrosine phosphorylation levels in liver (C 100 ± 12% vs UNX 89 ± 9%, NS) and muscle (C 100 ± 22% vs UNX 91 ± 17%, NS), and also there was no change in IRS-1 phosphorylation levels in both tissues. These data demonstrate that after unilateral nephrectomy there is a decrease in insulin-induced insulin receptor and IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation levels in kidney but not in liver and muscle. It will be of interest to investigate which factors, probably paracrine ones, regulate these early steps of insulin action in the contralateral kidney of unilaterally nephrectomized rats.Insulin stimulates the tyrosine kinase activity of its receptor, resulting in the phosphorylation of its cytosolic substrate, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). IRS-1 is also a substrate for different peptides and growth factors, and a transgenic mouse knockout for this protein does not have normal growth. However, the role of IRS-1 in kidney hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia was not investigated. In the present study we investigated IRS-1 protein and tyrosine phosphorylation levels in the remnant kidney after unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) in 6-week-old male Wistar rats. After insulin stimulation the levels of insulin receptor and IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation were reduced to 79 ± 5% (P<0.005) and 58 ± 6% (P<0.0001), respectively, of the control (C) levels, in the remnant kidney. It is possible that a circulating factor and/or a local (paracrine) factor playing a role in kidney growth can influence the early steps of insulin action in parallel. To investigate the hypothesis of a circulating factor, we studied the early steps of insulin action in liver and muscle of unilateral nephrectomized rats. There was no change in pp185 tyrosine phosphorylation levels in liver (C 100 ± 12% vs UNX 89 ± 9%, NS) and muscle (C 100 ± 22% vs UNX 91 ± 17%, NS), and also there was no change in IRS-1 phosphorylation levels in both tissues. These data demonstrate that after unilateral nephrectomy there is a decrease in insulin-induced insulin receptor and IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation levels in kidney but not in liver and muscle. It will be of interest to investigate which factors, probably paracrine ones, regulate these early steps of insulin action in the contralateral kidney of unilaterally nephrectomized rats301011631167FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãosem informaçã

    Laços culturais de Yemanjá e Brasil desenhados em narrativas

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, 2016.Este trabalho pretende compreender quais os laços culturais são desenhados entre Yemanjá e o Brasil, a partir de narrativas. São apresentados os aspectos históricos e socioculturais que permeiam a vinda das pessoas negras escravizadas da África para a diáspora brasileira, a formação das religiões afro-brasileiras, alguns fundamentos e mitologias. Essas são algumas narrativas que, juntamente a um objeto da indústria cultural, o livro “Mar Morto” de Jorge Amado, desenham e circunscrevem Yemanjá na cultura brasileira. Entendendo que a comunidade imaginada brasileira, conceito de Benedict Anderson, é resultado de bricolagens culturais, constrói-se os conceitos de cultura imaginada e laços culturais para falar sobre como os aspectos da religião e da mitologia afro-brasileira não ficam restritos à religiosidade. É feita uma comparação entre Yemanjá e duas personagens femininas do livro, a partir da qual destrincha-se em estudo a dualidade de mãe e mulher. São estudadas a formação e fixação das crenças a partir do pragmatismo de Peirce, em comparação a como a comunidade da beira do mar entende os mistérios apresentados por Yemanjá e o mar.This monograph's purpose is to understand through narratives which cultural cords are drawn between Yemanjá and the country of Brazil. The historic and sociocultural aspects that permeate the coming of the black people enslaved from Africa to the Brazilian diaspora, the formation of the Afro-Brazilians religions, some fundamentals and mythology are presented. These are some narratives that, with an object from the cultural industry, the novel by Jorge Amado named “Mar Morto”, circumscribes Yemanjá in the Brazilian culture. Understanding that the Brazilian imagined community is resulted from cultural collages, concepts of imagined culture and cultural cords are constructed to discus about how the aspects of Afro- Brazilians religion and mythology aren't restricted in relation to religiosity. A comparison is made between Yemanjá and two female characters from the novel in order to unravel the duality of being mother and woman. The formation and fixation of belief is studied starting from Peirce's pragmatism in comparison to how the sea shore community understands the mysteries presented by Yemanjá and the sea

    Desafios das novas fronteiras agrícolas de produção de milho e sorgo no Brasil: desafios da região do MATOPIBA.

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    Compreendendo a região do Bioma Cerrado dos Estados do Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins e Bahia, tornou-se nos últimos anos a denominada grande fronteira agrícola do Brasil. A topografia plana, os solos profundos e o clima favorável ao cultivo das principais culturas de grãos e fibras possibilitaram o crescimento vertiginoso da região, que até o final da década de 1980 se baseava fortemente na pecuária extensiva